Perennial Gardening: Maintenance and Design

Perennial Garden Tips That You Should Use

The heart and soul of a home’s curb appeal is its garden. That is because a garden is full of life, colors, and sheer beauty, making the home look less like a house and more like home. One of the most visually appealing types of gardens that you can plant in your home would by far be the perennial garden. These species of plants bring so much color, foliage, and personality to the outside of a house. Just planting a few of these flowers can change the entire look of a home. These plants can even take a home from drab to fabulous. However, many people don’t know how to make a perennial garden; this article aims to give people tips on how they can make their perennial garden lush and gorgeous.

Tip number one know the plants: It is essential to understand things about the plants. Even if you are new to the gardening scene, you should know that no two plants are the same. Each plant has its sun requirements, growth potential, colors, water requirements, and fertilizing needs. But, you might not know what those conditions are. This section will describe some beautiful plants and their qualifications to be healthy and happy.


Daylilies: One of the most common perennial plants added to a garden would be the Hemerocallis plants, otherwise known as the daylilies. The daylilies are a beautiful plant that is one of the most visually pleasing facilities out there. These plants are straightforward to care for; as long as you provide suitable water, sun, and fertilizers, they will be happy and healthy. This plant is characterized by its lush green leaves and, of course, its massive bloom. The bloom of the daylilies can range from small sizes, 1.5 inches, to the larger ones, which measure around eight inches. The best type of fertilizer for this plant would be one that provides three essential nutrients to this particular plant, which would be: phosphorous, nitrogen, and potash. Also, the key to ensuring that your plants are happy and healthy would be adding the right amount of water. Overwatering can kill the plants, but the same goes for underwatering the plant.

Virginia bluebells: The Virginia bluebells are one of the most beautiful plants available. These plants grow to be between 18 to 24 inches in height, and the most beautiful part of this plant is its lovely bloom. The Virginia bluebell flowers are a hassle-free plant to grow, thus making it an excellent option for people who want a plant that will be beautiful to look at but easy to care for. The only thing that you should consider is that this plant tends to grow taller and thicker if you provide it with pearly, sandy soil. Also, it would be best if you never tried to cut this plant because you can stunt its growing cycles, or in terrible cases, you can kill it.

Red cardinal flowers: When you pick flowers to take home, look for a bulb that shows signs that it is growing and prospering. You should select a flower that comes in a four-inch to a gallon container. Also, this plant tends to produce more during the spring months of the year when the sun is intense but not too loud. During the winter months, these plants can become dry, so it is good to remove the dead parts with a bypass pruner; avoid cutting any parts of the plants that show signs of growing.

Yellow trillium: These vibrant yellow flowers are one of the over forty different species of trillium flowers. The yellow trillium flower is not delicate to take care of. One thing that you need to consider is that this flower tends to grow better in a moist environment; however, I know many people who have killed their plants because they have overwatered them. If you live in a dry climate, such as Texas or Arizona, you will need to ensure that the soil doesn’t dry out. As long as you ensure the plant receives enough sun, it requires very little maintenance. And the last thing you should know is that during the winter, make sure to clip the dead leaves but make you don’t cut growing parts because you can cause the plant to stop growing or even die.

Pink Phlox: The pink phlox plant is a beautiful plant characterized by its beautiful pink bunches of flowers. This plant should generally grow to be between 15 to 48 inches in height. To grow and prosper, this plant should be kept moist but not damp. It is preferable to plant this flower in an area that receives full sun; however, it can still prosper in an area that features partial shade. Also, you should ensure that the soul is always well-drained because this plant can die if it is overly wet. In general, all flowers are lovely, and they don’t require too much maintenance.

Planting a perennial garden is not difficult at all; all the flowers need adequate sun, fertilizer, and regular trimming.

Choose from all sorts of varieties of perennials at TN Nursery.

Orange Daylily - TN Nursery

Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily has trumpet-shaped orange flowers that form dense clusters atop slender stems. It is a vibrant and versatile flowering plant with numerous landscaping benefits. Its striking appearance, adaptability, and low-maintenance qualities make it famous for various garden designs. These benefits contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of outdoor spaces. The plant provides a vertical element that adds dimension and depth to garden compositions. The vibrant blooms add color to landscapes, creating eye-catching focal points instantly attracting attention. They are flowering perennial bulbs that are named for the day-long lifespan of their blossoms. Europeans brought this carefree ornamental daily to North America in the 1800s, which has remained popular ever since. Orange Daylily Native Habitat Native to China and Japan, Hemerocallis fulva is naturalized in Europe and throughout much of North America. It grows naturally in thickets, along woodland borders, and in fields, meadows, and floodplains. When left unchecked, the plants tend to spread. They typically bloom in July and August and come back year after year. Appearance Of Orange Daylily Hemerocallis fulva has showy, bright-orange flowers that bloom in clusters at the top of two-to-three-foot-tall branched stalks. The four-to-six-inch-diameter blossoms open individually, revealing three flared petals and three slightly smaller sepals shaded with red or gold. The plants grow in clumps, with straplike foliage that emerges from just above the soil. These narrow, bright green leaves grow up to three feet long and arch toward the ground, creating a mounded look. If you want to add bold, breezy color to your lawn during the height of summer, planting Hemerocallis fulva in clumps or along the edges of your property border can do the trick. This flower looks brilliant when planted in mass over larger areas and is wonderfully suited to informal meadows and hillside landscapes. It's also well-suited to smaller butterfly and pollinator gardens. After the blooming season, the plant's pretty green leaves will continue to add texture to your yard and can even make a serviceable ground cover. You can quickly propagate daylilies by dividing and replanting them in the spring or fall. Ecology Of Orange Daylily In North America, Orange Daylily can be a food source for pollinators. The flowers provide nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds, and small bees may collect pollen from their anthers. In springtime, white-tailed deer and rabbits may enjoy eating the plant's leaves when they are young and tender. When you want to celebrate the summer sunshine, planting Hemerocallis fulva is a great way to draw the eye and brighten your day.

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Virginia Bluebell - TN Nursery

Virginia Bluebell

Virginia Bluebell is a spring-blooming wildflower native to the United States recognized for its delicate, bell-shaped, sky-blue flowers forming clusters and carpeting the forest floor in early spring. It is a captivating perennial plant that offers numerous benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. Its enchanting appearance and adaptability have made it a favorite among gardeners and landscapers. Virginia Bluebell produces Sky sky-blue bell-shaped flowers These flowers start as shades of pink and gradually transition to a soothing sky-blue hue, creating a stunning gradient effect that adds a touch of elegance to any landscape. The lush green foliage further complements the vibrant blooms, enhancing the overall visual impact. Besides its visual appeal, it is positively adjustable to various soil types, making it a perfect option for landscaping projects in multiple environments. Its preference for partially shaded to fully shaded areas makes it ideal for underplanting trees or placing them along the edges of woodland gardens. This versatility allows landscapers to create visually appealing designs catering to light conditions. Another benefit of incorporating them is their role in supporting local ecosystems. These plants are attractive to pollinators such as bees and butterflies, making them valuable contributors to biodiversity. By attracting these pollinators, they aid in reproducing nearby plants and promote a healthier ecosystem within the landscape. They also require little maintenance, making them appealing to amateur and experienced gardeners. Once established, they require minimal care, allowing landscapers to focus on other design aspects. In conclusion, perennial plants offer a range of benefits that enhance the overall appeal and ecological value of landscaping projects. With their captivating appearance, adaptability to various environments, support for local wildlife, and low maintenance needs, these perennial plants are a valuable addition to any landscape design seeking a harmonious blend of beauty and functionality. Virginia Bluebell Is Known For Its Beauty  The Virginia Bluebell, or Mertensia virginica, is a stunning and delicate native wildflower that graces eastern North America's woodlands and meadows. This perennial plant, belonging to the Boraginaceae family, is renowned for its enchanting beauty and is often considered one of the most striking spring wildflowers in its native range. Standing at heights 1 to 2.5 feet, the wildflower is a herbaceous plant that emerges from the forest floor early to mid-spring. Its growth cycle is a true spectacle as it undergoes a remarkable transformation. Initially, the plant's lance-shaped leaves are tinged with an attractive reddish-purple hue, but as they unfurl, they transition to a soft, gray-green color, creating a stunning contrast with its vibrant blue flowers. The Virginia Bluebell Has Mesmerizing Fairy-Like Flowers The flowers themselves are the main attraction of the plant. They are composed of clusters of pendulous, trumpet-shaped blooms that are a breathtaking shade of sky blue or pale pink, depending on the soil conditions. These blossoms are unique because they start as pink buds, gradually shifting to their iconic blue hue as they mature. The floral clusters adorn the plant's upright stems, creating a sea of blue that sways gently in the spring breeze. One of their most remarkable aspects is their ability to thrive in shaded woodland areas. They are often found in the dappled sunlight beneath deciduous trees, creating a serene and ethereal ambiance in these natural settings. Their preference for moist, rich soils ensures they are frequently spotted along stream banks and low-lying areas. Aside from its visual appeal, it plays an essential ecological role. They provide nectar for early-emerging pollinators like bees and butterflies, helping to kickstart the pollination process for various plants in their ecosystem. In conclusion, the Virginia Bluebell symbolizes grace and fleeting beauty in the natural world. Its striking blue flowers and unique life cycle make it a beloved harbinger of spring, enriching the landscapes it graces and captivating all who have the privilege to witness its brief but glorious bloom.

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Cardinal Flower - TN Nursery

Cardinal Flower

The Red Cardinal Flower has vibrant red blooms and tall, erect stalks. It adds color and elegance to gardens, parks, and various outdoor spaces. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it offers several advantages, making it a popular choice for landscapers and gardeners. The scarlet-hued Lobelia cardinalis is a perennial in the bellflower family. Its tall, nectar-filled bloom spikes attract hummingbirds and create a beautiful display in your garden. The plant's common name refers to the red robes a Roman Catholic cardinal wears.     Natural Habitat Of The Cardinal Flower Lobelia is native to the North and South American continents and blooms from July through September. This moisture-loving plant grows on stream banks and in low woods, marshes, and meadows across the United States. If you want to create a handsome show in your garden, Lobelia will surely delight. The plant's fiery spires yield brilliant red blooms that open gradually from the bottom to the top of their racemes. Each long, narrow, tube-shaped blossom has two flat upper petals and three lower petals at the tips. The delicate plant crown leafy 2’-4' stems, covered with shiny, lance-shaped, bright green leaves that sometimes have a bronze or reddish tint. The leaves alternate as they climb the stems, enhancing the blooms to create a lively riot of color. Cardinal Flower is a favorite of gardeners who love adding bold splashes of crimson. This plant is perfect for shady woodland plots, wet meadow plantings, water gardens, pollinator gardens, and rain gardens. Its long stems can add height to borders and create depth when placed in the back sections of your landscape. The blossoms are most spectacular from midsummer into fall and make excellent cut blooms. Ecology Of The Cardinal Flower Some people say Lobelia will bring hummingbirds in from the sky. The plant's blooming period coincides with the late-summer migration of ruby-throated hummingbirds traveling south to Mexico. The birds pollinate the plant by dipping their beaks into the plants' long, red tubes. The blossoms are also beautiful to swallowtail butterflies and bees, making them a wonderful centerpiece in a pollinator garden. Cardinal Flower Is A Bold Statement In Any Garden  When you want to make a bold, beautiful statement in your garden, include the Cardinal Flower in your plan and celebrate the summer season.

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Yellow Trillium - TN Nursery

Yellow Trillium

Yellow Trillium is a showy spring-blooming wildflower with golden, three-petaled flowers and mottled leaves, typically found in woodlands and forests. They are an excellent choice for landscaping due to their numerous positive attributes. These beautiful native North American wildflowers possess unique characteristics that can enhance any garden or outdoor space. From their striking appearance to their role in promoting biodiversity, they offer various benefits for landscape design. Yellow Trillium, also known as Trillium luteum, is a member of the lily family. They bloom between April and May and produce a faint scent of lemon. Due to their growing pattern, these gorgeous flowers can be planted next to other perennials that bloom in mid to late summer. The Stunning Leaves Of The Yellow Trillium Each of these plants has three leaves, and they range in appearance from dark green to light green. Additionally, they may have a few hints of silver, which gives them an extra pop of color. Over time, these herbaceous perennials can grow up to 16 inches tall. You'll see yours grow and expand, but you can divide them during the summer. One trimerous flower sticks up out of the trio of leaves surrounding it. In keeping with the pattern of its leaves, the flower has three petals, three carpels, three stamens, and three sepals. Interestingly, these flowers do not have stalks, but they do have erect petals. Once their flowering season ends, these plants will dormant in the summertime. However, they'll exit dormancy for the late winter season. One Yellow Trillium Gives You Many They are self-seeders, so once you've planted the first one, you'll typically see others rise. They rely on ants to help them spread their seeds. Each new flower will grow beautifully from the plant's center and stick straight into the air. Meanwhile, the leaves grow outward and may slightly swoop toward the ground. The mottled leaves can vary in intensity, with some being primarily green while a light gray shade almost entirely covers others. They provide the perfect backdrop for these stunning light gold flowers. Yellow Trillium Can Be Planted Anywhere Although Yellow Trillium can be planted anywhere, they have a unique natural habitat. They typically grow around the Great Smoky Mountains, where they help bring light and beauty to the area. What's truly unusual, though, is how many will naturally arise in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It's unknown why they flock to this specific city, but it certainly provides a bright point of interest for those living there.

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