Choosing and Planting Shade Trees

Choosing Shade Trees 

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Planting Shade Trees 

Planting shade trees can make a beautiful focal point for any garden, states Tammy Sons, owner of Tn Nursery, shippers of quality trees and garden plants. From the graceful beauty of red maple trees to the hearty air cleansing oak trees, wide varieties to choose from.

 Please consider how well the tree will survive in its intended landscape. Below are a few steps to make the planning process more manageable.

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1. Decide how long you want the trees to last and how soon you want shade. Faster growing trees might deliver a more significant amount of shade sooner. However, oak trees could have a more moderate growth pattern and be more likely to live for at least one hundred years. Because their wood is more potent, they will also be less vulnerable to elemental damage, such as rain and snowstorms. That makes them suitable for planting around children's play areas, such as sandboxes and swing sets.

2. Choose the location in the garden or landscape where the tree will be. Keep in mind that it should be where trees will provide the most sun protection. Usually, this is the southeast or southwest side of a dwelling.

Many people position a tree near a large window to help with reducing heating and cooling energy usage. It is also recommended to plant trees outside an air conditioner to increase efficiency up to at least 10 percent.

3. Examine various shade trees. Consider what qualities each tree can bring to the landscape, such as seasonal features, color, and texture. For instance, the shape of the leaves and their color.

Some trees have larger leaves with a coarse texture that will produce a more dense shade. More delicate leaves will require a thick layer to provide a cooling shade below them.

Some examples might include Japanese red maple trees for their graceful curves and layered branches that can be particularly beautiful in patio settings. Hardy oak trees can provide a large canopy with plenty of room for people underneath it.

4. Consider trees with flowers for winter berries or fall colors. However, consider maintenance since fallen leaves and flowers need to be raked. Also, berries may sprout on the lawn under the tree.

5. Once you have narrowed down the type of tree you want, visit a nursery, online catalog, or tree farm to look at specific varieties of trees. Find the shade trees that meet most, preferably all, of your criteria.

6. Purchase a tree growing in a tree farm or nursery and 3 to 5 years old, such as red maple trees, for the easiest transplanting.

How Planting Trees Helps Our Environment

Thousands of trees are cut down yearly to create paper products and clear the way for new buildings and homes. Trees also provide fuel for wood-burning stoves and heating systems. Trees are significant to keep the environment healthy, and trees need to be replanted to replenish trees that have been lost. It can be challenging to replace every tree that has been removed in a community, but even planting a few trees can be pretty helpful to the environment.

Trees are one of the best and most natural defenders against pollution. That is because trees absorb carbon dioxide, and oxygen is released as a byproduct. Carbon dioxide is one of the main contributors to the greenhouse effect, and trees can substantially decrease these effects with their carbon dioxide absorption. Planting trees is a great help in cutting down on pollutants in communities, especially in highly populated and congested areas.

The planting of trees also helps the environment by providing natural habitats for local wildlife. When trees are removed from areas, small animals and birds who live and nest in trees have nowhere to live. Animals must look for new places to reside, and this cannot be easy. If there are no trees in nearby neighborhoods, animals can die because they have no safe place to live.

When this happens, natural ecosystems can become disrupted, and wildlife will become sparse. Tree planting can help provide homes for existing wildlife and wildlife that come into the area to find safe homes when other areas become too crowded.

Tree planting can also help reduce flooding, erosion, and water runoff. Trees stop rainfall from hitting the ground forcefully with their branches and leaves. That means rain does not hit rocks and dirt, so erosion occurs.

Also, trees stop the flow of water downhill so that rushes of water do not cause floods. The ground can absorb water when water moves slowly, which can only happen when trees are on the way to slow down rushing waters. Trees absorb water for food too, which means the ground can dry out quicker, so that ground, grass, and plants do not become bogged down with water. 

Purchase your Trees today at TN Nursery

weeping willow tree

Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow is a towering and graceful deciduous tree known for its long branches that sweep downward, creating an elegant appearance commonly found near water bodies. It is a stunning deciduous tree renowned for its graceful, drooping branches that form a cascading effect, making it an excellent addition to any landscape. The weeping willow is a stately tree that needs no introduction. This type of tree features cascading branches that give it its unique moniker. But despite this, there are plenty of reasons why you'd likely be quite content to plant one of these gorgeous trees in your yard. Let's look at some of the top benefits of these trees and why they are so popular.   Weeping Willow Appreciate Excessive Moisture While it's always possible to overwater any plant, these trees thrive in moister areas, making them the perfect plant to incorporate into swampier regions where you're having trouble growing some of your other favorite flowers. Better yet, they look stunning over a pond or small body of water, captivating passerby with their delicate yet powerful presence. The Weeping Willow Offers Sustenance For Local Wildlife The branches and leaves of these trees fall often, and it's good as they offer food for local wildlife. It's a significant bonus for anyone looking to create a natural space that benefits the environment. They get the free cleanup offered by small rodents and animals like deer, a show when they stop by to feed, and the animals get a quick meal whenever needed. The most significant benefit of these trees is the sheer amount of shaded space underneath them. If some plants thrive better in darker areas, this tree might be the perfect spot to position them. Of course, you could always enjoy the tree, sitting under it to read a book and enjoy a reprieve away from the summer sun. Enjoy Weeping Willows Dreamy Looks  Weeping Willow are among the few that do not explain why they enter. They have an almost dream-like appearance that quickly pulls you in, further enhanced by the yellow flowers that appear towards the end of winter and the beginning of spring. If you're looking for a tree that immediately pulls you in and enhances the look of your surroundings, this is the one.

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Red Oak Tree - TN Nursery

Red Oak Tree

The Red Oak Tree has a tall and robust trunk, spreading branches, and vibrant foliage that add a sense of grandeur to any landscape. It is a magnificent choice for landscaping due to its numerous benefits that enhance outdoor spaces' visual appeal and ecological value. Its stately presence and adaptability make it a sought-after option for various landscaping projects. A Red Oak Tree is a tall species you will notice on your property or the surrounding landscape. This tree offers several benefits for most landscapes, including stabilizing soil and attracting birds and other species. What Does a Red Oak Tree Look Like This plant can grow up to 75 feet tall and about 60 feet around. As with similar plants, it will have a canopy of green leaves throughout the spring and summer months that will turn various hues, such as orange or yellow, in the fall. The leaves will come off in the fall, and you may also notice acorns landing on the ground in the fall as well. Red Oak Tree Attracts Wildlife The acorns serve as sustenance for squirrels and other animals that need a store of calories over the winter. In return, the animals scatter the acorns throughout your property or a given area so that these trees can grow unimpeded by the competition. Red Oak Tree Proliferates and Has Strong Roots One of the primary benefits of having this plant on your property is that you won't have to wait years for it to reach maturity. Instead, it can grow several feet yearly and start creating acorns in less than a decade. As the plant grows, its root system will grow deeper into the ground, which can help to lap up excess moisture or anchor the ground where it is. This can minimize the risk of a landslide or other forms of erosion from eating away a vulnerable landscape. The root system typically grows about 20 feet, assuming it has the space to do so. Another positive attribute of Red Oak Tree is that it generally does an excellent job resisting pest damage. This means you can expect it to reach its entire lifespan of about 300 years. Its long life also means that several generations will be able to benefit from your work, and it also means that it can produce thousands of acorns during its life.

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Sourwood Tree - TN Nursery

Sourwood Tree

The Sourwood Tree is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree native to the southeastern United States. It is notable for its long panicles of fragrant, white, urn-shaped flowers and vibrant red fall foliage. Among garden trees, the Sourwood Tree fits the bill. It grows around 25 feet tall, and its branches generally spread to 10 feet. It will become a stalwart focal point in any garden. These plants are stately enough to please the eye yet small enough not to overpower any perennials planted around them. Another name for this plant is the sorrel. Sourwood Tree Has Beautiful Blooms They say, "Good things come to those who wait." That is true of this plant. Beginning with its fifth season after being planted, it will sprout gorgeous white flowers throughout June and July every year. These bell-shaped flowers grow on panicles in a flowing, attractive fashion that has led them to be called "angel fingers." The flowers are also sweet-smelling, producing so much nectar during their blooming that it drips from the branches at the slightest shake. The Leaves of Sourwood Tree Are Rich and Colorful The leaves will turn brilliant colors in the fall, notably red and deep purple. The bark is reddish brown and is attractively furrowed, matching the hues of the changing leaves. The leaves are pleasantly aromatic, reminiscent of the smell of honey from the tree's nectar. The wonderful aroma is balanced between astringency, which gives the plant its name, and the sweetness of anise. The leaves are oblong and finely tapered, and the surface is glossy enough to reflect sunlight attractively. After the blooms fade at the beginning of August, pretty silvery capsules form along the branches. The color of these capsules meshes nicely with the changing leaves and the furrowed bark into winter. Because the sorrel is a slow-growing plant, its wood and bark are solid and sturdy, providing a beautiful sight in all four seasons. Attract Pollinators With Sourwood Tree Pollinators, especially bees, love the flowers of Sourwood Tree, the sweet-and-sour nectar that produces the world's most excellent honey. Birds will also fly among the branches for a snack as autumn turns to winter. As the sorrel is mainly unaffected by pests or disease, it will likely remain a pleasing focal point in any garden for many years.

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