Silky Willow Trees

Silky Willow Trees - Salix sericea

The silky willow trees makes a perfect addition to a wet area that needs some greenery in zones 4-8. Its thin and purplish twigs create a beautiful color that stands out prominent in the fall. This plant requires a lot of water, so it's best to place it near a water feature that will provide the water it needs. This shrub does excellent in the shade, full sun, or in an area that experiences both.

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The preferred soil would be acid, average, loam, clay, or sand that stays wet and moist. Its average height at total growth can be expected to land between 6 feet to 12 feet. In May, you can expect to see yellow-green blooms start popping out. This plant gets the name "silky willow" because of the hairy but silky underside of the leaves. The flowers that bloom on this plant are beautiful to bees and beloved for the nectar they provide. This plant naturalizes and creates colonies through dropped seeds very quickly.

They will spread and grow in numbers if not observed over the years. One of the reasons they are so incredibly popular with plant owners is because they require very little assistance as long as they are near a source of water. They live freely with very little support or care required. They brighten your yards in the spring when their flowers bloom and fall when the color of the bark shines with a unique shade of purple. You can plan that the silky willow trees will grow to its tallest height in twenty years. This plant can also be expected to survive many different weather conditions if it has a consistent water source. You won't worry about its survival during the winter and summer, so long as the water is always near.

Silky Willow Trees Thrives In Moist Soils 

Silky Willow - TN Nursery

Silky Willow

Silky Willow is a deciduous shrub with silver-gray foliage and slender, flexible branches. It is often used for erosion control and habitat restoration. Due to its numerous benefits and aesthetic qualities, it is a valuable addition to landscaping projects. These versatile shrubs contribute to outdoor spaces' visual appeal, ecological health, and functional aspects. What Does Silky Willow Look Like Silky Willow is a shrub that belongs to the Salicaceae tree family. It is genetically similar to tree variants like the poplar, aspen, and cottonwood. Because it is a shrub, it can grow to rather significant heights. Why is it Called Silky Willow It additionally grows long and thin purplish branches. It grows long leaves that reach up to 10 centimeters in length. The leaves have hair near their tops and are dark green. The leaves are lighter green with white silk hairs on the underside, hence the name of this tree. It blooms in late May and grows leaves through the fall season. People who want to add this type of tree to their commercial or residential properties often find it best to buy seedlings. Given how tall and wide this tree can grow, it can be difficult for people to handle when it is close to or full-grown. Rather than try to transplant a large tree, people often find it easier to plant seedlings from more giant trees of this variant. The seedlings are usually only a few feet tall, if not shorter. Once planted, the seedlings can proliferate and gain significant height during the first few years. The blooms on these trees typically mature in June. It is not uncommon for these types of trees to live for as long as 400 years. Primary Benefits of Silky Willow People who choose silky willows can enjoy numerous benefits from this type of tree on their properties. Primarily, it can stabilize the soil in a person’s lawn or garden. It can neutralize the pH levels and make the soil healthier for new and existing vegetation. Likewise, these trees prevent soil erosion, which can be vital when property owners want to avoid having to lay down new soil year after year. The trees can save property owners both time and money. Finally, they attract pollinators. Honeybees, bumble bees, and hummingbirds are often drawn to them.

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