Specialty Plants Offered at TN Nursery

Attract Pollinators With Our Specialty Pollinator Plants

TN Nursery offers a variety of specialty plants that you can use to encourage pollination in your garden and landscaping. Sweet alyssums stay low to the ground and bloom each year. Their small pink, white and purple flowers are well-known for attracting bees and butterflies. Canna lilies boast large banana-like leaves in several colors, ranging from green to blue to bronze. The tubular blooms, which come in shades of yellow, red and orange, are a summertime attraction for pollinators like hummingbirds.

Blue Morpho Butterfly | Rainforest Alliance

Keep Deer Away With Our Specialty Deer Resistant Plants

Bee balms, peonies and Russian sage all have aromas that keep deer away. Peonies have a lemony scent and bloom up to 80 six-to-nine-inch-long flowers in late spring and early summer. Bee balms have a minty fragrance and bloom dense clusters of white, red and lavender two-inch-long flowers in June and July. Russian sage have square gray-green leaves and silvery stems. They bloom late in the summer, featuring purple-blue flowers with an aroma reminiscent of garlic.

Deer Anatomy Chart - Learn where to shoot a whitetail deer | N1 Outdoors

Improve Insect Control With Our Specialty Hummingbird Plants

Blue lupines are pea-shaped flowers with lots of blue color variations and hairy leaves and stems. They attract hummingbirds, which can promote better insect control in your landscaping and garden. Delphinium usually blooms twice a year, once in early summer and once in early fall. They create towering stems of multi-colored blossoms that range from white to purple to pink to blue.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird | NEW ENGLAND GARDEN CLUBS

Use Other Specialty Plants to Restore Natural Habitats

Cinnamon ferns have dense foliage that creates excellent shelter and natural habitats for small birds. These ferns bloom green upright fronds in early spring that turn a brownish color in the fall. The fan-like fronds and graceful leaves of maidenhair ferns provide a home for toads and lizards. Their reddish-hued leaves first appear in early May and last until November.

Larkspur Delphenium - TN Nursery

Larkspur Delphenium

Larkspur Delphenium is a tall, graceful perennial plant with spikes of vibrant, spurred flowers in shades of blue, pink, or white. It is ideal for adding vertical interest to garden borders and floral arrangements. This captivating blooming plant has multiple benefits when integrated into landscaping designs. Larkspur Delphenium Has Stunning Colors  If you want a stunning springtime flower, this Larkspur Delphenium is a beautiful choice. This lovely plant is just one of 300 in the Delphinium genus. This particular flower is known for its elegance and burst of color. The tall spikes are showy and easy to see, which makes them a favorite among gardeners. Larkspur Delphenium Offers Cut Flowers and Garden Beds This flower is commonly grown in flower beds and gardens. While its ornamental nature means you’ll commonly see it in gardening magazines, many home gardeners have excellent luck growing it. It can be used in beds, borders, and containers. In addition, it is commonly included as a cut flower in flower bouquets. Larkspur Delphenium Looks Amazing In Groups  If you want this flower to shine, try grouping it in a container with similar flowers. Because it can grow a couple feet high, it tends to do best in the back of the container. From a location in the back, it forms a breathtaking backdrop for any flowers in front of it. Gardening magazines typically show this flower growing in lovely clusters. One of the most striking arrangements is to create a wall of blue or purple flowers along the back of your garden bed. Once the flowers grow, they form a low curtain that is incredibly pretty to see in the early spring to early summer. Known for being a drought-resistant plant, Larkspur Delphenium requires very little maintenance. Each plant produces three to seven palmate leaves. This deep green foliage provides a backdrop to the flowers once they bloom in springtime. With care, it can add brilliance to your summer barbecues and picnics.

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Cinnamon Fern - TN Nursery

Cinnamon Fern

The Cinnamon Fern is a large deciduous plant characterized by its distinctive, brown-colored fertile fronds standing upright in the center. It is captivating and versatile and has numerous landscaping benefits. This plant, native to eastern North America, has become famous for gardeners and landscapers due to its aesthetic appeal, adaptability, and environmental contributions. Cinnamon Fern grows to a height of 6 feet and spreads about 4 feet on its black stalks. The unfurled pinnae are Kelly green on top, while the fronds in the center of the plant, which give it its name, are dark brown and resemble sticks of cinnamon because they grow straight up. Cinnamon Fern In The Springtime Early in the spring, the central fronds that turn brown later start life as silver-colored fiddleheads. They're covered in fur, too, charmingly "shaking off the cold of winter." The broad fronds on the stalks form a cute rosette around the central stalks. The silver fiddleheads match well with Fescue or Brunner. Those fiddleheads appear early in the year when the top of the plant is clumped together in a cute bundle. As the Cinnamon Fern Opens When the fiddleheads are ready to open, their silver hair turns brown and clings to the base of the pinnae as they expand to their full glory. The large, broad pinnae on 3-foot fronds is the sterile variety. In the center of the plant, the brown-colored fronds with much smaller pinnae are the fertile fronds. The plant's attractiveness comes from the contrast between the two frond types. Secondarily, the contrast between the expanded fronds and any nearby silver flowers they used to match is equally striking. When it comes to the sterile fronds, they can hold almost two dozen pinnae that taper gently in size from large to small, creating a shape that nearly resembles a palm frond made up of pinnae. The Sporangia Of The Cinnamon Fern This plant doesn't have sori. Instead, it has sporangia that surround the stalk of the fertile frond. These turn brown as they open and give the plant its name. Up close, they're made up of tiny dots that wrap around the stalk in delicate, beautiful shapes. From the time the plants peek through until the fiddleheads unfurl, it is about a week during the spring. During this time, you can see the shape of the pinnae and fronds develop and become full members of the garden for that year. Cinnamon Fern makes an attractive, striking, and attention-grabbing entry in any garden, and because they're perennial, they'll be back every year to be a lovely garden anchor.

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