Top Selling Shrubs that Easily Grow

Top Selling Shrubs

Witch Hazel

Product Description

Hamamelis Witch Hazel for Sale at Quick Growing Trees

The Witch Hazel family comprises deciduous shrubs, small trees, and a few large trees. When the trees flower, you will see berries from the previous year simultaneously on the tree with the new bulbs. They are very popular as ornamental plants because of their yellow to reddish-orange flowers. The plant has astringent properties and is used in a variety of medical treatments. It is used for fighting acne, externally on bruises and swelling, and other home and commercial remedies. Witch Hazel makes a great landscaping plant, and with the many varieties it comes in, it shouldn't be hard to find the perfect one for your garden space.


Carolina Rose: The Carolina Rose Bush has a beautiful scent and incredible, unique look to this shrub. This shrub was growing so cute, and when it blooms, you get to enjoy the flowers until the end of Spring. The Carolina Rhododendron is one of the top picks from the Rhododendron family of plants. This plant is a homeowner's top choice because of its unique look, smell, and size. The flower blooms are small groups of tiny white flowers with very bright hints of yellow in the centers. You can plant these shrubs in full sun or just partial sun; they thrive either way. If you water twice a week to keep the ground moist around the plant base, it will keep this plant very healthy. Remember to keep the soil moist yet well-drained.


Viburnum --- With the more common name Judd Viburnum this member of the viburnum family will reach a mature height of 8 feet or higher, matching that with a similar size in width. The bush thrives best when soil conditions are well-drained. However, this variety of the viburnum family will produce more flowers in a situation of full sun. Even in semi-shaded areas, the bush will be a perfect addition to any garden. Small clusters of pink-colored flowers will appear in early May, giving the lush green foliage an added attraction. The flower clusters are replaced with thick black-colored fruit in the fall, quickly followed by vibrant red leaves in the autumn. As one of the more fragrant members of the landscaper's garden, this bush is best suited near occupied areas.

Viburnum Juddi Specs:

Zones --- 4 to 7

Mature Height-- Approximately 8 feet tall at full maturity.

Mature Width--Approximately 8 feet wide at full maturity.

Sunlight --- Thrives in full to partial sun.

Soil conditions-- Average soil conditions.

Botanical family name-- Viburnum Lentigo

The Pink Crepe Myrtle

Pink Crepe Myrtle: The Pink Crepe Myrtle is one of the most beautiful and longest blooming trees of the Crepe Myrtle and or Crape Myrtle plant lines. The Pink Crepe Myrtle has some of the brightest blooms of the most vibrant pink color. This tree or also called shrub, thrives in full sunlight, growing to about 25 feet. Keeping the ground moist for the roots will give your tree even brighter blooms. Remember to keep the soil wet, not soaked, well-drained is the key. This tree brings life to any landscaped area. Not only are they so beautiful as they grow, but they also tend to be one the fastest growing trees. They will get to 15 or 20 feet in as quick as three years.


The shrub is known colloquially as the "hazel alder," or less frequently as the "common alder" or "smooth alder," grows naturally in the types of thickets found on the banks of rivers or streams. One of its best uses is for naturally revitalizing areas damaged by erosion or other types of deforestation. Besides acting as a stabilizing and restoring shrub, the hazel alder has lovely red-green catkin flowers that can blend in as a subtle addition to the borders of your garden.

The bitter, astringent bark can be brewed into a natural tea, acting as a home remedy for mouth pain, coughs, and mild stomach ailments. The hazel alder's fruit forms in small cones, arrive in the fall, and remain on the shrub for much of the winter. Though the hazel alder is happiest near running water, swamps, or ponds, it will still thrive in other moist soil with PH levels between 6.8 and 7.2 if given sufficient space to grow.


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Witch Hazel Tree - TN Nursery

Witch Hazel

The Witch Hazel is a deciduous shrub known for its spidery, fragrant yellow to orange-red flowers that bloom in late winter to early spring, often before its leaves emerge. This makes it a unique and welcome sight in gardens. It is a versatile shrub that offers numerous landscaping benefits beyond its well-known medicinal uses. Native to North America and parts of Asia, these deciduous shrubs are prized for their unique appearance, vibrant foliage, and striking winter blooms. When incorporated into landscape designs, this plant can enhance outdoor spaces with a range of aesthetic and functional advantages. Witch Hazel adds Interest Throughout The Year Four-Season Interest: In late winter or early spring, the shrub bursts into bloom, displaying fragrant, spidery flowers in shades of yellow, orange, and red. This early flowering period provides a much-needed splash of color when most other plants are still dormant. Additionally, Autumn's foliage turns vibrant shades of yellow, orange, and red, creating a stunning autumnal display. Natural Privacy Screen: This shrub, with its dense branching and arching habit, can be an effective natural privacy screen. Planted strategically along property borders or in groupings, it can shield outdoor spaces from prying eyes and create a sense of seclusion. Pollinator-Friendly: The flowers are a valuable nectar source for early-emerging pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. By attracting these beneficial insects, this shrub contributes to the overall health and biodiversity of the landscape, promoting a balanced ecosystem. Tolerance to Shade: It thrives in partial shade to full sun, making it an excellent option for landscapes with varying light conditions. Its adaptability allows for planting in different locations, from under the canopy of more giant trees to sunnier spots in the garden. Erosion Control: The extensive root system helps stabilize the soil and prevent soil erosion, prevention on slopes, or areas prone to water runoff. Low Maintenance: Once established, this shrub is relatively low-maintenance. It is resistant to pests and diseases and requires minimal intervention. Wildlife Attraction: Apart from pollinators, this shrub attracts other wildlife, such as birds, which feed on the seeds and seek shelter within the shrub's branches. This feature contributes to the overall biodiversity and liveliness of the landscape. Winter Interest: Distinctive, ribbon-like flowers appear in winter, adding a unique touch to the landscape during an otherwise less colorful season. These spidery blooms can withstand light frosts, offering an enchanting sight in colder climates. Versatile Uses: Beyond standalone plantings, this shrub can be incorporated into mixed borders, woodland gardens, or naturalized areas. Its adaptability allows it to blend seamlessly with other plants and design elements. In conclusion, Witch Hazel is valuable to any landscape design, offering four-season interest, privacy screening, pollinator support, erosion control, and low maintenance. Its unique beauty and ecological contributions make it a sought-after shrub for enhancing outdoor spaces. By incorporating this shrub into landscaping plans, homeowners and landscape designers can create visually appealing and ecologically friendly gardens that stand out every season. Witch Hazel Has Bright Golden Blooms This green-leafed shrub blooms with bright yellow flowers between October and December. The ribbon-like yellow petals usually appear after the leaves have fallen but sometimes will appear while the oval-shaped yellow autumn leaves still cling to the branches. It also has fruits that will form from fertilized flowers. They first appear as green capsules but then turn brown over time. Its scientific name is because this shrub’s flowers, fruits, and leaves can all appear on its branches simultaneously. Hamamelis loosely translates as “together with fruit.” Its hardy nature makes it an easy-to-grow shrub. Because of this, it is trendy amongst gardeners as a shrub hedge or screen. Its fragrant flowers often lead to it being grown in an area where its pleasant scent is noticeable. It is usually the last bit of color in a garden due to its late bloom. Witch Hazel Thrives In Most U.S. Zones This shrub can be planted successfully in U.S.D.A. zones 3 to 9. It requires a lot of sunlight and does best in full sun or partial shade. Flowering will peak in full sun. It does well in moist, acidic soil and can handle heavy clay soil. The height increases by 13 to 24 inches yearly, giving it a slow to medium growth rate. If preferred, pruning can be done in early spring to keep the shrub from growing too large. This plant requires little maintenance to flourish and rarely has insect or disease problems. Witch hazel has a broad, rounded leaf arranged in an alternating pattern along the branches. The flowers are also noteworthy in appearance, with slender petals. Some bloom in spring while others counter that, and the plant can showcase its cycle between seeding and blooming, such as the snapping type with seeds that split in a manner that ejects the seeds to a sufficient distance of nearly 30 feet. The sunny yellow flowers of this shrub add a glow of happiness to yards and gardens. The delightful fragrance of those flowers creates an even more cheerful atmosphere. It is so easy to care for and an excellent fit for even the hands-off gardeners.

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Mapleleaf Viburnum

Mapleleaf Viburnum

Mapleleaf Viburnum is a deciduous shrub with distinctive three-lobed, maple-like leaves and clusters of small, white flowers followed by blue-black berries, making it an attractive choice for woodland gardens. It is a versatile and attractive shrub that offers a range of benefits when used in landscaping projects. With its unique characteristics and aesthetic appeal, this plant can enhance outdoor spaces and create a visually pleasing environment. Mapleleaf viburnum is a deciduous shrubbiest known for its red berries that turn blueish-black during summer. However, it also features flowers and other types of beautiful foliage, particularly during the year's warmer times. Mapleleaf Viburnum Is A Small Shrub This plant can reach around 3-6 feet in height and generally has a 2-4 feet spread. Its fuzzy leaves are usually 2-4 inches long with around five lobes that have serrated edges. The reason for it being in its name is because those leaves are shaped like maples. Seed production typically starts around when this plant reaches two years of age. A sealed seed coat then protects its seeds. In many cases, one of these shrubs can blossom into a colony of them. Flowers and Berries Of Mapleleaf Viburnum It creates white flowers in addition to its fruit. Blooming occurs between May and August, usually in June, while fruiting generally occurs between July and October. Meanwhile, those berries, popular with butterflies, birds, deer, rabbits, chipmunks, and people, can remain ripe into winter. The colors this plant's leaves display during fall are stunning, and they can vary significantly as the weather and prevailing light conditions are significant factors. Possibilities include yellow, orange, pink, red, and purple. This coloring tends to occur in October and November; the timeline depends on local weather conditions and related factors. Buds created to prepare the shrub for what is coming the following spring will be visible once those colorful leaves have fallen. Where Mapleleaf Viburnum Is Found More generally, Mapleleaf Viburnum is primarily located in the eastern half of North America. In the United States, it can be found in significant numbers from the country's northeast west to Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Wisconsin and Illinois, southwest to East Texas, and south to North Florida.

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Pink Crepe Myrtle - TN Nursery

Maimi Pink Crepe Myrtle

The Maimi Pink Crepe Myrtle is a deciduous shrub or small tree with vibrant, pink crepe-paper-like flowers and smooth, cinnamon-colored bark. It is often used for ornamental landscaping. Its captivating beauty and versatile characteristics offer many advantages when incorporated into landscaping endeavors. Its unique attributes provide a harmonious blend of aesthetic, ecological, and practical benefits, making it a cherished choice among landscape designers and homeowners. Thanks to its large, colorful blooms and standout look, the pink crepe myrtle is a beautiful addition to any yard. This deciduous tree grows well in various conditions, making it well-suited for enhancing aesthetics in many yards. If you plant this distinctive tree in your yard, you can enjoy several exciting benefits. What are these benefits? Vibrant Colors Of The Maimi Pink Crepe Myrtle Its long-lasting blooms cover most of the surface area of the leafy branches, which can grow up to 15 feet in diameter, making this colorful tree a focal point in the yard. The flowers' colors range from baby rose to fuchsia, carnation, and hot and rosy shades. In addition, the slightly rounded leaves are deep green, and the bark has a pinkish-gray hue. The bark is generally smooth and mottled, which adds to its fascinating look. Enhance Pollination With The  Maimi Pink Crepe Myrtle Many types of plants rely on pollinating insects and birds. The flowers on this tree have a strong fragrance. In addition, the bark emits sap, and these two elements combine to attract up to 30 pollinator species to the yard. Pollinators are beneficial insects and birds that have a solid impact on the overall health of your yard’s small ecosystem. Many birds and insects drawn to these trees are beneficial in other ways. For example, these bugs and birds often feast on the various damaging pests in a yard. By managing the population of unwanted pests, your plants can enjoy an overall healthier environment. More Privacy Is Available With Maimi Pink Crepe Myrtle Many homes are built close to each other, allowing direct views from the windows and porches of one house to those of another. This lack of privacy erodes the comfortable living experience in the home. Pink Crepe Myrtle trees often grow up to 20 feet tall and have dense, bushy branches. When the tree is in full bloom, it may be impossible to see through the flowers and branches. Because the tree grows well above the height of a privacy fence, privacy reaches a new level.

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Burning Bush - TN Nursery

Burning Bush

Burning Bush leaves turn a brilliant shade of fiery red in autumn, adding a splash of color and drama to the landscape. This seasonal transformation makes it an excellent focal point or accent plant in any garden or backyard, providing a captivating view as the weather turns cooler. It is a versatile and visually striking shrub with numerous landscaping benefits. Its unique characteristics and adaptability make it popular among gardeners and landscape designers. It is named after its bright red fall colors, which make for an incredible display. This large, rounded shrub has become ubiquitous in American gardens, forests, and landscaping. Typically planted in spring, it grows somewhat slowly, but if correctly cared for, it can last for many decades.  Where Does Burning Bush Grow Officially designated as Euonymus alatus, they are native to northeastern Asia, specifically Russia, China, Japan, and Korea. It was initially introduced in the United States and Canada for display and has remained popular ever since. They thrive best in forests or thickets, where they can receive a good balance between sunlight, shade, and somewhat moist conditions. It can grow well in many soil types and, therefore, can adapt well to different kinds of woodlands. Today, people commonly plant them alongside fences, roadsides, commercial plazas, and the borders of forests. They can grow from ten to twenty feet tall and equally wide. The stems of this shrub have four ‘wings,’ from which the distinctive deep red leaves grow. Each leaf can grow up to three inches long and one inch wide. When the blooms in the late spring to early summer, you’ll notice the green-looking flower. By late summer to early fall, the fruits manifest as red, round berries enclosed in an orange or yellow capsule. Why Do Gardeners Like Burning Bush Gardeners mainly like the Burning Bush's bold and sprightly bright red appearance. Beyond that, it’s a very adaptable shrub that does well in only moderately moist soil and with partial shade from the sun. It will need weekly pruning to help ensure it remains a manageable size. By the fall, the brilliant red display of the shrub will be at its brightest and most alluring, which is precisely what people who plant this shrub look forward to the most. Burning Bush Blooms A Yellow-Green Bloom They bloom each year from late May through June. The blooms feature small flowers that are usually a yellow-green color. The dense, green foliage of the bushes often obscures the appearance of these flowers. During spring, the leaves become blue and bright red in the fall. From July through October, the flowers mature, turning into small red fruits. The leaves produce a green-brown hue during the winter. The bushes can reach up to 20 feet and be just as wide. Most have multiple corky-textured stems and branches and four ridges resembling square corners. Because of their attractive foliage and spherical shape, they make great focal points in yards and gardens. Their bright crimson leaves and berries add lots of vibrancy to outdoor areas in spring and summer. You can plant a single bush to stand alone or several together to create more extensive decorative accents. They feature a dense, bushy growth habit, making them ideal for creating neat, defined borders and edges. Because of their broad shape, the bushes are suitable for planting in containers around flowerbeds. You can easily prune them to keep the desired border size and shape. Because drought-tolerant, you can even use them in areas with limited soil moisture. Burning Bush Has thick foliage that creates natural privacy. They can create a tall barrier to block views from nearby houses. Their dense foliage remains all year, giving you year-round privacy. These bushes usually grow about a foot each year. Because of how quickly they grow, they are handy for bridging spaces between flower beds, increasing the seclusion they provide. They are easy to shape to the height and density you wish to attain your desired privacy.

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