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Mayapple is a woodland perennial plant with distinctive, umbrella-like leaves and a single nodding white flower beneath its foliage, producing a small, edible fruit when pollinated, commonly found in shady forest environments. It is a fascinating native plant in North America with various landscaping benefits. With its unique appearance and adaptability, Mayapple can contribute to outdoor spaces' aesthetic and ecological aspects. Mayapple Is a Great Way to Green Up Your Yard Mayapples yield drooping blooms that range in color from white to rose throughout spring. Their leaves are broad and umbrella-shaped, with only one blossom per leaf axil. The flowers grow up to three inches wide. Each flower boasts white filaments, anywhere from six to nine waxy petals, double the number of stamens, six green petals, and yellow anthers. Because they are transient spring plants, they are only in bloom for a short period of time. Upon opening, the flower releases its petals. These plants can rise up to a foot and a half tall. They produce a golden-colored fruit in late May. The fruit doesn't ripen until August. Provide a Haven for Pollinators With Mayapple It is easy to spot for pollinators because of its large, prominent blossoms. Its display of six to nine perfectly arranged petals adds to its attractiveness. This, combined with their abundance of pollen, makes them a haven for pollinators like bees and beetles. Their early spring blooming schedule coincides well with the pollinating needs of many early-emerging pollinators. Make Your Yard Healthier With Mayapple As a perennial, they improve the yard's health and biodiversity year after year. These plants have a natural look that can add lots of shade and moisture to your yard or garden. Their roots have the ability to draw water up from deeper soil levels, which helps keep the topsoil from drying out too much. When the weather becomes warmer, their leaves unfold and swell, transforming into pleated spirals adorned with delicate hair around their edges. These leaves transform into intricately lobed structures resembling umbrellas, functioning as efficient machines for photosynthesis. Achieve Better Weed Control With Mayapple They grow really fast and in dense clusters, helping them outcompete many weed species by limiting their access to sunlight, water, and nutrients. Their extensively spreading roots add to their ability to limit weed growth, and their allelopathic effects inhibit weed germination by acting as a natural herbicide. Once their leaves fall off, they decay and release vital nutrients into the soil. This makes the soil healthier and hinders weed growth.

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Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily has trumpet-shaped orange flowers that form dense clusters atop slender stems. They are vibrant and versatile flowering plants with numerous landscaping benefits. Their striking appearance, adaptability, and low-maintenance qualities make them famous for various garden designs. These benefits contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of outdoor spaces. This provides a vertical element that adds dimension and depth to garden compositions. The vibrant blooms add color to landscapes, creating eye-catching focal points that instantly attract attention. They are flowering perennial bulbs that are named for the day-long lifespan of their blossoms. Europeans brought this carefree ornamental daylily to North America in the 1800s, and it has remained popular ever since. Orange Daylily Native Habitat Native to China and Japan, Hemerocallis fulva is naturalized in Europe and throughout a large section of North America. It grows naturally in thickets, along woodland borders, and in fields, meadows, and floodplains. The plants tend to spread when left unchecked. They typically bloom in July and August and come back year after year. Appearance Of The Orange Daylily Hemerocallis fulva has showy, bright-orange flowers that bloom in clusters at the top of two-to-three-foot-tall branched stalks. The four-to-six-inch-diameter blossoms open one by one, revealing three flared petals and three slightly smaller sepals that are shaded with red or gold. The plants grow in clumps, with straplike foliage that emerges from just above the soil. These narrow, bright green leaves grow up to three feet long and arch toward the ground, creating a mounded look. Orange Daylily In the Garden If you want to add bold, breezy color to your lawn during the height of summer, planting Hemerocallis fulva in clumps or along the edges of your property border can do the trick. This flower looks brilliant when planted in mass over larger areas and is wonderfully suited to informal meadows and hillside landscapes. It's also well-suited to smaller butterfly and pollinator gardens. After the blooming season, the plant's pretty green leaves will continue to add texture to your yard and can even make a serviceable ground cover. You can easily propagate daylilies by dividing and replanting them in the spring or fall. Ecology Of The Orange Daylily In North America, orange daylilies can be a food source for pollinators. The flowers provide nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds, and small bees may collect pollen from their anthers. In springtime, white-tailed deer and rabbits may enjoy eating the plant's leaves when they are young and tender. Orange Daylily Will Add a Luscious Burst of Color to Your Summer Garden When you want to celebrate the summer sunshine, planting Hemerocallis fulva is a great way to draw the eye and brighten your day.

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Cushion Moss

Cushion Moss

Cushion moss is a low-growing, densely matted mosses that form a lush green ground cover in shady, moist environments. It's a versatile evergreen ground cover with numerous air-cleaning benefits. Its distinctive formation and adaptability make it a favored choice for enhancing outdoor spaces in water gardens and features, shade, and damp areas. Create a Beautiful Yard With Cushion Moss Cushion Moss grows in thick, pillow-shaped mounds that are at least as big as a pincushion. These mounds can grow up to a foot in diameter. In the winter or late autumn, the new stems are long and pointed. Their beaked, blunt end caps and varying shades of golden to reddish brown are telltale signs of maturity. They are vibrant green and also form dense, round cushions. They can split off and grow into new plants, a process known as fragmentation, which helps with asexual reproduction. This is how the moss is able to cover such a large area so fast. Build Healthy Habitats for Insects With Cushion Moss The dense cushions that these mosses form provide shelter and protection to a variety of animals and small organisms. They retain moisture, creating ideal microclimates for insects, spiders, and other types of invertebrates. These microclimates help to create larger habitats for larger species. The moss even acts as a thick layer of insulation, reducing the impact of severe temperatures and creating a steady habitat for creatures who live on or under it. Because of their insulating qualities and gentle texture, they are a popular nesting material for many tiny animals and birds. Enjoy Air Purification With Cushion Moss They absorb pollutants from the air, making them excellent natural air purifiers. Small, hair-like structures known as rhizoids and papillae cover the surface, serving as a net for airborne dust and catching it on the surface of the moss. The moss structure then uses capillary action and microbial processes to digest and decompose the particles after they are within the moss. They also have bacteria that can transform pollution into usable biomass. Get Rid of Weeds With Cushion Moss It is an excellent weed suppressor because it can form a physical barrier, release allelopathic chemicals, and shade the soil. Their enhanced ability to better compete with weeds for nutrients also contributes to their weed suppression abilities. In addition to stabilizing the dirt and stopping plant colonization, their thick growth habit further prevents weed seed germination. Cushion Moss, also known as pincushion moss, is a type of low-growing moss that is very densely packed together. Its primary role is to serve as an evergreen covering over the ground that also offers numerous cleansing benefits for the air. It’s highly adaptable to a number of different gardens and landscapes and is naturally welcoming and inviting. Beyond its lush appearance, it also serves a primary role in the ecosystem of many species of frogs, insects, and spiders. It can help contribute to a healthy and vibrant garden. Where Does Cushion Moss Grow Officially called leucobryum glaucum, it is native to the forests of North America. It thrives the best in moist areas that receive plenty of shade, but it can do well with a minimal amount of sunlight as well. It also prefers soil that is a bit more sandy and less dense. You’ll most commonly find it in moist gardens, rock gardens, alongside pathways, or in close proximity to areas of water. Description of Cushion Moss It is instantly recognizable for its green color, which sometimes has a tint of blue to it. The drier it gets. However, the more the blue tint begins to go away, the lighter the green will become as well. In many ways, it is like nature’s carpet. It’s very soothing to step barefoot over and help you connect with nature. For this reason, along with its luxuriant appearance, it can turn a dull landscape into a pleasant and soothing one. What is the Appeal of Cushion Moss To Gardeners It offers many benefits for gardeners that go beyond its plush feel or verdant appearance. It acts as a natural mulch to keep weed growth to a minimum and help the soil beneath it retain moisture. This helps the soil in gardens to remain hydrated even during periods of drought. Another benefit to it is how low maintenance it is. It only requires minimal pruning and watering to maintain its vibrancy. This makes it a good choice for those who want a lush landscape that doesn’t require a lot of care. All in all, it is a low-maintenance plant that will help protect your soil, promote a healthy ecosystem, and create a welcoming environment for your landscape or garden.

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European Ginger

European Ginger

European Ginger is a low-growing ground cover plant that has glossy, heart-shaped leaves and produces small, inconspicuous brownish-purple flowers nestled among its dense, carpet-like foliage. It is a charming and versatile plant with several landscaping benefits. This evergreen perennial herb is native to Europe and is valued for its exotic appearance, low-maintenance nature, and various practical applications in garden design. The European Ginger creates a pleasant aesthetic while also helping to keep away insects and other pests. This plant grows low to the ground and is typically used to provide cover for barren areas or as protection for gardens or other areas that you want to keep free of bugs or animals. What Does This European Ginger Plant Look Like It can grow to be over a foot tall when grown in favorable conditions. The green leaves have a leathery texture that can add some diversity to your yard or garden. In fact, the plant can be used as a garden border to add some natural charm to your property. The green leaves may retain their color depending on the climate in your area. The European Ginger Grows Easily While this plant tends to spread relatively slowly, it does grow in a steady manner, given enough space. In fact, you can get it to grow even faster by separating the roots into separate areas of your yard or garden to get them to propagate quickly. As a general rule, as long as it is planted in the right spot, you won't have to worry about it growing properly after putting roots into the ground. You're Buying a Hardy Plant European Ginger One of the key benefits of this plant is that it won't succumb to disease. Furthermore, aside from slugs or snails, it isn't eaten by other insects or animals, and in numerous instances, it can attract butterflies and other attractive creatures to your property. It is worth noting that harm can be done to the plant if you prune it in the late fall or winter, as the remaining leaves can be vulnerable to burn. Ideally, you will prune it during the summer or early fall to give the plant an opportunity to bounce back before colder weather sets in.

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American Holly

American Holly

American Holly, with its vibrant red berries, and emerald green leaves, this tree remains visually pleasing throughout all seasons, providing a splash of color during the colder months when many other plants have shed their foliage. The tree's dense and conical shape adds an element of elegance and structure to any landscape, making it an ideal focal point or anchor in garden designs. It is a beloved evergreen tree with many pleasing attributes incorporated into landscaping. Its timeless beauty, versatility, wildlife value, and simple requirements make it famous for residential and commercial landscapes. American Holly provides four-season interest. Furthermore, the versatility of it enables it to thrive in various landscape settings. It can be utilized as a single specimen tree to add visual interest, planted in rows to create privacy screens or windbreaks, or even pruned into topiary shapes for a more formal appearance. Additionally, this evergreen is suitable for rural and urban landscapes due to its adaptability to different soil types and environmental conditions. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, this tree also plays a significant role in supporting local wildlife. The tree's bright red berries serve as a valuable food source for birds, including robins, thrushes, and cedar waxwings, especially during the winter when other food options are scarce. The dense foliage also offers shelter and nesting sites for birds and other small animals, contributing to the biodiversity and ecological balance of the area. Gardeners and landscapers appreciate its low maintenance requirements. Once established, the tree is relatively drought-tolerant, reducing the need for constant care and attention. While it is advisable to provide adequate watering during its early growth stages, mature hollies are generally self-sufficient and can thrive without frequent pruning or fertilization. Moreover, incorporating this evergreen into landscaping designs can have historical and cultural significance. Native to the eastern United States, this tree has been an essential part of American folklore and traditions. Its association with winter holidays and Christmas adds a sentimental touch to any landscape, creating a sense of nostalgia and connection to the past. In conclusion, American Holly possesses numerous pleasing attributes that make it an excellent addition to any landscaping project. Its evergreen nature, versatility, wildlife value, and simple requirements make it a preference for a wide range of landscape designs.  Whether used as a focal point, privacy screen, or wildlife habitat, this holly's timeless beauty and ecological significance ensure that it will continue to be a cherished and valued component of American landscapes for generations to come. Buy American Holly at TN Nursery American Holly, or Ilex opaca, is a captivating evergreen native to the U.S. This remarkable tree has earned its place in American folklore and is deeply intertwined with the nation's culture and traditions. Standing as a symbol of resilience and beauty, the American Holly boasts a unique blend of botanical features and cultural significance. They typically reach 15 to 30 feet in height, with a compact, pyramidal, or rounded crown. Its glossy, dark green leaves are characterized by spiky, toothed margins and a leathery texture, making them an iconic representation of holly foliage. During the winter months, these leaves persist, adding a touch of greenery to the otherwise barren landscape. American Holly Has Stunning Red Berries  One of the most distinctive features of it is its vibrant red berries, known as drupes, which appear in the late fall and persist throughout the winter. These small, spherical fruits provide essential sustenance for wildlife during the harsh winter months, including birds such as robins and cedar waxwings. This role as a vital food source underscores the ecological importance of American Holly within its native habitat. The wood of it is prized for its fine texture and creamy-white color. Historically, it has been used for inlays and marquetry, adding an exquisite touch to furniture and decorative items. Additionally, its branches with berries have been utilized in festive holiday decorations, becoming synonymous with the Christmas season and its spirit of joy and celebration. American Holly's Blooms Mean Hope  Culturally, it has held a special place in American tradition for centuries. It is associated with themes of hope, rebirth, and enduring beauty. The speech of blooms represents domestic happiness and foresight. Its presence in gardens and landscapes across the eastern United States reflects its enduring allure and significance in natural and cultural realms. In conclusion, the American Holly is a striking evergreen tree with glossy leaves, red berries, and a rich cultural heritage. Its role as a symbol of vitality in the natural world and human culture makes it a cherished and iconic plant in the United States, demonstrating the profound interplay between nature and tradition.

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Quaken Aspen (Lombardy Poplar)

Quaken Aspen (Lombardy Poplar)

The Quaken Aspen is a deciduous tree native to North America, recognized for its shimmering, heart-shaped leaves that flutter and quiver in the slightest breeze, giving it its distinctive name and appearance. It is a valuable and distinctive addition to landscaping, offering many benefits encompassing aesthetic, ecological, and functional dimensions. Its unique attributes contribute to a harmonious interplay of visual allure, environmental support, and practical value, making it a favored choice among landscape designers and homeowners. Aesthetically, it introduces a sense of natural beauty to landscapes. The Quaking Aspen has iconic white bark, and heart-shaped leaves that flutter in the slightest breeze, and vibrant yellow foliage in the fall. This creates a captivating display that echoes the changing seasons. Its dynamic appearance infuses outdoor spaces with charm and elegance, enhancing the overall visual appeal of gardens and yards. Ecologically, it plays a vital role in supporting local ecosystems. Its leaves provide food for various herbivores, and its seeds are consumed by birds and small mammals, fostering biodiversity and promoting essential ecological interactions. The tree's extensive root system also helps stabilize soil and prevent erosion, contributing to the local environment's health. Functionally, it offers practical benefits as well. Its medium size and appealing form suit various landscaping applications, such as group plantings, focal points, or windbreaks. Its adaptability to multiple soil types and growing conditions enhances its usability in diverse landscapes, allowing it to thrive in various settings. Moreover, its visual impact is enhanced by its distinctive trait of forming clonal groves, creating an intriguing and visually striking effect in more significant landscapes. Its ability to regenerate through root sprouting contributes to the longevity and continued appeal of the tree. In conclusion, it brings various benefits to landscaping designs. From its captivating aesthetic charm and ecological contributions to its practical versatility and distinctive clonal growth, this tree enriches outdoor environments. Its capacity to infuse landscapes with natural beauty, support local ecosystems, and provide visual and functional value solidifies its status as a favored choice among those aiming to create visually appealing and ecologically vibrant landscapes. Get your Quaking Aspen at TN Nursery Quaking Aspen Like most aspen trees, the quaken or quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) has leaves on flat petioles that shimmer when the slightest breeze passes. The leaves appear to be vibrating, giving the quaking aspen its name. The quaken aspen has a vast range, from Canada down to Mexico.  However, the tree thrives in cool but not bitterly cold climates, from around Hardiness Zones 2 to 5. The aspen likes full sun and moist soils, though young trees don't like standing water. The tree is known for quickly repopulating areas scarred by fire. In the wild, the tree can propagate through its suckers, and significant colonies of cloned trees can be seen in the mountains of Alaska and Colorado. Indeed, naturalists believe that one colony of cloned quaking aspen trees is the oldest and heaviest living thing on earth.  Quaking aspens can be challenging to grow from seeds as the great stands of cloned trees are all of one sex. The aspen is a fast-growing tree that can grow to about 82 feet high with a crown around 20 feet wide. The smooth bark is white or gray, embellished with black knots and scars. As the tree ages, its bark becomes furrowed.  The leaves are smallish with round teeth. They're about three inches around and three inches long. The leaves on the saplings are much longer. The tree produces two-and-a-half-inch-long catkins in spring before the leaves sprout. There are either male or female aspen trees, and if pollination occurs, the seeds are borne in a cottony material that allows them to be distributed far and wide during the summer. Quaken Aspen Has Seeds  The tree starts producing flowers when it's around three years old and has lots of seeds when it's between 10 and 20 years old. In the fall, the quaking aspen leaves turn a bright, buttery yellow with a tinge of pink. Like its cousin, the Lombardy poplar, the aspen makes a good privacy screen if planted in a row.  They also help prevent soil erosion. Gardeners who want to attract butterflies to their property should know that the aspen is a food plant for the caterpillars of the beautiful Viceroy, American White Admiral and Mourning Cloak butterflies, the Emperor moth, and the Twin-spotted Sphinx moth.

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Fan Clubmoss

Fan Clubmoss

A low-growing, evergreen plant with densely packed, needle-like leaves that form a distinctive, fan-like appearance and often cover forest floors. It is a unique and versatile plant with various landscaping benefits. Its distinctive appearance and adaptability make it a popular choice for enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of outdoor spaces. Unlike its name may suggest, it is not a true moss but a primitive vascular plant belonging to the Lycopodiaceae family. Fan clubmoss, which may also be referred to as running cedar or ground pine, has the appearance of a low-growth coniferous plant. However, it is actually a clubmoss, which is related to ferns. This non-flowering perennial plant was once commonly found across the eastern portion of North America. However, deforestation has dramatically reduced its presence in the wild. Because of its many notable attributes, this plant is an ideal choice to consider adding to your yard. The Aesthetics Of Fan Clubmoss This fascinating plant typically grows up to 10 inches tall and a foot wide in ideal conditions. Its pine-looking branches fan out, creating a stunning design up close. From farther away, the ground appears to be blanketed in green. Often, the plant has a dark green base that fades to a yellowish-green hue toward the tips of its leaves, creating a lovely effect. Some people trim the plants into a topiary design to add an ornamental touch to their yard. Weed Control With Fan Clubmoss This plant is commonly used for ground cover as it grows rapidly and stays close to the ground. Because the plants can grow densely together, they can block out sunlight from reaching any vegetation attempting to grow underneath it for optimized weed control. This is a highly adaptable plant, so it can be incorporated in numerous environments. Generally, it will dry out in drought conditions, but it will return again with moisture. Home Decor With Fan Clubmoss At one time, when the plant thrived in its native habitat, this plant was harvested in the wild and used for winter holiday decorations. With the plant growing in your yard, you can easily snip off a few sprigs to dress up your space with a natural touch. The evergreen leaves can also be added to your home decor throughout the rest of the year, such as in a floral vase for a boost of greenery. Minimize Erosion With Fan Clubmoss This plant can absorb a considerable amount of water, which is beneficial during heavy rainstorms. In fact, it can hold ten times its weight in moisture. In areas that are prone to erosion, this plant can offer natural protection.

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Sourwood Tree

Sourwood Tree

The Sourwood Tree is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree native to the southeastern United States. It is notable for its long panicles of fragrant, white, urn-shaped flowers and vibrant red fall foliage. Sourwood Tree Among garden trees, the Sourwood Tree fits the bill. It grows to be around 25 feet tall, and its branches generally spread up to 10 feet. It will become a stalwart focal point in any garden. These plants are stately enough to please the eye yet small enough not to overpower any perennials that are planted around them. Another name for this plant is the sorrel. Sourwood Tree Has Beautiful Blooms They say, "Good things come to those who wait." That is true of this plant. Beginning with its fifth season after being planted, it will sprout gorgeous white flowers throughout June and July every year. These flowers are bell-shaped and grow on panicles in a flowing, attractive fashion that has led them to be called "angel fingers." The flowers are sweet-smelling, as well, and they produce so much nectar during their blooming that it fairly drips from the branches at the slightest shake. The Leaves of the Sourwood Tree Are Rich and Colorful During the fall, the leaves will turn all sorts of brilliant colors, notably red and deep purple. The bark is reddish brown and is attractively furrowed, matching the hues of the changing leaves. The leaves are pleasantly aromatic, reminiscent of the smell of the honey produced from the tree's nectar. The wonderful aroma is balanced between astringency, which gives the plant its name, and the sweetness of anise. The leaves are oblong and finely tapered, and the surface is glossy enough to reflect sunlight attractively. The Capsules of the Sourwood Tree After the blooms fade at the beginning of August, pretty silvery capsules form along the branches. The color of these capsules meshes nicely with the changing leaves and the furrowed bark all the way into winter. Because the sorrel is a slow-growing plant, its wood and bark are strong and sturdy, providing a beautiful sight in all four seasons. The Ecological Niche of the Sourwood Tree Pollinators, especially bees, love the flowers, the sweet-and-sour nectar which produces the world's greatest honey. Birds will also fly among the branches for a snack as autumn turns to winter. As the sorrel is largely unaffected by pests or disease, it will likely remain a fine focal point in any garden for many years.

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Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily is a striking perennial plant with bold orange, spotted Turk's cap-shaped flowers and whorled, lance-shaped leaves, often grown for its vibrant and exotic appearance in gardens. It is a striking and vibrant perennial plant that offers many benefits when incorporated into landscaping. Its captivating appearance, resilience, and ease of cultivation make it a favored choice among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts. Without delving into its applications in herbalism, let's explore how it enhances outdoor spaces through its aesthetic appeal, ecosystem contributions, and adaptability. Upgrade Your Landscape With Tiger Lily Tiger Lily produces showy orange blossoms and tall, leafy stalks, so it's a very impactful addition to any garden. This flower works well in lush beds of flowers since it can stand out from the rest of the plants. It grows in dense clusters that work well for things like tree borders and sidewalk accents. Any time you want to create a landscape with a combination of consistencies and colors, this flower is the ideal choice. The Gorgeous Blooms of Tiger Lily This plant is a favorite of gardeners everywhere for its stunning blossoms. Each flower is a six-petaled bloom with long, narrow petals that curve backward from the center. The flowers are bright orange with speckles of black running along the top of each petal, and the center contains a spray of long, dark orange stamens. The heavy blossoms tend to cause the supporting stalk to bend slightly, so they hang upside down with a beautiful bell-like appearance. The Appeal of the Tiger Lily This plant has many other perks beyond its beautiful blossoms. The rest of the plant consists of a tall, narrow stalk with blade-like leaves that fan out in regular rows around the stalk. Each stalk is quite narrow and is usually only around 10 inches wide. These fascinating plants have a unique, vertical shape that helps them stand out from most traditional shrubs. The stalks grow in clumps, creating a vibrant, dramatic look for your landscape. Enjoy Tiger Lily Throughout the Season This perennial plant keeps growing during every part of the year. Each spring, delicate green shoots peak through the soil. These stems keep growing upwards until they reach the plant's full height of around five feet high. Starting in late summer, the signature orange blossoms of the plant start to appear. Long after most other garden flowers have left, this plant keeps blooming. After finishing its blooming season in fall, leaves start to lighten and fall. The plants remain as dormant bulbs over the winter before returning to their full glory in spring.

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Red Daylily

Red Daylily

Red Daylily's bold, red blossoms sit atop sturdy stems, making them excellent focal points that draw attention and develop a sense of landscape drama. They are renowned for their captivating magnificence and versatility, making them a popular choice for landscaping enthusiasts. These vibrant and elegant plants offer many benefits when incorporated into various landscaping designs. There are more than 60,000 cultivars of them, but this plant is among the most striking, even if it grows to just 3 feet tall. They are one of the hardiest of perennials and will grow well with almost any other flowers or trees in the garden. The Flowers Of Red Daylily As the name implies, the six-petaled flowers are bright crimson with streaks of various lighter shades that frame a set of yellow stamina. This plant produces a great many blooms, so the wash of color will be dazzling in intensity. Also, the prefix "day-" is remarkably apropos as the gorgeous blooms are replaced every one or two days, which charmingly evokes the idea of rebirth or new life. Many versions of this plant have yellow, pink, or even white throats. The Leaves Of Red Daylily This plant's leaves are flat, long, and shaped like straps. These leaves grow from a nice-looking crown, and the plant is evergreen in all seasons, lending a shade of green throughout the winter. The leaves also form attractive clumps before separating to form additional lovely stems with outstanding blooms. How Red Daylily Contribute to the Environment Pollinators of all kinds are drawn to the magnificent blooms, which contribute to the overall health of the garden and the environment at large. On the varieties of these plants with yellow throats, the bees that visit them to collect nectar match the color of the inner part of the flowers, which heightens their lovely effect. As patches of these flowers grow within the garden year after year, the colors can shift slightly, creating lighter and darker shades. These many different shades then attract different butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden. Because of the shape of their roots, they prevent soil erosion on slopes, meaning that when arranged beautifully in a cascade upon a slope, they'll hold everything together. The Bloom Of Red Daylily When planted in the late spring, these flowers will create their splendid washes of color beginning in the first week of July and lasting until the shadows start to lengthen in the middle of August. As hardy perennials, these wondrous plants will beautify any garden for many years.

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Bugleweed Plant

Bugleweed Plant

Bugleweed is a ground-covering perennial plant known for its low-growing, spreading nature and attractive foliage, often used in landscaping for its vibrant leaves and small spikes of blue, purple, or pink flowers. It will quickly fill empty spaces, making it an excellent choice for areas with poor soil or where other types struggle to thrive. It is a versatile and attractive perennial with numerous landscaping benefits. Its unique characteristics and adaptability make it popular in various garden settings and design schemes. Bugleweed Plant Bugleweed, which is also referred to as carpet bugle, ground pine, bugle, or ajuga, includes 60 related species of flowering perennials. The different species are found in the wild in Australia, Africa, Asia, and Europe. They are also introduced in yards and gardens outside of these areas because of their impressive attributes. With a closer look at the many benefits of introducing bugle to your space, you may decide that it is the perfect new addition to your landscaping. Bugleweed Plant Is Fast-Growing Ground Cover This is a creeping type that grows up to 20 inches tall, although some species are as short as two inches. It grows rapidly by shooting runners on top of the soil. These runners create a fascinating look, and they quickly sprout new stems. In the wild, it blankets meadows and other open spaces, so it is well-suited for putting in areas of your yard that need ground cover. Notably, the bugleweed plant is often used to prevent soil loss from erosion because of its ability to spread rapidly across steep slopes. Bugleweed Plant Is A Natural Weed Blocker Weeds are a nuisance that inevitably requires frequent attention. When they are not tended to regularly, they can overtake your yard and leave it looking unkempt. As a fast-moving ground cover, bugles crowd out the weeds. As a result, their growth is stymied, and they will quickly become less of a nuisance in your space. You can start enjoying your yard more rather than worrying about keeping up with the weeds. Bugleweed Plant Has Brilliant Colors It is a fascinating species with dark, shiny leaves that grow in an opposite pattern. During the flowering season, which is usually in the middle or end of the spring months, spikes shoot up that may be as tall as 10 inches above its base. These spikes produce purple, violet, or blue flowers. The flowers have long, flowing petals that some people describe as looking like a woman’s skirt. Bugleweed Plant Supports A Healthy Ecosystem Most rodents and mammals do not like the morsel of it and stay away from it. As a result, it is ideal for yards where deer and other animals forage and cause damage. At the same time, insects are attracted to its pollen. During the flowering season, you may spot moths, butterflies, and bees on the blooms. As important pollinators, these insects are crucial to maintaining a healthy ecosystem in your yard.

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Northern Privet

Northern Privet

Northern Privet is a dense, semi-evergreen shrub with small, dark green leaves and inconspicuous white flowers, frequently used for hedges and landscaping. It is a versatile and hardy shrub that offers several valuable benefits when integrated into landscaping designs. Its dense growth habit, adaptability, contributions to aesthetics, functional uses, and ease of maintenance combine to make it a sought-after choice for enhancing various outdoor spaces. Enjoy Dense Foliage Of Northern Privet The northern privet shrub adds lots of dense foliage to your yard with its compact and fast growth habit. When planted in rows or clusters, you can use their broad leaves to create natural privacy screens and wind barriers. These leaves grow close together in clusters, increasing their ability to block unwanted views and high winds. They are extremely easy to prune, making it simple to maintain the desired height and density. Many gardeners use the dense foliage as dramatic accents against other vegetation and landscape elements. Their greenery becomes even more dense when they bloom small, white, tubular flowers. The blooming period usually starts in late May or early June. Create Beautiful Borders With The Northern Privet Because of its thick, bushy nature, the variant shrub works well as a border plant. Its tiny, dark green leaves give off an air of strict formality and structure. The rapid growth of these shrubs also makes them ideal for creating dense, verdant hedges for walkways. Using these shrubs as borders for a garden or walkway can make the yard healthier in a variety of ways. These plants reduce water runoff, which also helps stabilize the soil and prevent erosion. They also help remove toxic materials from waterways, making the yard even healthier. Edging your lawn with borders can also help with weed control efforts. Add Pleasant Aromas to Your Yard With Northern Privet Each year, these plants bloom clusters of little white flowers that give off a pleasant aroma. Their fragrance attracts pollinators like bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and beetles, which increases your yard's biodiversity. Planting them in clusters or as hedges improves their fragrant effect. Give Your Yard a Classic Appearance With Northern Privet Once mature, these plants can give any garden a timeless and classic appearance. A common use for them is to construct garden walls with geometric patterns. Their glossy green leaves are thick and dark, and they can grow up to three feet each year. Most of these shrubs reach heights of eight to ten feet. They usually grow about eight feet wide and have a pyramidal shape.

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Running Cedar

Running Cedar

Running Cedar Also known as ground cedar or fan clubmoss, is a creeping, evergreen plant with needle-like leaves that resembles fern fronds and is commonly found in moist woodlands and forests. It's also known as Creeping Juniper, is a versatile and popular evergreen shrub often utilized in landscaping for its unique characteristics and myriad benefits. Its low-growing, spreading nature and vibrant foliage make it a valuable addition to various outdoor spaces. Running Cedar's primary advantage is its exceptional ground cover capability. Its prostrate growth habit forms a dense mat of foliage, effectively preventing soil erosion on slopes and providing an attractive carpet-like appearance. This makes it ideal for controlling weeds and stabilizing soil in challenging areas where other plants might struggle. The aesthetic appeal of it further contributes to its desirability in landscaping. Its needle-like foliage comes in shades of green, from bright emerald to silvery blue, adding visual interest and texture to garden beds, borders, and rock gardens. In addition, its low height – typically 6 inches to 1 foot – allows it to be creatively incorporated as a natural border, edging plant, or even cascading over walls and rocks for a cascading effect. Another benefit of it is its adaptability to various soil types and conditions. It thrives in well-draining soils but can tolerate some drought once established. It is also relatively low-maintenance, requiring minimal pruning or shaping to maintain its desired form. Beyond its ornamental value, it offers practical advantages as well. Its dense foliage provides cover and shelter for small wildlife, contributing to the overall biodiversity of a landscaped area. Additionally, its evergreen nature ensures year-round visual interest and color, enhancing the overall ambiance of the landscape regardless of the season. In conclusion, the running cedar is a valuable asset in landscaping due to its ground cover capabilities, aesthetic appeal, adaptability, and practical benefits. Its ability to create a lush carpet of foliage, its versatility in different settings, and its role in supporting wildlife make it a popular choice for landscape designers and homeowners alike. Whether used to prevent erosion, add visual interest, or provide shelter, it undoubtedly enhances the beauty and functionality of outdoor spaces. Buy your Running Cedar at TN Nursery today! 

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Sheet Moss

Sheet Moss

Sheet Moss is a lush, low-growing species that forms a dense carpet of soft, emerald-green foliage, often used in terrariums, floral arrangements, and as a ground cover in shaded areas. Sheet Moss, also known as Feather Moss, is one of the most favored kinds of moss that is used for lawns. It’s so named because it creates a ‘sheet’ over a garden or forest floor. Beyond the luxurious and welcoming appearance and vibe of this dense sheet, it also serves as the protecting home for a variety of microfauna, including frogs, spiders, and insects. Many small ecosystems revolve around the layers of it on the forest floor, and gardeners who are seeking to add more biodiversity to their gardens should consider adding it to the ground of their gardens. Where Does Sheet Moss Grow Officially known as Hypnum curvifolium, it is a wide-ranging moss that is found on every continent except for Antarctica. It’s mostly found in temperature regions of the world and adapts well to moist areas. You’ll commonly see it underneath logs or rocks, around tree trunks, or near natural sources of water. In gardens, you’ll usually find it around clay pots, stones, or next to artificial ponds. Description of Sheet Moss It is most notable for its soft fronds that collectively form a thick carpet of green over a forest floor. The individual leaves are very small and overlap a bit over one another, which helps to create the plant’s soft and lavish texture and appearance. Laying down over it will be akin to laying down over nature’s version of a mattress. While the leaves are normally a bright green, they will also develop a slight but noticeable yellow tint when moisture levels deplete a bit or are under prolonged exposure to sunlight. Why is Sheet Moss A Good Choice For Gardeners Gardeners like it because of how adaptable it is. It can easily retain moisture to help hydrate the soil underneath it and prevent erosion. People will often add it to gardens as well as terrariums to help create an atmosphere that is equally as lush as it is inviting. It is also very low maintenance and requires minimal pruning and watering. Many gardeners who want to create a green covering over the ground will turn to it over grass for this reason. It’s a suitable choice both for experienced gardeners and those who are new to the hobby.

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25 Big Ferns Grab Bag - Get 25 Ferns Chosen Perfectly For Your Zone

25 Big Ferns Grab Bag - Get 25 Ferns Chosen Perfectly For Your Zone

Fern Variety Set 25 Ferns Choose Perfectly For Your Zone - All Ferns are Mature Transform your living space into a lush, tranquil oasis with the Fern Variety - 25 Plants. This exquisite collection features a diverse array of fern species carefully curated to bring elegance and natural beauty to your home, office, or garden. With their feathery fronds and rich green hues, these plants will captivate your senses and create a soothing atmosphere wherever they are placed. Each Fern Variety - 25 Plants package includes a selection of twenty-five different fern species, each with its unique charm and characteristics. From the classic Boston Fern to the delicate Maidenhair Fern, this collection offers a delightful assortment that will appeal to both seasoned plant enthusiasts and beginners alike. With their varying heights, leaf shapes, and textures, these ferns create a captivating visual display when grouped or scattered throughout your space. These ferns thrive in various environments. Making them suitable for indoor and outdoor settings, whether you have a sunny windowsill, a shaded corner, or a patio that needs a touch of greenery. Not only do these ferns offer aesthetic appeal, but they also provide several health benefits. Ferns are renowned for their air-purifying properties, removing toxins and impurities from the surrounding atmosphere. Introducing these plants into your environment allows you to enjoy cleaner, fresher air and promote a healthier living space. Additionally, ferns have been known to increase humidity levels, making them excellent choices for areas prone to dryness. Caring for the Fern Variety - 25 Plants is a breeze, even for those without a green thumb. Ferns are generally low-maintenance plants, requiring moderate watering and indirect light. With a bit of attention and occasional misting, these plants will reward you with their lush, vibrant foliage, providing a sense of tranquility and natural beauty. Whether it's a housewarming present, a birthday gift, or a gesture of appreciation, this collection will surely delight and bring joy to the recipient.With the Fern Variety - 25 Plants, you can create a beautiful oasis in any space, bringing the beauty of nature indoors or enhancing your outdoor sanctuary. Embrace the calming presence of these ferns, let their graceful fronds transport you to a peaceful world, and experience the serenity that only nature can provide.Note: Plant species in the Fern Variety - 25 Plants collection are subject to availability and may vary slightly from the description. Rest assured, each package is thoughtfully curated to ensure a diverse and stunning selection of ferns.10 Benefits of the Fern Variety - 25 Plants: A Green Paradise for Your Space1. Natural Air Purifiers: The Fern Variety - 25 Plants are renowned for their air-purifying abilities.2. Increased Humidity: Ferns release moisture into the air through transpiration. Introducing the Fern Variety - 25 Plants into your space can naturally increase humidity levels, particularly in dry environments or during winter when indoor heating can cause dryness.3. Stress Reduction: Studies have shown that being surrounded by plants and nature can help reduce stress levels. The Fern Variety - 25 Plants in your home or office can create a soothing and tranquil atmosphere, helping you unwind and find peace amidst the daily hustle and bustle.4. Natural Aesthetics: Whether placed on a windowsill, hung in baskets, or displayed in a terrarium, these ferns create an eye-catching display that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your surroundings.5. Versatility: The Fern Variety - 25 Plants are versatile and adaptable to various environments. They thrive indoors and outdoors, making them suitable for multiple spaces such as living rooms, offices, balconies, patios, or even shaded garden corners. This versatility allows you to enjoy their beauty wherever desired.6. Low Maintenance: If you're new to plant care or have a busy schedule, the Fern Variety - 25 Plants are ideal. Ferns are generally low-maintenance plants that require moderate watering and indirect light. You can enjoy their lush foliage with minimal effort without the stress of constant maintenance.7. Improved Focus and Productivity: Indoor plants, including the Fern Variety - 25 Plants, have been linked to increased focus and productivity. Having these ferns in your workspace or study area can help reduce mental fatigue, improve concentration, and create a more conducive environment for accomplishing tasks.8. Natural Décor Element: The Fern Variety - 25 Plants serve as natural décor elements, adding a touch of greenery to any interior design scheme. Whether your style is modern, bohemian, or traditional, these ferns blend with various decorative types, bringing life and freshness to your space.9. Educational Value: The Fern Variety - 25 Plants offer educational opportunities for children and adults. They observe the ferns' growth patterns, learn about their unique characteristics, and understand their life cycle.10. Thoughtful Gift Option: Whether it's a housewarming gift, a birthday present, or a gesture of appreciation, the Fern Variety - 25 Plants makes a thoughtful and meaningful gift for plant enthusiasts and nature lovers. These beautiful ferns bring joy, serenity, and a touch of nature's beauty into the lives of your loved ones.In conclusion, the Fern Variety - 25 Plants offer numerous benefits beyond their aesthetic appeal. From purifying the air and increasing humidity levels to reducing stress and enhancing focus, these versatile and low-maintenance plants bring many advantages to any space. Whether you're looking to create a calming oasis in your home or improve the atmosphere in your office, the Fern Variety - 25 Plants is a green paradise that will transform your surroundings into a vibrant and rejuvenating haven.Tips for Maintaining the Fern Variety - 25 Plants: A Guide to Keeping Your Green Oasis ThrivingThe Fern Variety - 25 Plants bring beauty and natural elegance to any space, but like any living organism, they require care and attention to thrive. Tips to help you maintain and ensure the longevity of your fern collection:1. Light Requirements: Most ferns prefer indirect or filtered light, as direct sunlight can scorch their delicate fronds.2. Proper Watering: Proper watering is crucial for ferns. They prefer consistently moist soil but avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot. Before watering, check the top inch of soil - if it feels dry, it's time to water. Use room temperature water and ensure that the excess water drains out of the pot to prevent waterlogging.3. Humidity Requirements: Ferns thrive in humid environments. If your space is dry, you can increase humidity by misting the fronds regularly with water or placing a tray filled with water and pebbles beneath the plants. Alternatively, you can use a humidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels.4. Temperature Considerations: Most ferns prefer moderate temperatures between 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). Avoid exposing them to drafts, extreme temperatures, or sudden temperature fluctuations, as they can be sensitive to these conditions.5. Soil and Potting: Use a high-quality potting mix formulated explicitly for ferns, or create a blend using peat moss, perlite, and compost. Choose pots with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.6. Fertilizing Routine: Ferns benefit from regular fertilization during the growing season (spring and summer). During the dormant season, reduce or suspend fertilization.7. Pruning and Grooming: Remove any yellow or brown fronds, which are usually older and dying. Gently trim or pinch back any straggly or unruly growth to encourage bushier growth.8. Pest Control: Regularly inspect your ferns for any signs of problems, such as webbing or tiny insects, and take appropriate measures if necessary. Use organic pest control methods or consult a gardening professional for suitable treatments.9. Seasonal Adjustments: Ferns may require adjustments in care during different seasons. In winter, when indoor heating dries the air, it increases humidity levels and reduces the watering frequency. During summer, monitor soil moisture levels and consider moving your ferns to a slightly shadier spot to prevent sunburn.10. Observing and Responding: Pay attention to your ferns' growth, appearance, and overall health. Observe any color, texture, or growth patterns changes, which may indicate specific care needs. Adjust your watering, light, or humidity routines to provide the optimal conditions for your Fern Variety - 25 Plants.  Fern Variety Set (25 Ferns): T.N. Nursery proudly presents a fern variety set featuring a carefully hand-picked collection to ensure you receive the best.   Each fern variety set will include 25 that best fits your needs, according to your U.S.D.A. growing zone.   Why Did You Need to Tried Ferns Yet?  Perhaps you were eager to grow ferns in your shade garden, but you hesitated. You doubted your ultimate success. Or maybe you wished a horticulture specialist could point you to the best ferns. You may have been unclear about what ferns would grow well in your area.  Please allow T.N. Nursery to erase all those doubts about your fern-growing success with our fern variety set. This sampling will undoubtedly give you a fever for ferns.  Fern Variety Set is Selected Just For Your Zone  We will custom-select a fern variety set with 25 vigorous bare-root ferns for you. Because of our commitment to healthy plants, those will grow fast, showing off their glorious greenery quicker than you might think.  We will do the hard work of curating your fern variety set, sending you only the best ferns based on your growing zone. With our expert guidance, you'll have the lovely ferns your yard needs. No more boring shade gardens; our fern variety set includes 25 plants that breathe life into those bare spots.  Which Ferns Could We Include in Your Landscaping TN Nursery grows some of the most popular fern species, committed to vigorous plants that will last for years. Here are a few of the ferns we cultivate at our central Tennessee nursery:   ● Royal ferns ● Ostrich ferns ● Giant ostrich ferns ● Glade ferns ● Hay-scented ferns ● New York ferns ● Cinnamon ferns ● Fiddlehead ferns ● Leatherwood ferns ● Maidenhair ferns ● Christmas ferns ● Bracken ferns  Not every fern will succeed in every growing zone in the United States--but when you entrust us with your order, we will ensure you receive the best ferns for your area.  Fern variety set is available at T.N. Nursery.    Let the horticulturists at T.N. Nursery surprise you with a freshly dug, lovingly-packed fern variety set; you'll enjoy the 25 ferns you receive. Place your order today.   

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Blue Lobelia

Blue Lobelia

Blue Lobelia has striking blue hues and an attractive shape; this perennial plant can elevate the aesthetics of any garden or outdoor space. It is an excellent addition to any landscape design, from attracting pollinators to providing visual appeal. Blue Lobelia is an amazing choice when you crave flowers that swirl together showy blue blossoms with vibrant greenery in bright spikes. It's a striking, solidly built plant that delights both people and pollinators. What Does the Flowers of Blue Lobelia Look Like Several large flowers spiral around the stout central stem in an extended cluster. They are positioned most heavily along the upper portion of the stem. The tubular flowers have five petals with edges that curl attractively. Two petals form an upper lip. Three fuse together to form a lower lip that is more prominent. Blooms are typically about an inch in length, and they may appear solid or striped. While the bold flowers are clearly the stars of the show, the vibrant green foliage shines in its supporting role. The thick, unbranching stem stands firm and tall, allowing the plant to attain a height of two feet to three feet with ease. In fact, plants reaching four feet in height are not uncommon. The stems are wrapped in alternating leaves with no stalks in varying shapes. Some are shaped like a lance and finely toothed. These can measure up to five inches in length. Others are elliptical and can be between two inches and six inches in length. Does Blue Lobelia Come in Any Other Colors They are primarily found in shades of blue or purple. However, plants with white flowers are also available. In addition, crosses with cardinal flowers may result in plants that produce pink blooms. When Does Blue Lobelia Bloom This wildflower generally unfurls its blooms in midsummer or later and continues the show until fall. In many regions, that means you can enjoy the flowers from July through October. Why Do Gardeners Plant Blue Lobelia They are amazing flowers that put on a fantastic show, so they're a wonderful choice when you want something big, bold, and beautiful. They attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and pollinators. They flourish along ponds and water features, are favorites in borders, thrive in rain gardens, and delight when paired with plants like ferns, heuchera, or cardinal flowers.

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Stella De Oro Daylily

Stella De Oro Daylily

Stella de Oro Daylily is a popular perennial plant known for its prolific golden-yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers and long blooming period, making it a favorite in gardens and landscapes. As a part of the genus Hemerocallis, this flower is native to Asia. Despite its name, it is not a true lily. A true lily grows on tall stems and has flowers at the top of the stem. This flower has short stems and produces a large fountain of foliage at the base of the plant. Stella De Oro Daylily A Golden Beauty When this flower blooms, it fills your yard with a golden, sunny brilliance. Typically, the flowers will start blooming in late May. While orange flowers were the original version of this flower, there are more than 20 species and 20,000 hybrids available today. This particular version is popular because of its famous yellow petals. It initially blooms in late spring and then blooms a second time in late fall. Once the first frost arrives, the flowers will disappear. Stella De Oro Daylily Bulbs Reproduce on Their Own Because it is a perennial, you don’t have to replant this flower each year. Instead, it uses fleshy, thickened roots and rhizomes for reproduction. Stolons are produced from the rhizome that help the plant spread out over time. The flower’s root system is capable of holding water and nutrients, which is why these hardy plants can prevail out of the soil for weeks. Stella De Oro Daylily Verdant Leaves These lovely plants are unique because of the way they grow. Grass-like leaves are produced at the bottom of the plant, which is one of the biggest differences between this flower and a true lily. These arching leaves are surprisingly long, which is why they look like blades of grass. This mounded foliage grows vigorously, so it is great for filling up space in a garden bed. Discover a Versatile Flower for Your Home Garden With Stella De Oro Daylily Because this particular species is known for reblooming, you will see it in home gardens and commercial landscapes. Thanks to its no-fuss attitude, it is also incredibly popular in median strips along highways. Its fleshy roots allow it to be exceptionally hardy because it can always draw on the nutrients in the roots when there aren’t nutrients in its natural environment. Whether you want a hardy plant or a lovely flower, this perennial is sure to please.

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Creeping Buttercup

Creeping Buttercup

Creeping Buttercup is a low-growing, perennial weed with bright yellow, glossy flowers and creeping stems, making it a favorite for low-maintenance landscaping. This versatile perennial herb, native to Europe and Asia, has attractive characteristics that make it a valuable addition to various garden settings. The creeping buttercup is a stunning perennial that introduces a whimsical look to your gardens. The plant, which is also called the sit fast and the crowfoot, grows wild in vast areas from northern Africa to Europe and Asia because of its hardiness and adaptability. Because of its impressive traits and aesthetics, it has been incorporated into yards far outside of these areas. What can you expect when you add this plant to your landscape? Bright Yellow Flowers Of The Creeping Buttercup This plant produces small, delicate flowers in the spring and summer seasons. When conditions are suitable, the flowers may last through the early autumn months as well. The flowers grow up to 1.25 inches and show off golden petals that create a pop of color that makes it a welcome addition in gardens and yards. The flowers grow on dense, sturdy stems that are lightly grooved, adding character to their design. Creeping Buttercup Supports A Healthy Ecosystem The yellow flowers are fragrant and glossy with substantial amounts of pollen. These traits attract an abundance of pollinators to the environment, including flies, bees, and fluttering butterflies. These pollinators promote the health of other plants in the area that rely on them as part of their reproductive processes. In addition, the pollinators attracted by the pollinators bring other types of wildlife to your yard, including birds and leafhoppers. Fast Growth Of The Creeping Buttercup In areas of your yard that are in desperate need of vegetation and color, this plant can deliver results quickly. It grows quickly by shooting off a dense and fast-growing network of runners and roots. In many yards, moist areas can be void of vegetation and detract from the otherwise lovely aesthetics of the space. However, this plant thrives in wet soils, making it a suitable option for filling moist areas with green and yellow hues. Light Reflection from The Creeping Buttercup The glossy petals naturally reflect light. This creates a stunning, radiant look in your space, and it serves other important purposes. The flowers' reflection supports the plant's reproductive process and aids in attracting wildlife to the space.

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Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor

The Vinca Minor has lush and evergreen foliage and delicate blue or white flowers make it a popular choice for various outdoor spaces. While its benefits extend beyond its use in herbalism, let's explore its landscaping advantages. Vinca Minor, also called creeping myrtle, lesser periwinkle, or just myrtle, is a perennial beauty that instills a fetching charm in gardens, landscapes, and even potted plants. What Does Vinca Minor Look Like The leaves are a deep shade of rich emerald green, and most leaves have a glossy, polished, or shiny appearance. The leaves are typically oval-shaped with smooth edges, a thick texture, and prominent veins. Some species are variegated. The plants can be erect or trailing. Leaves occur in pairs along the height of the stem, making the plant look lush and thick. The plant is graced with trailing stems and adorned with clusters of small blooms in white or in a pale, pastel purple-blue color that many people associate with serenity. What Are the Attributes of Vinca Minor This plant is active year-round. Delicate little flowers appear early in spring, and they continue to bloom throughout the spring and summer. Against a strikingly verdant backdrop provided by the rich green leaves, the clusters of blossoms are displayed to the best advantage. Creeping myrtles may look delicate. Nevertheless, they are hardy plants that tolerate harsh conditions gracefully. As perennial evergreen plants, they remain bright green throughout the winter. The Ground Cover Characteristics Of Vinca Minor This plant reaches only six inches when upright. However, the roots continue to grow underground every year. Eventually, the roots can become quite long. Although this plant has a medium growth rate, the roots can form a trailing mat, prostrate mat, or a mounding mat. The stems like to get tangled up with each other, so to speak, and as they do, they produce a thick mat of greenery that thrives all year. How Else Can Vinca Minor Be Used These plants also work well as trailers in large hanging baskets and in tall pots. They provide superior coverage for hilly areas and can even be used in landscaping designs where you want subtle pops of color added to your existing ground-cover greenery. They have other uses as well. They have long been used in folk medicine to treat conditions involving the heart, nervous system, and GI tract. The herb is thought to improve cognition and brain health.

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Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba known as maidenhair trees are distinctive and ancient deciduous trees with fan-shaped leaves, renowned for their resilience and unique, bright yellow foliage in the fall. Planting this tree offers several advantages: Aesthetic Beauty: Ginkgo trees are renowned for their striking, fan-shaped leaves that turn a brilliant golden yellow in the fall. They add a unique and beautiful element to your yard, enhancing its visual appeal. Ginkgo Biloba Is A Gift From Mother Nature A true timeless wonder, the ginkgo biloba is an herbalist's dream plant and is popular throughout East Asia. Also simply known as the maidenhair tree, this plant is a botanical marvel that can not only enhance your landscape but may contribute to greater well-being if you understand its uses. Ginkgo Biloba Is A Tree With an Ancient History The history of this tree spans millions of years, and each millennium seems to be captured in the delicate folds of this tree's vibrant, fanned leaves. One glance can instantly take you back to an ancient time of prehistoric landscapes, sparking your imagination and conjuring an innate sense of wonder that connects all humans to the planet. Every leaf on this tree is a testament to its resilience and enduring beauty. Consider planting it alongside vibrant plants like azaleas, rhododendrons, and camellias, which will add bursts of exciting color and fragrance to your landscape. Ginkgo Biloba Is An Eco-Friendly Addition to Your Landscape If sustainable gardening interests you, then you can't go wrong with this tree. It is often prized for its ornamental shade and is known for being extremely resistant to air pollution. Whether you are planting in your own yard or enhancing a commercial property, this tree is a delightful addition that will add spacious habitats for wildlife and plenty of shade for humans to enjoy on sunny days. Embrace Ecological Harmony Of Ginkgo Biloba Trees, flowers, shrubs, and other plants all rely on each other to thrive. When planning a garden, it's important to remember this as you choose a landscape design that is both visually appealing and harmonious. This tree is a fantastic addition to your yard that will not only bring you beauty and joy for years to come but also support local plants and wildlife.

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Bellflower - Merry Bells

Bellflower - Merry Bells

Bellflower plant has blossoms that resemble small, graceful bells, which give them their endearing nickname, "merry bells." These bell-shaped flowers gracefully dangle from slender stems, swaying gently in the breeze, adding a touch of elegance to the landscape. Bellflower - Merry Bells Bellflower (Uvularia grandiflora), also known as merrybells and large-flowered bellwort, is a yellow woodland flower that is native to eastern North America. As one of the first wildflowers to come forth in spring, this long-lived perennial usually blooms in April and May. Natural Habitat Of Bellflower - Merry Bells They are often found in deciduous woodlands and forests in western New England, as well as in the South and Midwest. They generally grow on wooded slopes and riverbanks, under trees, and near shady seeps. When seen in the wild, they signal that most of the surrounding ground flora is original and intact. Bellflower - Merry Bells Appearance The hanging flowers and leaves are heavy enough to give the plant a languid look. Plants grow 10"–18" tall with arching, sword-shaped leaves and single or branched stems. As the plant matures, the single stems divide into two to three flowering side stems that produce one gently scented, bell-shaped flower each. The flowers are about 1 ½ inches long, with six twisted, flared, overlapping tepals per bloom. After about two weeks, a three-cornered seed capsule takes the place of the wilted blooms, and the plant will begin to stand up straighter as bluish-green perfoliate leaves emerge. Bellflower - Merry Bells in Gardens It is a shade-loving plant that is well-suited to manicured borders and flower beds, woodland gardens, and naturalistic landscapes. Gardeners often pair it with hostas, ferns, and other wildflowers. It can also be grown among the foliage of ground covers like vinca and phlox. The plants rise from short, fleshy, fibrous rhizomes. They sometimes form colonies but rarely need to be divided. You can propagate them by planting their moist seeds or seedlings or by separating and moving clumps in the fall. Ecology Of Bellflower - Merry Bells They offer nectar to bumblebees, halictid bees, mason bees, and other bees that collect pollen as they move from flower to flower. Deer also loves eating these plants. Ants also gain nourishment from the seeds, which they redistribute in the surrounding habitat by carrying them away from the plant. Bellflowers Make a Beautiful Addition to Your Landscape If you want to bring more bees to your garden and give it a soft, natural, and romantic look, consider planting a few under your trees so you can enjoy delightful greenery that lasts all summer.

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Rue Anemone

Rue Anemone

Rue Anemone is a delicate, spring-blooming perennial wildflower with fern-like perennial with leaves and small, white to pinkish flowers, often found in woodland settings. They are also known as Rue Meadow-rue or Early Meadow-rue, is a delicate and charming native plant in North America that offers many benefits when used in landscaping. Its dainty appearance, adaptability, and unique attributes make it a desirable addition to various outdoor spaces. Rue Anemone Is Stunning In Shade Gardens  One of the primary benefits of incorporating it into landscaping lies in its ornamental value. The plant features finely divided, fern-like leaves that lend an elegant texture to garden beds, borders, and woodland areas. Its early spring blooms emerge in graceful clusters, showcasing delicate white to pinkish flowers that can add a hint of refinement to any landscape design. These flowers contribute to the overall aesthetic and provide an attractive food source for pollinators such as bees and butterflies, promoting biodiversity in the ecosystem. Furthermore, its adaptability makes it versatile for landscaping projects. It thrives in various light conditions, from partial shade to dappled sunlight, making it an excellent candidate for woodland gardens, shaded borders, and even rock gardens with filtered light. Its ability to grow in moist to slightly dry soil conditions further enhances its utility in diverse landscapes. The compact size of it makes it ideal for small and large gardens. Its non-invasive growth habit ensures that it won't overrun other plants, allowing for easy integration with companion plants without worrying about aggressive spreading. In addition to its aesthetic and functional attributes, it also contributes to the ecological balance of the garden. As a native species, it supports local ecosystems by providing habitat and forage for native insects and wildlife. Using native plants like it, homeowners can contribute to preserving indigenous flora and fauna. In conclusion, it offers numerous benefits when used in landscaping. Rue Anemone has great ornamental value. Plus, rue anemone's adaptability to various light and soil conditions, compatibility with different garden styles, and positive ecological impact make it a valuable addition to outdoor spaces. Whether nestled in a shaded corner or mingling with other spring bloomers, it brings a natural elegance that enhances landscaped areas' overall beauty and vitality. Buy your Rue Anemone at TN Nursery today! Rue Anemone, scientifically known as Thalictrum thalictroides, is a delicate and enchanting wildflower native to North America. This dainty perennial herb belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and is renowned for its exquisite beauty, captivating the hearts of nature enthusiasts and botanists alike. Standing at about 12 to 18 inches, it is a miniature woodland gem that graces the forest floors of eastern and central North America. Its slender, gracefully arching stems emerge in early spring, adorned with finely divided, fern-like leaves. These leaves are elegant and intricately shaped, resembling lacy umbrellas that provide a soft backdrop for the blossoms to come. Rue Anemone Is A Early Spring Bloomer  In April and May, it unveils its breathtaking display of flowers. Clusters of delicate, star-shaped blooms burst forth, each measuring approximately one inch in diameter. The petals are typically pure white, exuding an ethereal charm that evokes a sense of purity and tranquility. These blossoms seem to hover above the foliage, creating an almost otherworldly, dreamy appearance in the dappled sunlight of the forest floor. One of the most remarkable features of it is its ability to adapt to various woodland environments. It thrives in moist, shaded woodlands, often carpeting the ground with its elegant foliage and blooms. This wildflower's presence in the forest is like a quiet, enchanting invitation to explore the hidden wonders of the natural world. With its captivating beauty and graceful demeanor, Rue Anemone adds a touch of elegance to the woodland ecosystems it inhabits. Its delicate blossoms and dainty foliage remind us of the delicate balance and enchanting allure of the natural world, making it a cherished treasure among wildflower enthusiasts and a symbol of the ephemeral beauty that graces our woodlands each spring. 

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Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower is a tall, native perennial with bright yellow, daisy-like flowers and narrow leaves, often forming impressive colonies and attracting pollinators in late summer and fall. They are remarkable and versatile plants that offer a range of benefits when used in landscaping. Their vibrant color and adaptability can add aesthetic value and functional advantages to various outdoor spaces. The Maximilian Sunflower is a radiant North American perennial known for its impressive stature and vibrant yellow hue. With a propensity to form dense colonies, these stunningly dynamic plants provide rich visual appeal to any landscape or garden. Their sublime and livening presence innately offers rich levels of enchantment for the gaze of onlookers. Why is the Maximilian Sunflower so Iconic These gorgeous natural creations intrinsically reach toward the sky. Standing erect, they often reach a looming height of around 10 feet. The towering beauties possess uniquely slender stems decorated with long lance-shaped leaves. Underneath the flower head, dark green phyllaries stick straight out before subtly curling at the tips. The bright golden petals delightfully evoke luminescent rays of sunshine. A jagged alternation pattern creates intricate layers of pleasing asymmetry. Their wispiness embodies an illustrative quality that summons a beatific repose. This flower’s center is packed with circular bronze florets. These discs often showcase a fractalized pattern that is simply mesmerizing. Meanwhile, the circumference is embedded with sleek light-yellow florets that create a glorious juxtaposition. The Maximilian Sunflower Can Cultivate a Blissful View Their relatively late blooming period is a very happy presence in summer and early fall. Thus, they can become the cornerstone of any idyllic scenery. Unlike many other growths from the same genus, these sunflower stems can support several clusters each. As a result, these durable plants make for a divine ornamental selection with downright transformative effects on the landscape. Humans Aren’t the Only Ones Who Love the Maximilian Sunflower Wildlife tends to fancy this flower, too. Their abundance of nectar is considered irresistible to local pollinators, so they are often associated with a thriving ecosystem full of bees and butterflies. Later in their flowering stage, the seeds occasionally attract a diverse ornithological scene, much to the delight of birdwatchers. Why is it Called the Maximilian-Sunflower These regal plants derive their namesake from Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied. The famed German explorer first came upon these magnificent flowers during his North American expeditions, and they were dubbed Helianthus maximiliani in his honor. It is a suitable title, especially since any outdoor environment is lucky to be bestowed with these golden gems.

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Mapleleaf Viburnum

Mapleleaf Viburnum

Mapleleaf Viburnum is a deciduous shrub with distinctive three-lobed, maple-like leaves and clusters of small, white flowers followed by blue-black berries, making it an attractive choice for woodland gardens. It is a versatile and attractive shrub that offers a range of benefits when used in landscaping projects. With its unique characteristics and aesthetic appeal, this plant can enhance outdoor spaces and create a visually pleasing environment. Mapleleaf viburnum is a deciduous shrub. It is perhaps best known for growing berries that are initially red before turning into a blueish-black color during summer, but it also features flowers and other types of beautiful foliage, particularly during the year's warmer times. Details Of Mapleleaf Viburnum This plant can reach around 3-6 feet in height and generally has a spread of 2-4 feet. Its fuzzy leaves are usually 2-4 inches long with around five lobes that have serrated edges. The reason for it being in its name is because those leaves are shaped like maples. Seed production normally starts around when this plant reaches two years of age. Its seeds are then protected by a sealed seed coat. In many cases, one of these shrubs can blossom into a colony of them. Flowers and Berries Of Mapleleaf Viburnum It creates white flowers in addition to its fruit. Blooming occurs between May and August, normally in June, while fruiting generally takes place between July and October. Meanwhile, those berries, which are popular with butterflies, birds, deer, rabbits, chipmunks, and people, can remain ripe into winter. Stunning Fall Colors Of Mapleleaf Viburnum The colors that this plant's leaves display during fall are stunning, and they can vary significantly as the weather and prevailing light conditions are significant factors. Possibilities include yellow, orange, pink, red, and purple. This coloring tends to occur in October and November, and the exact timeline depends on local weather conditions and related factors. Buds that have been created to prepare the shrub for what is coming the following spring will be visible once those colorful leaves have fallen. In a more general sense, it is primarily located in the eastern half of North America. In the United States, it can be found in significant numbers from the country's northeast west to Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Wisconsin and Illinois, southwest to East Texas, and south to North Florida.

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Dwarf Crested Iris

Dwarf Crested Iris

Dwarf Crested Iris is a delicate perennial with small, slender leaves and charming, blue to purple iris-like flowers, each adorned with delicate white or yellow crests on their petals. It is a stunning and versatile plant with numerous landscaping benefits. This low-growing perennial herb is native to North America and thrives in woodland settings, making it an excellent addition to various garden styles. While exploring the lovely possibilities of dressing up your gardens, the dwarf crested iris will undoubtedly catch your eye. This is a relatively short perennial plant that is native to the eastern United States and enjoyed in gardens throughout the country and abroad. While many people are familiar with them, they are often unaware of their appealing traits. What are some of the notable benefits of planting it in your yard? The Beautiful Pops of Color Of Dwarf Crested Iris This plant is highly regarded for its many colors. The branches are brown, and they combine with yellowish-green or green leaves and stunning flowers. With the stem and the flower, the plant reaches four inches in height. The fragrant flowers bloom in April and May, revealing shades of purple, lilac, lavender, blue, and pale blue. The rarer colors are pink and white. Additional colors include a white center and vibrant shades of yellow, orange, purple, and dark blue on the its outer petals. The Expansive Growth Of Dwarf Crested Iris The seeds produced by the flowers in the spring are under a centimeter in diameter, so they are easily dispersed by birds and the wind. In addition, this is a creeping plant that expands by shooting out long roots underground. While the growth of them is not usually noticeable only a year after planting them, the plants’ roots expand exponentially. This allows you to enjoy a blanket of them in your yard after several years. The Versatility Of Dwarf Crested Iris This plant is commonly found in the wild in wooded areas. It can also grow in the crags of ledges, on a rocky landscape, or in ravines. This makes it ideal for beautifying a formal garden as well as for use in a native or xeriscape yard with rock features. Dwarf Crested Iris Attracts Wildlife While some wildlife is welcome and even desired in your yard, other species can cause damage. This plant deters deer on your property, so it can act as a safeguard for the other plants in your yard that deer may be drawn to. In addition, they are fragrant and attract bees and hummingbirds.

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Kousa Dogwood

Kousa Dogwood

The Kousa Dogwood is a medium sized flowering tree renowned for its showy, star-shaped, white to pinkish flowers, distinctive exfoliating bark, and striking red fruits, making it a popular choice in ornamental landscaping. Kousa Dogwood Has Graceful Blooms and Unique Fruits The Kousa Dogwood is a small specimen tree that blooms with green leaves that turn orange in the fall, topped by four-petaled white flowers. The white flowers typically bloom in the late spring, providing visual appeal throughout the summer season. Once the flowering is complete, small raspberry-like fruits develop, attracting beneficial wildlife. As the fruits mature, they change colors from green to pinkish-red. This dogwood is perfect for landscapers who prefer variety as the seasons change. Kousa Dogwood Offers Year-Round Visual Appeal It adds an appealing aesthetic to any landscape that persists during all four seasons. Its horizontal branching pattern creates an architectural interest that remains even during the winter months when the tree is bereft of leaves. During the growing season, the leaves that sprout are dense and glossy, providing a lush and verdant backdrop. Fall is the most colorful season for the tree, as its foliage turns various shades of red, orange, and purple. During the winter, the tree stands out for its unique bark and structure. Kousa Dogwood Has Exquisite Fall Foliage As mentioned, fall is the season when this tree truly shines from an aesthetic standpoint, turning into a dazzling display of brilliant colors. The red, orange, and purple highlights provide a striking contrast with the green backdrop of the surrounding scenery. It is striking enough to serve as the focal point of a landscape, but it can also blend seamlessly as part of a mixed planting scenario. It's a top choice for landscapers looking to add a seasonal interest in the fall and enhance the visual appeal of their foliage. Kousa Dogwood Is an Adaptable Landscape Beauty One of this tree's best features is its adaptability. It can be set out in many soil types, including clay and loam. Its moderate growth rate makes it well-suited for use as a specimen tree or as a naturalizing element in larger landscapes, but it's also small enough to serve as the focal point for an urban or suburban garden where space might be limited.

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Golden Rod

Golden Rod

Goldenrod is a perennial wildflower, with striking clusters of bright yellow, tufted flowers on upright stems, contrasting against its slender green leaves, and is known for attracting pollinators to gardens and meadows. It is a delightful and beneficial plant with several advantages in landscaping projects. This perennial is in the Asteraceae family and is well-regarded for its vibrant yellow flowers and ornamental qualities. Goldenrod produces long, arching spikes of small yellow flowers, creating a burst of color in the garden. The bright and sunny blooms add a touch of warmth and joy to outdoor spaces. This plant is beautiful to pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. The nectar-rich flowers serve as a valuable food source for these beneficial insects, supporting pollination in the garden and contributing to the health and diversity of the ecosystem. By planting it in the landscape, gardeners can actively promote biodiversity and contribute to the conservation of pollinators. Moreover, it is well-suited for naturalistic or wildflower gardens. Its tall and airy growth habit allows it to blend seamlessly with other native plants and wildflowers, creating a natural and harmonious landscape. When planted in groups, it makes an eye-catching display that mimics the beauty of a meadow, attracting attention and admiration from garden visitors. This plant is relatively low-maintenance, making it practical for landscape designs that require less care. Once established, the plant is generally drought-tolerant and can withstand dry periods, reducing the need for frequent watering. Additionally, it is usually resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments and promoting a more eco-friendly and sustainable landscaping approach. In conclusion, golden rod offers several benefits when landscaping projects. Its vibrant appearance, attractiveness to pollinators, suitability for naturalistic gardens, and low-maintenance requirements make it a valuable addition to parks and outdoor spaces. By incorporating it into landscape designs, enthusiasts can create visually enchanting and ecologically friendly landscapes that support pollinators and contribute to the overall beauty and health of the environment. Get your Goldenrod at TN Nursery today! Goldenrod, or Solidago, is a rich and captivating wildflower that graces the landscapes of North America, Europe, and Asia with its striking presence. This perennial herbaceous plant, often found in meadows, fields, and along roadsides, stands tall and proud, adding a touch of sunshine to its surroundings. With its slender stems reaching up to five feet, it boasts an elegant appearance that immediately catches the eye. Goldenrod Is Stunning In A Garden The leaves are lance-shaped, alternating along the stem, and possess a rich green hue contrasting the golden blooms. The blossoms typically emerge in late summer and early autumn and are the true showstoppers. Each plant bears clusters of bright, yellow, composite flowers that form plume-like inflorescences at the top of the stem. These striking blooms are composed of numerous tiny florets that create a stunning and intricate display of color, enticing pollinators such as butterflies and even hummingbirds. Its charm extends beyond its visual appeal. A gentle breeze often carries a sweet, honey-like fragrance from its flowers, filling the air with a delightful scent. This scent and the mesmerizing sight of bees buzzing busily among the blooms symbolize mid to late summer and early fall in many regions. Goldenrod Is A Long Bloomer In addition to its aesthetic and olfactory pleasures, it is vital in supporting local ecosystems. As a nectar-rich plant, it nourishes a wide variety of pollinators, contributing to the health of local bee populations and aiding in pollinating other plants. Moreover, its dense foliage offers shelter and habitat for numerous insects and small animals. Goldenrod's ability to thrive in diverse environments, from open fields to woodlands, adds to its allure, making it a resilient and enduring symbol of beauty in the natural world. Whether observed in a wild meadow or cultivated in a garden, its golden splendor continues to captivate and inspire those fortunate to encounter it.

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Red Chokeberry

Red Chokeberry

Red Chokeberry has clusters of delicate white to pinkish flowers emerge in the spring, that later give way to bright red berries that persist through the winter, providing a pop of color during the colder months. Understanding the Red Chokeberry This shrub's name is Red Chokeberry. Aronia comes from a Greek word for the shrub species that the plant's fruits resemble. Arbutifolia refers to the appearance of its leaves, which are similar to the arbutus tree's foliage. Its tart berries earned the shrub its chokeberry name. The Attributes Of Red Chokeberry The deciduous shrub graces many landscapes throughout parts of North America with its distinct beauty. Often found in both dry and wet thickets, the shrub grows in a vase shape and can form dense colonies. The typical width of this plant is between 3 and 6 feet, and it reaches heights between 6 and 12 feet. Its ability to spread makes it a practical addition to low-lying areas and shorelines that need protection. However, its profound aesthetic attributes make it an ideal addition to any outdoor space. Appreciating The Beauty Of Red Chokeberry It makes captivating transformations during each season. As spring arrives, the plant produces delicate, silky flowers that vary from white to pink in color. Its leaves are a rich green color during the summer. Throughout the autumn months, those leaves may turn a purple or reddish-orange hue. Also, its red pear-shaped berries emerge in clusters during the fall and decorate the shrub with even more warmth. That warm-looking appearance remains even during the coldest winter months with the plant's reddish-colored branches. Its multi-stemmed structure adds to its visual appeal. Benefits of Red Chokeberry Since most birds do not eat the tart berries, people who plant this shrub often use them to make canned jams or jellies. People who enjoy watching bees and butterflies during the spring and summer can attract them with the shrubs. Those who like the rich, dark colors of fall can appreciate the plant's autumn look. Since the shrub has such a striking bark color, it makes a good choice for people who enjoy winter gardens as well. It proves that nature can create a different level of beauty during each season. With its adaptability in many landscapes, the resilient shrub can create rows or accentuate other plants.

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Tennessee Ostrich Glade Fern

Tennessee Ostrich Glade Fern

A deciduous fern species typically found in moist woodlands and meadows, characterized by its distinctive pinnate fronds and a preference for limestone-rich soils. It is a captivating and versatile plant that offers many benefits when utilized in landscaping projects. With its unique characteristics and striking appearance, this fern can contribute to various outdoor spaces' aesthetic appeal and ecological balance. Vibrant, feathery leaves are the most attractive feature of this verdant plant. It typically grows in a glade or meadow, but it will happily take root in your yard if you plant it in the right location. Thanks to its hardiness, you can enjoy having this plant’s lovely colors for a large portion of the year. It can survive during the winter, so you won’t have to replant it each spring. Tennessee Ostrich Glade Fern: Native to the Eastern United States Scientists know this plant as the Diplazium pycnocarpon. It grows using creeping rhizomes, so it can quickly fill a garden bed once it is established. Because of this, gardeners commonly use it as a background plant. It can be put in the back portion of your bed to create a backdrop for more colorful flowers in front. A Tennessee Ostrich Glade Fern for Native Gardens In recent years, native landscaping techniques have become a popular trend across the country. Because this plant is native to the United States, it will grow in a wide variety of locations. Ideally suited for the shade, it produces graceful arches and tall fronds. Other than native plant gardens, it is also popular for woodland gardens. The Stunning Fronds Of Tennessee Ostrich Glade Fern The biggest selling point of this plant is its fronds. Once the plant has reached its full size, the fronds resemble gigantic feathers. When it is grown in an area with enough shade, these fronds develop a lovely, light green color. In fact, these fronds can grow up to 4 feet tall. After they reach maturity in the summer, they are typically taller than an average child. Tennessee Ostrich Glade Fern for Your Professional or Personal Landscape Because of their vivid color, these plants are popular in professional and personal landscape designs. The leaves grow in bilateral rows on either side of the frond. When it is time to reproduce, some of the fronds produce spores. It can also reproduce by sending out stolons underneath the ground. Each frond grows in a bunch that is known as a colony. These colonies typically include about five to six fronds. While this stunning plant loves growing near ponds, lakes, and rivers, it can also enjoy growing in your garden.

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Wintergreen Boxwood

Wintergreen Boxwood

Wintergreen Boxwood is a popular choice for hedges and formal garden designs due to its dense, glossy green foliage and rounded growth habit. It is a small evergreen shrub. It is a popular evergreen shrub commonly used in landscaping for its outstanding attributes. This compact and versatile plant hails from the Buxaceae family and is native to Japan and Korea. Its name, 'Wintergreen,' is derived from its glossy, dark green leaves, which retain their vibrant color throughout the winter months, making it an attractive option for providing year-round interest in gardens and landscapes. The Classic Appeal of Wintergreen Boxwood Wintergreen Boxwood is an excellent option for landscapers who are looking for a medium-sized shrub. This plant consists of narrow, deep brown stems with a thick coating of small, green leaves. It can grow up to around three feet in height and five feet in width. This plant's dense hedges and elegant appearance allow it to work well in any area where you want a traditional shrub. Attractive Leaves of the Wintergreen Boxwood The main appeal of this plant is its extensive greenery. The entire shrub contains small, oval-shaped leaves that grow every inch or two along the plant's stems. The leaves have a smooth appearance with minimal veining and a very regular shape. They're a deep green color that is one shade darker than emerald green. This thick mass of green leaves gives the shrub a very even appearance that makes it a lovely backdrop for other items in your landscape. It has an understated elegance that can complement any location. Wintergreen Boxwood Versatile Uses and Exciting Shaping Opportunities It is a favorite of gardeners because it is happy to take on whatever shape you might desire. Many people like to trim this shrub into tidy cubes or orbs that line their fences, sidewalks, and walls. Some gardeners also enjoy pruning it into cones or other decorative shapes to create an eye-catching focal point on the landscape. If you prefer to leave it natural, it creates dense, oval shrubs that are a nice filler for tree borders or larger flowerbeds. Lush Color All Year Round With Wintergreen Boxwood As you might be able to tell from the name of this shrub, one of its main characteristics is its ability to stay green throughout the winter. As an evergreen, this shrub continues to look bright and beautiful no matter the time of year. It doesn't change colors in fall, and its leaves won't fall off in the winter. Instead, it provides a touch of brilliant green to your landscape during every season. This cheerful burst of greenery can keep your garden looking lively during the entire year.

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Flowering Dogwood Trees

Flowering Dogwood Trees

Flowering Dogwood trees are hardy. The Cherokee Brave, a fascinating and distinctive tree, is also known by its scientific name, Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1'. This particular ornamental tree is highly sought after in horticulture thanks to its exceptional beauty. In the spring, the tree's large clusters of vibrant, deep pink to reddish blooms create a stunning contrast against its dark green foliage, making it a sight to behold. As a small deciduous tree, This tree usually grows to a height of 20-25 feet, and it offers year-round visual interest with its attractive branching pattern and fall foliage, which displays shades of red. It is cherished for its aesthetic appeal, which makes it a popular choice for enthusiasts. Additionally, the tree holds cultural significance among Native American tribes like the Cherokee, where it embodies traits of resilience and natural elegance in garden landscapes. The White Princess Dogwood, scientifically known as Cornus florida 'White Princess,' is a breathtaking ornamental tree that exudes enchanting elegance. Gracefully standing at 15-20 feet tall, this compact tree boasts a profusion of creamy white blossoms in spring, arranged in clusters that create a magical spell of delicate allure. As the seasons progress, the leaves of this tree change to a vibrant red in autumn, adding another layer of visual interest to the tree. Whether you have a small garden or a large landscape, it is an excellent choice for adding year-round joy to your outdoor space and is sure to be the centerpiece of your garden.  Spring Grove Dogwood, scientifically known as Cornus 'Spring Grove,' is a stunning ornamental tree cherished for its vibrant foliage and graceful form. This deciduous beauty typically reaches a height of 15-20 feet with a similar spread, making it ideal for small to medium-sized gardens. In spring, it flaunts clusters of creamy white flowers that contrast beautifully against its deep green leaves. As the seasons progress, the foliage transforms into rich shades of burgundy and purple in autumn, adding a striking display of color to the landscape. Its elegant structure and year-round visual interest make Spring Grove tree a beloved gardener choice. The Super Princess Dogwood tree is a botanical masterpiece that amazes those who come across it. With its graceful branches extending upward towards the sky, it displays a magnificent crown of striking pink flowers that radiate with vibrant energy. Not only is this variety of trees unique for their exceptional resilience, but they also possess a natural elegance that captures the attention of all who behold it. Its regal height and abundance of flowers make it a cherished centerpiece in gardens and parks worldwide. But beyond its ornamental value, the Super Princess carries cultural significance, symbolizing grace, strength, and enduring beauty.  The Pink Kousa trees, scientifically known as Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Pink,' are stunning. Originating from East Asia, these ornamental trees display breathtaking pink blossoms in late spring, creating a captivating spectacle for anyone who gazes upon them. The unique and delicate star-shaped flowers adorn the branches amidst the glossy green foliage and exude an unmatched ethereal charm. As the seasons progress, the blooms give way to raspberry-like fruits that add to the tree's beauty and attract an array of wildlife, including birds. With their graceful form, vibrant hues, and exceptional beauty, these trees are more than just exquisite ornamentals. Flowering Dogwood trees are easy to grow The Chief Red Dogwood Tree is a magnificent and towering symbol of Cherokee heritage with a rich history and captivating legend. Its vibrant, crimson-hued leaves sway gently in the breeze as if dancing to the whispers of generations past, embodying the strength and resilience of the Cherokee people. According to the legend, Chief Red Dogwood, a noble leader, had his spirit entwined with the earth upon his passing, giving rise to this magnificent tree. For the Cherokee tribes, this tree is a site of great reverence and spiritual significance, serving as a sacred gathering place for ceremonies where stories of bravery and wisdom are shared, echoing through the rustling leaves. The magnificent Greensleeves Kousa is an ornamental tree with beauty and elegance. The tree boasts a lush canopy of green foliage and an abundance of stunning white blooms that charm any landscape. As a deciduous tree, it can grow to an impressive height of 15 to 30 feet, providing a picturesque backdrop for any outdoor setting. In spring, the tree's green flowers bloom and transform into a vibrant red fruit in autumn, which serves as a natural food source for birds and other wildlife. With its moderate growth rate, these trees can thrive in various soil types and prefer partial shade to total sun exposure.  Flowering Dogwood trees are fast growers. The Rubra Red tree, scientifically known as Cornus florida 'Rubra,' is a stunning ornamental tree highly prized for its vibrant spring display of pink to red flowers. These beautiful blossoms stand out against the backdrop of its dark green foliage, creating a picturesque scene in gardens and landscapes. As the seasons progress, the tree's foliage transitions to shades of red and purple in the fall, adding another dimension of beauty to its appearance. This compact, deciduous tree typically reaches a height of 15-30 feet, making it ideal for smaller gardens or more significant landscapes. Its beauty and adaptability make it a favorite among gardeners.

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New York Fern

New York Fern

The New York Fern is a native, deciduous species with delicate, lacy fronds and a distinctive appearance, commonly found in Eastern North American woodlands. These medium-sized, deciduous plants offer a delightful display of yellow-green fronds that carpet the forest floor. The appearance of this plant is that it is blade-shaped with triangular blades. The plant's blade is most comprehensive in the middle and tapers sharply at both ends. The New York Fern is a type of plant that grows well throughout the eastern part of North America, and it's found in large numbers throughout New York. This perennial might just be what you need to fill certain spaces in your yard that would benefit from greenery but might not as be as friendly towards some of the flowers that currently occupy your space. Let's see why this plant might be a good fit in your current landscape. New York Fern Reduces Soil Erosion and Weed Growth These plants are typically used as groundcover in areas where grass and other plants don't do as well. As a result, filling these spaces comes with some benefits. First, this plant takes root to prevent soil erosion in areas where soil isn't being kept in place by root systems. As an added benefit, the growth of this lush green plant throughout your yard makes it difficult for weeds to take root, preventing unwanted weed growth. New York Fern Can Improve the Air Quality Around You These plants are adept at capturing pollutants from the air and making it so that you can breathe a bit easier and enjoy your outdoor space. If you're someone who's constantly being bothered by dust or pollen, consider adding this plant to your landscape along with others that are known to improve air quality. The New York Fern Is a Good Cover for Wildlife Without the Risk of Being Eaten Biodiversity is important on any property, and you'll find that this plant is a friend to local wildlife. For example, this ground cover is known to serve as a great cover for certain animals like toads. The better news? It's not a plant that's typically sought after by larger animals like deer, which means that it will provide cover for other animals until the cold weather comes in. Grows Fast and Gets Thicker With Time This plant is a fast-growing plant that will quickly establish itself in your space, and trailing rhizomes will constantly be shooting up additional fronds that provide an even thicker look to your space. If you're looking for something that's hard to ruin and will start thriving in certain spaces almost immediately, this is the ground cover to go with.

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6 Pack - Pampas Grass Plugs

6 Pack - Pampas Grass Plugs

It is a popular ornamental grass known for its stunning appearance and versatility in landscaping. When planted as plugs, these young plants bring a range of attributes that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of any landscape. We will explore the essential qualities of these plants and their benefits in landscaping. While pampas grass is native to South America, its appeal has made it a popular addition to yards around the world. The fast-growing plants are a type of perennial grass that continues to offer notable benefits to properties over its long lifespan. Why should you consider planting it on your property? Pampas Grass Plugs The Standout Beauty It is also known as Cortaderia selloana, an ornamental grass with distinctive, appealing aesthetics. The grass plugs grow rapidly and can reach a height of 12 feet. The vibrant hue of the lush, green stalks is brought to life with the wispy blooms that stand at the top of the grass. The flowering stems may be a foot or more taller than the grass blades, creating a stunning, dual-tone look. At the end of the growing season, the cut stalks can be used in the home as a decorative element. Pampas Grass Plugs Soft Blooms Despite the grand height and dense, bushy base of the plant, it has a soft look thanks to its mesmerizing flowers. The flower stalks vary between shades of white, silver, and yellow. From afar, they have an almost fluffy look that will add a special visual element to your space. These flowers may conceal a fenced perimeter for a more natural look in your yard, or they may create a natural barrier around the perimeter of a property. Pampas Grass Plugs Protective Qualities While many people plant it for their beauty, the grass has practical benefits as well. In some areas, the grass has been used to minimize erosion. Because of this, it may be especially functional in yards with a steep grade or that are prone to the damaging effects of erosion. Pampas Grass Plugs Superior Ground Cover They are easy to grow, and they spread rapidly compared to some other types of grass. In areas that are relatively bare in a yard or that lack a distinguishing feature as a point of interest, these grass plugs deserve serious consideration. They can cover horizontal space and fill out for an established look quickly.

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Cattail Plant

Cattail Plant

The Cattail Plant is a wetland species with long, slender, spear-like leaves and distinctive brown, cylindrical flower spikes commonly found in marshes, ponds, and other aquatic habitats. The cattail plant (Typha) is a group of 30 species of tall marsh grasses that grow like reeds. Their tall, slender stalks and distinctive brown, fluffy, flowered heads make them an interesting addition to any landscape. For those who have a garden near a lake or want to emulate the tranquility of country cottages, they are excellent ways to elevate the beauty of your landscape. Transform Your Space With Cattail Plant Whether planted alone or in clusters, they add a sense of rustic charm and delight to any garden. While they make striking visual statements, they don't overwhelm surrounding foliage or fauna. Instead, their neutral colors and lengthy, slim stalks create a grounding effect that is ideal for filling up space and centering your plant collection. Create a Wildlife Oasis With Cattail Plant Invite more wildlife into your yard with them, which thrive near water and can be integral to a thriving pond ecosystem. They provide safety and coverage for many bird species and serve as food for many herbivorous animals. The good news for many gardeners is that Typha is typically not known to attract bumblebees, so you can add visual depth and beauty to your garden without bringing too many pollinators to the space. Cattail Plant Grows Effortlessly The good news about them is that they do not require much human interference to thrive. As long as they are put in the right environment, they will flourish effortlessly. Their widespread adaptability makes them an ideal choice for both experienced and novice gardeners alike. Embrace Eco-Friendly Landscaping With Cattail Plant Sustainable gardening is vital to improving our climate and supporting local ecosystems. They are excellent water purifiers, absorbing excess nutrients while their roots help prevent soil erosion. They also serve as a source for many types of fish, so if you have a pond with marsh feeders, then they may enjoy the addition of them to their aquatic home. By incorporating them into your backyard ecosystem, you can support a brighter planet for all animals and contribute to a more sustainable, greener future.

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Bird's Foot Violet

Bird's Foot Violet

Birds Foot violet stands out with its distinct five-lobed, bird-like petals in shades of purple, blue, lavender, and occasionally white. Their intricate patterns and subtle markings add a touch of elegance to any garden space. They are charming and visually captivating plants with many pleasing attributes incorporated into landscaping designs. Bird's Foot Violet Provides a Charming Accent to Any Landscape Bird foot violet is a compact plant that usually does not grow to more than 5 inches in height. It spreads out in low clusters of dense leaves and blossoms. This petite shape makes it ideal for gardeners looking for ground cover. Its narrow leaves blend nicely with grass or clover, and it adds a charming pop of color when it blooms. This flower is also a charming addition to features like flowerbeds or tree edging. People often like to use plant around the base of taller flowers or as a border along walkways. Bird Foot Violet Beautiful Blossoms This plant features five-petaled blooms with three larger petals on the bottom and two smaller ones on the top. Typically, it has medium-purple petals with a soft, blue tint. Some variants have a rich, royal purple shade on the top two leaves, while others are such a pale purple that they appear almost white. All variants have a white streak along the center of the lower petal that draws attention to the dark, golden-yellow center of the flower. Bird Foot Violet Attractive Leaves It is named after the distinctive shape of its leaves. This compact plant features small bunches of dark green leaves. Each leaf separates into several narrow, spiky lobes that give it a shape similar to that of a bird's footprint. The leaves fan out in a graceful spray that makes this plant look even more appealing. Enjoying the Seasonal Changes of Bird Foot Violet It is a perennial plant that can provide charm and beauty for most of the year. After staying dormant over the winter, this plant starts to display some bright green leaves in early spring. It then begins blooming in the middle of spring. Blossoms often last for several weeks, and the plant can continue to produce fresh blossoms as long as growing conditions are right. In fall, it often goes through a second round of blooming, so landscapers can enjoy even more beautiful purple flowers.

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Yellow Coneflower

Yellow Coneflower

Yellow Coneflower is a native perennial wildflower with striking, yellow daisy-like flowers and a central cone, attracting pollinators and adding bright color to prairies and gardens. They are a delightful addition to any landscape, offering numerous attributes that make them popular among gardeners. These striking native North American wildflowers have a unique charm that enhances formal and informal garden designs. While their medicinal properties are well-known, this article will focus on the non-medicinal aspects of using these in landscaping. Aesthetics: They boast stunning bright yellow petals with a large central cone, creating a beautiful contrast in color and texture. Their vibrant hue adds a splash of sunshine to any garden and complements a wide range of flowerbeds and borders. Yellow coneflowers have exceptional drought tolerance. Drought Tolerance: One of the most significant and sought-after benefits of landscaping is its exceptional drought tolerance. These hardy perennials can withstand dry conditions, making them an excellent choice for water-wise gardens and areas with low rainfall. Low Maintenance: These hardy perennials are relatively low maintenance, making them an ideal option for busy gardeners or those new to landscaping. Once established, they are super low maintenance and thrive without constant care. Wildlife Attraction: The cheery blooms act as magnets for pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. These flowers provide a valuable nectar and pollen source, contributing to the overall health of the local ecosystem. Long Blooming Period: They have an extended blooming season, usually lasting from mid-summer through early fall. This extended period of flowering ensures your garden remains vibrant and attractive for a more extended period, offering continuous visual interest. Erosion Control: Deep, fibrous roots help stabilize the soil, making them an excellent choice for erosion-prone areas. Their ability to establish well on sloped terrain adds to their value in controlling soil erosion. Cut Flowers: They make beautiful, long-lasting cut flowers beyond the garden. Their vibrant color and unique form add an appealing touch to floral arrangements. Naturalizing: These hardy perennials tend to self-sow, which can lead to naturalizing in the garden. This attribute can create a wildflower meadow effect, giving your landscape a more informal and natural look. Versatility in Design: They can be integrated into various garden styles, Whether in formal settings or more naturalistic landscapes. They work well in cottage gardens, prairie-inspired landscapes, and contemporary designs. Companion Planting: Harmonize beautifully with various plants, including ornamental grasses, native wildflowers, and perennials. They can be combined to create stunning, dynamic plant combinations. In conclusion, yellow coneflowers are valuable to any landscaping project. These versatile plants offer numerous benefits, from their eye-catching appearance and pollinator-friendly nature to their low-maintenance requirements and erosion control capabilities. Whether you are a novice gardener or one without a green thumb, to explore landscaping possibilities, these plants will bring joy and beauty to your outdoor spaces. Buy yellow coneflowers at TN Nursery. Yellow Coneflower, or Ratibida pinnata, is a glorious native wildflower that graces the American prairies with its vibrant and sunlit presence. This flowering plant is in the Asteraceae family and is admired for its unique characteristics. Standing tall and proud, it is a true emblem of the untamed beauty of the prairies. At first glance, it flaunts a striking appearance. Its sturdy, upright stems can reach heights of up to three feet, creating a dynamic presence in the landscape. A remarkable feature of this wildflower is its distinct flower head, a mesmerizing blend of golden-yellow petals, and a dark, domed center. The cone-shaped disk in the center is adorned with long, slender, and spiky disc florets, adding an elegant touch to its overall charm. It is known for its remarkable adaptability to various soil types, making it a resilient and hardy addition to natural habitats and cultivated gardens. They are often found swaying gracefully in the wind, their sunny blooms attracting many pollinators, including butterflies and bees. These flowers are also known to attract many bird species, enhancing the ecological diversity of the regions they inhabit. Yellow Coneflower Is A Long-Blooming Plant As the seasons change, it undergoes a fascinating transformation. Its fresh green foliage emerges in the spring, providing a lush backdrop to its future blooms. As summer approaches, the flowers bloom, creating a breathtaking spectacle stretching for weeks. As fall arrives, the cones gradually transform into striking seed heads, adding a rustic charm to the landscape. Supporting biodiversity and maintaining prairie ecosystems is crucial, not only for its aesthetic appeal. It acts as a beneficial nectar source for pollinators, ensuring the continuation of numerous species. Its seeds also provide sustenance for various birds, highlighting its ecological significance. Yellow Coneflower Is A Symbol Of Resilience In summary, the Yellow Coneflower is a captivating wildflower that adds a burst of sunshine to the prairies of North America. With its glorious golden petals, it stands tall as a symbol of resilience, adaptability, and ecological importance. This native beauty is a testament to the natural wonders of the American prairies, a treasure that continues to inspire awe and admiration.

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Brown Eyed Susan

Brown Eyed Susan

Brown-Eyed Susan has bright yellow flowers act as a beacon for bees, butterflies, and other insects, providing them with a valuable source of nectar and pollen. It is a vibrant and versatile perennial plant with numerous landscaping benefits. Its charming golden-yellow blooms with dark brown centers make it a delightful addition to gardens, natural areas, and urban landscapes. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it contributes to the overall health and sustainability of the environment. Recognizing Brown Eyed Susans With vibrant yellow flowers, Brown Eyed Susans are in full bloom and easy to spot. Formally known as rudbeckia triloba, these flowers feature plush center disks that are a deep brown purple. These fuzzy centers, which gradually fade to brown, are surrounded by six to 12 bright yellow rays. The result is a daisy-like flower that measures one inch to two inches across. Each plant boasts several blooms. In fact, large, healthy plants can display six or more blooms at a single time. The stems supporting these vivid blooms are reddish, coarse, and densely branching. Upright and prone to clumping, they range in height from two feet to five feet. The stems have fine white hairs along their upper half and are trimmed with green leaves. The leaves can differ in size and formation. Those at the top tend to be smaller and simpler. Separating Brown Eyed Susans From Black-Eyed Susans How do you decide if you want them? Both are gorgeous coneflowers that can add a lively splash of yellow to your landscape. However, there are distinct differences. They have smaller flowers with fewer petals. They also have a more abundant output of flowers. In addition, they tend to bloom for a longer period. Planning for Peak Blooms for Brown Eyed Susans Classified as either a perennial or biennial, they will often self-seed and self-pollinate. They bloom beautifully from the middle of summer through the first frost, so you can usually spot their cheery yellow flowers from July through October. Exploring Ways to Use Brown Eyed Susans in a Garden They are favored by gardeners who want to create an informal look or naturalize an area, and they are frequently found in borders and mass plantings. They attract bees, butterflies, and birds, so they’re a great choice for landscapers who want to draw in pollinators. They are also gorgeous, as are cut flowers, so they’re often popular with growers who enjoy creating their own floral arrangements.

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Pink Evening Primrose

Pink Evening Primrose

Pink Evening Primrose is a perennial wildflower with large, cup-shaped, bright pink flowers and basal rosettes of lance-shaped leaves, adding a vibrant splash of color to gardens and meadows in spring. Its delicate beauty and adaptable characteristics offer a range of advantages when integrated into landscaping designs. Its unique attributes provide a harmonious blend of aesthetic, ecological, and functional benefits, making it a sought-after choice among landscape designers and homeowners. Aesthetically, it introduces a touch of enchantment to landscapes. Pink Evening Primrose's soft pink blossoms that opens in the late afternoon and remain through the evening. These delicate blooms create a serene atmosphere in gardens and outdoor spaces, enhancing the overall visual appeal. This is a subtle yet captivating beauty that contrasts with the fading daylight. Ecologically, our beautiful pink primrose plants contribute to the local ecosystem. Its flowers attract pollinators, fostering biodiversity and supporting vital ecological interactions. The plant's ability to attract these essential pollinators contributes to a healthier and more balanced environment. Functionally, it offers practical benefits as well. Its adaptable nature allows it to thrive in various soil types and growing conditions, making it a versatile choice for landscaping projects. Its low-growing habit and spreading growth pattern make it suitable for ground cover or as an accent plant in flower beds and borders. Furthermore, pink primrose's extended blooming period gives longevity to its landscape impact. The flowers grace the garden from late spring through late summer, providing a consistent source of color, beauty, and food for the bees and butterflies. This can be particularly valuable in creating visually appealing and dynamic outdoor spaces. In conclusion, it brings various benefits to landscaping designs. From its delicate aesthetic allure and ecological contributions to its practical versatility and prolonged blooming period, this plant enhances outdoor environments. Its capacity to infuse landscapes with subtle beauty, attract pollinators, and provide aesthetic and ecological value establishes it as a favored choice among those seeking to create visually pleasing and ecologically vibrant landscapes. Get your Pink Evening Primrose at TN Nursery The Pink Evening Primrose, scientifically known as Oenothera speciosa, is a charming and delicate wildflower that graces the landscapes of North America with its captivating beauty. This perennial herb is beloved for its ethereal pink blossoms and distinctive growth habits, making it a cherished sight in gardens, meadows, and open fields. Standing at about 12 to 18 inches, pink primrose's unique growth pattern sets it apart from other wildflowers. Its slender, lance-shaped leaves form a rosette at the base of the plant, while its slender stems shoot up, adorned with striking pink blooms. These blossoms, measuring about 1 to 2 inches in diameter, consist of four heart-shaped petals that give the flower its characteristic look. Its habit of unfurling its petals in the late afternoon or early evening makes it enchanting, creating a magical transformation. Pink Evening Primrose Does Great in Rock Gardens This wildflower is an exquisite symbol of resilience, as it thrives in various habitats, from rocky slopes to sandy soils and prairies to roadsides. Its adaptability and hardiness have made it a dearest among gardeners wanting to add a touch of grace to their outdoor spaces. It is visually appealing and an invaluable help for pollinators such as bees, providing them with a nectar source. Pink Evening Primrose Is A Very Long Bloomer Its bloom season typically spans spring to summer, depending on the region and climate. During this time, it graces the landscape with a profusion of pink petals, creating a picturesque scene that attracts both human admirers and nature enthusiasts alike. In summation, the Pink Evening Primrose is a splendid wildflower that adds a touch of ethereal beauty to the natural landscapes of North America. With its graceful appearance, unique growth habits, and evening blooms, it continues to captivate the hearts of those who encounter it, reminding us of the wonder and elegance found in the world of native flora. If you have any questions about our Pink Primrose, please feel free to contact us!

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Japanese Maple - Acer Palmatum

Japanese Maple - Acer Palmatum

Japanese Maple is an ornamental tree known for its palmate leaves that turn shades of green and yellow in the fall, contributing to a graceful and vibrant garden landscape. It is a stunning and versatile ornamental with numerous landscaping benefits. Its unique characteristics and aesthetic appeal make it popular for enhancing outdoor spaces like gardens, parks, and residential yards. Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) is a type of woody plant of Asian origin. In Japan, it is called "iroha momiji." The tree is famous for its refined ornamental qualities and variety of colorful cultivars. Japanese Maple - Acer Palmatum Natural Habitat Iroha Momiji is native to Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia, and Russia and naturalized in parts of North America. This deciduous plant typically reaches heights of 20'–35' when it grows in the understory of shady woodland. A huge variety of iroha Momiji trees grow in the wild, and seedlings from the same ancestor can be of different colors, shapes, and sizes. Appearance Of Japanese Maple - Acer Palmatum Iroha Momiji cultivars come in thousands of beautiful forms and sizes that can range from 1 1⁄2' to 52' tall. Their small, finely-textured palmate leaves range from 1 1⁄2"–4 3⁄4" long and display five, seven, or nine long, pointed lobes. The leaves are famed for their amazing array of colors, from deep green and chartreuse to orange, red, and deep purple. Some cultivars have variegated leaves with pink or white patterns. In the fall, the leaves typically brighten and put on a brilliant display of yellow, red, and orange. The tree typically has gnarled, twisting, compound trunks with gray bark that join close to the ground. Iroha Momiji cultivars have many forms, from upright to dome- and vase-shaped to weeping and cascading, and more. Japanese Maple - Acer Palmatum In the Garden In the United States, Iroha Momiji cultivars are often planted in Japanese gardens. Their compact size and adaptability make them good ornamental accent trees for paths, borders, and patios. The plant is also popular as a bonsai, and many varieties can be grown in pots or planters. Ecology Of Japanese Maple - Acer Palmatum Within their delicate canopies, Iroha Momiji trees provide shelter for a variety of small animals. Songbirds use the branches as nesting sites and feast on their seeds, while squirrels and chipmunks are said to enjoy the trees' bark. In spring, hummingbirds and bees fly to the trees' flowers and feed on their nectar. Japanese Maple - Acer Palmatum Adds Elegance to Your Landscape Planting iroha momiji in your garden is a great way to add creative flair to your landscape and enjoy its refined beauty all year long.

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Periwinkle - Vinca minor

Periwinkle - Vinca minor

Periwinkle is a perennial vine and is a low-growing, evergreen ground cover plant with glossy green leaves and small, violet-blue flowers, often used to fill in garden spaces and control erosion. Incorporating it into landscaping offers many benefits that give beauty and functionality to outdoor spaces. This versatile ground cover brings lushness, adaptability, erosion control, low-maintenance care, and soft elegance to garden settings. Periwinkle - Vinca minor is famous for its blue flowers, and this plant is a remarkably good groundcover. Unlike some groundcovers, it grows quickly without becoming invasive. Because of this, many home gardeners and landscape designers like to add this cheery plant to their landscape. Periwinkle - Vinca Minor Is A Versatile Groundcover It initially originated in central and southern Europe. Classified as a part of the dogbane family, this flowering plant quickly spread to the Baltic States, the Netherlands, and the Caucasus. Today, it is grown around the world as a groundcover. Sometimes, people may refer to this groundcover by other common names, like creeping myrtle or myrtle. There’s Nothing Minor About Periwinkle - Vinca minor This plant is truly a gardener’s delight. Its strong roots help to control soil erosion, and its trailing vines are full of glossy leaves. Because deer don’t normally like this plant, you don’t have to worry about it disappearing. Plus, it can handle some foot traffic, so it doesn’t get trampled easily. Periwinkle - Vinca minor Offers Lovely Foliage Because this plant is considered an evergreen, it will keep its glossy, green leaves in the winter. After you plant it, the vines will gradually spread over neighboring areas. While it mostly grows along the ground, this vine can sometimes get up to 16 inches in height. Unlike other vines, it never climbs or twines around trees or walls. Instead, you can enjoy having it as a permanent ground cover in your garden. Periwinkle - Vinca minor Flowers Are Sure to Impress The most notable part of this vine is its flowers. They are typically created between early spring and the middle of summer. Sometimes, you will still notice a few flowers in autumn. All of the flowers have a violet-purple shade and a five-lobed corolla. On some species, you can even find white and pale purple flowers. With this popular groundcover, you will get to have an evergreen mat in your garden beds throughout the year. The flowers remain for a large portion of spring and summer, so you can appreciate bright blue pops. Thanks to its rapid growth, you don’t have to wait long to see this lovely vine fill empty areas in your yard.

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Fern Moss

Fern Moss

Fern Moss, displays feathery, fern-like fronds and is often found in damp and shady environments, resembling miniature forest ferns. A delightful and beneficial plant for landscaping projects. This type of moss belongs to the Bryophyte family and thrives in damp and shady environments, making it a perfect choice for various landscaping applications. Fern Moss is known for their delicate appearance. These plants are widely distributed throughout North America and often add color and beauty to shady, humid gardens. Natural Habitat Of Fern Moss It forms lush, branching carpets on decomposing logs, rocks, and patches of damp soil. They can flourish in a variety of moist, shady environments all year round and are commonly found along mountain streams and river banks, on hillsides and in ravines, underneath trees, and on forest floors. Appearance and Propagation Of Fern Moss It has feathery triangular fronds arranged in a triple-pinnate structure, with central stems that grow up to 3½" long. The fronds consist of tiny, bumpy leaves that give the moss a slightly rough appearance and branch out to create a layered mat with a soft, plush texture. The fronds intertwine to create a colony with a three-dimensional profile. In humid air, the leaves tend to open up, but in dry air, they contract against their parent stem or branch. It can display a spectrum of colors, changing from golden brown to dull yellow-green to bright, then deep green, as shade and moisture increase. To propagate themselves, it creates sporophytes that mature and release spores that can grow into new plants. As it establish itself, it grows fibrous rhizoids that attach to its new substrates. These thin, root-like rhizoids anchor the plants and pull nutrients and moisture up into the fronds. Gardens and Cultivated Area Of Fern Moss It can create a tranquil aesthetic and lend a graceful charm to cultivated areas in your landscape. Gardeners often use it as a ground cover in tree-filled areas. This plant can also add color and texture to rock gardens and shady areas while providing patches of greenery in the winter. Biodiversity Of Fern Moss If you're looking to create a microhabitat for small animals in your garden, it is a wonderful choice. Songbirds like swallows, vireos, juncos, robins, and warblers use the it's fronds in their nests to protect their hatchlings and conceal them from predators. Beautify Your Garden with Fern Moss Adding it to your garden is a lovely way to bring the freshness of the forest into your landscape and enhance your time outdoors.

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Chinese Chestnut Tree

Chinese Chestnut Tree

Chinese Chestnut is a deciduous tree known for its broad, toothed leaves and the production of them in spiky, burr-like husks. One of its primary benefits in landscaping is its ornamental value. Chinese Chestnut Tree Adds Visual Appeal to Your Property The Chinese Chestnut Tree is an exciting addition to any landscape. They are stunning and can grow to an impressive size of 65 feet tall. This plant typically has a compact trunk with a broad, lush crown of leaves. They tend to be broader than they are tall and boast several sturdy branches that support the canopy. Often, the leaves are so tightly clustered that they'll entirely cover branches and provide you with plenty of shade. Enhance Your Landscape With a Chinese Chestnut Tree They are ideal for homeowners who want to make a statement. The classic shape of them lets them stand out nicely on a lawn or among flower beds. It works well as a standalone landscaping accent, but it's also versatile enough to look attractive among other plants. Some people also like to plant multiple chestnuts together to create a graceful grove of leafy trees. The Chinese Chestnut Tree Gorgeous Leaves and Bark They are easy to identify due to their stunning appearance. The bark of this plant is a pale grayish-brown with parallel grooves. The lighter color of the trunk is offset by deep green leaves. They have leaves with an elongated, oval shape with a pointed tip and a frilled edge. The leaves are a glossy green along the top and a slightly paler green along the underside. They hang in defined clusters along the branches and ripple easily in the breeze. The Chinese Chestnut Tree Exciting Flowers and Seed Pods This plant undergoes some seasonal changes that make it an even more appealing part of your landscape. In the summer, they bloom with long, feathery, white flowers. These flowers look like graceful tassels and appear at the tip of each branch. Once the flowers are fertilized, they turn into lime-green seed pods. The seeds of this plant are covered in a spiky-looking coating and grow in tight clumps on it. During fall, this plant looks like it's covered in bright pom poms as the seeds on it grow.

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Pink Crepe Myrtle

Pink Crepe Myrtle

Pink Crepe Myrtle is a deciduous shrub or small tree with vibrant, pink crepe-paper-like flowers and smooth, cinnamon-colored bark, often used for ornamental landscaping. With its captivating beauty and versatile characteristics, they offer many advantages when incorporated into landscaping endeavors. Its unique attributes provide a harmonious blend of aesthetic, ecological, and practical benefits, making it a cherished choice among landscape designers and homeowners. The pink crepe myrtle is a beautiful addition to any yard thanks to its large, colorful blooms and standout look. This is a type of deciduous tree that grows well in a variety of conditions, making it well-suited for enhancing aesthetics in many yards. If you decide to plant this distinctive tree in your yard, you can enjoy several exciting benefits. What are these benefits? Vibrant Colors Of The Pink Crepe Myrtle It has long-lasting blooms that cover most of the surface area of the leafy branches. The branches can grow up to 15 feet in diameter, so this colorful tree can be a focal space in the yard. The colors of the flowers range from baby rose to fuchsia, carnation, hot, and other rosy shades. In addition, the slightly rounded leaves are deep green, and the bark has a pinkish-gray hue. The bark is generally smooth and mottled, which adds to its fascinating look. Enhanced Pollination Of The Pink Crepe Myrtle Many types of plants rely on pollinating insects and birds. The flowers on this tree have a strong fragrance. In addition, the bark emits sap, and these two elements combine to attract up to 30 pollinator species to the yard. Pollinators are beneficial insects and birds that have a solid impact on the overall health of your yard’s small ecosystem. Diminished Pests With The Pink Crepe Myrtle Many of the birds and insects that are drawn to these trees are beneficial in other ways. For example, these bugs and birds often feast on the various damaging pests in a yard. By managing the population of unwanted pests, your plants can enjoy an overall healthier environment. More Privacy Is Available With The Pink Crepe Myrtle Many homes are built close to each other, allowing direct views from the windows and porch of one house to those of another. This lack of privacy erodes the comfortable living experience in the home. The myrtle trees often grow up to 20 feet tall and have dense, bushy branches. When the tree is in full bloom, it may be impossible to see through the flowers and branches. Because the tree grows well above the height of a privacy fence, privacy reaches a new level.

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High Bush Blueberry

High Bush Blueberry

A deciduous shrub bearing clusters of small, sweet, and flavorful blueberries, known for its vibrant green foliage and pink to white bell-shaped flowers in spring. 3-4" Plug Size Shipped WHAT YOUR PLANT WILL LOOK LIKE WHEN YOU RECEIVE IT The Charming Look of the High Bush Blueberry The High Bush Blueberry is well known for its beautiful flowers and berries. It starts producing attractive, white flowers with a bell shape in early spring. These flowers then transform into charming clusters of green berries all over the plant. The berries slowly shift color throughout summer and turn from red to purple to blue. During late summer and early fall, heavy bunches of deep blue berries add color and visual interest to this shrub. The High Bush Blueberry Has A Attractive Shape If you're looking for larger shrubs, this is an excellent option. It grows to around 12 feet in height and in width. This plant tends to be quite dense and produces a lot of narrow, long stems from the center of the plant. Branches are typically a medium brown with a gray overtone and subtly textured bark. Each branch is covered in medium-sized leaves with a pointed tip. The leaves have a glossy finish and pale green veins. Improve Your Property by Planting High Bush Blueberry Plants This versatile plant works well in just about any situation where you want shrubs. They are a useful choice for larger flower beds that need taller plants to fill in gaps, or you can use them to surround trees or walls. This berry plant's compact, bushy shape also makes it a very attractive option for people who want a hedge. Consider placing a row of it along a property line or next to a driveway. The Impressive Seasonal Foliage of the High Bush Blueberry Plant All year round, this perennial plant has something to offer. In spring and summer, it features a wealth of green, shiny leaves. These leaves tend to be bright green when new and gradually darken to an emerald green. If you like fall foliage, this is the plant for you because it undergoes drastic changes as the weather cools. This plant is known for producing extremely bright red leaves that range from cherry red to maroon. Even in winter, when it loses its leaves, its thick clusters of delicate stems make it an attractive addition to a landscape.

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Red Osier Dogwood

Red Osier Dogwood

Red Osier Dogwood one of the most notable benefits is the stems. These brilliant red branches stand out against the white backdrop of snow, creating a visually appealing contrast that adds interest to the landscape. Additionally, the shrub's deciduous foliage turns a rich burgundy in the fall, contributing to the seasonal variety and enhancing the overall appeal of the landscape. They are native North American shrub offers numerous landscaping benefits, adding aesthetic and practical value to outdoor spaces. With its striking features and adaptability, this versatile shrub has become famous for various landscaping projects. Red Osier Dogwood has vibrant red stems, which provide a burst of color during the dormant winter months. Beyond its visual appeal, it offers practical advantages in landscaping. Its dense growth habit and spreading nature make it an ideal option for erosion control on slopes and along water bodies. The root system of this shrub helps stabilize soil, preventing erosion and maintaining the integrity of landscapes. Moreover, its adaptability to various soil types and moisture conditions makes it a valuable addition to rain gardens and other water management systems. Landscapers also appreciate it for its wildlife-friendly features. The shrub produces small white flowers in the spring, which give way to clusters of white berries that persist into the winter. These berries provide a source for birds during the colder months, attracting a diverse range of avian species to the area. Additionally, the dense foliage offers nesting sites and cover for birds and other small wildlife. It is relatively easy to care for in terms of maintenance, requiring minimal pruning to maintain its shape and size. Its adaptability to various soil conditions and its tolerance to wetter areas make it a low-maintenance choice for many landscaping situations. In conclusion, the red osier dogwood is a valuable asset in landscaping due to its vibrant red stems, seasonal color changes, erosion-controlling capabilities, wildlife-friendly features, and ease of maintenance. Its ability to thrive in various environments and add visual and functional elements to outdoor spaces makes it a favored option among landscapers aiming to create dynamic and appealing landscapes. Order your Red Osier Dogwood from TN Nursery today! The Red Osier Dogwood, scientifically known as Cornus sericea, is a striking deciduous shrub that graces North America's wetlands, riverbanks, and damp woodlands. Renowned for its unique appearance and ecological significance, this native plant is a fascinating component of the natural landscape.  Standing at a moderate stature of 6 to 9 feet, the shrub boasts multiple slender, arching stems that often grow in dense clusters. These stems are the most distinctive feature of the plant, as they are a vibrant, deep red color during the winter months, offering a stark contrast to the subdued winter landscape. As the seasons change, the stems transition to a more muted greenish-brown, allowing the plant to blend seamlessly into its surroundings during the warmer months. The shrub graces its admirers in the spring with delicate, white flowers. These clusters of blossoms form at the ends of the stems and are a magnet for pollinators like bees and butterflies. The flowers give way to small, pea-sized white berries, a valuable source for various wildlife species, including birds and small mammals. Red Osier Dogwood Has A Simple But Striking Foliage The shrub's foliage is simple, opposite, and elliptical, with a dark green hue that provides a pleasing backdrop for the vibrant stems. In the autumn, the leaves transform, turning shades of red and purple before eventually dropping to the ground. This shrub plays a crucial role in the ecosystem. Its dense thickets offer protection and nesting sites for various bird species, and the berries serve as an essential source during the colder months when other resources are scarce. Its extensive root system also helps stabilize soil along riverbanks and wetlands, preventing erosion and promoting water quality. Culturally, some Indigenous communities have utilized it for its flexible stems, often used in traditional basket weaving. Its presence in folklore and traditional knowledge further underscores its importance in Native American cultures. The Red Osier Dogwood is a remarkable native shrub that adds vibrancy and ecological value to North American landscapes. With its captivating red stems, beautiful flowers, and environmental significance, this plant is a testament to the intricate balance of nature and its vital role in sustaining local ecosystems.

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Sensitive Fern

Sensitive Fern

The sensitive fern is a hardy, deciduous fern with finely dissected fronds that curl up when touched or exposed to frost, making it a unique and interesting addition to damp woodland gardens. They offer unique and valuable benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. Despite its name, which implies fragility, this native North American fern is hardy and adaptable, making it a versatile addition to various outdoor spaces. One of the key advantages of using Sensitive Fern in landscaping is its ability to thrive in damp conditions. This makes it an excellent choice for areas where many other plants might struggle, such as the edges of ponds, streams, or other water features. Its preference for moist environments also makes it a natural fit for rain gardens, where its deep green fronds can help control water runoff and filter pollutants from the soil. Its lush and graceful appearance adds a touch of elegance to landscaping projects. Its large, finely divided fronds create a soft and feathery texture that contrasts beautifully with other foliage in the garden. Planted in groups or as an understory plant, it can provide a soothing ambiance to outdoor spaces, contributing to a more tranquil atmosphere. It is a perfect choice for shade gardens or areas with dappled sunlight. Its ability to thrive in low-light conditions allows it to thrive under the canopy of trees or in spots where direct sunlight is limited. This makes it a valuable asset for creating layered and diverse plantings in shaded areas, adding depth and dimension to the landscape. In terms of maintenance, the sensitive fern is relatively low-care once established. It requires little pruning or upkeep, allowing landscapers and gardeners to focus on other aspects of their projects. Its growth habit also makes it a natural habitat for small wildlife, providing shelter and food sources for various species. Incorporating it into landscaping can enhance outdoor spaces' aesthetic and functional qualities. Its adaptability to wet conditions, graceful appearance, suitability for shade gardens, and minimal maintenance requirements make it a valuable addition to various landscaping projects, from residential gardens to public parks. Get your Sensitive Fern at TN Nursery Sensitive Fern, scientifically known as Onoclea sensibilis, is a captivating and unique fern species that thrives in various damp and shaded environments across North America. This plant, characterized by its distinctive fronds and intriguing sensitivity to touch, is a fascinating subject of study for botanists and nature enthusiasts alike.  One of the most striking features of it is its fronds, which can reach heights of up to three feet. These fronds are pinnately compound, meaning they consist of smaller leaflets arranged on either side of a central stalk, giving the plant a feathery appearance. Each leaflet is lance-shaped, four to twelve inches long, with serrated edges. The bright green color of the fronds adds to their visual appeal, making it a visually striking presence in its natural habitat.  What truly sets this fern apart is its unique sensitivity to touch. The name "Sensitive Fern" is derived from its intriguing response to physical contact. When you gently brush your hand or fingers along the surface of its fronds, they react by folding downward in a matter of seconds, as if shying away from the touch. This remarkable trait is due to specialized cells called pulvini at the base of each leaflet. These cells respond to tactile stimulation by triggering the folding of the fronds, which then return to their upright position after a brief moment. This adaptive behavior is thought to help protect the plant from potential herbivores or excessive moisture loss during dry periods.  They are typically found in moist woodlands, swamps, streams, and rivers' edges. They thrive in locations with consistent moisture levels and partial to full shade, creating lush green colonies that can cover the forest floor. As an integral part of these ecosystems, Sensitive Ferns contribute to biodiversity by providing shelter and food for various wildlife species.   In conclusion, the Sensitive Fern is a captivating and remarkable plant species that stands out for its distinctive appearance and fascinating sensitivity to touch. Its presence in North American ecosystems adds to the rich tapestry of biodiversity, and studying this fern provides valuable insights into the intricacies of nature's adaptations and responses to environmental stimuli.

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Black Chokeberry

Black Chokeberry

Black Chokeberry has delicate white flowers bloom in spring, creating an eye-catching display. In Fall, the are replaced with blackberries. A great source for birding shrubs as well makes it a highly favored shrub by homeowners. The Black Chokeberry Black chokeberry plants are a species of shrub and part of the rose family. Native to the eastern part of North America, these branching shrubs are known for their gorgeous dark-red color in the autumn, as well as their small black berries, which have been known to frequently attract certain bird species. So, if you're hoping for more avian visitors in your garden, the plant could be the perfect plant to introduce to the area. Characteristics of the Black Chokeberry Although it is a relatively common-looking plant, it offers a simple beauty to spruce up any outdoor area. The shrub is known for its glossy, dark green leaves, which will gradually shift to a breathtaking crimson as the season changes to autumn. It also produces lovely flowers, which will typically be either white or pink; these bright, colorful flowers make the shrub a popular choice for gardens, courtyards, and walkways. During the fall, tiny blackberries will start to appear, contrasting nicely with the lighter shades of the flowers. On average, it will rise to between three and six feet high. The pretty flowers will typically be approximately two to three inches across. The bush will usually appear in medium-sized clusters, which will be wider near the top, creating an appealing cone-like shape. Using Black Chokeberry in Your Garden The plant works perfectly if you're looking for a shrub that can take up some space while complementing the more exuberant plants in an outdoor space. This shrub is often used to add some life to a home's front yard, and it can also be effective as a hedge, which will enhance the privacy and curb appeal of your property. Because of the plant's relatively neutral, mild colors, it will be an excellent addition to just about any area. Black Chokeberry Is a Lovely, Unassuming Shrub They are wonderful, versatile shrubs that can help you fill in a sparse garden, enhance the front of your home, or simply add some extra beauty to your backyard. While the shrub is lovely all year long, it will become especially beautiful during autumn, producing breathtaking colors and attracting birds to your property.

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Bald Cypress Tree

Bald Cypress Tree

The Bald Cypress tree hasfeathery, fern-like foliage that turns a stunning reddish-brown in the fall before dropping, they add a touch of grace to any landscape. They are magnificent deciduous conifers with many pleasing attributes incorporated into landscaping designs. Native to the southeastern United States, these trees are highly adaptable, making them an excellent choice for various environments. Here are some of the critical reasons why these trees are a perfect addition to any landscaping project: Bald Cypress Tree Has Beautiful Foliage Bald Cypress trees are known for their beautiful foliage. It is delicate and feathery, adorned by green needles that give the tree a lush appearance. It's also soft to the touch, making it safe for pets and children as well as easy to explore and appreciate. If you like watching trees change with the seasons, they are a perfect fit, as fall weather sees it transform into a golden hue. The tree retains a stately appearance in the winter months. Bald Cypress Tree Has Year-Round Appeal They offer something different for every season. New growth emerges in the spring, signaling that warmer weather is on the way. By summer, the tree is lush and full, its shade providing a welcome respite from the heat and sun. Fall brings fiery colors of gold and burnt orange, and the barrenness of winter allows the tree to show off its stately silhouette. There's never a bad season to have one or more of these as part of your landscape. Bald Cypress Tree Enhances Landscapes With its stately, commanding appearance, it can serve as the focal point of any landscape. People's eyes are naturally drawn to it, and it can complete a mixture of architectural styles, both modern and classical. By planting them alongside ponds or other natural bodies of water, you can create a contrast that enhances the natural beauty of the area. Best of all, these trees can thrive in all kinds of soil conditions, making them a great choice no matter where you live or what type of landscape you're working with. Bald Cypress Tree Offers Natural Elegance They are timeless. They were considered beautiful and stately centuries ago and will be centuries in the future. This gives them a sense of refinement that can enhance any outdoor setting. Because their commanding yet subtle appearance evokes tranquility, they are ideal for creating peaceful retreats in places such as gardens, parks, and nature preserves. If your landscape is more barren, these trees can create scale and balance with their commanding presence. They can "pop" in just about any landscape.

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Chilly Zone 5 has winter temperatures averaging around -10 to -20 degrees Fahrenheit. Some of the central and Northwest states (Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and others) are in this zone. Certain parts of Nevada, Alaska, and Colorado are too.

At TN Nursery, we deliver premium healthy plants to gardeners from across the country. We make it easy to find the plants that suit your gardening needs, and we love to help our customers create the gardens of their dreams.

Combat Weather Challenges

Cold winters are no problem for the clever gardener. Our knowledgeable team of gardening experts knows how to face chilly challenges, so you can achieve lush and healthy gardens, no matter how cold it gets.

Despite the zone's short growing season, there are plenty of ways to get a great garden thanks to cold-hardy plants and trees.

Zone Recommendations: Trees, Bulbs, And Flowers

Trees, bulbs, and flowers can all flourish in every zone, you just have to know what to plant! Choosing cold-hardy plants and trees, and planting them at the right time, can yield a garden you'll be proud to show off to friends and family. The best options are usually plants and trees that thrive in cool weather but are resistant to freezing temperatures. Some of our top cold-hardy recommendations are: 

Eastern red cedar evergreen trees

Eastern red cedar evergreen trees are actually junipers. They feature beautiful lacy green foliage that turns bronze in the winter.


Plant the bulbs in the fall and you'll have beautiful trumpet-shaped yellow flowers in the spring. They can help lure pollinators to your garden. And, you need not worry about deer grazing, as they hate the taste of daffodils.

Nikko blue hydrangea

Nikko blue hydrangea features giant plate-sized blooms. The vibrant bright blue blooms are unique among flowers and create an impressive display in any garden. Mulching during the coldest part of winter can help your hydrangeas survive and bloom again next summer.

These are just a few of our garden favorites. We also offer packages, like our Bold Color Perennial package with daffodils, bee balm, and bugleweed (all great perennials).

Buy Zone 5 Plants With A 100% Guarantee

TN Nursery has more than six decades of history as a top-rated nursery. We're so confident about our plants that we offer a 100% guarantee for one year after your purchase. We're happy to welcome you to our rapidly expanding customer base.