The Benefits of Using Moss in Landscaping

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The Benefits of Using Moss In Landscaping

TN Nurseries best selling Moss

Cushion moss

Sheet moss

fern moss

Rock cap moss

Sphagnum moss

Mosses are small, flowerless plants that belong to the Musci class and Bryophyta division of plants. They can grow in shaded and damp areas, most commonly on rocks, tree bark, and water, between decorative rocks or brick, and on rooftops. In some cases, they can be found in deserts and the tundra. Most moss species grow to a maximum height of two inches or less, but a few will exceed four inches. The plants lack a traditional root system instead of using rhizoids to anchor themselves. Moss plants also lack seeds instead of using spore capsules for reproduction. While some consider moss a weed, others embrace it and actively work to include it in their landscaping endeavors. There are many benefits to using moss in landscaping projects.

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Moss Is Beautiful When Planted In Gardens

The simple, elegant beauty of moss offers several benefits when used in a garden setting. Garden moss grows in various vibrant shades of green, a color that has been shown to evoke feelings of serenity, hope, peace, and safety. Moss is an evergreen type of ground cover, so it will retain its green hue even if it lies dormant. However, dormant moss won't be as bright as live moss. Its timeless beauty is also used to add a feeling of age or stillness to a garden.

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Moss Is an Excellent Choice For Shady Areas

Moss requires a substantial amount of moisture to thrive, so it is an excellent choice to plant in shady areas, where moisture is retained more readily than in whole sun areas. It works well in areas where most other plants won't grow well because the ground is too damp, such as near water, under dense foliage, along hills or rocky cliffs. Moss can withstand partial sun, especially if exposed during the morning or evening, but it will not grow well in the direct afternoon sun.

Moss Plants Spread and Absorb Swampy Areas

Swampy areas are perfect places to grow moss. Slow-moving and stagnant water tends to become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Moss absorbs the excess moisture the mosquitoes need to reproduce, so the area becomes unappealing, and the mosquitoes will vacate the area. Stagnant water can also harbor bacteria, leading to other problems, such as fetid air or illness. Moss not only makes the area look cleaner, but it also will not smell foul or breed potential illness-causing bacteria. Since moss multiplies, these problems can be cleared up relatively quickly.Image result for moss landscaping ideas

Mosses Are Easy To Plant and Grow

One of the main benefits of using moss in landscaping projects is the simplicity of planting and growing it. To plant the most variety of moss:

  1. Clear the area of debris, then give the ground a superficial scratching to loosen the dirt.
  2. Dampen the ground and lay the moss out.
  3. Flatten into place. Once the plants are in place, they should be soaked thoroughly and kept moist for two to three weeks to ensure they thrive in their new location.

Once the garden moss thrives, it requires no mowing, fertilizing, pesticides, watering, or liming. If the moss is subjected to high temperatures or low rainfall, it will fall dormant yet remain green. Once the rain begins falling again, the plants will rebound within a matter of hours.

Overall Appearance of Moss Is Lush and Green

Live moss has an appearance that cannot be replicated by man or nature. In some climates, such as the Pacific Northwest, moss is used in place of grass to create a beautiful, velvety lawn. Even the most mundane piece of hardscaping can become lush and vibrant with moss growing on it. Whether used as ground cover in a large area of land, accents in a small flower bed, or as a decorative piece, the inclusion of moss in landscaping projects brings a beautiful sense of peace and serenity.

You can purchase moss today at TN Nursery

Carpet Moss - TN Nursery

Carpet Moss

Carpet Moss is a thick, dense, low-growing, and lush green moss species commonly found in shaded, damp environments, forming a dense carpet-like ground cover. It grows densely, creating a low-lying, velvety mat that adds a touch of tranquility to any garden or landscape. It is a versatile and aesthetically pleasing species offering numerous landscaping benefits. It primarily serves as a natural ground cover and an attractive addition to various outdoor spaces in landscaping. Carpet Moss Creates Dense Carpets of Greenery Carpet moss gets its name from its ability to create thick, soft stretches. As it grows across the soil, it creates a charming look reminiscent of high-quality mats. It only grows to one inch in height, so it always has a low, uniform look. It clusters together into such tightly packed mats that you often cannot see the soil underneath, making it an ideal ground cover option. Its rich, emerald green shades help a property look as lively and appealing as possible. It tends to look like a lush, green rug from far away. However, if you look closely at this plant, you'll notice that it consists of dense clusters of small plants. Tiny, feathery fronds peek out of the plant, creating a subtle texture that adds visual appeal to your landscape. Mature can include a blend of bright green, newer stalks, and golden brown, older stalks. All these gentle variations in hue allow it to look even more vibrant and attractive in your yard. How to Landscape With Carpet Moss It is one of the most exciting and versatile plants for a landscape. Some property owners find it can entirely replace grass and create a lush lawn. It is also a charming addition to garden features. Consider setting it between checkerboard pavers to create a life-size chessboard or adding it to a rock garden to create a magical forest appearance. The unique structure of it even allows it to grow over boulders and tree stumps, so landscapers aren't just limited to patches of earth. Adding a whimsical, organic look to your rocks or trees can create a charming pop of green on your property. Enjoy Carpet Moss Throughout the Year As an evergreen perennial, Carpet Moss looks stunning at any time of year. Even in winter, it continues to appear soft and carpet-like. It always maintains its bright, emerald green and golden brown shades, so your property looks lush and colorful even when other plants are dormant.

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