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Creeping Phlox

Creeping Phlox

The Creeping Phlox is a low-growing perennial plant with small, vibrant pink flowers that form a dense carpet-like display in spring. It forms a beautiful, lush pink carpet array of blooms and is an excellent spreading groundcover plant that will control weeds and overgrowth near hillsides and banks you can not maintain. Due to its numerous benefits and aesthetic appeal, it is a popular and versatile plant used in landscaping.  The creeping phlox is a solid option for those who want to add gorgeous color to their yard. This plant, also known as the mountain type, moss type, and moss pink, is native to the central and eastern United States, and its beauty makes it a popular option for gardens around the globe. What are the benefits of adding this vibrant plant to your yard or garden? Creeping Phlox Has Brilliant Colors Creeping Phlox's flowers are stunning, with colors ranging from pale blue, white, and pink to bright violet. Each flower has five hardy petals, but some have six petals. The plants bloom through the spring and summer, providing lasting color for approximately one month. As an evergreen perennial, the plant remains green throughout the year. It can brighten up an otherwise dull, dreary yard in the peak of the cold weather season. Creeping Phlox Is A Filler Plant This plant grows five inches tall and up to 13 inches in diameter. In addition to the expanse of a single plant, the plant proliferates. Many use its beauty as an alternative to grass or a filler in their more extensive gardens. Because of its short height, it does not need to be cut back like grass and other ground cover. Weeds increase and can make your yard look poorly maintained in a matter of weeks. The plant is dense with tightly clustered leaves. When in bloom, the flowers blanket the tops of the plants. Because of its unique traits, the plant prevents or minimizes weed growth. As a result, your gardens can continue to look fabulous without needing to devote hours of your valuable time to pulling weeds regularly. Creeping Phlox Helps With Soil Erosion Prevention Grass generally only thrives on ledges and steep banks, making your grounds look barren and subject to erosion. The creeping phlox, however, thrives in these areas. Its presence can dramatically reduce the damaging effects of erosion while enhancing aesthetics. It is well-suited for providing immediate and long-term benefits to your property.

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Milkweed Plant

Milkweed Plant

The milkweed plant is known for attracting monarchs. It is a native perennial with clusters of showy, pink to mauve flowers and lance-shaped leaves. The plant attracts pollinators while thriving in moist, wetland habitats. It boasts numerous benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. Its unique features contribute to outdoor spaces' aesthetic appeal and ecological value. With clusters of vibrant and captivating flowers, it adds a burst of color and charm to gardens while also serving as a vital component in supporting local ecosystems. Milkweed Plant - Asclepias Incarnata  The Asclepias Incarnata variety of Milkweed is a flowering perennial that, in addition to its ornate floral growths, is highly beneficial for local ecosystems. Today, we will examine this truly stunning and unique plant. The Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed can grow to about 59 inches tall and is known for the vibrant, clustering flowers at the top of the narrow stem. The flowers have a purplish-pink hue and pink shafts reaching the main plant stem. The plant's leaves have a sword-like shape and a deep green hue that remains for most of the year.  When the flowers are in full bloom, they create a stunning contrast against the natural earth colors of the leaves, making them stand out in any garden or landscape. The Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed has opposite leaves that grow in pairs on either side of the stem. Thus, the plant alone has an elegant, tidy, and elegant air. The green leaves work well in drab areas of your garden that could use some brightening. Aside from the innate beauty of Asclepias Incarnata, with its green foliage and glowing pink flowers, this plant also attracts a different kind of beauty-monarch butterflies.  The nectar of the Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed is the only known food source for the larvae of monarch butterflies - That's a Primary Reason Monarch are now going extinct  The monarchs will frequently visit these flowers to nourish themselves with their nectar and lay their eggs in them so the larvae can thrive. As a perennial with rich, nectar-filled flowers, the Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed attracts beautiful hummingbirds. The shifting colors of the hummingbird breast will also contribute to the palette of your outdoor areas. The length of the Asclepias Incarnata leaves varies from 2 ½ inches to 6 inches. They are narrow and have light green veins running through them. They don't grow densely, leaving the flowers to take center stage in their bouquet. The near-neon hue of this Milkweed's flowers makes them great companion pieces for other bright-blooming flowers. Gardeners and landscapers like to plant this variety of Milkweed to add a splash of unique color that instantly breathes new life into dull spaces. Benefits of Milkweed (Asclepias Incarnata) Yes, the Asclepias Incarnata looks stunning in full bloom. However, there are perhaps even more important reasons you should consider adding this perennial to your garden. It's A Native Plant - The Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed grows natively in North America. They have been observed to grow wild from Texas to Nova Scotia. This means they will be easy for you to plant, cultivate, and maintain even if you don't have much gardening experience. Asclepias Tuberosa Plant Supports the Local Honey Bee Population  Honeybees are vital to your local ecosystem as they are natural pollinators. In fact, according to Farmers.gov, honey bees are responsible for the pollination of nearly 80% of our flowering plants. Keeping Milkweed can attract bees that pollinate your garden's flowers and other plants. The honey bee population is dramatically declining, and providing sanctuaries for these critical links in the ecosystem has never been more important.  Keeps Pests Away Asclepias Incarnata contains a natural latex that repels invasive insects and animals that would otherwise feast on the plant. This Milkweed in your garden can, therefore, repel these pests and keep your other plants healthier. Ornamental Value - If you look closely at the flowers, you will see they are made of smaller, intricate flowers. This gives them a stunning appearance, while the purple-pink coloration adds ornamental value to many landscapes. Plus, the flowers have a fragrant aroma that some have said is reminiscent of cinnamon. T Monarch Butterfly Population-Like honey bees, the monarch butterfly population is in decline. Some leading conservation groups have even classified them as endangered. You can do your part to support the migration patterns of the Monarch butterfly by keeping the Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed in your garden.  Milkweed F.A.Q.s If you still have questions about the Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed, please look at the following answers to some of the most common questions:  Is Asclepias Incarnata Sun or Shade?  The Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed does well in full sun or partially shaded areas. However, the seeds germinate quickly with heat, so these plants need at least some direct sunlight. When do you Plant Asclepias Incarnata? The best time to plant this Milkweed is in the fall when the soil is likely wet. The Asclepias Incarnata prefers wet and moist soil, so if your area receives a good amount of rain in the Spring, you can also plant it in early Spring. How Tall are Asclepias Incarnata Milkweeds During Maturity? The Asclepias Incarnata Milkweed can grow to about five feet tall depending on how it is maintained and how much room the root system has to grow. When Should I Prune Asclepias Incarnata? The best time to prune this plant is in the Spring before it sprouts new growths. Pruning helps make the plant look more attractive and encourages the development of new leaves. However, it may not be necessary if the plant is already healthy. Do Monarchs Like Asclepias Incarnata? Absolutely. The females lay their eggs on them as they provide a food source for Monarch butterfly larvae. Adult monarch butterflies are also attracted to the nectar of the Milkweed flowers. Your Milkweeds Are Here. No matter what type of Milkweed plant you want, we have them available here at TN Nursery. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, making us a perfect choice for experienced and new gardening enthusiasts. Order now to paint your outdoor spaces with vibrant colors. It is a tall plant noted for its pink to purple flowers. It is one of 115 plants in the Asclepiadaceae family, named after Asklepios, the Greek god of medicine. This is appropriate because it is known for containing high levels of cardiac glycosides, which are used in some treatments for heart disease. This same substance also serves as the only source for Monarch butterfly larvae. Where Does Milkweed Grow It is native to the midwestern and eastern regions of the United States and Canada, but it can also be found further west. It is most commonly found in more open habitats, such as pastures, prairies, fields, and roadsides. It needs total sun to grow but can tolerate light shade as well. You’ll typically find it commonly clustered together into large patches, which are called colonies.  It can grow to be over five feet tall. The foliage can grow up to 8 inches, elongated nearly four inches wide, and is somewhat thick. The upper part of the oval-shaped leaves is usually darker greenish, while the underside is much lighter green and sometimes even white. When cut, both the leaves and the stems reveal a milky latex. The flowers can grow nearly an inch long and half an inch wide with a midrib that runs beneath them. They have a pink to purple coloring over them with a greenish tint and are very sweetly scented. Milkweed Plant Has Striking Pink-Purple Blooms The pink-to-purple colors contrast nicely against lush green fields and dry yellow prairies. Gardeners like it for its distinctive appearance and sweet, fragrant aromas. Find Milkweed and more at TN Nursery. Another reason why gardeners often like it is that it serves as the host plant for the beautiful monarch butterfly. These butterflies will lay their eggs on it, and as mentioned previously, the nectar also serves as the only food source for the Monarch larvae. Gardeners who like monarch butterflies or are otherwise concerned about their declining population can grow it to provide these butterflies with a natural habitat. The flowering perennial is named for its cardenolide-bearing latex, which benefits butterflies and insects. Monarch butterflies use and require specific species, including Asclepias syriaca and Asclepias incarnata, as host plants: their genus name, Asclepias, honors Asklepios, the Greek god of medicine.  Asclepias contains hundreds of species native to Africa, North America, and South America. Asclepias syriaca and Asclepias incarnata are native to the American continents and standard across the central and eastern United States. The sun-loving Asclepias syriaca grows naturally in fields, prairies, and pastures, while Asclepias incarnata grows along creeks, ponds, and bogs. Their flowers typically bloom from June through August. Asclepias produces complex blossoms that have similarities to orchids. Their large, spherical clusters of five-petaled blossoms are at the top of their thick stems. Each Asclepias growth usually carries two to five clusters of flowers. The individual blossoms are about three-quarters of an inch long and emit a strong, sweet fragrance. Asclepias syriaca has greenish-pink to rosy pink blooms, while Asclepias incarnata's flowers tend toward a brighter purplish-pink hue. It can grow up to five feet tall. Their thick, bright green leaves are six to eight inches long and two to three-and-one-half inches wide. The leaves' upper surfaces are darker than their whitish undersides. Asclepias plants form colonies in nature and landscapes and need room to spread out. Asclepias incarnata is highly ornamental and fairly quickly contained, making it well-suited to perennial, butterfly, and pollinator gardens. Asclepias syriaca works well in meadow gardens without defined borders. They increase from seed and spread as their rhizomes expand. They can be propagated in the late fall or early spring. Asclepias syriaca and Asclepias incarnata are the food sources for monarch butterflies, beetles, moths, and other insects that evolved to feed on their nectar. In the midwestern and northeastern regions of the United States, their leaves are the most crucial source of nourishment for monarch caterpillars, and their presence helps to fortify and increase monarch populations. Planting Milkweed Will Bring the Butterflies to Your Garden If you want to encourage monarch butterflies and other pollinators to make your garden home, you'll surely want to add Milkweed Plant to your landscape.

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Coneflower Plant

Coneflower Plant

The coneflower plant, or echinacea, is known for its distinctive daisy-like, purple flowers with a prominent cone-shaped center. These flowers attract pollinators and add color to gardens.  The Coneflower Plant Blooms Mid-Summer Coneflowers, which resemble daisies, typically bloom in the middle to end of summer. Certain types may begin blooming earlier or continue into the autumn. They are available in a rainbow of hues, from yellow to deep pink, and with both single and double blooms that are incredibly vibrant. Magnus Superior variants bloom from the end of spring until the end of summer with rosy-violet rays that can reach a diameter of seven inches. These plants respond exceptionally well to deadheading. They spread gracefully like wildflowers thanks to their abundant seed production and self-sowing capabilities. Their delicate branches and colorful flowers make them perfect for gardens, where they provide visual interest without drawing attention to themselves. This naturalizing effect makes the plant look better and works well to fill in gaps between flower beds. Add Uniqueness to Your Garden With It Because of their unusual shape and composition, cones are a great way to add variety to your landscape. Their unique cone shapes also make them eye-catching accents among other garden plants. They provide textural variety to a garden by growing erect, contrasting wonderfully with trailing or mounding plants. In expansion, they can adjust to a broad range of soil types and light levels, giving you more alternatives for planting them. Invite Pollinators to Your Yard With It Since Coneflower Plants produce both nectar and pollen, many pollinators rely on these flowers for sustenance. Each 250 to 500 blooms that make up its black, cone-shaped flower head serves as a little cup of nectar for the pollinators. Bees and hummingbirds are just a few of the pollinators that love it. This variant can grow up to three feet tall and typically blooms between the middle of summer and the beginning of September each year because they produce seeds and are a popular nectar source for birds. They are of the same genus as the daisy, which you could guess by looking at. They bear stunning purplish-pink petals and are naturally drought-tolerant. As a native plant, they provide professionals and gardening enthusiasts with a low-maintenance option for adding complexion to outdoor spaces. What Do They Look Like?  The Coneflower (also called Echinacea) may be well-known for its petals' deep to pastel purple tinge. However, a closer look will reveal one of the most intricate and alluring central disks of all flowering plants. This flower gets its name from this striking and unique central disk.  It has received this moniker thanks to the spiny central hub. The spines are spread out in an almost exact order of distance, giving the cone a symmetrical shape and order that is truly stunning when observed closely.  In full bloom, their petals may splay out parallel to the ground or stretch downward. This positioning puts the central cone on full display and accentuates its bulbous shape. The spines on the cone can adopt a rust, red, orange, or yellow pigmentation throughout the blooming season.  Of course, the petals are nothing to sneeze at. Being a daisy gendaisieshe, the petals are lance-shaped and can grow to about 1.5 inches long. The flower is mostly an intense purple, where it connects with the stem and washes out gradually towards the tip. In some lights, this creates a pastel effect that is perfect for pairing with other flowers without drawing too much attention.  The stem grows erect and can reach heights between 2 and 4 feet. This makes this plant a great contrast to creeping or bunching plants. The leaves are basal and arranged alternately. They are a deep, cool green reminiscent of forest floors.  What Should You Plant Coneflowers If their chromatic and structural traits aren't enough to entice you, check out some of the more practical benefits of adding this flower to your landscape:  Planting Options: They are very versatile when it comes to planting. Once established, they are highly adaptable and can live with varying degrees of light and soil types. So, no matter what soil you have or what kind of space you have to work with, you can still enjoy these flowers. They Attract Pollinators. Hummingbirds and bees love the pollen and nectar they produce. The cone can house 250-500 spines, which are filled with food for a wide variety of pollinators.  Easy to Maintain - While they will require regular watering after planting, they only need a little maintenance after they are established. They respond well to deadheading, which can also help control seeding if you want them to spread only a little. They can handle several types of soil as long as it is well-drained.  They're Drought Tolerant - Want to contribute to the palette of your garden without spending a fortune on water? The plant is drought-tolerant. Once the roots have been established, maintaining them takes very little water. They Come in a Variety of Colors-They come in a bouquet of colors, from the typical purplish-pink to yellow shades. This makes them a popular choice for gardeners who want their landscapes to explode with color while maintaining strong uniformity.  Frequently Asked  Are you ready to start planting them in your lawn or garden? The following answers to commonly asked questions may prepare you.  When Do They Bloom?  The blooming season for them is typically between mid-summer and later summer. Some variants can bloom into autumn.  Do They Like Sun or Shade?  Like most flowers in the daisy family, daisies love sunshine. Planting them in an area with at least six hours of direct sunlight daily would help.  Do They Come Back Every Year? They are perennials, which means they come back every year. This makes them a good choice if you want to add consistent color and variety to your outdoor spaces.  How Tall Are They?  They can stretch to 2-4 feet tall. The stem holds the flower clear above the basal leaves, allowing it to be the show's star, even on the shorter end.  How Do You Plant Them?  Start by digging a hole twice the width of the root ball's diameter. The root ball should be set to level with the soil line. To help retain moisture, add a small amount of compost and mulch to the plant site. After planting, they will need regular watering until the plant has established.  Will They Bloom Again If Deadheaded?  Coneflower respond well to deadheading. They will bloom again if you deadhead them. There are particular advantages to deadheading. Firstly, it will keep them from overtaking other plants in your garden (deadheading prevents seeding). Secondly, it may prolong the bloom time.  How Do You Deadhead A Coneflower It will help if you always deadhead (prune) yours with shears, as the stems can be very hardy and rugged to snap by hand. Deadhead after the flower has faded, cutting it down to a leaf close to new growth.  TN Nursery Provides Year-round Beauty for Your  Whether you want the whole gamut of colors or lush greenery to add to your garden, TN Nursery has you covered. We offer many ferns, flowers, plants, mosses, shrubs, perennials, vines, trees, and more. Your order is backed up by a full, year-long, 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our prime specimens make planting and maintaining easy and allow you to enjoy the fulfillment of gardening. Place an order now and beautify your outdoor spaces.

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Monarda Bee Balm

Monarda Bee Balm

Monarda Bee Balm boasts clusters of large, scarlet-red flowers that attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It is a vibrant and captivating perennial plant with numerous landscaping benefits. With its striking appearance and unique features, this plant can enhance the aesthetic appeal of gardens and outdoor spaces while contributing to the ecosystem.   One of the primary benefits of incorporating it into landscaping is its stunning visual impact. These flowers of this plant are beautiful, as well. These are valuable additions for those interested in supporting local wildlife populations. Furthermore, the upright growth habit of it creates a natural vertical element in landscaping designs. This can be particularly useful for adding structure and dimension to flower beds and mixed borders. The plant's lush green foliage, which often releases a pleasant fragrance when touched, adds a layer of texture and contrast against its vibrant blossoms. Besides its aesthetic qualities, it also offers practical benefits. Its dense growth pattern can effectively help suppress weed growth, reducing the need for excessive weeding and maintenance. Planting in larger groupings can also be a natural ground cover, helping stabilize soil and prevent slope erosion. Its adaptability to various soil types and its tolerance to varying moisture conditions make it a versatile choice for landscaping projects. Its hardy nature also means it can withstand different weather conditions, adding to its overall reliability as a landscaping plant. In conclusion, it offers many benefits for landscaping endeavors. From its eye-catching appearance and ability to attract pollinators to its contribution to weed suppression and soil stabilization, this plant brings aesthetic and functional advantages to outdoor spaces. Whether used in cottage gardens, perennial borders, or mixed plantings, it is a dynamic choice that can elevate any landscape's overall design and enjoyment. Monarda Bee Balm is a striking perennial herbaceous plant with remarkable ornamental qualities. Native to North America, this eye-catching member of the mint family (Lamiaceae) is celebrated for its vibrant appearance, attracting both garden enthusiasts and pollinators alike. The Graphic Appeal Of Monarda Bee Balm Standing at 3 to 4 feet, it boasts a robust and upright growth habit. Its sturdy stems are clothed in lance-shaped, dark green leaves that emit a subtle fragrance when brushed against. The leaves provide an attractive backdrop to the main event: the brilliantly colored flowers. These blossoms emerge in mid to late summer and are spectacular. Each flower head is a cluster of tubular blossoms characterized by their intense scarlet-red hue. The flowers are grouped in dense, spherical clusters, creating a stunning visual exhibit reminiscent of a lush bouquet. Attract Pollinators With Monarda Bee Balm Beyond their visual appeal, the flowers serve as a beacon for pollinators, particularly bees and hummingbirds. These creatures are irresistibly drawn to the nectar-rich blooms, making this plant an excellent addition to any wildlife garden or naturalized landscape. As the bees and hummingbirds flit from one flower to another, the garden comes alive with activity and color, creating a harmonious ecosystem. Monarda Bee Balm Is Relatively Low Maintenance To successfully cultivate, it requires well-drained soil with full to partial sunlight. This plant is relatively low-maintenance, and its vigor makes it resistant to most pests and diseases. Regular watering, especially during dry spells, will keep it thriving and blooming abundantly. Deadheading spent flowers can encourage prolonged flowering and prevent self-seeding, which can sometimes be invasive. In conclusion, Monarda Bee Balm is a horticultural gem celebrated for its stunning scarlet-red blossoms and its role in supporting local pollinators. Whether you're looking to create a vibrant, wildlife-friendly garden or simply seeking a beautiful addition to your landscape, this native American perennial is a fantastic choice, adding color and life to your outdoor space.

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Cardinal Flower

Cardinal Flower

The Red Cardinal Flower has vibrant red blooms and tall, erect stalks. It adds color and elegance to gardens, parks, and various outdoor spaces. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it offers several advantages, making it a popular choice for landscapers and gardeners. The scarlet-hued Lobelia cardinalis is a perennial in the bellflower family. Its tall, nectar-filled bloom spikes attract hummingbirds and create a beautiful display in your garden. The plant's common name refers to the red robes a Roman Catholic cardinal wears.     Natural Habitat Of The Cardinal Flower Lobelia is native to the North and South American continents and blooms from July through September. This moisture-loving plant grows on stream banks and in low woods, marshes, and meadows across the United States. If you want to create a handsome show in your garden, Lobelia will surely delight. The plant's fiery spires yield brilliant red blooms that open gradually from the bottom to the top of their racemes. Each long, narrow, tube-shaped blossom has two flat upper petals and three lower petals at the tips. The delicate plant crown leafy 2’-4' stems, covered with shiny, lance-shaped, bright green leaves that sometimes have a bronze or reddish tint. The leaves alternate as they climb the stems, enhancing the blooms to create a lively riot of color. Cardinal Flower is a favorite of gardeners who love adding bold splashes of crimson. This plant is perfect for shady woodland plots, wet meadow plantings, water gardens, pollinator gardens, and rain gardens. Its long stems can add height to borders and create depth when placed in the back sections of your landscape. The blossoms are most spectacular from midsummer into fall and make excellent cut blooms. Ecology Of The Cardinal Flower Some people say Lobelia will bring hummingbirds in from the sky. The plant's blooming period coincides with the late-summer migration of ruby-throated hummingbirds traveling south to Mexico. The birds pollinate the plant by dipping their beaks into the plants' long, red tubes. The blossoms are also beautiful to swallowtail butterflies and bees, making them a wonderful centerpiece in a pollinator garden. Cardinal Flower Is A Bold Statement In Any Garden  When you want to make a bold, beautiful statement in your garden, include the Cardinal Flower in your plan and celebrate the summer season.

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Spigelia Indian Pink

Spigelia Indian Pink

Spigelia Indian Pink is a native wildflower beloved for its striking tubular, red-and-yellow flowers, which attract hummingbirds and thrive in shaded woodland gardens. Incorporating landscaping projects offers many benefits, enhancing outdoor spaces' visual aesthetics, ecological diversity, and overall vibrancy. This unique perennial plant presents distinct features that contribute to various aspects of landscape design. Spigelia Indian Pink is a stunning herbaceous perennial native to woodland areas across the inland regions from Texas to Florida and Virginia to Missouri. This wildflower plant has a distinctive flower and is commonly grown in gardens as an ornamental plant. After a closer look at this beautiful flower in the Astrid family, you can easily incorporate it into your landscaping design. The Eye-Catching Beauty Spigelia Indian Pink This wildflower has a stunning look that is easily identifiable. The flowers bud straight out from the top of the stems in an elongated fashion. This bright red or pink bud then sprouts a small, delicate flower at the top. This yellow flower has a star-like shape with six petals. The large, pointed leaves have a dusty green hue. When the plants are in full bloom, usually in May, you can enjoy a sea of green, red, and yellow in your garden. Spigelia Indian Pink is Great For Supporting Wildlife  This plant strongly attracts hummingbirds to its flowers. Hummingbirds are natural pollinators, promoting the health of other plants in your garden. In addition, hummingbirds eat wasps, mosquitoes, aphids, ants, and other pesky insects that you may prefer to keep out of your space. The roots of this lovely plant also dispel several types of worms that could otherwise damage the plants. The Hardiness Of Spigelia Indian Pink While this wildflower plant prefers moist soil, it is hardy enough to withstand drought. When it has adequate moisture, the plant will grow taller and thicker. The dry months of the year stymie growth and often transition into the colder weather season when the plant lies dormant. However, the blooms will return in the spring months. Spigelia Indian Pink grows in clumps up to two feet tall and two feet wide. When planted ornamentally, these plants are often shaped through pruning. Commonly, they are rounded to appear as bushes. However, they can also grow broadly by retaining their free, wildflower look. The plants spread through natural propagation, and you can facilitate growth by planting the cut stems.

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Water Lily

Water Lily

Water Lily Pads are round, flat, floating leaves of aquatic plants, typically green in color. They provide a resting place for frogs and a picturesque element in ponds and H2O gardens. They are often associated with serene ponds and H2O gardens; they offer unique benefits when strategically incorporated into landscaping designs. Their aquatic nature, ability to create captivating reflections, contributions to ecosystem health, and role in enhancing the visual and sensory experience make them valuable to outdoor spaces. Water Lily pads are clusters of aquatic plants with leaves and blooms that grow in ponds, H2O gardens, and natural bodies of H2O. They root in the soil at the bottom of quiet, freshwater habitats. There are many reasons to cultivate these uncommonly alluring plants. The Extraordinary Beauty Of Water Lily Pads If you want breathtaking plants and a unique landscape, consider them. The magnificent blossoms burst forth through the surface of the H2O with bold flowers in a rainbow of colors from bright white, pale pink, and rich red to yellow and even blue. Large green leaves provide a stunning backdrop for these graceful flowers. The delicate petals and intricate stamens create a visually exquisite display that can grace your landscape with something special. Lilies represent resurrection, rebirth, purity, and enlightenment. They emerge triumphantly from the muck at the bottom of the pond, transformed into extraordinary blossoms. They have long been associated with higher qualities of consciousness like enlightenment and spiritual awakening. Some cultures associate the plants with grace, beauty, harmony, and serenity. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the pads have spiritual significance. In ancient Egypt, they were thought to repel negative entities, while Christians saw them as symbols of life, energy, and vitality. The Leaves and Blooms Of Water Lily The leaves can be round, oval, or heart-shaped and float on the surface of the H2O. They are supported by long stalks that emerge from thick, fleshy underwater roots. The leaves have a waxy coating that repels H2O while keeping them dry and buoyant. The size of the leaves varies by species. They range from a few inches to one foot in diameter. The flowers have delicate petals arranged in layers around a disk. The petals can be single or double-layered. The Looks And Info About Water Lily Visible blooms and leaves can completely cover the surface of a body of H2O. The showy display of Water Lily is supported by solid roots of fleshy rhizomes that secure the plants in the muddy substrate at the bottom of the H2O. The rhizomes produce slender roots that absorb nutrients in the H2O and further ensure the plant is in its position. The plant is essential in aquatic ecosystems, where it can be a primary food source and desirable habitat for fish and small animals.

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Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan has vibrant yellow petals and dark, contrasting centers and is a popular and delightful addition to any landscaping project. This native North American wildflower offers a host of pleasing attributes that make it a sought-after choice for gardens and outdoor spaces. From its adaptability to its visual appeal and ecological benefits, it stands out as a versatile and attractive plant. Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) is a type of long-flowering Rudbeckia in the aster family Asteraceae. It's also called "brown Betty," and "gloriosa daisy." This upright, fast-growing plant is native to eastern and central North America, with angustifolia, Florida, hirta, and pulcherrima varieties growing in separate regions of the continental United States. Their yellow and gold blossoms tend to bloom from June until after the first frost. Black-eyed Susan Is A Great Border Plant If you're looking for a flower that's versatile enough to grow well in everything from containers to flower beds to more naturalistic landscapes, they are the perfect choice. Their bright, cheery, and prolific blooms are attractive in garden borders, butterfly and wildflower gardens, and meadow plantings. They also make beautiful cut flowers with a vase life of up to ten days. Size, Shape, and Color Of Black Eyed Susan Most Black Eyed Susan grow 1'–3¼' tall and 1'–1½' wide. Their long, bristly leaves grow near the base of the plant, while their daisy-like flowers rise high above the foliage. Each 2"–4" wide blossom features eight to thirty yellow-gold florets that radiate from a dark brown, black, or greenish-colored cone-shaped seed dome. Attract Pollinators With Black Eyed Susan From TN Nursery To attract pollinators like butterflies and bees throughout the summer, be sure to include it in your landscaping plan. These flowers are also loved by mosquito-eating dragonflies and birds. Pollinators enjoy the flowers' nectar as they move from plant to plant, causing them to grow seeds that birds eat in winter. When left alone, their seed pods usually dry out and disperse nearby, which may open areas and roadsides with new flowers the following year. Some varieties will start to flower the same year, in June, while others bloom later. Removing faded flowers, also called "deadheading," can prolong the blooming season. However you select and maintain your plants, you're sure to love the way they brighten your garden.

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Wild Geranium

Wild Geranium

Wild Geranium is a native perennial plant with deeply lobed, palmate leaves and delicate, pink to lavender flowers that resemble small crane's bills. It is often found in woodlands and meadows and offers several positive landscaping uses. Its natural beauty, adaptability, and ecological benefits make it a valuable addition to gardens and naturalistic landscapes. Wild geranium is proof that great things can come in small packages. Its flowers may only be about an inch, but their delightful display always wins smiles. Interestingly, this plant offers showy leaves and blooms. Characteristics Of Wild Geranium Formally known as the geranium maculatum, these woodland perennials produce hairy, unbranched stems that can stretch up to 24 inches in height. They are generally either green or reddish. The visually compelling leaves are vibrant green, toothed, and deeply palmately lobed. Most feature five lobes, but some have seven. These leaves measure between three and six inches in length and width. The leaves at the bottom are larger and have coarse hairs. Those at the top of the plant are more delicate and have finer hair. What Do the Flowers of Wild Geranium Look Like They bloom in late spring or early summer. Each upright stem produces a cluster of two to five blooms. The saucer-shaped flowers generally measure one inch in size but can reach up to three inches. They are composed of five petals. In addition, they have ten yellow stamens and five green sepals that encircle their pistils. What Color Blooms Does Wild Geranium Produce They are in shades of pink or lavender. However, whites, blues, reds, and burgundies are also possible. While the flowers may appear solid at first glance, a closer look will often reveal that darker lines run from the bloom's center to the edge of the petal. Many popular flowers have multiple names, and these gorgeous gems are no exception. Why are they called cranesbills? The explanation may seem hard to spot, but a look at their picturesque seed pods can be revealing. After Wild Geraniums bloom, they produce a charming fruit capsule. It has a long, central column, which imaginative people say resembles a crane's bill. Five basal cells with seeds form the rest of the crane's head. Colorful and full of cheer, wild geraniums are fantastic additions to any garden. They work well in mass plantings and borders and attract pollinators, butterflies, and songbirds.

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Wood Poppy

Wood Poppy

Wood Poppy has deeply lobed, blue-green foliage that forms an attractive ground cover that adds texture and interest to the landscape even when the plant is not blooming. It bursts into a profusion of cheerful yellow flowers with four petals in early spring, creating a picturesque display that enlivens the garden. These vibrant blooms contrast the fresh green leaves, creating a focal point in any garden design. The wood poppy is native to the eastern part of the United States and Ontario, Canada. However, it's endangered in Canada due to habitat loss. It's officially known as Stylophorum Diphyllum. Gardeners commonly refer to it as the yellowwood or celandine, and it's part of the Papaveraceae family. This wildflower is frequently found in forests, rivers, streams, and ravines. History buffs may be pleased to know that American Indians once used the yellow sap as a clothing dye. Prized Features of the Wood Poppy The Stylophorum Diphyllum is loved for its yellow to orange four-petaled flowers. It can reach heights of 18 inches, and the flowers can grow to two inches across. The leaves of this brilliantly-colored wildflower are green or gray-green, and they contain lobed leaves that can get up to six inches. Gardeners can expect this flower to bloom from March to May. The Stylophorum Diphyllum thrives in areas that mimic its natural habitat. This means it does well in shade gardens, native regions being rewilded, water features, available shade, and wooded areas. Gardeners can even plant it under and around tall shade trees and shrubs to help brighten the area. Wildlife Seen Around the Wood Poppy The seeds of Stylophorum Diphyllum primarily attract chipmunks. However, the pollen in the flowers has been known to attract various bees. Ideal Companion Plants For Wood Poppy The Stylophorum Diphyllum does well around other wildflowers, trees, shrubs, and ornamental grasses. Some ideal companion plants include bleeding hearts, foamflowers, wild ginger, hostas, columbines, and spiderworts. Gardeners can also pair it with ostrich ferns, Virginia bluebells, wild geraniums, and the woodland phlox. Gardeners can enjoy Wood Poppy anywhere in their yards. However, they may find it looks best under and around trees and shrubs and as part of a wildflower or native plant garden. It can also be planted alongside shaded paths to help define the walkway.

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Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose is recognized for their tall stems adorned with bright yellow, four-petaled flowers that typically bloom in the afternoon, contrasted by lance-shaped, green leaves. It is a delightful and beneficial plant with numerous advantages when landscaping. This herbaceous perennial is native to North and South America and has become famous for gardeners due to its striking blooms, versatility, and ecological contributions. Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a lovely and prolific North American flower that greatly benefits pollinators in gardens and the wild. Natural Habitat Of Evening Primrose Native to North America, Oenothera biennis is naturalized across the United States. This biennial wildflower grows along forest edges and clearings and can also be found in prairies, marshes, pastures, old mines, railroads, roadsides, and other open, disturbed areas. It is one of the few native plants that bloom into late fall. Oenothera biennis features clusters of four-petaled, bowl-shaped, two-inch-wide yellow blooms that blossom at the top of the stems. The heart-shaped petals surround eight yellow stamens and a cross-shaped stigma. The plant grows three to five feet tall. Its stiff, purple central stalk is covered in oblong olive-, light-, or medium-green leaves that also form a rosette at the plant's base. Evening Primrose Has A Wonderful Aroma  Oenothera biennis is a late-season biennial primrose that produces abundant fragrant, lemon-scented blooms from July through October. Its blossoms open in the afternoon, after the sun sets, and close up again in the morning after sunrise. In the garden, this plant will fit right into a cottage or wildflower garden and add color and texture to borders and flower beds. It can also add beauty to meadows and naturalized areas. This quick-growing flower is best planted in late fall. It will bloom in its second year and self-seed unless it's pruned back at the end of its blooming cycle. Suppose you want to attract pollinators to your garden, plant Oenothera biennis. Night-flying moths are the plant's chief pollinators, and when the flowers stay open on cloudy mornings, bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds are likely to stop by. Birds will feast on the seeds, and small mammals will nibble on its roots and leaves. Add Rustic Color With Evening Primrose If you're looking for an easy way to add rustic color to your landscape and attract more bees, birds, and butterflies, be sure to plant Evening Primrose in your garden. These bright, fragrant plants will bring you joy during the late summer months.

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Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower is a perennial wildflower known for its vibrant, daisy-like blooms with red or yellow petals and dark center disks. Often found in prairies and gardens, it attracts pollinators and adds color to landscapes. Blanket Flower is the perfect choice when you’re craving warmth. This radiant wildflower with an extended blooming season will light up your garden with a kaleidoscope of glowing colors. There are roughly 30 species of the genus Gaillardia. Multiple legends surround the name. The simplest indicates that it comes from the tendency of these plants to blanket the ground with vibrant blooms quickly. Another suggests that the name comes from the way thriving patches of these plants are reminiscent of brightly patterned Native American types. One story links the inspiration for the plant's name to the gorgeous blooms that repeatedly appeared on the grave of a talented Native American weaver famous for creating richly hued blankets. The Blanket Flower's Vibrant Fiery Colors They are available in an array of hot colors. Yellows, oranges, peaches, reds, maroons, and burgundies are common. The flowers are intensely colored and framed by silver-green foliage that’s slightly hairy. The color is vivid and long-lasting. These plants bloom repeatedly throughout the summer and into the fall. Aesthetics Of It Generally, they have daisy-like flowers that feature multiple rays around a central disc. These rays can be in a single or double layer. There may be flat or trumpet-shaped petals. Some flowerheads offer a single, vibrant hue. Others boast bands of colors, resulting in a striking ombre effect. They send up stems with a single bloom measuring two and four inches. The plants typically reach heights of 12 to 18 inches, but they can grow up to 36 inches tall. Pollinators Love It Blanket Flowers are an excellent way to add more color to any space, and their blooms last well in gardens and vases. They are heat—and drought-tolerant and withstand deer, rabbits, and groundhogs while attracting bees, butterflies, and birds. Their ability to blanket the ground with a carpet of color makes them a popular choice for borders, roadside plantings, and ground covers. They also thrive in rock gardens, cottage gardens, and pollinator gardens. The Blanket Flower is known for its resilience, daisy-like appearance, and brightly burning colors. With varying color palettes, it is an ideal choice to add brightness and warmth to your garden. So today, we will spotlight this unique plant and describe why it would be a great addition to your landscape. The Beauty of the Blanket Flower  Their color is in the central disc, which can be made up of small fertile blooms. The center of the disc is typically yellow but graduates to a blazing red, maroon, or orange around the fringe. The daisy-like petals also adopt a deep red, burgundy, or pink coloration, where they meet with the disc but soften to a yellow or orange near the tip.  The blanket flower's hot color palette is reminiscent of summer warmth, commensurate with its summer and fall bloom times. The stem holds the bloom upright about 12 to 31 inches above the soil. The foliage is typically a silvery green that provides a natural counterpoint to the wild colors of the bloom head.  Their blooms are typically between 2 and 4 inches in diameter. The vivid colors command attention, making great statement pieces in gardens. While there are many theories about how this plant got its name, one posits that it comes from its ability to cover the ground it inhabits. Depending on growing conditions, they can be annual or perennial, making them an excellent choice for adding seasonal color to outdoor spaces.  Aside from attracting attention from visitors, they will also draw in butterflies and bees who love their nectar and seeds. Their complexion is inherently reminiscent of bustling life, and their natural role as hosts for pollinators keeps up with the theme of humming wildlife. This is an ideal plant to inject vibrancy and vigor into your landscape.  What Are the Benefits of Them?  They are an easy planting choice when you know about their practical benefits. Here are just a few of them:  Heat and Drought Resistant - They are naturally heat and Drought-resistant, which makes them a great choice if you want to spend less time watering. They adapt well to dry soils and are even resistant to the cold. Remember that they are native plants, so maintenance is generally low.  They Attract Pollinators-There are few things more fulfilling than seeing your backyard or garden brimming with natural life. They attract pollinating bees and butterflies, and the seeds that the fertile florets of the central disc produce are a food source for birds like the goldfinch.  Excellent Ground Coverage-They are ideal if you are looking to border a garden bed or any area of your land with low-maintenance yet colorful blooms. As the terminology alludes to, they can carpet the ground where they are planted, making creating a natural edge around your garden beds or garden easy.  Pest-resistant-They attract pollinators and beautiful birds but deter destructive wildlife like rabbits, deer, and groundhogs.  Native Species: As a species native to North America, they naturally work well with other native plants. They can share a mixed bed with coreopsis, coneflower, sunflowers, and other native species. Their bright colors contrast the muted shades of ornamental grasses, and blue-blooming blooms nicely. However, they can also be paired with plants that burn with vivid colors, like the purple coneflower.  F.A.Q.s  There's a lot to know about them, so let's review some of the questions gardeners and landscapers usually ask.  Do They Come Back Every Year? They bloom multiple times in the summer and fall. Depending on the level of maintenance and the growing conditions, they can be either annual or perennial. Their average lifespan is two years. However, this lifespan can be extended with careful deadheading.  Do They Like Sun or Shade?  Their seeds are light and warm to germinate, and the plant is in full sun. Typically, it would help if you gave these plants as much sun as possible.  Should They Be Cut Back in the Fall?  Deadheading them is optional but could prolong their lifespan since they must dedicate more resources to producing seeds. If you deadhead them, do it in the late summer or early fall. The plant should be reduced to about 6 inches to encourage winter survival.  What is a Good Companion Plant for Them?  Other native species work well alongside them. You can pair them with other daisy-like species like Echinacea and Black Eyed Susans. Their penetrating colors also complement the toned-down hues of ornamental grasses.  What Month Do They Bloom?  Typically, they bloom multiple times a season, starting in early summer. The blooming season can last until fall, providing visual interest for several months.  Do Blanket Flowers Attract Hummingbirds Yes. The fertile florets of its central disc attract all kinds of pollinators, making it handy for hummingbird gardens or anyone who wants to provide a sanctuary for wildlife.  Your Plants Are Here  Whether you want to add stunning color or understated foliage to your garden, we have what you need here at T.N. Nursery. For over 64 years, we have provided professional landscapers and home gardeners with various native plants that are easy to grow and stunningly beautiful. Make your garden everything you want it to be with our plants!

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Wisteria Vine

Wisteria Vine

The Wisteria Vine is a highly fragrant woody trailing plant known for its cascading clusters of fragrant, pea-like flowers in lavender colors, often grown on pergolas, trellises, and arbors for its ornamental. They are renowned for their stunning beauty and hold great value in landscaping due to their numerous attributes. The Stunning flowers of The Wisteria Vine This beautiful Wisteria Sinensis is a vine-covered in pale purple flowers and bright green leaves. Its stems create woody plants that can either twist together to create a trunk-like appearance or elongate to twine around supports. The plant can expand up to 20 to 35 feet in length, and it can support multiple plants that branch out from the central stem. Wisteria Vine is a highly fragrant woody plant known for its cascading clusters of lavender-colored, pea-like flowers. It is often grown on pergolas, trellises, and arbors. The characteristic flowers of this plant dangle in long strings of blossoms all over the plant. Clusters around 12 inches hang off the plant and hold rows of small, regularly spaced blooms. Individual flowers feature a large petal at the top and two smaller petals cupped together around a center with yellow-green stamens. Flower petals can be all shades of purple and white, and some may have a bluish or pinkish tint. It's common for the flower clusters to have a pleasant, ombre appearance, with flowers at the tip of the cluster being a much darker shade of purple. Wisteria Vine Is Flexible  Since this plant's flexibility can twist into many shapes, it's a highly versatile landscaping option. Some people prefer to keep their plant as a tree or bush. It can be a charming accent that produces clusters of fragrant flowers wherever you place it. You can also set this plant near a supportive trellis or wall if you want a genuinely eye-catching landscaping structure. Especially when planted in bunches, you can create stunning arcs, tunnels, ceilings, and walls of beautiful purple flowers. Wisteria Vine Has Stunning Foliage Wisteria Vine usually blooms around early May before the plant has even started to sprout leaves. After having a lush coat of nothing but purple blossoms for a while, the plant begins to produce small, lime-green leaves that blend beautifully with the flowers. The flowers leave in summer, and the leaves gradually darken to a rich, emerald green. Once the weather cools, the leaves turn a brilliant yellow before falling away to reveal the fascinating twists and loops of the underlying branches.

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Blue Flag Iris

Blue Flag Iris

Blue Flag Iris has blue, nectar-rich blooms that are beautiful to various pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It is a stunning and versatile plant with numerous landscaping benefits. This lovely perennial herbaceous plant is native to North America. Properly known as the Blue Flag Iris, this plant is native to the northeastern region of the United States and the Canadian provinces. Its striking blue flower, often deepening to indigo and violet, grows to a height of roughly three feet. Blue Flag Iris Petals and Sepals Sepals are the parts of the flower surrounding the bud as it develops. The petals are the "flowering part" of the whole flower. In many cases regarding other flowers, the sepals are green and leafy, but when it comes to this plant, they are the same color as the flowers, which forms almost a scintillating effect as the plant blooms from May through July. It is perennial, meaning they'll liven up their garden with magnificent flowers yearly. Blue Flag Iris has Sord-Like Foliage  The plant's leaves resemble swords. They grow in attractive clumps beneath the soaring blue-and-violet flowers. The eye-catching combination of light green swords and sumptuous, 4-inch flowers is a terrific way to draw someone's eye to the center of a garden. Blue Flag Iris Loves Water Because they're hardy plants that thrive near water, in the crepuscular times before people start their day, the beautiful flowers will shimmer in the bright sun when covered with dew. The colors of the plant comprise the bottom of the spectrum, so they complement the refracted colors of the dewdrops and are genuinely a sublime sight to behold. Environmentally Sound As Well As Beautiful While gazing lovingly at these sensational flowers, gardeners will also notice bees and multicolored hummingbirds flitting between the blooming buds all spring and summer. These lovely and lively flowers are healthy for all plants in the garden and sublime viewing. Blue Flag Iris also sports yellow "accessories" throughout June and July. Inside the petals, the yellow patch and spreading veins contrast the deep blue and violet of the sepals and petals. That means the plant is a good-looking flower that "plays nice with others" of the same color and flower shape in any garden.

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Jewelweed Plant

Jewelweed Plant

It is known for its vibrant appearance and unique characteristics and offers various landscaping benefits. Its inclusion can contribute to a garden or outdoor space's overall aesthetic appeal and ecological balance.  Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is an annual wildflower known as orange balsam and spotted touch-me-not. Some say it gets its name from the sparkling dewdrops that line its leaves in the morning, while others contend that the brilliant, red-spotted orange flowers glow like bright jewels. These flowers are also famous for their explosive seed pods, which give the plant the name "touch-me-not." Native to northern and eastern North America, it starts blooming in June and continues until it succumbs to October frosts. The flower grows naturally in cool, low woodlands and decorates shady stream banks, creek banks, lakesides, and marshes. The Appearance Of Jewelweed Orange balsam is a lush green wildflower that grows 3'–5' tall. It branches prolifically and produces a profusion of inch-long, spotted orange blossoms with blood-orange or red markings. Each delicate blossom hangs from its stalk among neighboring flowers. They have two lips, five petals, and three sepals, one of which is a pouch-shaped structure with a nectar spur that curves back under the rest of the flower. The blooms form small clusters that rise above the herb's upper leaves. The Jewelweed's round green to reddish-grTNeen stems are smooth, succulent, and semi-translucent. Its toothed, spade-shaped, bluish-green leaves are usually about 2½"–3" long and grow alternating on the herb's upper stems. Jewelweed Is Great In Woodland Gardens  Jewelweed makes a beautiful addition to woodland gardens, shady rain gardens, and pollinator gardens. It's great for ponds, bog gardens, and lowland areas. Although it's an annual, this wildflower tends to return once established. Pollinators Love Jewelweed Plant The blossoms attract butterflies and other pollinators. Hummingbirds and bumblebees, the herb's primary pollinators, find nourishment in its sweet nectar and play a significant role in its successful propagation. It is also a food source for moth caterpillars, bobwhite quail, mice, and deer, and it is fond of its stems, leaves, and seeds. If you'd like to add a bright pop of orange to your summer garden, planting it will bring joy to your landscape with its delightful blooms.

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Daisy perennials are known for their large, white, daisy-like flowers with prominent yellow centers, which brighten up gardens during the summer months. The yellow fuzzy center and white blooms of the "he loves me, he loves me not" flower make it a popular choice among homeowners and gardeners for quality perennials. It is one of several aster family (Asteraceae) flowers. These florals have many popular varieties, such as the oxeye (Leucanthemum vulgare), Shasta (L. ×superbum), and English (Bellis perennis). This flowering plant is notable due to its delicate and pointed petals, ranging in various colors from refreshing white to yellow and blue. Whether a gerbera, Shasta, or other variety, these flowers are perennials that return each season to grace your garden with their beauty. The Daisy Has Striking Yellow Centers  Each bloom of this flower dazzles with a striking yellow center. Its exterior features pristine petals that contrast brilliantly against the middle, almost like snow striking freshly fallen snow. Typically associated with spring and summer, these flowers make excellent garden accents, window box flowers, or centerpieces in a hand-picked bouquet. For centuries, people have chosen this flower for its rich symbolism. It represents many prized virtues, including purity, innocence, and eternal love. Its various meanings make it an excellent addition to any garden and only enhance its beauty as it flourishes. From blooming in raised flower beds to lining a charming garden pathway, these floral delights are an excellent way to infuse your landscape with extraordinary charm and beauty. The Daisy Is Very Resilient  The florals that bloom from this plant are known for being resistant. They can thrive in many climates and weather conditions. They will continue to delight with their bright petals and beautiful blossoms, whether rain or shine. This flower can infuse any space with joy and positivity thanks to its cheerful appearance. Planting them just beyond windows and along garden pathways makes for an excellent pick-me-up whenever you see them. Daisy's Look Beautiful In Bouquets  Whether Daisy is planted in gardens, window boxes, or bundled in bouquets, the versatility of this perennial flower is endless. Thanks to its eye-catching yet simplistic beauty, it captivates and enchants rustic and contemporary garden spaces. Whether crafting a cozy cottage in the countryside or brightening up a commercial landscape, you cannot go wrong with these florals front and center.

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Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy is a perennial wildflower with white, daisy-like flowers featuring yellow centers and deeply lobed leaves, often found in meadows and fields, adding charm to natural landscapes. It's known for its radiant white petals and sunny yellow center. It is a charming perennial with numerous landscaping benefits. Its innate qualities make it a popular choice among gardeners and landscapers alike. Oxeye Daisy, which blooms single or in clusters from May through September, can reach a height of three feet on their tall, thick individual stems. The flowers they produce are multiple flowers in one. 15 to 35 white (ray flower) petals surround the flower head, which consists of 400 to 500 yellow disk flowers. This flower's distinctive feature is its enormous, spherical blossom head. Each bloom can reach up to three inches in diameter. When full-grown, these plants can get up to two feet wide. Once established, you'll likely always have daisies since they are so good at self-seeding. Oxeye Daisy Has Unique Foliage  This plant has dark green, spoon-shaped leaves that taper into narrow, serrated ones as they grow up the stem. The enormous leaves appear around the plant's base; they are about six inches long and two inches wide and have as many as 15 lobed edges. The top leaves are thin, alternately placed, and sometimes clasp against the stem. These clasping leaves, which are one to four inches long, also have lobed edges. Typically, a leaf's number of teeth or lobed edges increases as it grows higher on the stalk. Save The Pollinators With Oxeye Daisy The oxeye daisy is the most significant type. Pollen and nectar found in these flowers are essential for the survival of several pollinating insects, such as moths, beetles, butterflies, hoverflies, and beetles. The male disk flowers emit a ring of yellow pollen around the periphery, while the many tiny flowers that compose the flower's yellow center contain nectar. Adding these flowers to your yard or garden is a perfect way to lure pollinators and increase their biodiversity. Oxeye Daisy Attracts Good Bugs These plants are magnets for good bugs, such as pollen-feeding beetles, which eat nasty bugs like aphids. Animals like cattle stay away from areas with these flowers because they irritate the wildlife's lips, nostrils, and legs. These characteristics make the plant an excellent form of pest and wildlife control.

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Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily is a striking perennial plant with bold orange, spotted Turk's cap-shaped flowers and whorled, lance-shaped leaves. It is often grown for its vibrant and exotic appearance in gardens. It offers many benefits when incorporated into landscaping. Its captivating appearance, resilience, and ease of cultivation make it a favored choice among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts. Without delving into its applications in herbalism, let's explore how it enhances outdoor spaces through its aesthetic appeal, ecosystem contributions, and adaptability. Upgrade Your Landscape With TN Nursery Tiger Lily produces showy orange blossoms and tall, leafy stalks, making it a very impactful addition to any garden. This flower works well in lush beds of flowers since it can stand out from the rest of the plants. It grows in dense clusters that work well for things like tree borders and sidewalk accents. Any time you want to create a landscape with a combination of consistency and colors, this flower is the ideal choice. This plant is a favorite of gardeners everywhere for its stunning blossoms. Each flower is a six-petaled bloom with long, narrow petals that curve backward from the center. The flowers are bright orange with speckles of black running along the top of each petal, and the center contains a spray of long, dark orange stamens. The heavy blossoms tend to cause the supporting stalk to bend slightly, so they hang upside down with a beautiful bell-like appearance. The Appeal of Tiger Lily This plant has many other perks beyond its beautiful blossoms. The rest of the plant consists of a tall, narrow stalk with blade-like leaves that fan in regular rows around the stalk. Each stalk is relatively narrow and is usually only around 10 inches wide. These fascinating plants have a unique, vertical shape that helps them stand out from most traditional shrubs. The stalks grow in clumps, creating a vibrant, dramatic look for your landscape. Enjoy Tiger Lily Throughout 3 Seasons Tiger Lily keeps growing during every part of the year. Each spring, delicate green shoots peak through the soil. These stems keep growing upwards until they reach the plant's full height of around five feet. Starting in late summer, the signature orange blossoms of the plant begin to appear. Long after most other garden flowers have left, this plant keeps blooming. After finishing its blooming season in fall, leaves start to lighten and fall. The plants remain dormant bulbs over the winter before returning to their full glory in spring.

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Blue Lobelia

Blue Lobelia

Blue Lobelia has striking blue hues and an attractive shape; this perennial plant can elevate the aesthetics of any garden or outdoor space. It is an excellent addition to any landscape design, from attracting pollinators to providing visual appeal. Blue Lobelia is a fantastic choice when you crave flowers that swirl together showy blue blossoms with vibrant greenery in bright spikes. It's a striking, solidly built plant that delights people and pollinators. The Aesthetics of The Blue Lobelia Perennial Several large flowers spiral around the stout central stem in an extended cluster. They are positioned most heavily along the upper portion of the stem. The tubular flowers have five petals with edges that curl attractively. Two petals form an upper lip—three fuse together to create a lower lip that is more prominent. Blooms are typically about an inch long and may appear solid or striped. While the bold flowers are the show's stars, the vibrant green foliage shines in its supporting role. The thick, unbranching stem stands firm and tall, allowing the plant to quickly reach two to three feet. Plants reaching four feet in height are not uncommon. The stems are wrapped in alternating leaves with no stalks in varying shapes. Some are shaped like a lance and finely toothed. These can measure up to five inches in length. Others are elliptical and can be between two and six inches long. Blue lobelia are primarily found in shades of blue or purple. However, plants with white flowers are also available. In addition, crosses with cardinal flowers may result in plants that produce pink blooms. Blue Lobelias Blooming Season This wildflower generally unfurls its blooms in midsummer or later and continues the show until fall. In many regions, you can enjoy the flowers from July through October. Blue Lobelia Has Exotic Flower Blue Lobelia are unique flowers that put on a fantastic show, so they're an excellent choice when you want something big, bold, and beautiful. They attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and pollinators. They flourish along ponds and water features, are favorites in borders, thrive in rain gardens, and delight when paired with plants like ferns, heuchera, or cardinal flowers.

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Red Daylily

Red Daylily

Red Daylily's bold, red blossoms sit atop sturdy stems, making them excellent focal points that draw attention and develop a sense of landscape drama. They are renowned for their captivating magnificence and versatility, making them popular among landscaping enthusiasts. These vibrant and elegant plants offer many benefits when incorporated into various landscaping designs. There are more than 60,000 cultivars, but this plant is among the most striking, even if it grows to just 3 feet tall. It is one of the hardiest perennials and will grow well with almost any other flower or tree in the garden. The Colors Of Red Daylily As the name implies, the six-petaled flowers are bright crimson with streaks of various lighter shades that frame a set of yellow stamina. This plant produces many blooms, so the wash of color will be dazzling in intensity. Also, the prefix "day-" is remarkably apropos as the gorgeous flowers are replaced every one or two days, which charmingly evokes the idea of rebirth or new life. Many versions of this plant have yellow, pink, or even white throats. The Leaves Of Red Daylily Red Daylily's leaves are flat, long, and shaped like straps. These leaves grow from a nice-looking crown, and the plant is evergreen in all seasons, lending a shade of green throughout the winter. The leaves also form attractive clumps before separating to form additional lovely stems with outstanding blooms. Pollinators of all kinds are drawn to the magnificent blooms, which contribute to the garden's overall health and the environment at large. On the varieties of these plants with yellow throats, the bees that visit them to collect nectar match the color of the inner part of the flowers, which heightens their lovely effect. As patches of these flowers grow within the garden year after year, the colors can shift slightly, creating lighter and darker shades. These many different shades then attract different butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden. Because of the shape of their roots, they prevent soil erosion on slopes, meaning that when arranged beautifully in a cascade upon a hill, they'll hold everything together. The Blooms Of The Red Daylily When planted in the late spring, Red Daylily flowers will create their splendid washes of color beginning in the first week of July and lasting until the shadows start to lengthen in the middle of August. As hardy perennials, these wondrous plants will beautify any garden for many years.

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Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower is a tall, native perennial with bright yellow, daisy-like flowers and narrow leaves. It often forms impressive colonies and attracts pollinators in late summer and fall. Sunflowers are remarkable and versatile plants that offer a range of benefits when used in landscaping. Their vibrant color and adaptability can add aesthetic value and functional advantages to various outdoor spaces. The Maximilian Sunflower is a radiant North American perennial known for its impressive stature and vibrant yellow hue. With a propensity to form dense colonies, these stunningly dynamic plants provide rich visual appeal to any landscape or garden. Their sublime and livening presence innately offers rich enchantment for the gaze of onlookers. Maximilian Sunflower perennial grows to a height of 3-10 feet with slender stalks and narrow leaves with bright yellow flowers that are excellent for attracting pollinators. These perennials bloom after most other perennials stop blooming later in summer into early fall. The Latin name for this vibrant plant is helianthus maximiliani. Maximillian Sunflower Has Vibrant Yellow Blooms  The blooms are brilliant yellow and have many petals alongside a disk-shaped cone. These plants are native to the United States in many regions, and they are so hardy that they can grow even near roadways, prairies, and open fields. Maximilian Sunflowers are sustainability-friendly and promote birds, bees, and monarchs as open pollinators. They are also super low maintenance and seldom need fertilizers or water in areas with adequate rainfall. It's a super hardy wildflower perennial with rough edges, displaying its durability and simplicity of appearance as well. It can tolerate drought conditions and open sunlight. Birds and insects feast on the seeds inside the plant's conehead, making it an excellent source of a good supply without messy bird feeders or buying bird seeds. It is highly sustainable, hardy, and thrives in various soil types, making it one of the best, most vibrant, and hardiest complete sun plants. TN Nursery offers blooming age, bare root perennials at a fraction of the cost of potted plants. Why buy a container and a handful of soil and pay three prices when you can buy the plant bareroot and have the same thing shipped to your door at a fraction of the cost? Maximilian Sunflower Gets Very Tall These gorgeous natural creations intrinsically reach toward the sky. Standing erect, they often get a looming height of around 10 feet. The towering beauties possess uniquely slender stems decorated with long lance-shaped leaves. Underneath the flower head, dark green phyllaries stick straight out before subtly curling at the tips. The bright golden petals delightfully evoke luminescent rays of sunshine. A jagged alternation pattern creates intricate layers of pleasing asymmetry. Their wispiness embodies an illustrative quality that summons a beatific repose. This flower’s center is packed with circular bronze florets. These discs often showcase a fractalized pattern that is simply mesmerizing. Meanwhile, the circumference is embedded with sleek light-yellow florets that create a glorious juxtaposition. Their relatively late blooming period is pleasant in summer and early fall. Thus, they can become the cornerstone of any idyllic scenery. Unlike many other growths from the same genus, these sunflower stems can support several clusters. As a result, these durable plants make for a divine ornamental selection with downright transformative effects on the landscape. Wildlife also likes this flower. Its abundance of nectar is considered irresistible to local pollinators, so it is often associated with a thriving ecosystem of bees and butterflies. Later in their flowering stage, the seeds occasionally attract a diverse ornithological scene, much to the delight of birdwatchers. Maximilian Sunflower derives its namesake from Prince of Wied-Neuwied. The famed German explorer first came upon these magnificent flowers during his North American expeditions, and they were dubbed Helianthus in his honor. It is a suitable title, especially since any outdoor environment is lucky to be bestowed with these golden gems. They are a native perennial coveted for their height, versatility, and blazing yellow hues. It's easy to grow even if you have little gardening experience. The following post concerns this gorgeous bloomer and how it can add life to your outdoor spaces. What Does It Look Like?  People often hear "sunflower" and think of a bloom with a black central disc surrounded by blazing yellow petals. And while they share some characteristics with common sunflowers, there are some distinctions. For instance, their central disc is smaller than a typical sunflower and does not contain blackened florets.  Instead, the hub of the Maximilian Sunflower is populated by clusters of tiny, yellow florets that provide sustenance for pollinators. So, their entire bloom is varying shades of yellow. One thing they share with its more common sunflower relative is height. They can grow to a height of 10 feet!  The flower is supported by a long, narrow stem covered in coarse hairs. Alternate, blade-shaped leaves adorn the towering stem, growing as high as just under the flower bloom. The proximity of the green leaves to the actual flower provides a stunning juxtaposition of natural color evocative of the sun setting over verdant hills. Their conehead is filled with intricate patterns of bronze to bright yellow florets. The mesmerizing structure of these tiny florets belies the mostly uniform layers of petals that envelope them. The florets produce seeds that are a food source for various bird species.  It is also unique among its genus because one stem can support a cluster of flowers instead of just one. Naturally, they grow dense and can colonize very quickly if allowed to. This makes them a good option for filling a large area with golden hues. However, if you have limited space to work with, the multi-flower growths of the slender stems still allow for a radiant burst of color in tight spaces.  Blooms of them are typically 5 inches in diameter, with a central disc spreading out to about one inch in diameter.  What Are the Benefits of Them?  They can add a gilded, regal quality to your outdoor spaces, but that's not all they bring. Take a look at the following reasons why people love to grow these plants:  They Support the Local Nectar Bee Population - Bees flock to them because they produce nectar. Moreover, it produces nectar at a time of year when other perennials become barren. So, they are an excellent choice to keep bees returning to your garden late into the season. As if the inherent chroma of the flower weren't enough, it also attracts colorful, nectar butterflies.  Late Blooming- Many add them to their gardens because they bloom into late fall. This unique blooming span makes this flower ideal for maintaining color throughout the year.  Very Tolerant—While it prefers dry to moist soils, it can tolerate many conditions. It's not uncommon for this plant to thrive in loamy or limestone-rich soil. Great for Bird Lovers- The fertile florets of the flower produce seeds late into the season, which attract a wide variety of birds. The flower is a no-brainer if you are an avid bird-watcher or enjoy providing a haven for avian wildlife.  If you need to become more familiar with this perennial, you may have questions about how to grow and maintain them. So, let's address some common questions about this rewarding flower.  Do They Come Back Every Year?  Another way it distinguishes itself from other sunflowers is that it's a perennial—many sunflowers are annuals. It is supported by a hardy rhizome that will produce new growth yearly.  How Tall Do Maximilian Sunflowers Get? They are known for their stature, reaching up to 10 feet. Its blooms stretch more or less upright toward the sky, giving them a stately appeal that contrasts nicely with flowers and plants that grow closer to the ground.  How Do You Plant them?  It needs between 6 and 8 hours of sun per day. Sow the seeds directly into the soil at about half an inch depth. Seeds should be planted in spring. Be sure to leave between 18 and 24 inches between each plant to allow the root system to grow correctly and avoid crowding. Do You Need to Deadhead Them?  Deadheading will keep blooms coming back and keep the plant looking clean. It would help if you deadheaded dying flowers as they appear. Deadheading will also stymie seed production to avoid spreading to other parts of your garden.  Should You Support the Stem of the Maximilian Sunflower They can grow to be very tall. Their stems are naturally skinny, so you may need to support them with stakes. If you see the plant start to bend or sag, or if you live in an area that experiences high winds, helping the stems with stakes may be necessary. Overly rich soil may also promote hardy blooms with weak stems. If you notice that yours are arching before they bloom, you may need to amend the soil to make it less fertile.  TN Nursery is your source for many native species, from lush ferns to pollinating perennials. We ship nursery-nourished plants that can go straight into your soil right to your door. There is no hassle, and with our one-year guarantee, there is no risk. Place an order for your favorite plants today!

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Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily has trumpet-shaped orange flowers that form dense clusters atop slender stems. It is a vibrant and versatile flowering plant with numerous landscaping benefits. Its striking appearance, adaptability, and low-maintenance qualities make it famous for various garden designs. These benefits contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of outdoor spaces. The plant provides a vertical element that adds dimension and depth to garden compositions. The vibrant blooms add color to landscapes, creating eye-catching focal points instantly attracting attention. They are flowering perennial bulbs that are named for the day-long lifespan of their blossoms. Europeans brought this carefree ornamental daily to North America in the 1800s, which has remained popular ever since. Orange Daylily Native Habitat Native to China and Japan, Hemerocallis fulva is naturalized in Europe and throughout much of North America. It grows naturally in thickets, along woodland borders, and in fields, meadows, and floodplains. When left unchecked, the plants tend to spread. They typically bloom in July and August and come back year after year. Appearance Of Orange Daylily Hemerocallis fulva has showy, bright-orange flowers that bloom in clusters at the top of two-to-three-foot-tall branched stalks. The four-to-six-inch-diameter blossoms open individually, revealing three flared petals and three slightly smaller sepals shaded with red or gold. The plants grow in clumps, with straplike foliage that emerges from just above the soil. These narrow, bright green leaves grow up to three feet long and arch toward the ground, creating a mounded look. If you want to add bold, breezy color to your lawn during the height of summer, planting Hemerocallis fulva in clumps or along the edges of your property border can do the trick. This flower looks brilliant when planted in mass over larger areas and is wonderfully suited to informal meadows and hillside landscapes. It's also well-suited to smaller butterfly and pollinator gardens. After the blooming season, the plant's pretty green leaves will continue to add texture to your yard and can even make a serviceable ground cover. You can quickly propagate daylilies by dividing and replanting them in the spring or fall. Ecology Of Orange Daylily In North America, Orange Daylily can be a food source for pollinators. The flowers provide nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds, and small bees may collect pollen from their anthers. In springtime, white-tailed deer and rabbits may enjoy eating the plant's leaves when they are young and tender. When you want to celebrate the summer sunshine, planting Hemerocallis fulva is a great way to draw the eye and brighten your day.

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Showy Pink Primrose

Showy Pink Primrose

The Showy Pink Primrose is a unique garden perennial treasure. The plant's blooms start opening up and displaying in the afternoon. This makes it a highly sought-after and prized plant that many homeowners want in their flowering beds and gardens. Showy Pink Primrose Is a Flower Garden Pastel Blooming Favorite Perennial  The Showy Pink Primrose—also commonly referred to as the evening primrose, pink ladies' primrose, pink evening primrose, or Mexican primrose—is a perennial flower known for its delicate pink hues and finely textured petals. If you are looking to add some soft color to your garden, this is an excellent flower to plant.  Details of the Showy Pink Primrose Plant What Does Pink Showy Primrose Look Like? Pink Showy Primrose adds a soft elegance to outdoor spaces. The middle of the pedals are typically white but gradually turn into a coral pink towards the edges of the petals. Occasionally, the color can intensify to a dark pink. From afar, petals' white and pink colors can look almost purplish. The Pink Showy Primrose develops long throats and stamens stretching from the flower's center. The buds nod to give the flower a lazy, practically laidback appeal. The central part of the flower, starting at the stamen, has a contrasting yellow coloration. Still, these colors are never jostling busily for position.  Instead, the pastel profile of the tinges complements each other very well. In a garden, the plant works well against dark green backdrops or as accent pieces to flowers with brighter colors. It typically grows upright and can reach heights of two feet off the soil line. Occasionally, the plant can sprawl out to provide more ground coverage. Each flower produces four solitary petals joined at the plant's axils. They are finely textured with wavy edges, reminiscent of fine paper mache.  The petals are very dainty, keeping with the frilly, playful theme of the understated colors. Don't get the wrong impression, though. The plant is quite hardy, even as the Pink Showy Primrose petals look tender. The plant produces a sturdy stem with stout, lance-shaped green leaves. The plant leaves can grow to about 4 inches long. In the autumn, you may notice that some green leaves tan reddish. The flowers themselves can reach about 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter.  Advantages of Showy Pink Primrose  Aside from their soft elegance, the Pink Showy Primrose can be put to advantageous use in your outdoor areas.  This flower is sometimes called an evening primrose because it blooms at night in most Northern climates. Around dusk, it emits a floral fragrance that is as irresistible to the nose as its beauty is to the eyes.  The plant is famous for landscapers and home gardeners who want to cover unpopulated open areas. It colonizes (spreads) very quickly in most solid conditions so long as it isn't too loamy, sandy, or rocky. So, if you have a bare section of your yard that can use some natural color, primrose is a great option.  Hardy Plants - Despite the elegant appearance of their flowers, the Showy Pink Primrose is very Hardy  While they prefer moderately moist soil, they can thrive in dry soil as long as it is well-drained. They are also surprisingly drought—and heat-resistant. Most people find that once the plant is firmly established, it is very durable, which makes it an attractive, low-maintenance option.  It Attracts Birds   The Pink Showy Primrose produces nectars attracting lilting songbirds to your garden and outdoor areas. And you don't have to worry about deer eating these flowers because the Pink Showy Primrose is highly deer-resistant. It's a Great Autumn Flower - The Pink Showy Primrose is an excellent solution to maintain upbeat colors well into the fall months. In most climates, the Pink Showy Primrose prefers cooler temperatures. This means that they are likely to bloom through October. This is also a great flower to add to your garden if most of your current flowers typically bloom in the summer. This way, you can have vibrant colors all year round. Showy Pink  Primrose F.A.Q.s Does the Showy Pink Primrose adequately tantalize them? If so, take a look at some vital information about this flower.  How Do You Take Care of Pink Showy Primrose? The Pink Showy Primrose should be planted in dry to moist, well-drained soil in a spot with lots of full sun. During the first growing season, it's best to give the Pink Showy Primrose regular water, which you can then taper off once it is established. Deadheading the Pink Showy Primrose is not necessary, but you can safely remove old blossoms as they appear. Is Pink Showy Primrose A Perennial? Yes. The Pink Showy Primrose is a native plant originating in the Southern US and spreading to the Midwest and parts of Northern Mexico. Its perennial nature makes it ideal for people with little gardening experience. Does Pink Showy Primrose Bloom All Summer? In most conditions, the blooms go dormant in the summer as it prefers cooler temperatures. Again, this makes it a good choice for maintaining color in your garden during autumn. However, some gardeners have avoided the Primrose's summer dormancy by simply not watering it too often in the spring. Add Graceful Color to Your Garden The Pink Showy Primrose is a simple and effective way to add subdued yet attractive color to your garden and outdoor areas. Here at T.N. Nursery, we can provide quality plants with robust root systems ready to plant immediately. Pair the Pink Showy Primrose with the Yellow Primrose for an irresistible tandem of exploding color. Place your order and have your plants delivered right to your door! Pink Evening Primrose Has Stunning Blooms The delicate, charming pink blossoms are adorned with green foliage that accents the plant nicely. The blooms grow in clusters with five petals and can range from a pal pink to deeper shades of pink, depending on the soil's pH. Pink Evening Primrose Is A Desirable Plant Pink Evening Primrose offers a delicate ruffled edge on the blooms and reaches an average height of nearly 20 inches at maturity, making it a highly desirable plant for landscaping. It accents borders, containers, or rock gardens very well and has a mild and sweet fragrance. Pink Evening Primrose Last From Spring Till Fall Being a Spring and Fall bloomer also makes this a beautiful plant for those who enjoy blooms in both seasons and those who want a plant with a long blooming period.

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Stella De Oro Daylily

Stella De Oro Daylily

Stella De Oro Daylily is a popular perennial plant known for its prolific golden-yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers and long blooming period, making it a favorite in gardens and landscapes. As a part of the genus Hemerocallis, this flower is native to Asia. Despite its name, it is not a true lily. A true lily grows on tall stems and has flowers at the top of the stem. This flower has short stems and produces a large fountain of foliage at the base of the plant. Stella De Oro Daylily Is A Golden Beauty When this flower blooms, it fills your yard with a golden, sunny brilliance. Typically, the flowers will start blooming in late May. While orange flowers were the original version of this flower, more than 20 species and 20,000 hybrids are available today. This particular version is popular because of its famous yellow petals. It initially blooms in late spring and then blooms a second time in late fall. Once the first frost arrives, the flowers will disappear. Stella De Oro Daylily Bulbs Reproduce on Their Own Because it is a perennial, you don’t have to replant this flower each year. Instead, it uses fleshy, thickened roots and rhizomes for reproduction. Stolons from the rhizome help the plant spread out over time. The flower’s root system can hold water and nutrients, so these hardy plants can prevail out of the soil for weeks. Stella De Oro Daylily Has Verdant Leaves Stella De Oro Daylily are unique because of the way they grow. Grass-like leaves are produced at the bottom of the plant, which is one of the most significant differences between this flower and a true lily. These arching leaves are surprisingly long, so they look like blades of grass. This mounded foliage thrives, which is excellent for filling up space in a garden bed. Because Stella De Oro Daylily is known for reblooming, you will see it in home gardens and commercial landscapes. Thanks to its no-fuss attitude, it is also trendy in median strips along highways. Its fleshy roots allow it to be exceptionally hardy because it can always draw on the nutrients in the roots when there aren’t nutrients in its natural environment. Whether you want a hardy plant or a lovely flower, this perennial will surely please.

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Creeping Buttercup

Creeping Buttercup

Creeping Buttercup is a low-growing, perennial weed with bright yellow, glossy flowers and climbing stems, making it a favorite for low-maintenance landscaping. This versatile perennial herb, native to Europe and Asia, has attractive characteristics that make it a valuable addition to various garden settings. The creeping buttercup is a stunning perennial that introduces a whimsical look to your gardens. Because of its hardiness and adaptability, the plant, which is also called the sit fast and the crowfoot, grows wild in vast areas from northern Africa to Europe and Asia. Because of its impressive traits and aesthetics, it has been incorporated into yards far outside these areas. What can you expect when you add this plant to your landscape? Bright Golden Flowers Of The Creeping Buttercup This plant produces small, delicate flowers in the spring and summer seasons. When conditions are suitable, the flowers may also last through the early autumn months. The flowers grow up to 1.25 inches and show off golden petals, creating a pop of color that makes them a welcome addition to gardens and yards. The flowers grow on dense, sturdy, lightly grooved stems, adding character to their design. The yellow flowers are fragrant and glossy with substantial amounts of pollen. These traits attract abundant pollinators to the environment, including flies, bees, and fluttering butterflies. These pollinators promote the health of other plants that rely on them as part of their reproductive processes. In addition, the pollinators attracted by the pollinators bring different types of wildlife to your yard, including birds and leafhoppers. Fast Growth Of The Creeping Buttercup This plant can deliver results quickly in areas of your yard that desperately need vegetation and color. It proliferates by shooting off a dense, fast-growing network of runners and roots. In many yards, moist areas can be void of vegetation and detract from the otherwise lovely aesthetics of the space. However, this plant thrives in wet soils, making it suitable for filling moist areas with green and yellow hues. Light Reflection from The Creeping Buttercup The glossy petals naturally reflect light, creating a stunning, radiant look in your space. The flowers' reflection also supports the plant's reproductive process and aids in attracting wildlife to the space.

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Yellow Coneflower

Yellow Coneflower

Yellow Coneflower is a native perennial wildflower with striking, golden daisy-like flowers and a central cone. It attracts pollinators and adds bright color to prairies and gardens. It is a delightful addition to any landscape and offers numerous attributes that make it popular among gardeners. These plants, which also produce achenes fruit, can grow up to three feet tall and have rough stems and leaves. A single flowerhead grows on an unbranched stem from the plant's base leaves. Each flower can have up to 13 drooping golden petals that are 1½–3½ inches long and have notched ends. As they dry, the fruits within their bur-like dome-shaped heads become black. Enjoy a Long Blooming Period With The Yellow Coneflower A long flowering season is excellent for coordinating plant combinations and flower arrangements. Yellow Coneflower blooms for one to two months, beginning early and ending in late summer. As the blooming season progresses, the plant's cone-shaped green core eventually becomes a deep purple or brown. Remember that most of these flowers will fully bloom in their second or third year of growth. These plants' fruit usually develops in late summer or fall. The achenes can display four little teeth at their tips, giving them an oblong-angular form. Lure Pollinators And Birds With Yellow Coneflower These plants are a great addition to any garden since they draw pollinators and birds. Birds love the seeds from the flower's cone-shaped core, and bees and butterflies also visit the blossom. From a design perspective, the cone-shaped seed heads with their sharp points make them a one-of-a-kind architectural feature. Create Beautiful Textured Gardens With Yellow Coneflower The textured leaves of Yellow Coneflower, also known as perennial black-eyed Susans, provide movement and contrast to any garden. These plants stand out because of their large, glossy leaves resembling cabbage leaves. You can use the textured foliage to increase the visual appeal of your yard. Their greenery is an excellent addition to naturalized areas, rain gardens, and gardens.

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Periwinkle Plant

Periwinkle Plant

Periwinkle is a perennial vine and a low-growing, evergreen ground cover plant with glossy green leaves and small, violet-blue flowers. It is often used to fill in garden spaces and control erosion. Incorporating it into landscaping offers many benefits that add beauty and functionality to outdoor spaces. This versatile ground cover brings lushness, adaptability, erosion control, low-maintenance care, and soft elegance to garden settings. Periwinkle - Vinca minor is famous for its blue flowers, and this flower is an excellent groundcover. Unlike some groundcovers, it proliferates without becoming invasive. Because of this, many home gardeners and landscape designers like to add this cheery flower to their landscape. Periwinkle Plant Has Many Names It initially originated in central and southern Europe. Classified as a part of the dogbane family, this flower quickly spread to the Baltic States, the Netherlands, and the Caucasus. Today, it is grown around the world as a groundcover. Sometimes, people may refer to this groundcover by other common names, like creeping myrtle or myrtle. Periwinkle Plant Helps With Soil Erosion  Periwinkle Plant is truly a gardener’s delight. Its strong roots help to control soil erosion, and its trailing vines are full of glossy leaves. Because deer don’t usually like it, you don’t have to worry about it disappearing. Plus, it can handle some foot traffic, so it doesn’t get trampled easily. Because it is considered an evergreen, it will keep its glossy, green leaves in the winter. After you plant it, the vines will gradually spread over neighboring areas. While it mainly grows along the ground, this vine can sometimes get up to 16 inches tall. Unlike other vines, it never climbs or twines around trees or walls. Instead, you can enjoy having it as a permanent ground cover in your garden. The Periwinkle Plant Flowers Are Sure to Impress The most notable part of this vine is its flowers. They are typically created between early spring and the middle of summer. Sometimes, you will still notice a few flowers in autumn. All of the flowers have a violet-purple shade and a five-lobed corolla. On some species, you can even find white and pale purple flowers. With Periwinkle Plant, you will have an evergreen mat in your garden beds throughout the year. The flowers remain for many of spring and summer so that you can appreciate bright blue pops. Thanks to its rapid growth, you don’t have to wait long to see this lovely vine fill empty areas in your yard.

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Brown Eyed Susan

Brown Eyed Susan

Brown-eyed Susan has bright yellow flowers that act as a beacon for bees, butterflies, and other insects, providing them with a valuable source of nectar and pollen. It is a vibrant and versatile perennial plant with numerous landscaping benefits. Its charming golden-yellow blooms with dark brown centers make it a delightful addition to gardens, natural areas, and urban landscapes. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it contributes to the overall health and sustainability of the environment. Brown-Eyed Susans Has Tons Of Blooms With vibrant yellow flowers, Brown Eyed Susans are in full bloom and easy to spot. Formally known as rudbeckia triloba, these flowers feature plush center disks that are a deep brown purple. These fuzzy centers gradually fade to brown and are surrounded by six to 12 bright yellow rays. The result is a daisy-like flower measuring one to two inches across. Each plant boasts several blooms. Large, healthy plants can display six or more blooms simultaneously. The stems supporting these vivid blooms are reddish, coarse, and densely branching. Upright and prone to clumping, they range in height from two to five feet. The stems have fine white hairs along their upper half and are trimmed with green leaves. The leaves can differ in size and formation. Those at the top tend to be smaller and more straightforward. Why You Need Brown-Eyed Susan's How do you decide if you want them? Both are gorgeous coneflowers that can add a lively splash of yellow to your landscape. However, there are distinct differences. They have smaller flowers with fewer petals. They also have a more abundant output of flowers. In addition, they tend to bloom for a more extended period. Brown Eyed Susan Will Reproduce Easily  They are classified as either perennial or biennial, and Brown Eyed Susan will often self-seed and self-pollinate. They bloom beautifully from the middle of summer through the first frost, so you can usually spot their cheery yellow flowers from July through October. Gardeners who want to create an informal look or naturalize an area favor cut flowers, which are frequently found in borders and mass plantings. Cut flowers attract bees, butterflies, and birds, making them an excellent choice for landscapers who want to draw pollinators. Cut flowers are gorgeous, so they’re often popular with growers who enjoy creating floral arrangements.

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Annual Phlox

Annual Phlox

Annual Phlox blooms in spring, summer, and fall, making this perennial so popular. It also has a long blooming season in the fall and stays blooming for weeks. This delightful flowering plant brings robust color and charm to any landscaping project. As an annual plant, it completes its life cycle within a single growing season, but its attributes make it a popular choice for gardeners year after year. Let's explore why this annual is a fantastic addition to your landscape. Phlox provides color shades of pink, purple, red, white, and even bi-color combinations. Annual Phlox Provides Stunning Flowers It is a favorite among gardeners who love show-stopping blossoms. This plant is known for producing massive clusters of flowers in spring and summer. The plant features small, flat blooms that burst out of the top of the plant. The flowers always have five petals with rounded or slightly pointed tips, so their shape is similar to a star. During peak blooming season, a plant can quickly produce hundreds of blossoms. TN Nursery Offers Vibrant Colored Annual Phlox Annual Phlox blossoms come in a wide range of different colors. Depending on the variant you select, they can be red, purple, white, pink, or blue. Blooms can range from soft, pastel shades of blush pink and lavender to bright, eye-catching shades of magenta and crimson. Many types have variegated blooms that create awe-inspiring visuals. Some standard options include royal purple flowers with white centers or pink with red centers. Gorgeous Greenery & Delicate Blooms Of The Annual Phlox Though they are mostly known for its flowers, it continues to make a statement even when it's not blooming. Before and after it blossoms, the plant has a graceful look that accentuates any property. It grows in clusters of around six to 20 inches tall. The vertical stalks have a pleasantly even look with regular rows of leaves. The leaves typically have an elongated, teardrop shape with small ripples down the center of each leaf. In most cases, they're a medium green shade, but some variants may have silvery green leaves. The upright spikes of the plants add plenty of visual appeal to any location. Annual Phlox creates dense carpets of flowers that work well for landscapers. Some people like to plant them as fillers in flower beds, and others want to arrange the plants into low shrubs or borders. The versatile colors make coordinating yours with your other plants and decor easy. It's also a popular groundcover form for people who prefer more informal arrangements. A sweeping blanket of them in the spring or summer creates a charming backdrop, and its bright colors work well in wildflower gardens.

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10 Hummingbird Plants

10 Hummingbird Plants

Pollinating plants like hummingbirds are an excellent way to introduce biodiversity to your garden. TN Nursery's deal on ten hummingbird plants is a starter kit for attracting these birds and spreading your garden.  The affordable pricing of this plant set and fast shipping means more hummingbirds in your yard sooner. Hummingbird Plants Are Easy To Grow The 10 hummingbird plants package will imbue your garden with beauty. If you're still trying to convince, here are some great reasons to grow them. Low-maintenance: Many hummingbird-attractant plants require little effort on your part, especially the trumpet flower. This easy-to-grow plant will sprout beautiful flowers birds find irresistible. Grow your pollinator quotient: Once your pollinating plants begin growing, you will see more than hummingbirds. Bees, butterflies, flies, moths, and other pollinators will arrive to share pollen and spread your garden’s greenery Exceptional variety: Many plants will attract hummingbirds, from ivy to flowering trees. TN Nursery stocks more of what you need to grow your garden how you like it. The Wonder of Nectar-Filled Hummingbird Plants  It's a treat to see hummingbirds flitting about your garden and watching as they rely on your plants’ nectar for sustenance. Better yet, many hummingbird plants are so beautiful in their own right that you'll 'appreciate them even when the birds aren't there. For example, the coneflower plant is a perennial with flowers like daisies but in alluring purple. Hummingbirds will feed in the conical middle. Trumpet vines contain nectar deep in their red, trumpet-like flowers, while Virginia bluebells have a similar shape but a periwinkle exterior. The Lily of the valley hangs dramatically upside down, and its bell-shaped white flowers feature scalloped edges. Cardinal flowers, known as lobelias, are colorful and an excellent food source for hummingbirds. Even unconventional plants, like lily pads or blazing stars, can attract hummingbirds. Why Shop for Hummingbird Plants at TN Nursery? TN Nursery's team of experts handpicks the ten hummingbird plants included in this collection. They're varied enough to provide a unique, enjoyable growing experience that will lure in more pollinators. Since 1959, we've provided customers with all the plants their garden needs. We pride ourselves on our low prices (provided through grower-direct plants) and long-term, year-long 100% guarantees on quality. With our many deals, you can save on vines, ferns, perennials, shrubs, trees, flowers, and plants. You can often buy one, get one free to increase the number of pollinators your yard attracts. We also provide fast shipping. Best Selling Pollinating Plants at TN Nursery Coneflower Milkweed Black Eyed Susan

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Tall Phlox

Tall Phlox

Tall Phlox is a perennial plant valued for its upright growth habit, showy clusters of fragrant, colorful flowers, and attractiveness to pollinators. It is a popular choice in gardens and borders and is often used in landscaping for its numerous benefits. Here are some advantages of incorporating them into your landscape design. Known for its vibrant colors, this flower is a popular addition to many home gardens. Native to North America, this stunning plant can grow in many different environments. Your garden can liven up flower beds and walkway borders during the warmer months of the year. Enjoy Tall Phlox in Your Flower Beds As a perennial, this stunning plant will return year after year. Known as a favorite among beginning gardeners, this flower can be used in many parts of your garden. You can find this flower in landscapes and along slopes. It is often tucked into garden beds. While it is famous as a landscape plant, many people also grow it for its potential as a cut flower. Discover Green Leaves and Fragrant Flowers With Tall Phlox Because of its growth habits, you never struggle to see them. This upright flower typically grows about 3 feet in height. If you need a shorter option for your gardening beds, some cultivars grow only 2 feet tall. Beloved by pollinators, it is a common addition to butterfly and hummingbird gardens. Once the flowers start blooming, you can enjoy having them throughout the summer. Tall Phlox Come In A Rainbow of Colors You don’t have to limit yourself to just one when picking a color. Depending on the cultivar, you can find Tall Phlox in just about any shade you can think of. While it is trendy in shades of blue and purple, it can also be found in pink, orange, and white hues. Besides its stunning flowers, Tall Phlox is also recognizable because of its dark green foliage. When the fragrant florets arrive, they form flower heads that are about 5 to 6 inches in size. If you are short on space, these flowers can grow well in planters. Whether you want to include them in your flower beds or a container garden, there are many ways to incorporate this stunningly beautiful flower into your garden.

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Siberian Iris

Siberian Iris

Siberian Iris is a hardy purple and white blooming perennial plant known for its elegant, slender, and vibrant flowers. It is a popular choice for garden borders and water features. It is a versatile and captivating addition to landscaping projects, offering many benefits beyond any potential herbal uses. This perennial flowering plant brings aesthetic and functional advantages to outdoor spaces, making it a popular choice among landscape designers. The Siberian iris, also known as the iris sibirica and the Siberia flag, is a stunning addition to your flower garden. These memorable plants are recognized for their coloring and pleasant smell, which can be compared to that of violets and freesias. Incorporating them into your landscaping comes with several impressive benefits related to their beauty, significance, and functionality in and out of the home. Siberian Iris Has Gorgeous Flowers This easy-to-grow plant features long, bluish-green leaves along with bluish-purple flowers. The flowers have long, draping petals that perfectly contrast the slender, pointed leaves. The inner portion of the petals is fascinating, with a combination of yellow, white, and brown elements arranged in a lovely pattern. Numerous blooms grow on each plant seasonally, adding a vibrant, eye-catching hue to enjoy in your garden throughout spring. Siberian Iris Offers Home Decor They are also the perfect addition to your home decor. Their healthy, strong stems make them ideal for cutting at the bud stage through the flowering stage and adding to a tall vase. Their smooth fragrance and lovely coloring add a unique charm to your home and are perfect for use as a seasonal focal point. Siberian Iris Is Notable in Culture Siberian Iris is named after the rainbow goddess in Greek mythology, which is an apt name given its vivid and fascinating petals. For centuries, royalty have used them to symbolize their families' significance in countries worldwide. In addition, the French fleur-do-lis symbol is derived from this flower. Because of these cultural significances, they add a regal touch to your yard. While many species have distinctive characteristics you can add to your landscaping; this species stands out with its unique coloring and other traits. The plant grows in clumps that stand up to two feet tall at maturity and can grow up to 20 flowers per plant. Because of their characteristics, the plants make a great addition as a property line division and a flower garden border.

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Echinacea Plant

Echinacea Plant

The echinacea plant is a famous Spring and Summer blooming pollinator perennial. It's also known as the Purple Coneflower Plant. At maturity, it can grow from 1 to 3 feet in height and serves as a master of the flower garden to attract monarchs, goldfinches, and all types of pollinators and birds. Monarchs flock to these plants at TN Nursery. Go to YouTube and search "TN Nursery Monarchs on Coneflower Plants" to see all the videos Tammy puts on YouTube to prove they flock to them. This is our best-seller perennial, and for a good reason; look at the videos, the proof's here! Echinacea Plant Blooms Light-Dark Purple Echinacea plants are beautiful native perennial flowers with super sturdy stems holding the flowers in place. They have daisy-shaped blooms but are dark purple and very colorful in a sun garden. Depending on the pH of your soil, the blooms range from pale purple to deep purple when the pH is balanced.  Echinacea Plant Has Unique Foliage  This perennial has lanced-shaped leaves and blooms, and they vary in size, often ranging from medium height to larger, making them unfit. They are also a favorite in flower beds and gardens alike. There are other species of coneflowers, known as cultivars. The yellow varieties are well-accented. The Echinacea Plant Does Well In Dry Areas  Echinacea plants prefer the sun and a good drainage area. The spreading petals offer the flower a disc-like appearance, often used in many upscale landscaping designs and schemes. These long-blooming perennials rebloom every spring, offering years of enjoyment in the garden.  They can also thrive in partial shade. Being one of the top pollinator flowers, this is deficient maintenance and easy to care for. It's a wildflower native to the Eastern United States, and some of the D.O.T.s have planted it in interstate mediums to restore the monarch's extinction. They are highly sustainable flowers that you will never tire of due to their ability to ward off pests and diseases, making them highly desirable. TN Nurseries' Absolute Best Selling Plant Of All Times

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15 Monarch Pollinator Plants

15 Monarch Pollinator Plants

This Monarch Pollinator Plants package is a fantastic way to create a butterfly-friendly garden and attract beautiful monarch butterflies to your space. Among the various plants included in the package, the Trumpet Vine, Milkweed, and Jewelweed stand out for their remarkable attributes, making them essential for any butterfly enthusiast. Create a Stunning Meadow With Pollinator Plants Adding 15 monarch pollinator plants to your yard is a great way to create a small wildflower meadow. Some milkweed species have robust, monoecious flowers with a maximum height of three feet. Other variants include vines with long, twining stems. Zinnias can take several forms, including daisy, cactus, and dahlia shapes. They come in various colors, including white, yellow, orange, red, and pink, and they feature vibrant, solitary flowerheads on an upright stem. A coneflower's delicate petals can be any pink, purple, or white shade. Modern coneflowers are available in a rainbow of hues, including orange, green, peach, and coral; they can be single or double-bloomed. Design a Striking Butterfly Heaven With Pollinator Plants They benefit butterfly gardens in various ways. They provide butterflies with food and shelter while the butterflies themselves spread pollen, allowing them to multiply. Some popular flowers that work well in butterfly gardens include verbenas, blazing stars, marigolds, and goldenrods. Planting 15 of them in a cluster will create exquisite havens for butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. Build a Colorful Woodland Edge With Pollinator Plants A natural ecotone is the gradual change from open to wooded regions; planting flowers that attract butterflies in these areas can help make the transition seem more natural. The habitats the flowers create are optimal for many other kinds of animals, including birds and bees. A few of the most common flowers that work well as woodland edges include barrenworts, hostas, and toad lilies. The attractive blossoms these flowers create add a unique appeal to yards with wooded areas. Enhance your gardens with Monarch Pollinator Plants and nectar flowers to turn them into butterfly waystations. You can even arrange other flowers in an outer ring around the milkweed to create an exciting design. It's best to grow a range of nectar flowers that blossom in the spring, summer, and autumn; these can be annuals, biennials, or perennials. Include a minimum of ten of them, preferably of diverse types, to provide a healthy food supply for the butterflies and their larvae.

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Ranunculus Repens

Ranunculus Repens

Ranunculus repens, commonly known as creeping buttercup, is a low-growing, perennial herbaceous plant with bright yellow, glossy flowers and deeply lobed leaves. It is a flowering perennial plant that can offer various landscaping benefits. Its deep golden flowers and lush green foliage make it a favored option for adding graphic appeal to gardens, lawns, and outdoor spaces. While Ranunculus Repens is often sold by its scientific name, many gardeners know this beautiful flower called creeping buttercup. Initially, this yellow flower was native to Europe, northwestern Africa, and Asia. Because of its incredible beauty, it has gradually spread to home gardens throughout the world. The Golden Flowers Of Ranunculus Repens One of the biggest reasons gardens love it is its golden flower. The glossy petals are popular among pollinators, so these flowers are excellent for a butterfly or hummingbird garden. Because bees are so important in local environments, its ability to attract bees can help improve your garden's health. Ranunculus Repens Grows Nearly Anywhere Unlike some flowers, they will tolerate many different environments and ecosystems. It tends to prefer moist areas, so you are likelier to find it next to streams and ponds. However, you can find it in many locations because of its adaptability. Often, you will see them in riverbanks, meadows, and woodlands. Once this flower takes hold, it creeps along the ground, making a dense mat of gorgeous green leaves. Famous for its hardiness, this plant is also incredibly low maintenance. This flower is a favorite in garden beds thanks to its ease and adaptability. Ranunculus Repens Comes Back Every Year As a low-growing plant, this plant only grows 8 to 12 inches tall. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, so you don’t have to replant it yearly. Once the deep, lobed leaves develop, you can enjoy lush foliage for many months. Typically, gardeners incorporate this plant into their landscapes because it is good as a groundcover. This perennial can push weeds out because it can quickly fill up an empty space. Unlike more delicate flowers, it also competes well against existing weeds. With Ranunculus Repens, you can quickly transform a landscape design. The cheery flowers form a striking contrast with the plant’s verdant foliage. Thanks to its ground-covering ability, it can quickly take root in your home garden or professional landscape.

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Hairy Buttercup

Hairy Buttercup

Hairy Buttercup is a flowering perennial with bright yellow, buttercup-like flowers and leaves covered in fine, soft hairs. It adds charm to meadows and fields. This charming and versatile plant can bring wild beauty to landscaping projects. This annual or biennial herb is native to Europe and can offer several advantages when strategically incorporated into garden designs. Ranunculus sardous, commonly known as the Hairy Buttercup, is a charming herb that makes a beautiful addition to any yard or landscape. Its dense foliage makes it perfect for revitalizing abandoned spaces and infusing new life into old soil. The Ranunculaceae family of plants hail from the Canary Islands, North Africa, and Europe, but they are widely available and make outstanding contributions to rustic and contemporary landscapes. Hairy Buttercup Brings Peace And Joy Their dainty green leaves have an enchanting, almost mythical quality. They bring a sense of peace and joy wherever they are planted. Because they grow abundantly, this plant can help control weed growth and promote a healthier landscape. The tiny, hairy leaves from this plant's green stems make it a valuable and beautiful addition to home gardens. The bright yellow, five-petaled flowers that blossom during the spring bring a delightful burst of color that can easily complement existing blooms or add visual contrast to an earthy, green space. The plants add a sense of wild beauty and meadow-like charm to a landscape, making them an excellent option for somebody who likes to improve their garden's health while increasing its visual appeal. Hairy Buttercup works Well In Any Landscape. These annual or biennial herbs can work well in various landscapes, and they tend to reward their growers with abundant growth and foliage even with minimal intervention. They tend to thrive fast, creating a lush carpet of flowering blossoms that attract critical pollinators to support flower growth and a healthy ecosystem. Because they can fill a space without being overwhelmed, these wildflowers are excellent choices for those with ample space needing a solid ground cover. At the same time, the delicate appearance of the plants ensures that they do not overwhelm the surrounding landscape. Add Beauty to Your Garden With Hairy Buttercup Plating Hairy Buttercup in your garden allows you to add wonderous, natural beauty, texture, and visual interest with minimal effort. These energetic yet low-growing plants are quick to adapt to their new homes.

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Shasta Daisy

Shasta Daisy

Shasta daisy plants are the "he loves me, he loves me not" flower. They're prized for their vibrant yellow center and vibrant white petal blooms, making them one of Spring and Summer's most desired perennials in flower beds and gardens. The Latin name for this beauty is Leucanthemum x superbum. It's a classic perennial plant that is low-maintenance and thrives in a variety of soils. These plants are known for their large daisy blooms, with many layers of petals on each plant supported by one stalk. The plant reaches 36-44" inches in a garden.  Shasta Daisy Plant's Unique Characteristics  We've all seen them: flowers, perhaps on the side of the road or in a neighbor's front yard, with stunning white petals and centers as golden yellow as the setting sun. For good reason, the Shasta Daisy is one of the most iconic flowers in America (even though it didn't originate in America).  This sturdy, stout flower is as beautiful as it is vital - much like America. It's a lovely addition to any outdoor space, and in the following post, we will tell you everything you need to know about it.  Is the Shasta Daisy Plant Pretty?  From stem to stamen, the Shasta Daisy is a stunning flower partly because of the stark contrast of colors it creates. The central disk is filled with tiny stamens that become gilded when pollen is produced. The pollen gives this flower's center its iconic yellow burn. Layers of pure white daisy petals around the central stamen cluster grow with soft, textured surfaces. The petals resemble clean linens, giving this flower its pure, untainted aesthetic. When taken in tandem with the bright yellow hub, the leaves of the Shasta Daisy create a stunning contrast that has become synonymous with summer beauty and leisure. A single stem supports each flower, and the petals bloom upward initially and then spread out laterally. This creates a bright effect evocative of the rising morning sun and its alabaster rays. The stem is thin green and primarily grows upright, allowing the flower to become the focal point. The Shasta Daisy naturally grows in clumps but can be cultivated more orderly with some essential maintenance. The plants can grow to about 2-3 feet tall at maturity.  One of the things that attracts many home gardeners and professional landscapers to the Shasta Daisy is that the petals are as white as anything seen in the natural world. This can provide an excellent backdrop for more colorful flowers. It can also affect a classic, clean aesthetic as the star of your outdoor spaces. Shasta Daisy plants have even been used to accent the paint of commercial and residential properties.  The  Shasta Daisy is a gorgeous flower that can quickly become a garden or landscape's main point of interest Benefits of the Shasta Daisy Plant It's hard to think of a more iconic flower than the Shasta Daisy. But this perennial has more to offer than just good looks. Look at the following list of Shasta Daisy benefits to see what we mean: Excellent Bouquet Flowers - The Shasta Daisy is an essential flower in your garden if you like to make floral arrangements. As cut flowers, these daisies can last for a week or more, and the white coloration of their petals allows for a clean canvas to paint a blooming masterpiece.  Larger Than Other Daisy Species   Compared to flowers like the Oxeye Daisy and others, the Shasta Daisy is more significant. It blooms wider and has a larger central cluster of stamens. This can be an advantage for people who want as much color and coverage as possible from a daisy.  Can Daisy Perennials Be Planted in Various Soil Types? Yes, they can! Daisies often grow wild because they are naturally hardy flowers. The Shasta Daisy is no exception. It can thrive in various well-drained soil types and is highly disease and pest-resistant. So, no matter what kind of soil you are working with, you will likely be able to grow them.  Habitat-Friendly Shasta Daisy This lovely perennial plant produces pollen that attracts pollinators like bees and repels pests. It is an excellent choice for any gardening enthusiast who wants to help support their local bee population. Naturalized Plants The Shasta Daisy is the culmination of cross-breeding by the legendary botanist and horticulturist Luther Burbank. Burbank helped naturalize the Shasta Daisy, native to parts of Europe. Today, gardeners and landscapers can reap the benefits of Burbank's hard work by quickly planting and maintaining these beautiful perennials.  As a naturalized species, the Shasta Daisy only requires a little maintenance once the root system has been established. You can also quickly get it to colonize if you want more growth. Shasta Daisy Plant F.A.Q.s  Now let's look at some of the essential facts about the Shasta Daisy plant:   Where do Shasta Daisies Grow Best? A: The Shasta Daisy grows best in full sun with less nutrient-rich soil. The soil will likely have more foliage than actual blooms if it is rich.   What is the Difference Between A Daisy and a Shasta Daisy Plant?  Though nearly identical in appearance, the Shasta Daisy is essentially a larger version of the common daisy or the Oxeye daisy. Its blooms are more prominent, and the clusters can grow more extensive than those of Oxeye daisies.  Should You Cut Back Shasta Daisy? You can deadhead the Shasta Daisy to extend the blooming season. After the first frost, cut the stems to stand between 1 and 2 inches above the soil.   Do Shasta Daisies Last All Summer?  Yes. The typical bloom time for the Shasta Daisy is June to September. So these flowers can provide your garden with color all year long.  What Month Do You Plant Shasta Daisies? It will depend on how you are planting them. If you are using containers, planting the seeds in spring or autumn would be best. If you put the plant directly in the ground, early fall or spring would be best.  Getting the Most Value for Your Gardening Here at T.N. Nursery, we want to spread the joy of gardening to as many people as possible. That's why our plants are of premium quality. Order from us to get the most from your gardening efforts. This perennial is native to Europe but has since naturized itself in many parts of the United States. It thrives in full sun or filtered shade, and soil richness isn't a major issue with this flowering native due to its resilience and stability when planted in various soil types.  It Is a Hardy Native Perennial That Is Offered Here At TN Nursery It creates a dramatic effect and a gorgeous backdrop in all garden settings, such as flower beds and gardens. It thrives in well-drained soil. It's a hardy perennial plant that is disease—and pest-resistant and does well in various conditions.   

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15 Red White and Blue Bold Color Perennial Package - Chosen Perfectly For Your Zone

15 Red White and Blue Bold Color Perennial Package - Chosen Perfectly For Your Zone

Our Perennial Package provides a vibrant and eye-catching display that adds color throughout the seasons. These long-lasting plants return year after year, making them a valuable investment for gardeners looking to create a striking and colorful landscape. Pair bold-colored perennials that can be incorporated into gardens to achieve that desired burst of color. Get five plants of Bee Balm, Bugleweed, and Daffodils. All perennials are mature and blooming. Our Perennial Package Is The Best Seller Read on to discover some stunning options for your garden. Gaillardia (Blanket Flower: Gaillardia is a show-stopping perennial with fiery red, orange, and yellow daisy-like flowers. Its vibrant colors and long bloom time make it a perfect choice for adding color to your garden. Gaillardia is also drought-tolerant and attracts butterflies, making it beautiful and beneficial.  Echinacea (coneflower): Echinacea is a classic perennial known for its bold and striking blooms. This plant is a favorite among gardeners, available in bright pink, orange, and yellow colors. Its long-lasting flowers provide a colorful display from summer through fall. Shop Our Perennial Package Today At TN Nursery Salvia (sage): Salvia is a versatile perennial in many colors, including vibrant red, purple, and blue. Its tall spires of flowers add vertical interest to the garden, and its aromatic foliage is deer-resistant. Salvia is also a favorite of hummingbirds, adding a touch of beauty to your outdoor space. Delphinium: Delphiniums are well-known for their tall spikes of vibrant blue, purple, pink, and white flowers. These majestic perennials can reach impressive heights, creating a stunning focal point in the garden. Delphiniums prefer rich, well-draining soil and full sun to thrive. Coreopsis: Coreopsis is a cheerful perennial with bright yellow, orange, or red flowers. Its daisy-like blooms provide a burst of color and attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. Coreopsis is a low-maintenance plant that thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. Helenium (sneezeweed): Helenium is a striking perennial with red, orange, and yellow flowers. Its vibrant blooms resemble miniature sunflowers and can add a touch of warmth to any garden. Helenium is also a magnet for butterflies and other beneficial insects.  Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan): Rudbeckia is a popular perennial with golden yellow or orange flowers and a dark central cone. Its cheerful blooms appear from midsummer to fall, providing a burst of color during the late season. Rudbeckia is easy to grow and attracts butterflies and bees to the garden. Monarda (bee balm): Monarda is a showy perennial with red, pink, and purple flowers. Its aromatic foliage and tubular flowers make it a favorite of hummingbirds and butterflies. Enjoy the Perennial Package today. Monarda prefers moist soil and can tolerate partial shade. Penstemon: Penstemon is a diverse group of perennials that offer a wide range of colors, including red, purple, pink, and white. These trumpet-shaped flowers add vertical interest and attract hummingbirds to the garden. Penstemon prefers well-drained soil and full sun. Geranium: Geraniums, also known as cranesbills, are reliable perennials with various flower colors, including pink, purple, blue, and white. Their long blooming period and low maintenance requirements make them popular among gardeners. Buy the Perennial Package online at TN Nursery.

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Yellow Primrose

Yellow Primrose

Yellow Primroses are evening bloomers, making them an exotic perennial. The plant's lush green leaves accent the deep golden blooms, making it a garden favorite. These plants grow in large clumps and have multiple stems. The cluster is five-petal shaped, with blooms all down the stems. Yellow Primrose Is A Family's Favorite   The blooms resemble rosettes, and the hair leaves are 1-2 inches in diameter. These plants are native to Europe and North America, making them a unique and friendly family favorite for many who want something exotic and unique in the garden. It Is Very Hardy With The Soil And Sun  The Latin name for the Yellow Primrose is Primula Vulgaris. It is a prized perennial for many upscale European flower gardens. The plants can withstand full sun or partial shade and thrive in moist soil types but can grow well in various soils.  It Blooms in Two Seasons It blooms in the Summer and early Fall seasons, making it a long-blooming perennial favorite. The blooms sporadically bloom long into the Fall, even in cooler weather, especially in Tennessee. A Showy pink version also accents the golden well when plants are together. The most used areas for these beautiful Yellow Primrose are flower beds for borders or long rows to accent a veggie garden and offer blooms with other growing plants. People especially love these plants because they thrive near limestone, like rose bushes. They thrive almost anywhere near the rocks they are planted. The Yellow Primrose - also known as the Long-Tube Evening type, is a perennial plant that yields brilliant golden flowers and is excellent for bordering a flower bed. If you are looking at some gilded colors for your garden, read on as we tell you everything you need to know about them. Aesthetics of the Yellow Primrose The rugged stoutness of the plant belies the delicate flower that it yields. The plant stays close to the ground and can only grow about 18 inches from the soil. The stem produces green, hairy leaves that have jagged fringes. These leaves can grow about 6 inches long and about an inch in diameter.  A beautiful, elegant yellow flower with four cupped petals is atop the narrow stems. You would never think such a precious flower could grow from such a rugged plant, but this only adds to its mysterious appeal.  As a result, they have become a popular choice for people who want to maintain color in their gardens all day and night. They pair well with other flowering plants like the Showy Pink and can be a contrast point. The plant's petals have veins that branch out from the central hub and stretch to the extremities. The vein pattern provides an interesting counterpoint to the otherwise frilly texture and appearance of the flower.  They produce large flowers growing up to about 5 inches in diameter. They also produce a slight fragrance and wild stamens of particular interest to native bees. So, if you want to plant flowers that will make your garden hum with wildlife, this is an excellent option. This tow-headed plant is an excellent choice for floral arrangements as well. It proliferates in clumps, so it can be added to bouquets to set the canvas for more showy or sophisticated flowers. It stays low to the ground and can spread quickly, so it works well as a garden edger or accent piece in your vegetable garden.  In any capacity, this provides a stunning splash of golden color that resembles the sun's rays. Whether as a focal point or a complement to other plants, they add a unique and exotic flair to any landscape they adorn.  Are There Any Benefits to Planting Them?  There is more to them than just a pretty face. Take a look at some of the reasons you love cultivating this plant:  It Survives in Rocky Soil. One of the reasons it is so popular is that it is a stout plant. The roots can take hold in rocky soil, so even if your soil is limestone-rich, you can still add some rich color to it with them.  Blooms Twice A Year-They bloom twice a year in the summer and again in the fall.  They grow in clusters and are an excellent choice for quick and easy ground coverage. They grow in clusters that can spread to about two feet. The deep green and golden colors they produce are excellent for livening up drab areas of your garden.  Herbaceous: An herbaceous plant does not produce thorny, wooden stems, making it low-risk and easily removed if you need to reappropriate its planting space.  Easy to Once the root system has been established, it does not require a lot of attention. It requires only a medium amount of water and can grow in damp or dry soil. It grows near the ground and will not need any supportive staking.  Frequently Asked  Now let's take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about the plant:  Q: How Do You Care for Them?  A: They like full sun. The soil you plant them in can be rocky or even dry, so just make sure it is well-drained.  Q: When do They Bloom?  A: Their blooming seasons are summer and autumn. They bloom twice a year, which makes them a good choice for anyone who wants floral color in their garden most of the year.  Q: Do They Spread? A: They will self-seed if allowed to. They tend to grow in clumps that are about 2 feet wide. If you want them to be safe from spreading and colonizing other areas of your garden, be sure to deadhead them before they can produce seeds.  Q: Are They Easy to Grow?  A: Yes. They don't require a lot of water, and the root system can establish itself even if the soil is dry or rocky. People who have never grown flowers rarely have trouble seeing them through to bloom.  Start Growing Yellow Primrose  They represent an easy way to add a sunny, lemony color to your outdoor spaces. At TN Nursery, we can send a healthy Yellow Primrose plant right to your door, and you can plant it on the same day. Place an order and start enjoying more floral life in your garden.

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Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan

The vibrant Black Eyed Susan offers a long Summer and Fall blooming cycle, making it a favorite of all sun perennials. Its striking yellow petals resemble daisies, making it a garden favorite. It also attracts pollinators like butterflies, bees, and birds, making it an essential favorite in the garden. The black "eye" in the center of the deep yellow blooms is striking, making it a more exotic plant than most.   Black Eyed Susans Resilience and Growth At maturity, it grows to be 1-3 feet in height, and the spread is 1-2' wide. If you love growing plants that offer more than just beauty, always opt for native plants and wildflowers like the Black Eyed Susan. The Latin name is Rudbeckia Hirta, and for those without a green thumb or those wanting a resilient plant that blooms and can not be harmed easily, this is the plant for you! They Thrive In Sun These perennials thrive in full sun and well-drained soil and are low-maintenance native plants that live for decades. That's why TN Nursery loves natives; not only are they disease- and pest-resistant, but they are also low-maintenance and hardy. Wildflower gardens and beds are usually where homeowners like to plant rudbeckia plants. It is a vibrant and cheerful flowering plant native to North America, belonging to the genus Rudbeckia. Here's a description: Appearance: They are known for their striking appearance, featuring golden-yellow petals surrounding a dark brown center, giving them their "black-eyed" look. The petals are often daisy-like in shape, with a slightly drooping or upright habit depending on the variety. Size: These plants can vary depending on the species and cultivar, but they typically range from 1 to 3 feet in height and have a spread of about 1 to 2 feet. Blooming period: They typically bloom from midsummer to early fall, adding color to gardens and landscapes. Growing conditions: They thrive in full sun and well-drained soil, although they can tolerate various soil types, including clay and sandy soils. They are relatively low-maintenance plants and are drought-tolerant once established. Landscaping uses: They are famous for borders, mass plantings, wildflower gardens, and cottage gardens. They also attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, making them valuable additions to wildlife-friendly landscapes. They Have Stunning Blooms Overall, Black Eyed Susans are cherished for their beauty, resilience, and ability to brighten up any garden with their vibrant blooms. They have a flower pattern similar to daisies. However, their bright yellow petals and cone-shaped centers are a dead giveaway. This exceptionally cheery flower can survive less-than-perfect conditions, making it an excellent choice for dryer climates. Whatever your landscaping plans, read on to discover why they should be a part of them. The Aesthetic Appeal of the Black Eyed Susan  They are mostly known for their bright yellow petals, which are of a similar hue to common sunflowers. The petals reach the sky before splaying parallel and then downward to expose the unique cone-shaped center. This gives the blooms an expressive appearance that spreads color and life throughout any landscape they adorn. Another attractive feature is the stem length.  The plants can grow between one and three feet tall, with two feet being the average. The long stem supports a single flower, which allows the bloom to be the focal point of the entire plant. The plant leaves are mostly basal, so they stay low to the ground. So, the stem holds the flower high off the ground with no nearby leaves cluttering the visual appeal.  The green plant has blade-shaped alternate leaves that grow about 3 and 7 inches long. The leaves and the stem of the plant are covered in fine hairs. The flowers' diameter can vary between 1 ½" to 3" wide.  One of their most striking visual features is the intricate cone structure. The cone juts out from the bases of the petals and is flanked by tiny, sophisticated leaflets that reveal a bulging cluster of disc florets. As the flower's petals splay out, the tiny leaflets surrounding the cone similarly prostrate themselves - giving the bloom a concentric, ordered appeal.  In a garden, the gilded petals contrast to green ground cover plants and can handsomely complement flowers of various colors. Since they produce nectar that attracts pollinating insects and birds, they're an excellent option for drawing colorful wildlife and cultivating a bustling ecosystem in outdoor spaces.  Benefits of Them  They have become one of the most popular flowers in America for various reasons. Here are just a few of them: They Make Excellent Bouquet Flowers - Once cut, they can last for ten days or more. This makes them ideal for adding to your bouquet and other floral arrangements. Their bright yellow petals liven up outdoor and indoor areas and work well with purple, white, and red blooms.  They Produce Seeds - Pollinators like bees and butterflies seek out the flower's nectar. Once pollinated, the flower produces seeds that attract a variety of birds. So this is an excellent option if you want to attract more wildlife to your garden. They are also a staple among cultivators of butterfly gardens.  Easy Coverage: If given enough space, the plant can spread and provide excellent coverage of outdoor areas. Even as the stems support just one flower each, the plant can quickly colonize empty outdoor spaces.  Larval Hosts: Certain butterflies lay their eggs in them because the nectar sustains their larvae. Some of the species of butterfly that use them as larval hosts include the Silvery Checkerspot butterfly, the bordered patch butterfly, and the Gorgone Checkerspot butterfly.  Visual Appeal: Of course, many home gardeners enjoy the visual appeal of the flowers. The yellow petals and the dark centers (from which they derive their name) produce an attractive color scheme reminiscent of summer weather. Their golden-blazing palette also helps to illuminate dreary earth tones and liven up otherwise dull areas of gardens.  Mosquito Control: Lastly, they can help regulate the mosquito population in outdoor areas. The nectar and seeds of these flowers attract birds and dragonflies that feed on mosquitoes. Limiting mosquito exposure can also safeguard yourself and your loved ones from insect-borne illnesses.  If you are still on the fence as to whether the plant would be suitable for your gardening needs, take a look at the following list of common questions and their answers:  Do They Come Back Every Year?  The short answer is that they can. Depending on the growing conditions, they can be perennial, biennial, or annual; feed the plant with fertilizer or compost to encourage perennial growth. Deadheading will also keep the flowers healthy and proliferate new blooms.  When Should You Plant Them?  It would help if you planted yours in the spring or at the outset of autumn. Be sure to plant them where they will be exposed to full sun. Provide partial shade as the root system establishes to encourage longer blooming periods.  How Tall Do They Grow?  In general, the plant's long, skinny stems will lift the dazzling yellow flowers about 1-2 feet in the air. As always, the growing conditions will greatly affect how tall these plants grow and how wide they spread.  Sun or Shade? They thrive in full sun. You can also extend their bloom by giving them partial shade.  When Do They Bloom?  The plant tends to bloom from the early summer until just after the first frost of autumn.  Add Sunny Black-Eyed Susans to Your Garden At TN Nursery, we pride ourselves on making gardening fun and accessible for all. Our Black Eyed susans are easy to plant. Place your order today and breathe new life into your outdoor spaces.

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Want long blooming perennials instead of short-cycle plants? One of the saddest parts of being a gardener is when your fragrant, elegant flowers stop flowering. Many plants will bloom again next year but with a dormant period in between. They prolong the floral party, giving you a reason to smile.

TN Nursery stocks a fantastic selection of flowers that will maintain their luster, color, and aroma for a prolonged amount of time.

Long Blooming Perennials VS Annuals

The difference between them and annuals is fascinating. An annual plant will grow during its active season, usually between spring and autumn. As the weather gets colder, it freezes and dies off, only to return next year.

They do the same, but only the plant portion can be seen above the ground. Underground, its rootstock and base remain and regrow, allowing for readier flowering.

Most Favored Long Blooming Perennials

The team at TN Nursery is ready to assist you in finding the right ones for your garden. We stock many kinds that can withstand shade or sun and handle all sorts of planting zones. Here are some favorites.

  • Buttery milkweed: This plant brings more monarch butterflies to your garden. Besides that, it’s a fiery, dazzling bright orange.
  • Cardinal flower: Growing on tall stalks, the cardinal flower is an excellent plant for adding a touch of whimsy to your garden. Its flowers in bright red stand straight up.
  • Oxeye daisy: What bouquet doesn’t look better with daisies? Between the yellow middle and the white petals, the oxeye daisy is everything you want in a flower.
  • Tiger lily: Exotic and impossibly beautiful, tiger lilies have orange curled flowers with black speckles, explaining the name.
  • Blue flag iris: The periwinkle blue flag iris is the perfect shade between purple and blue. Nearer to the base, this flower has yellow patches with dramatic black lines, almost like veins.
  • Tulips: No long blooming perennials are rarely more favored than the tulip. Planting them from bulbs allows you to take in the colors they produce, including pink, purple, and red.

Get Quality Long Blooming Perennials at TN Nursery

TN Nursery stocks all the Long Blooming Perennials your heart desires, including packs of 15 to make your garden lush and colorful faster. We promise 100 percent quality on our plants for up to a year, and with nationwide fast shipping, you'll have your plants faster.

We've brought in thousands of customers since opening in the late 1950s who entrust their gardens to us for our high-quality and affordable pricing. We hope you'll join us.