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Brown Turkey Fig Tree

Brown Turkey Fig Tree

The Brown Turkey Fig, a venerable member of the Ficus carica species, is a testament to fruit-bearing trees' enduring beauty and resilience. Originating from the Mediterranean region, this fruit variety has gained global acclaim for its ornamental value and ability to thrive in diverse climates.  Brown Turkey Fig Tree Has a Distinctive Appearance Renowned for their robust growth and distinctive appearance, they command attention with their broad, lush foliage and spreading canopy. The large, lobed leaves provide ample shade during hot summers, their verdant hue contrasting beautifully against its smooth, silvery-gray bark. Its allure centers on its fruits, which emerge from small, inconspicuous flowers. Initially green, these fruits gradually mature into a deep purple-brown color as they ripen, each a miniature marvel of nature's craftsmanship. Encased within their tender skins is a succulent, honeyed flesh.  Beyond its visual and gustatory appeal, the Brown Turkey Fig tree is culturally significant in various traditions. In Mediterranean cultures, where it has been cultivated for centuries, the fruit symbolizes fertility, abundance, and prosperity. Its presence in gardens and orchards is often seen as a sign of good fortune and a connection to ancestral roots.  Brown Turkey Fig Tree Produces Prized Fruits Cultivating and caring for one requires patience and understanding of one's needs. Thriving in warm, sunny climates with well-drained soil, it rewards growers with a generous harvest season after season. Pruning and maintenance are essential to promote healthy growth and ensure optimal fruit production, fostering an environment where it can flourish and reliably bear its prized fruits.  They become a focal point in gardens and landscapes, attracting admirers with their year-round beauty and seasonal bounty. Its resilience in varying climates and adaptability to different soil conditions further underscore its appeal as a cherished addition to gardens and orchards worldwide. The Brown Turkey Fig Tree Has Everlasting Charm The Brown Turkey Fig epitomizes the enduring charm and bounty of fruit-bearing trees, captivating onlookers with its verdant foliage, distinctive fruits, and cultural significance. Its presence in gardens and orchards reminds us of nature's abundance and the timeless appeal of edible landscapes.

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Fuyu Persimmon Tree

Fuyu Persimmon Tree

The Fuyu persimmon tree, with its elegant stature and seasonal allure, is a testament to nature's beauty and resilience. Originating from East Asia, particularly Japan, and China, it has found admirers worldwide for its ornamental value and the vibrant spectacle it creates during autumn. In Fall The Fuyu Persimmon Tree Is Breathtaking In Fall Characterized by its graceful silhouette, it boasts a canopy adorned with glossy green leaves that transition into a breathtaking display of fiery reds and golden hues as fall approaches. Against the backdrop of clear skies, its foliage transforms into a mosaic of autumnal colors, painting landscapes with seasonal splendor. Central to its allure are its fruits, which mature from green to a vivid, deep orange as the season progresses. Each one is a masterpiece of nature, featuring smooth, spherical contours and a glossy sheen that catches the sunlight. Unlike its astringent counterparts, this variety can be appreciated even when firm, offering admirers a unique texture and visual appeal. The Fuyu Persimmon Tree Holds Cultural Significance Beyond its visual and culinary attributes, the Fuyu persimmon tree holds cultural significance in various traditions. In Japan, where it is revered, it symbolizes longevity and prosperity, often gracing gardens and landscapes as a harbinger of good fortune. Its fruit is also cherished for its symbolic value, frequently exchanged as gifts during festive occasions, and its aesthetic beauty is revered in traditional art forms. Cultivating and caring for one needs loyalty and a deep insight into one's needs. Thriving in well-drained soil and basking in ample sunlight rewards growers with a prolific harvest year after year. Pruning and maintenance play crucial roles in shaping its growth and ensuring its longevity, fostering an environment where it can flourish and consistently produce its prized fruits. In gardens and orchards alike, they become a focal point during autumn, attracting admirers with their striking appearance and seasonal bounty. Their resilience in varying climates and ability to thrive in diverse environments further underscore their appeal as a cherished addition to landscapes worldwide. The Fuyu Persimmon Tree Has Bountiful Fruits In essence, the Fuyu persimmon tree epitomizes the beauty of autumn, captivating onlookers with its graceful form, vibrant foliage, and bountiful fruits. Its cultural significance and ornamental charm make it a beloved garden fixture and a symbol of seasonal abundance and natural splendor.

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Grape Vine (Fruit Bearing Age) 3-4'

Grape Vine (Fruit Bearing Age) 3-4'

Our grape vines are mature and XL, fruit-bearing age. You're not just getting a tiny plant, but a large 3'+ plant. We have four varieties in stock. These go fast. Fresh Dug, Exact Images Of Our Grape Vines Dug Today Have you ever seen roots like our mature, fruiting grape vines? Plant these and have a vineyard now! Buy elsewhere for $188, But Why? We are a DTC Brand, Grower, and Direct to the public. Will these last long? Absolutely not! Concord, scientifically known as Vitis labrusca 'Concord,' is a mesmerizing and robust addition to any garden or vineyard. These vines are renowned not just for their delectable fruit but also for their captivating beauty and symbolism. These Grape Vines Can Get Huge The Concord is a deciduous woody vine that can reach impressive lengths, often stretching up to 20-30 feet or even more. Its thick, gnarled stems boast a rustic charm, with bark that peels in shreds to reveal the vine's history and endurance. As the vine matures, it takes on a rugged appearance, its woody tendrils intertwining, creating intricate patterns against the sky. Concord transforms dramatically throughout the seasons, each phase offering unique visual appeal. In spring, tender green leaves emerge, unfurling like delicate umbrellas. These leaves are deeply lobed and alternate along the vine, offering a lush, vibrant backdrop to the emerging clusters of flowers. Come early summer, the Concord bursts into a symphony of colors. Small, fragrant flowers appear, adorning the vine with clusters of delicate petals ranging from creamy white to pale green. These blossoms serve as pollinators' havens, attracting bees, butterflies, and other insects, contributing to the local ecosystem's vitality. As summer progresses, these blossoms give way to Concord's signature fruit, the clusters. They are small to medium-sized, with a deep, rich purple-black hue that seems to absorb sunlight. These fruit clusters hang gracefully from the vine, suspended like jewels. The vines continue to mature through the summer, becoming plumper and succulent. Their thick, abundant foliage provides valuable shade. This lush canopy offers a serene refuge from the heat, making the area beneath the vine an inviting retreat during the hottest months. In the fall, as temperatures drop and daylight hours shorten, the leaves of the Concord undergo a breathtaking transformation. Their green hues shift to warm, earthy tones, ranging from profound reds to brilliant yellows and oranges. The vine's leaves appear ablaze with the colors of autumn, casting a captivating and magical spell over any observer. Concord is more than just botanical wonders; it symbolizes endurance and the passage of time. They embody the cycle of life, from the tender beginnings of spring to the fruitful abundance of summer and the graceful aging of autumn. These vines offer delicious fruit and a timeless beauty that enchants the senses and connects us to the natural world's rhythms and mysteries. Cawtaba Grape Vine Catawba (Vitis labrusca 'Catawba') is a captivating and robust variety that embodies the essence of American viticulture. These vines are renowned for their historical significance, versatility, and unique aesthetic qualities, making them an enchanting addition to any vineyard or garden. Catawba has grown with care and attention for over two centuries, showcasing the best American winemaking. Its rich history is a testament to the passion and dedication of generations of vintners who have nurtured this vine to produce exceptional wines enjoyed by wine lovers worldwide. Catawba is a true gem of American winemaking. Originating in the Catawba River Valley of North Carolina, this cultivar quickly gained popularity due to its adaptability to diverse climates and its resilience in harsh weather conditions. Catawba exhibits an extraordinary vitality that extends beyond their practical use. These vines boast stunning ornamental qualities with lush, heart-shaped leaves that transform into a vivid kaleidoscope of autumnal hues, ranging from fiery reds to deep purples. In the spring, they bloom with delicate, fragrant flowers that beckon pollinators with their ethereal beauty. The tendrils of Catawba wind and curl their way up trellises and arbors, creating a mesmerizing labyrinth of greenery that evokes a sense of timeless elegance. Their slender stems and gracefully arching canes lend an artistic touch to terrains, making them a favored choice. Furthermore, Catawba contributes to biodiversity by providing shelter and sustenance for wildlife, from songbirds to insects. Their presence in a garden or vineyard undoubtedly establishes a harmonious ecosystem that truly reflects nature's intricate interconnectedness. In conclusion, Catawba is more than just a fruit source; it symbolizes resilience, history, and natural beauty. These vines can transform any space into a tranquil oasis, where the echoes of the past meet the promise of the future and where nature's artistry is on full display for all to admire. Fredonia Grape Vine Fredonia, known scientifically as Vitis labrusca 'Fredonia,' is a captivating and revered cultivar in viticulture. These are not simply plants but living tapestries of nature's artistry and the embodiment of agricultural heritage. While their primary purpose may not be for consumption, the Fredonia offers many remarkable qualities and characteristics that make them a cherished addition to gardens, landscapes, and vineyards. These vines are renowned for their vigorous growth and resilience, displaying a remarkable vitality that allows them to thrive in various climates and soils. Their robust nature can withstand harsh weather conditions, making them a favorite among horticulturists and viticulturists. Fredonia possesses a remarkable ability to adapt, embodying the enduring spirit of nature itself. One of their most distinctive features is their foliage. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, and deep green. They provide an attractive backdrop to the fruit clusters and are vital to the vine's photosynthesis and overall health. The foliage crinkles gently in the breeze, creating a soothing sound that contributes to the serene ambiance of the garden or vineyard. In the spring, these vines burst forth with clusters of small, spherical type, each a unique masterpiece of nature. These berries can also be utilized for ornamental purposes, as they lend an air of sophistication to any landscape. As the seasons progress, Fredonia offers a captivating display of color transformation. In the fall, the leaves undergo a breathtaking metamorphosis, turning vibrant shades of crimson, orange, and gold. This autumnal spectacle transforms the landscape into a picturesque scene, evoking a sense of nostalgia and wonder. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, Fredonia also holds cultural significance. They connect to the time-honored winemaking tradition, weaving the past and present in a tangible tapestry of heritage. With their history and enduring beauty, these vines are a testament to humanity's deep-rooted relationship with the land and its fruits. In conclusion, Fredonia are more than just plants; they embody nature's resilience, beauty, and cultural significance. These vines offer a symphony of visual and tactile delights throughout the seasons, enriching our lives with their enduring presence. Whether in a garden, landscape, or vineyard, Fredonia is a testament to the enduring bond between humans and the natural world. Grape Vines Has Stunning Foliage  Niagara (Vitis labrusca 'Niagara') is a fascinating embodiment of nature's intricate design. Niagara belongs to the Vitis labrusca species and is native to the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. It is esteemed for its lush, verdant foliage, which unfurls in late spring and transforms into a luxuriant sea of green as the growing season progresses. The leaves are characterized by their distinctive three-lobed shape, showcasing serrated edges that catch the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing play of shadows and light. What truly distinguishes Niagara, however, is its intricate tendrils. These delicate, curling structures emerge from the vine's nodes, seeking support as they gracefully wrap around nearby objects. As the tendrils embrace their chosen support, they stabilize the vine and enable it to reach for the heavens. It's a testament to nature's ingenuity, as these tendrils ensure the vine's upward ascent, a poetic dance of growth and adaptability. The Niagara undergoes a remarkable transformation throughout the summer as clusters of small, greenish-white flowers emerge. Each blossom carries an enchanting fragrance, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies and contributing to the ecosystem's vitality. These blossoms eventually give way to small, green berries that gradually mature into the luscious, translucent orbs for which the vine is known. However, in the context of this description, we must resist the temptation to delve into the culinary realm of these, focusing instead on the aesthetic and ecological aspects. Niagara undergoes another stunning metamorphosis in autumn as its leaves and tendrils turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and gold. This fiery display against the backdrop of deep green vines is a striking testament to the vibrancy of the natural world during the changing seasons. It's a sight that captures the essence of transition and the ever-evolving beauty of our environment. Niagara also provides habitat and sustenance for various wildlife species in their natural splendor. Birds often find refuge among the foliage, feasting on insects and seeking shelter within the tangled labyrinth of vines. Small mammals may also utilize the vine's dense growth for protection and nesting. In conclusion, Niagara is more than just a source of delicious fruit; they are a symphony of botanical artistry, adaptability, and ecological significance. These vines evoke a sense of wonder within the natural world with their tendrils, foliage, blossoms, and seasonal transformations. Niagara reminds us of nature's ceaseless creativity and its intricate interplay of form and function, from the delicate tendrils reaching for support to the vibrant autumnal display.

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Persimmon Tree

Persimmon Tree

The Persimmon Tree, or Diospyros kaki as it is officially known, is a deciduous type well known for its delicious orange-colored fruit, which helps give it its unique appearance. The fruit is also lovely, with shades of orange and yellow. Adding a Persimmon Tree to your Yard can be a great way to start branching out in new directions and tending to plants that you might not know as well. One plant that rarely gets the love and attention it deserves is this one. These gorgeous specimens offer many benefits for those looking for something new and exciting to plant in their space. Let's look at what you might expect if you plan on planting them shortly. Persimmon Tree Has Rare Fruit They are unique plants that produce hard-to-find fruit. We often offer BOGO deals at TN Nursery, so you will get the best deal possible! The Persimmon Tree Has Eye-Drawing Blossoms The blossoms are unique and start to arrive in the late spring. These blossoms are often pale yellow and delicate and small, drawing the eye as they come in significant volume. They're also aromatic, which becomes more accurate as the fruit develops behind the blossoms into the summer and fall. If you love the sights and smells of different fruiting plants, they will surely delight in your outdoor space. Much like any other, they greatly benefit the local wildlife. The fruit that yours produces serves as sustenance for smaller mammals as well as birds. They make shade for plants and animals, and the flowers help to invite pollinators to your space, which is essential for both themselves and other flowers. Put, yours will be pretty welcome no matter where you're growing them. Persimmon Tree Will Make A Major Presence in the Yard Persimmon trees have a significant presence as they grow up, with some reaching as high as 60 feet tall. If you want larger ones in your Yard, these are an excellent choice, especially when you select a native cultivar.

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Kiwi Plant

Kiwi Plant

The Kiwi Plant is vine-like with heart-shaped leaves and clusters of fuzzy, brownish-green, egg-shaped fruits with sweet, green, or gold flesh. It is typically grown for its delicious and nutritious fruit. It is a remarkable and highly versatile woody vine renowned for its unique characteristics and horticultural value. This captivating plant offers several positive attributes, making it a sought-after addition to gardens and landscapes. The Kiwi Plant Can Get 40 Feet Tall The Kiwi plant has robust vines that reach up to 40 feet. Their velvety leaves can grow up to five inches long. They feature fuzzy stems with five- or six-petal, creamy-white blooms that eventually develop a buff-yellow hue. The stems can range in color from shades of burgundy red to dark green. These produce oval-shaped, egg-sized fruit, which develops from the fertilized blossoms. Their enormous, glossy, deep-green leaves resemble those of many tropical species. They can grow into massive canopies of greenery, giving the yard a forest-like or tropical vibe. Enjoy The Fast Growing Of The Kiwi Plant The showy display of greenery and rapid vine growth make them great for quickly adding dense foliage to your yard. They have long petioles that support their oval-shaped leaves. You can use the thick foliage to create natural privacy screens or to add seclusion to outdoor spaces. The leaves and branches tend to stay covered in red hair while they're young. As they mature, they lose their red hair and turn dark green with light green veins. Enjoy Delightful Aromas During the Spring With Kiwi Plant In April, clusters of tiny, fragrant flowers bloom along the vines. These aromatic blossoms attract pollinators with their fragrance, which is critical to fruit-bearing because it relies on pollinators like bees and butterflies. Once they bear fruit, their fruitful aromas become even more vital. The garden becomes a tropical paradise when planted among other tropical plants with scented blooms, fragrant leaves, or exotic fruit. Kiwi Plant is a vigorous climber. Its dense foliage quickly covers trellises and arbors. Its ability to grow fast also makes it useful for filling empty spaces in gardens and landscaping, such as between flowerbeds. The vigorous vines can grow together over fences and walls, providing uniquely shaded areas and adding natural strength to pergola archways. Some people use them to define garden borders. Their tropical appearance simplifies the creation of attractive vertical garden designs with an exotic vibe.

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Pear Fruit Tree

Pear Fruit Tree

Pear Fruit Trees are ultra-sweet and juicy, bell-shaped fruits with crisp flesh, often characterized by glossy, green, or yellow skin and distinctive, elongated leaves. It is versatile and attractive, with numerous benefits when used in landscaping. Its unique characteristics make it popular among landscape designers and homeowners seeking to enhance their outdoor spaces. One of the primary benefits is its ornamental value. Pear Fruit Tree Features Stunning Foliage  The leaves are lush and vibrant throughout the growing season. In spring, they showcase clusters of fragrant white blossoms, creating a stunning visual display and attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies. It offers ample shade during the summer, making it a perfect complement to outdoor seating areas, patios, and gardens. Its dense foliage provides relief from the sun's rays, allowing for more comfortable outdoor activities and reducing the need for artificial shading solutions. This natural shade also contributes to energy efficiency by helping to lower temperatures in nearby structures. Pear Fruit Tree Has Vibrant Fall Foliage In the fall, the foliage transforms into radiant yellow, orange, and red tints, adding an autumnal color to the landscape. This vibrant foliage can serve as a focal point or complement other elements in the outdoor design. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it provides habitat and food sources for various wildlife. Birds are attracted to its small, pointy-shaped fruits, which can persist into winter, offering sustenance during colder months. This enhances the area's overall biodiversity and contributes to a thriving ecosystem. Furthermore, it is relatively low-maintenance, making it a practical choice for landscaping projects. Once established, it is adaptable to different soil types and can tolerate urban environments, pollution, and drought conditions. This resilience reduces the need for frequent care, making it an excellent option for busy homeowners and commercial landscapes. In conclusion, Pear Fruit Tree brings many benefits to landscaping projects. From its stunning ornamental features and natural shading capabilities to its role in supporting wildlife and its low-maintenance requirements, it adds value and visual appeal to outdoor spaces in various ways. Its adaptability and contributions to the environment make it a sought-after choice for creating inviting and sustainable landscapes. Scientifically known as Pyrus communis, these captivating deciduous types have graced gardens and orchards for centuries. Revered for their aesthetic appeal and delectable produce, they boast a rich history and a graceful presence that enchants arborists and nature enthusiasts alike. Standing tall and regal, they can reach up to 40 feet with a distinctive pyramidal or oval-shaped canopy that radiates elegance and symmetry. Its smooth, silvery-gray bark contrasts the lush green foliage that adorns it during spring and summer. The leaves are simple, alternate, and heart-shaped, featuring serrated edges that add a touch of delicacy to the overall appearance. Pear Fruit Tree Has Stunning Blooms In Spring Come spring, they become a spectacle of beauty as it bursts into a profusion of fragrant, five-petaled white blossoms. These blooms, often tinged with a subtle hint of pink or cream, attract an array of pollinators, from bees to butterflies, transforming the plant into a lively hub of activity and a symbol of renewal. As the flowers give way to small, round produce clusters, they gradually become the beloved produce we know and cherish. They are renowned for their longevity, with some specimens living for more than a century. It often takes several years for them to reach their full bearing potential. The produce is characterized by its varying forms, dimensions, and shades, ranging from the familiar green-skinned Bartlett to the russeted elegance of the Bosc. They are celebrated for their sweet, succulent flesh and adaptability in culinary creations. Still, beyond its culinary attributes, it remains an emblem of natural grace and timeless beauty in horticulture. Whether admired for their breathtaking spring blossoms, the soothing shade of their summer canopy, or the bounty of their produce, trees are a testament to nature's wonders. They invite us to appreciate the enchanting interplay between aesthetics and utility, reminding us that even amidst our busy lives, the simple elegance of a Pear Fruit Tree can inspire awe and wonder.

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Plum Fruit Tree

Plum Fruit Tree

Plum fruit trees produce smooth-skinned, juicy produce with various colors, including red, purple, and yellow, typically surrounded by oval-shaped leaves. They are versatile and attractive types with numerous benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. With its ornamental features and adaptability, it can enhance the visual appeal of outdoor spaces.  Plum Fruit Trees come from one also known as Prunus domestica, and they will give you plenty of them after the first three to six years. When one of these deciduous plants is first planted, they'll appear shrub-like. However, it's important to note that most varieties are trees.  The Flowers Of The Plum Fruit Tree Although most people plant one of these to receive free produce, there is much more for you to enjoy. For instance, they flower during the springtime. Each cluster of primarily white flowers also contains light green and little yellow balls that attract pollinators. Interestingly, the flowers will appear before the foliage arrives. As clusters, several clumps of flowers will be mashed together to create visual appeal. Shortly after the flowers make their appearance, you'll begin to notice immature leaves. These leaves grow in little clusters, and their bright, vivid green coloring will transition into a slightly softer green as they age. Each leaf starts larger at the base before tapering into almost a point. They have ridged edgings, along with some natural variations in tone. The Fruits Of Plum Fruit Trees Once the flower clusters die away, they'll be replaced by plenty of fruits. These are spherical or oval in shape, and they grow up to three inches wide. It goes through a massive color change to help designate whether it's ripe. When it's green-toned, it is not ripe yet. In this state, they can almost blend in with their surrounding leaves. Eventually, though, they'll change into a purple or reddish color. Not only will their new coloring make them pop, but it's also an indicator of ripeness. Different Varieties Of Plum Fruit Trees There are two major categories of Plum Fruit Trees: Santa Rosa and Methley. Within these categories are found subcategories, and the specific type you plant will determine their exact coloring. Regardless of which type you plant, you can look forward to many fruits. They will pay for themselves over time and are quite attractive to boot!

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Hickory Tree

Hickory Tree

The Hickory Tree makes a large tree and is known for its compound leaves, distinctive shaggy bark, and the production of edible, hard-shelled nuts. It is a majestic and valuable tree that offers numerous benefits when used in landscaping projects. Native to North America, these trees have much to offer regarding aesthetic appeal, ecological contributions, and practical uses. Hickory Tree Is The Most Beautiful Tree In The Woods The Hickory Tree is one of the most beautiful found in nature, and this ancient group of species also provides numerous benefits beyond its aesthetic ones. It is a word derived from a similar one in the Algonquian languages, a Native American subfamily. The meaning of the original word, which may have been "poker chicory," is believed to be related to the nuts that they produce. Hickory Tree Benefits They are best known for their wood and nuts but offer so much more than those features. Of course, their aesthetic beauty is a significant benefit, much resulting from their elegant leaflets. They also possess a wonderful fragrance. In addition, those nuts help sustain numerous types of wildlife and stabilize the soil in their vicinity. The scientific name of this natural wonder is the genus Carya, which consists of about 18 species, up to 12 of which are native to North America. It is a deciduous hardwood tree that sheds its leaves every winter and generally takes longer to grow than softwood. Its broad, larger leaves usually consist of 3-17 serrated leaflets, typically green or yellow, transitioning from the former to the latter in the fall. The height at maturity will usually range from 20-130 feet, depending on the specific species, while its bark is brown or dark grey and contains ridges in areas away from the trunk. History Of The Hickory Tree Fossils related to them date back more than 65 million years in areas in the United States and Mexico. They later appeared in Europe, but ice age conditions seemed to have eradicated them before they returned. Today, this type of greenery is native to all of those areas, including Canada, East Asia, and India, while it may be found today throughout the world. One of Hickory Tree's most fascinating historical uses was baseball bats. They used to be primarily made from the type of wood. The main reason this was the case in the sport's early days, up until around 1940, was how durable they made the bats.

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Almond Tree (Hall's Hardy)

Almond Tree (Hall's Hardy)

Almond Trees produce nuts high in protein and fat and provide calcium and iron. They are a highly sought-after staple amongst those looking for better health. Almond trees are a captivating addition to any landscape, boasting an array of pleasing attributes that make them a popular choice among gardeners and landscapers. This deciduous type exhibits a delightful combination of ornamental features, productivity, and cultural significance. Let's explore why planting them in the landscape is a lovely idea. Also known as Prunus dulcis or Prunus amygdalus, it is a part of the Rosaceae family of plants. It is named after the seeds that can be grown on it, known as sweet and bitter types. White flowers, the latter by pink ones, usually accompany the former type. Relatives and Origins Of The Almond Tree Almond Tree is botanically a close relative of the cherry, peach, and plum types, and there are more than 400 other species of Prunus. A significant difference between the three types within this family is that the seed, in the case of Prunus, has a shell surrounding it. It is believed to have originated in Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East. It is mainly found today in the Mediterranean region and other places with a similar climate, such as California. Almond Trees Life Cycle  This type is deciduous, meaning it loses its leaves in the winter before regrowing them in the spring. Depending on the specific weather experienced in any given year, its flowering will usually start in February and peak a month later as it turns green. Its fruits will tend to appear in March and reach their peak size in June before fully ripening in July and August. Bees pollinate it. That is a necessary act for any of them to grow. They usually grow to between 15 and 35 feet in height and generally about a foot wide. Their white and pink flowers tend to be 2 inches in diameter, bowl-shaped, and borne as singles or in pairs. This type's leaves are usually around 4 inches long, lance-shaped, and typically possess serrated edges. Their almonds are enclosed in velvety cases. Almond Tree Maturation and Life Expectancy  Almond Tree will enter its maturity period, meaning its yields will peak in its eighth year, while its average life expectancy is 50 years.

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Apricot Fruit Tree

Apricot Fruit Tree

Apricot fruit trees produce small, round to oval-shaped, orange to yellow fruits, often with a sweet and slightly tart flavor. They are characterized by their serrated leaves and attractive pink or white blossoms in spring. They offer various benefits when integrated into landscaping projects, enhancing outdoor spaces' visual aesthetics, functional attributes, and overall charm. Apricot Fruit Tree Benefits In Landscaping Apricot Fruit Tree can be an excellent addition to any yard if you're looking for larger plants that will occupy more space and add something grander to your layout. It is especially desirable. Let's take a closer look at some of the benefits that make them so appealing to many today. Fruit trees are well-known for their stunning blossoms that appear in the early spring. These blossoms range from light pink to deeper pink, with delicate petals and yellow stamens producing an eye-catching spectacle. If you love fruit blossoms and want to ensure they're featured prominently in your yard, growing them is an excellent way to add something unique you can look forward to seeing every year. Apricot Fruit Tree Offers Additional Shade Many of your plants may require reprieve from the sunlight, and they can be a great source of shade for these plants. With solid foliage and abundant blossoms, yours can shield your other plants from the intense sun throughout the day. Remember that yours will need lots of water and nutrition to keep themselves strong! Plants are natural marvels that appeal to several of our senses. Speaking to them, their blossoms are visually appealing, but do they smell good, too? Absolutely! Their aroma is clean yet somewhat spiced, which is sure to blend in well with most other plants in your outdoor spaces. Once the plant yields fruit, you'll have that wonderful aroma driving through your yard that you can also look forward to. They offer an aromatic gift that keeps on giving throughout multiple seasons. Improve Biodiversity With Apricot Fruit Tree If you care deeply about biodiversity and attracting pollinators to your yard, you'll be pleased to introduce the Apricot Fruit Tree. These much larger plants will offer food for local wildlife, diversify the types of plants growing in your yard, and attract bees, birds, butterflies, and beyond!

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Apple Fruit Trees

Apple Fruit Trees

Apple Trees are valuable contributors to local ecosystems. Their blossoms provide nectar and pollen for bees and other pollinators, aiding in pollinating nearby plants. When they fall, the leaves add organic matter to the soil, enriching its fertility and promoting a healthy microorganism population. Enjoy the Beauty and Fruits of Apple Trees They produce pink blossoms anywhere between the middle of April and the middle of May. The number of frost hours (usually ranging from 500 to 1,000 hours) that the plant endures during winter dormancy and the varietal determine the precise date. All types typically develop leaves about four weeks before they bloom. Each of the ten ovules at the base of a bloom contains an egg cell that, if fertilized, grows into a fruit. When they are in full bloom, their white and pink blossoms release a delicious fragrance reminiscent of fruit. They also have a fruity scent. Encourage Pollination With Apple Trees Apple Trees attract pollinators throughout the spring by feeding bees, butterflies, and moths nectar. The flower's base is where the fruit grows after pollination and fertilization. When the petals fall off, the produce results from the base ovary expanding. The fallen flowers provide a healthy diet for the produce that falls to the ground in the fall. The blossoms in the spring and the leaves in the autumn contribute to the plant's aesthetic value. They are beautiful in the spring with their brilliantly colored blooms, which might be white, pink, or red. They mature into shades of red, purple, and gold throughout the autumn. Protect Wildlife With Apple Trees Because Apple Trees provide food and shelter, they benefit wildlife. Spiders like them for the water and sugar they provide. Bees love the nectar and pollen. Buds found on the plant offer essential nutrients for bullfinches. During the winter, several bird species use holes in them to nest or store food—animals like deer, raccoons, turkeys, and mice like them.

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Peach Fruit Tree

Peach Fruit Tree

Peach trees are known for their fragrant pink blossoms in spring. They produce sweet and juicy, round or slightly flattened, fuzzy-skinned fruit in various colors, such as yellow or white. Incorporating these into landscaping offers many benefits beyond their produce. They bring beauty, seasonal interest, edible yields, contributions to biodiversity, and a touch of nostalgia to outdoor spaces. A Peach Fruit Tree is a colorful and aromatic plant that offers several benefits to your land. It can benefit your neighbors and the local wildlife months after planting. Add Color to Your Home With The Peach Fruit Tree The produce helps transform your land into a sea of orange or some variation relatively quickly. They come from will create pink flowers that add even more variety wherever they are planted. One of the primary benefits of buying this type is that it will create seeds on its own after reaching maturity. However, it is essential to note that reaching that stage of life can take two or three years. Of course, your patience will be well rewarded as a single plant can turn into multiple ones, which will help maximize the value you get for your money. Enjoy The Amazing Aroma Of Peach Fruit Trees Planting any type that bears fruit can create a fragrant smell that everyone can enjoy outside. Furthermore, the fact that you have them on your property that bear anything edible will likely improve its overall market value. In most cases, your neighbors will also see the value of their properties increase. Animals Love The Peach Fruit Tree Peach Fruit Tree generally serves as shelter or food for various insects and animals. Although you will likely see birds, pollinators, and other creatures on your property, they will likely be able to do minor damage. This is because this item is toxic to many different types of animals, which means you can enjoy nature without worrying about replacing what you took so long to cultivate for yourself.

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Pecan Tree

Pecan Tree

Pecan trees are large, deciduous plants with pinnately compound leaves that produce a sweet, edible nut known for its rich flavor and use in culinary applications. Incorporating it into landscaping offers many benefits beyond its delicious nuts. \ Pecan Tree Native to the southern part of the United States, this plant is a species of hickory. Known as Carya illinoinensis, this plant is cultivated for culinary and ornamental reasons. Once the leaves appear, they look beautiful, swaying in the wind. Enjoy a Perfect Lawn With The Pecan Tree Thanks to its size, this plant is ideal for your lawn. Because of its impressive stature, college campuses and city parks often use this plant. After it reaches its full height, it can be 60 to 100 feet tall. Its canopy can extend 40 to 80 feet. As a member of the hickory family, this plant is a popular choice for building wood furniture. Discover The Pecan Tree With Gorgeous Green Leaves This deciduous plant grows pinnate leaflets with bunches of 9 to 17 leaves. These leaves are a vibrant green, so you can easily see them from a distance. While it can grow 100 feet tall in its lifetime, it will generally take a sapling ten years to reach 16 feet tall. Because of this, you should not expect to have a full-sized plant immediately. It will be about as tall as a large shrub for the first few years. Pecan Tree Offers Perfect Shade When designing your garden, setting aside areas for relaxing and enjoying a break from the sun is a good idea. Thanks to its size and dense leaves, this plant is perfect for providing shade in your backyard or lawn. Once you plant it, you can enjoy shade for many years. This plant can live for up to 300 years in the right circumstances. Like other plants in the hickory genus, the Pecan Tree produces a nut-like drupe. You will initially see a fruit growing that is surrounded by a husk. The center of the fruit contains a single pit. The husks are essentially the flower’s exocarp tissue. Meanwhile, the husk has a green-gold color with a brassy veneer. Each one is elliptical or oval. Once the husk reaches maturity, it changes from green to brown.

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Wild Strawberry Plant

Wild Strawberry Plant

Wild Strawberry Plant is a low-growing perennial herb with trifoliate leaves and small, sweet, red berries, often found in various habitats, including woodlands, meadows, and gardens. Many names know the wild Strawberry Plant, but most people can recognize the fruits by sight. While it is famous as a fruit, this groundcover is also a popular ornamental in home gardens. It will quickly spread through runners once you put it in the ground. These runners can be moved to different areas or leave them where they are for a packed bed of green leaves and red fruits. Using The Wild Strawberry Plant As an Ornamental This perennial grows along roads, dams, and trails in the wild. You can often find it at the edges of woodlands and meadows. It needs light to form fruit, so you won’t see any strawberries if it is planted in a shaded area. It simply looks like a cluster of lovely green leaves in these spaces. This herbaceous perennial is technically a member of the rose family, although it doesn’t resemble the rose in appearance. It usually propagates using runners, so new leaves and flowers develop next to the original growth. If viable seeds are present, they will sometimes germinate in seed banks if they are undisturbed. Discover Lovely Wild Strawberry Plant Flowers Before the fruit develops, this perennial creates delicate, white flowers. It typically blooms in spring. As spring ends and early summer begins, the flowers turn into small, red fruits. This fruit is unique among other flora because the seeds are on the outside of the fruit. The Beautiful Leaves Of Wild Strawberry Plant While the fruit is the most famous part of this perennial, the leaves are also charming. In spring, the light-green leaves come out. They grow in threes and have toothed margins. Then, the leaves turn vivid colors at the end of the summer. Typically, you will find leaves in different shades of red and maroon. As they grow, the Wild Strawberry Plant forms patches on the ground. This makes them ideal as a ground cover, although a large patch can take a few years to develop. Once planted in the ground, you can expect elegant blooms for years.

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Persimmon Tree Seedling

Persimmon Tree Seedling

Persimmon trees produce reddish-brown, sweet, and astringent fruits, adding ornamental and edible value to landscapes. They are versatile and valuable additions to landscaping, offering a range of aesthetic, ecological, and functional benefits. Their unique characteristics make them a cherished choice among landscape architects and homeowners alike. Aesthetically, it brings beauty to any outdoor space. Its glossy green leaves that turn vibrant shades of orange and red in the fall provide a stunning display of seasonal foliage. The distinctive bark, featuring tessellated blocks that exude an attractive pattern, adds an interesting visual texture to the landscape year-round. They bloom with delicate, bell-shaped flowers during late spring and early summer, enhancing their appeal. Birds Love Persimmon The Tree Ecologically, it supports local wildlife, enhancing the area's biodiversity and promoting a healthy ecosystem. Additionally, it provides shelter and nesting sites for birds and small mammals, further contributing to the balance of local wildlife populations. Functionally, it offers practical advantages as well. Its shade canopy creates a cooling effect, making it an ideal shade type for patios, outdoor seating areas, and even residential buildings. This natural cooling property can help reduce energy consumption by providing relief from the sun's heat. The wood is also highly valued for woodworking due to its durability and attractive grain, making it a potential raw material for various projects. Furthermore, it is relatively low-maintenance, requiring minimal pruning and care once established. Its adaptability to various soil types and growing conditions makes it appealing as a landscaping choice. Whether used as a standalone specimen type or integrated into a larger landscape design, it brings its unique blend of visual allure, ecological contribution, and functional benefits. In conclusion, the plant stands as a testament to the many benefits it offers in landscaping beyond its ornamental value. From its striking aesthetics to its ecological support and functional advantages, it is a type that enhances the visual appeal of outdoor spaces and contributes to the broader health and sustainability of the environment.  Persimmon Tree Is Known For Its Fruit The Persimmon tree, scientifically known as Diospyros kaki, is a captivating and culturally significant type that has graced landscapes and provided nourishment for centuries. Native to China, this deciduous type is celebrated for its striking beauty, delicious fruits, and symbolic value.  With its elegant appearance, it typically stands between 20 and 30 feet tall. Its bark is dark gray and fissured, creating a visually appealing contrast with its glossy, elliptical foliage, which turns vibrant shades of orange, red, and purple during autumn. These autumnal transformations contribute to the plant's status as an ornamental gem in gardens and parks worldwide.  The Persimmon Tree Fruit Is Stunning  They are a wonder of nature, resembling tiny, round tomatoes. Depending on the type, they can range from golden yellow to deep orange when ripe. These fruits are prized for their sweet, honey-like flavor and smooth, custard-like texture. They are enjoyed fresh, dried, or used in various culinary delights, such as jams, pies, and salads.  Beyond its aesthetic and gastronomic attributes, the plant carries cultural significance. In many Asian cultures, it symbolizes good fortune, prosperity, and longevity. It is often featured in traditional art, literature, and festivals. In Japan, for instance, the plant is associated with the arrival of autumn and is a beloved motif in poetry and paintings.  In addition to its cultural significance, they play a role in environmental conservation. It provides shelter and sustenance for various wildlife, including birds and insects. The plant's deep roots significantly prevent soil erosion, rendering it a valuable inclusion in sustainable landscaping practices.  In conclusion, the Persimmon tree is a multifaceted wonder of nature. Its enchanting appearance, delectable fruits, cultural symbolism, and environmental benefits continue to be a beloved and cherished presence in gardens, orchards, and hearts worldwide.

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Pawpaw Tree

Pawpaw Tree

The Pawpaw tree is a small deciduous tree with large, tropical-looking leaves and greenish-brown, banana-like fruits. It is known for its unique flavor and suitability for North American temperate regions. It is one of our hottest sellers because of its native fruiting abilities, distinctive appearance, contributions to biodiversity, potential for edible fruit, ability to create natural habitats, and role in promoting ecological balance, which makes it a valuable addition to outdoor spaces. One of the key advantages of using it in landscaping is its distinctive appearance. Our pawpaw trees are already pollinated when shipped and we guarantee they will bear fruit at maturity. Pawpaw trees are a popular choice, and property owners are looking for medium-sized plants with an unusual look. They have a slim, grayish-brown trunk topped by thick clusters of leaves. Its crown is usually higher than it is vast and can be slightly triangular. They can reach up to 50 feet high. Their pleasantly compact shape makes them look excellent when planted as a focal point in a lawn. Landscapers also like to plant them in bunches or rows to create accent points near driveways, sidewalks, or other landscape features.  Pawpaw Trees Has Stunning Foliage  One of the most distinctive traits of this plant is its gorgeous leaves. Each branch is draped in large leaves that gracefully droop downwards. The leaves are a smooth oval shape with a slight flare towards the tip, and they are rich, emerald green for most of the year. In early fall, long before other plants change color, these leaves turn a rich golden-yellow color that adds plenty of appeal to your landscape. Pawpaw Tree Offers Appealing Flowers in Spring Starting in mid-spring, this plant begins to produce some very eye-catching blossoms. The flowers of this plant are a rich, purplish-red color. The deep burgundy flowers have a set of three small petals nestled inside of a set of three larger petals. The flowers often appear before the plant regains the leaves it lost in winter, so the effect of the deep purple blooms on bare branches is quite striking. The Pawpaw Tree Fruits In Summer And Fall During the summer and fall months, the Pawpaw Tree produces some exciting fruit. These fruits start around two inches wide and gradually grow to six inches. They're an elongated, oval shape with a green, matte peel. The fruits' colors can include subtle variations of yellow, brown, orange, and green, adding many stunning features to the plant. The contrast between the darker leaves and the paler fruit clusters makes this plant look especially interesting and exciting.

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Wild Blackberry

Wild Blackberry

Wild Blackberry is a thorny, woody shrub that produces small, sweet, and black or dark purple berries, often found in various habitats, including woodlands, fields, and along roadsides. They are delightful additions to any garden or natural landscape, offering many benefits beyond their fruits. These hardy and versatile plants display various attributes that make them desirable for planting and cultivating. One notable attribute is their adaptability to various environmental conditions. They are commonly found in temperate and subtropical regions, thriving in diverse soil types ranging from sandy loam to clay. Additionally, they can tolerate almost anywhere planted, making them an ideal choice for many different garden settings. Aesthetic Value Of Wild Blackberry Another appealing feature of these plants is their aesthetic value. These bushes sport lush green foliage that turns shades of red and orange in the fall, creating a stunning display of colors as the seasons change. The plants produce beautiful white or pink flowers in spring, adding further charm to the landscape. With their graceful arching canes, they also serve as excellent natural barriers or hedgerows, enhancing privacy and providing habitat for wildlife.  Wild Blackberries Play A Vital Role In Supporting Wildlife Beyond their ornamental value, they have ecological importance. They provide for various animals, birds, and insects. The dense thickets they form offer nesting sites for birds, while the berries serve as a crucial source for small mammals, such as chipmunks and raccoons, as well as pollinators like bees and butterflies. Moreover, these plants contribute to soil conservation. Their extensive root systems help prevent erosion by stabilizing the soil and minimizing the risk of water runoff. Their capacity to colonize disturbed areas also aids in ecological restoration efforts, as they can help reclaim damaged landscapes. Wild Blackberry Attracts Wildlife These plants can be part of a carefully planned wildlife garden for gardeners looking to attract wildlife. Their ability to draw in birds and insects provides a rewarding experience for nature enthusiasts, fostering a connection with the local ecosystem. In conclusion, plants possess various attributes that make them desirable for planting. From their adaptability to different environments and aesthetic appeal to their ecological significance and soil-conserving properties, these plants offer numerous benefits to both gardeners and the environment. By incorporating wild blackberries into landscaping or wildlife gardens, individuals can create vibrant, biodiverse spaces that celebrate the beauty and functionality of nature. The Wild Blackberry shrub, scientifically known as Rubus fruticosus, is a captivating and ubiquitous plant that thrives in various natural landscapes across North America and many other parts of the world. This resilient perennial shrub belongs to the Rubus genus within the Rosaceae family and is celebrated for its profound connection to the untamed beauty of the wilderness. At 3 to 10 feet tall, the shrub boasts an intricately woven network of arching canes adorned with thorny stems. These thorns, though formidable, serve as a natural defense mechanism for the plant against herbivores and provide an added layer of complexity to its appearance. The foliage features lush, dark green leaves with serrated edges, lending the plant a dense and inviting texture. One of the shrub's most captivating aspects is its seasonal metamorphosis. In spring, delicate white to pale pink blossoms adorn the canes, exuding a sweet, subtle fragrance that attracts an array of pollinators, from bees to butterflies. As the seasons progress, these blossoms give way to the formation of tiny, green berries that gradually ripen into rich, glossy black orbs of natural bounty. Though not the focus here, the mature blackberries are a testament to the plant's role in providing sustenance to wildlife and humans. In the wild, the Wild Blackberry shrub symbolizes untamed beauty and tenacity. It thrives in various habitats, from open meadows to forested slopes, and can often be found alongside hiking trails, where its canes create natural barriers. Its presence is a reminder of nature's ability to flourish and adapt in diverse environments and an invitation to research the marvels of the natural world. With its thorny canes and fragrant blooms, the shrub stands as a testament to the intricate web of life in the wild, where every element plays a vital role in the ecosystem.

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Elderberry Bush

Elderberry Bush

The Elderberry bush is a medium-sized shrub with opposite compound leaves and clusters of tiny, creamy-white or pale pink flowers, followed by dark purple-black berries arranged in umbrella-like clusters. It is a versatile and beneficial plant used in landscaping. This deciduous shrub offers many advantages with its attractive foliage, beautiful blooms, and fruits. Elderberry Bush Can Look Like A Shrub Or A Tree Deciduous elderberry shrubs can range in size from little trees to shrubs with several trunks. One type has tiny white blooms with five lobes, five stamens, and a tri-style ovary. Another type is yellowish-white and has five flattened petals. They thrive in partially shaded, damp places like meadows, marshes, forest borders, ditches, thickets, and floodplains. Typically, the most fertile canes have developed lateral branches by the second year. After the fourth year of growth, you can trim off the older canes since they become much less productive. Increase Pollination With Elderberry Bush Elderberry Bushes are great pollinator magnets due to the abundance of nectar in their vast, flat, shallow blossoms. Moths, beetles, flies, butterflies, and beetles are some pollinating insects that visit these blooms. They continuously provide nectar and pollen for bees throughout the growing season. When planted in clusters around an orchard, they will attract more pollinators. Even though they produce fruit on their own, they often experience an increase in yield when cross-pollination occurs. Because of their thick growth and ability to produce new branches yearly from the base, they are excellent for screening off unwanted views. Furthermore, they can aggregate into thick masses, which makes them perfect for creating natural landscapes. Their dense foliage can also provide wind protection. Planting them along driveways or fence rows is an excellent way to enjoy their seclusion. Add Wildlife Nutrition With TN Nursery Plant Elderberry Bush Elderberry Bush provides unparalleled natural habitats and food sources. Their aromatic blossoms encourage pollinators like bees and butterflies to visit the garden, which is good for biodiversity. They are essential to a healthy ecosystem since they provide a source for birds and small animals like moose, foxes, bears, mice, and deer.

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Blackberry Plant

Blackberry Plant

Blackberry plants can be a great addition to any garden or yard. But while many may focus on fruit trees, fruit shrubs are worth considering, too. One fruit shrub that can grow just about anywhere in the plant. Create You A Berry Haven With The Blackberry Plant  If you love blackberries and are looking to diversify the types of plants you have surrounding your home, let's take a look at why you might wish to start growing blackberries for yourself. Blackberry Plant Provides Essential Shade for Other Plants If you live in a hot region, Blackberry Plants can be an excellent addition to shield smaller plants from intense heat. They cool the ground and allow more water to be absorbed so plants are sufficiently cared for. Remember that these fruit plants can spread fast once you plant them! Do you live where you see a lot of leaf fall that typically goes unused or raked up? If so, you should plant some blackberries around your yard. Blackberries are perfect for areas where these plants can recycle decaying plant matter to reintroduce nutrients into the soil. It helps them thrive in regions like forests where the area is often covered in leaves that don't get absorbed. Wildlife Loves The Blackberry Plant  Whenever you think about planting something, consider both the Blackberry Plant's aesthetics and its impact on your yard and your greater community. Like blackberries, this shrub can do wonders for local wildlife. During the spring, it attracts pollinators to your garden to ensure everything grows well. Once the fruit appears, it sustains birds and smaller wildlife who need it. The flowers are small and stunning, featuring delicate white petals and plentiful stamens that reach out at you. If you have an abundance of these bushes, they're sure to catch your eye during the spring. Better yet, these plants produce a sweet and floral scent that makes them a pleasure to have around.

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Black Raspberry

Black Raspberry

The Black Raspberry plant has dark berries and distinctive foliage that provide a visually striking contrast to other plants, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the landscape. Black raspberries (Rubus occidentalis) offer a variety of benefits when integrated into landscaping projects. These versatile plants blend aesthetic appeal, ecological contributions, and practical uses in outdoor spaces. Black Raspberry Has White Foliage  The Black Raspberry plant is similar in color to blackberries. However, the fruits fall away when they ripen, and the leaflets often appear white. These plants are native to eastern North America and are arching shrubs that can grow to around three to seven feet tall before the canes start to arch downward. The Black Raspberry's Leaf Appearances They have alternate, compound leaves consisting of three to five leaflets. The leaflets can be lance-shaped or egg-shaped and extend to two to three inches. Each leaflet begins to taper toward the end. Side leaflets are narrower and smaller than the rest. All leaflets on the upper surface of the plant have a dark green hue. Upon close inspection, you'll notice that the leaflets along the upper surface are slightly hairy. The hair is more densely matted along the lower surface. A leaf stalk measures between 2 and 2.5 inches long. The twigs on them are smooth and flexible. They initially appear white during the first year of growth. However, they change colors with the season. During the warm summer months, the canes have a bluish-green hue. Once the winter arrives, they turn purple. When the temperatures are low, the canes may even turn yellow. Older canes appear more trunk-like and have a somewhat smooth bark. They are reddish purple with a white coating. The wood itself is white and soft. The flowers that grow from these plants show up from April to June. They grow in close clusters that consist of three to seven flowers. As for the petals, they are usually white and narrow. Raspberries can start to grow in late June and July. They are small and firm fruits with a strong aroma. Most raspberries have a globe shape alongside a flat base. Once fully grown, each raspberry is around 1/2-inch expansive. Black Raspberry Has Blue-Looking Berries  Black Raspberries are small blue-black berries with tiny seeds. They are native to North America. The fresh season is in the first few weeks of July. The full cane length is around 13 feet. Scientific name is Rubus occidentalis.

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TN Nursery has a rich selection of edible plants. Experience the pride and satisfaction of growing your harvestable fruit, which you can enjoy and share with others. Nothing will beat its freshness and flavor, whether you eat it raw or bake it.

Why Grow Edible Plants

1. Cost savings: Grow your edibles to reduce your grocery list and save money. You can skip the produce section and reduce your time at the farmer's market every week. 
2. Self-satisfaction: Nothing tastes better than enjoying the literal fruits of your labor. You'll take pride in the hard work you've committed to and the bountiful harvest you want. 
3. Explore variety: TN Nursery stocks fruit, nut, and berry trees. Whatever you're craving, you can grow it directly from us.

TN Nursery's Top Selling Edibles

Are you feeling hungry? Add these plants to your gardening list.

Grape Vines

Skip the stress of worrying about when your grapes will be ready with TN Nursery's three-to-four-foot grape vines. They're already mature and of fruit-bearing age, so you won't have to wait nearly as long to pluck sweet, succulent grapes straight from the vine.

Due to their size, you'll get a lot more bang for your buck regarding the number of grapes per plant, so bring your appetite!

Apple Trees

They're a staple fruit, especially in baked goods from bread puddings to pies and cakes. Now, you can grow your own with our two-to-three-foot apple trees. They're on clearance, making your aspirations of growing apples even more affordable. Apple trees are more low-maintenance than you might have expected, and better yet, they're pest-resistant.


With this appealing shrub, you'll have a bramble of raspberries to pluck and enjoy how you like. The deciduous plant is versatile, handling all sorts of growing conditions so you can make mistakes and still have fruit to harvest. The Caroline variety is a starter plant that's three or four inches.

Peach Trees

Fruit lovers, rejoice. TN Nursery's peach tree deal includes five in one. The Grade A plants will bloom in spring and begin bearing fruit, although they're dormant when we ship them. Peach trees are pest- and disease-resistant.

Healthy Edible Plants Delivered to You

At TN Nursery, we understand your end goal is to eat the fruit from your plants. That's 'why all edible plants are hand-selected for quality and health, ensuring you can experience the excitement of harvesting your plants.