Growing Ferns | Facts and Information

Saturday, April 2

Ferns are fascinating plants with a fossil history dating back millions of years.

With several thousands of known varieties, they have pride of place in gardening and landscaping lore. They come in all kinds of sizes, textures, and shapes to fit into any landscape, from miniatures to monstrous trees. In recent years, the varieties grown in containers have gained popularity as houseplants. You may be able to buy the varieties of your choice from a reputed wholesale plant nursery at affordable prices.

One of the most popular varieties used as houseplants is the Boston or Sword fern. Placed in a hanging basket, it can add natural beauty to any home decor. It tends to droop, and leaf drops are minimal, which makes it ideal for indoors. A new variegated form of this fern is also in the market, popularly called the Tiger Fern. Its beauty lies in its leaves that have dark green and lime green stripes. Another trendy variety of ferns ideally used as a hanging basket is the White Rabbit's Foot. That is a lovely plant with a fuzzy appearance and delicate fronds and adds freshness and cheer to any room.

Another advantage of using these perennial plants for homes and buildings is they do not require much light.

Allows them to be placed in the shaded or dark corners, so a dash of color and texture is provided to a neglected spot. Transplantation of these plants into a container garden is also reasonably straightforward. However, they need good care once they have been potted. Ferns thrive in a moist and calm environment, and frosty and heated environments should be avoided. The fronds and foliage are delicate and should be handled with care. Buying these plants is easy, and you can check out any primary online plant nursery for the varieties of your choice.

Source to Buy a Variety of Ferns