Best Flowers for Ohio Climate: An Easy Guide

If you're looking for the best perennials to grow in Ohio, you've come to the right place! This post discusses the best options for the Ohio climate.

Ohio falls within USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5 and 6, which indicate the region's average annual minimum winter temperature.

  • Zone 5: This zone covers the northern parts of Ohio and includes cities such as Toledo and Cleveland. The average annual minimum temperature ranges from -20°F to -10°F (-29°C to -23°C).
  • Zone 6: This zone encompasses central and southern Ohio, including cities like Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton. The average annual minimum temperature ranges from -10°F to 0°F (-23°C to -18°C).

Ohio is known for its unpredictable weather, so choosing plants that withstand various conditions is essential. 

1. Daffodils

Daffodils are among the best plants to grow in Ohio, thanks to their hardiness and versatility. They can thrive in various climates and soil types and bloom early in the spring, making them suitable for gardeners who want to jump on the gardening season. Daffodils come in various colors, so you can choose the perfect ones to match your garden's style.

2. Daylily plants

Daylilies are another excellent option for Ohio gardeners. They can thrive in sunny and shady areas, making them a versatile choice for any garden. Daylilies are fast multipliers, so you can quickly fill up a section of your garden with these beautiful flowers. They are also drought-tolerant, so they're a good choice for gardeners in drier climates.

3. Dutchman's Breeches

If you live in Ohio, Dutchman's Breeches are a great option if you're looking for a unique perennial to add to your garden. These spring ephemeral plants bear flowers resembling white pants hanging from a tree, hence the name. They can thrive in most climates and bloom in the springtime.

4. Ajuga reptans

Ajuga reptans is a hardy ground cover that is perfect for shady areas. It is resistant to drought and pests, making it a low-maintenance option for gardeners living in Ohio climates. Ajuga reptans come in various colors, so you can choose the perfect one to match your garden's décor. It blooms in the springtime and spreads quickly to cover a large area.

These are just a few of the best perennial plants for Ohio gardens. These plants are an excellent place to start if you're looking for flowers that can withstand unpredictable weather. Be sure to research your local climate and soil type before selecting a plant. If you’re not sure what climate or hardiness zone you're in, you can check here.

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We offer fast shipping nationwide so you can start transforming your garden today!

If you have any questions about growing perennials in Ohio or if you have any other plant needs, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected], we’d love to hear from you!

Daffodil Plant - TN Nursery

Daffodil Plant

The Daffodil Plant is a Spring-blooming, trumpet-shaped flower characterized by its vibrant yellow or white petals and central trumpet-like corona. It adds a burst of color to gardens and landscapes. The plant's vibrant colors, from sunny yellows to pastel lemon, create striking visual displays that brighten any outdoor area. Daffodils are famous for being yellow, but there are all kinds of other colors, as well, including white, orange, and even pink. They also feature varieties with more than one of these colors. Therefore, they can form a splendid and colorful swash throughout any garden. They have adorned gardens for thousands of years. Indeed, the Greek name is Narcissus. Currently, it's the national flower of Wales. They've been harbingers of the coming of spring throughout their existence, and because they're perennials, each plant does the same for many years throughout its life cycle. They'll anchor your garden through spring and summer as long-lasting blooms, drawing people's gaze to their grace and beauty. The Blooming Trumpet The Daffodil Plant Before they bloom, the trumpet of the mature bloom is covered in a waxy shell called a spathe. The spathe is delicate and reflects the entire light spectrum when covered in morning dew. Not every daffodil forms a trumpet, however. They form two kinds of cups: charming double blooms and what's known as the jonquil, which is a beautiful two-toned bloom. Generally, there are two kinds of jonquils: one with primarily white petals and yellow accents and one that's the opposite. Such flowers that sport two exquisite colors can act as a transition between sections of the garden. The Daffodil Plant Can Reach 3 Feet Tall They can grow almost to 3 feet tall and a foot wide. Their mature leaves are tall and straight and only sag toward the end of the growing season at the beginning of August. They last more than a month through the heart of the summer, lending their multicolored cheek to any garden. Because they thrive in containers as much as in the open, they're a terrific accent for window sills, porches, patios, and decks, bringing their polychromatic cheeriness to every part of the garden and the whole property. Partners for Daffodil Plant The bright yellow of the plant pairs very well with other garden residents, including the Northern Blue Star with its deep blue and indigo blooms and the vibrant red of roses or dahlias. The color palette is nearly endless when considering them fresh, with fabulous flexibility.

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15 Assorted Daylillies - 5 Plants Each - Red, Orange and Yellow - TN Nursery

15 Assorted Daylillies - 5 Plants Each - Red, Orange and Yellow

Assorted Daylillies are a popular choice for landscaping due to their vibrant blooms, ease of care, and versatility. These perennial plants offer numerous benefits that make daylilies an excellent addition to any garden or landscape design. Daylilies provide various advantages, from their wide range of colors and patterns to their adaptability to different soil conditions. Get 5 Daylilies, Each In Red, Orange, and Yellow Stella De Oro. This plant ships bare-root and dormant (no leaves or foliage). It will not green out until next spring. 15 Assorted Daylillies In Vibrant Colors Adding 15 assorted daylillies - 5 plants each - red, orange, and yellow - will make your yard vibrant and colorful. Daylilies come in a rainbow of hues and patterns, including self, blend, polychrome, baritone, bicolor, and banded. Their blossoms can be a mixture of colors, like purple and gold, or a combination of scarlet and lemon. Some daylilies can grow up to four feet tall. They typically bloom between mid-spring and early autumn, with June being their most prolific month. Even though each bloom only lasts a day, it can take a month or longer for all blooming. Create Havens for Pollinators With Our Assorted Daylillies These flowers are beautiful additions to rock, butterfly, and children's gardens. Butterflies and hummingbirds are just two of the many pollinators that daylilies attract with their nectar and pollen. The blue, lemon, and purple flowers draw in lots of bees. These plants rely on pollination to reproduce and create fruit. Because the daylily fruit is a loculicidal capsule, its walls ripen and crack to release the seeds. Design Vibrant Walkways and Borders With Our Assorted Daylillies One of the many uses for daylilies is as a border plant, but they also look lovely scattered around a garden. They work exceptionally well, filling empty spaces in flower beds and sloped banks. They encourage people to stay on the designated path when used as walkway edges. It's common to see them planted along fences, walkways, terraces, and curbsides. Another option is to grow these flowers around a foundation. Their leaves complement a variety of other flowers, like rhododendrons, boxwoods, and evergreens. Daylilies are excellent weed suppressants because their dense foliage smothers and eventually kills most weeds. Another way they help get rid of weeds is by blocking photosynthesis. This means the weeds can't obtain the nutrients (carbohydrates) they need to grow, so they die. Planting 15 assorted daylillies - 5 plants each - will kill young, immature weeds.

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dutchmans breeches

Dutchman's Breeches

Dutchman's Breeches is a spring wildflower with distinctive gray-green, finely divided leaves and unique, drooping clusters of white, pantaloon-shaped flowers resembling miniature hanging pants. It is a captivating and delicate spring ephemeral plant that offers several benefits when incorporated into the landscaping. Native to North America, it is a member of the poppy family and can be found growing in rich, moist woodlands, making it an ideal addition to woodland-themed gardens or naturalized landscapes. Dutchman's Breeches Blooms March-April  Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), also known as "Little Blue Staggers," is a white woodland flower that blooms from March to April. This spring ephemeral is also a perennial native to eastern North America. It also grows naturally in the Pacific Northwest. Dicentra cucullaria is often found in the eastern and Pacific Northwestern woodlands of the United States. The flower grows naturally in the wild on forest floors under dappled sunlight, on moist rocky slopes, and along stream banks. After their blooming cycle ends, the flowers go dormant, and their leaves and stems fall to the ground to make way for summer flowers. Dutchman's Breeches Appearance Dutchman's Breeches range from 6" to 12" tall and bloom for about two weeks. Their creamy white or pinkish flowers resemble pairs of old-fashioned Dutch pantaloons hanging upside-down from a clothesline. Each blossom's outer petals form a puffy 'V' shape that converges in a yellow-tipped base. The plant's feathery compound leaves look like fern fronds, changing color from gray-green to pale yellow before disappearing for the rest of the year. Dutchman's Breeches Is Stunning In Landscapes  Little Blue Staggers makes an attractive addition to many landscapes. The plant is especially well-suited to wildflower and woodland gardens and works well in areas shaded by mature trees. Its beautiful flowers, with their delicate and cheeky blossoms, will surely draw attention to your spring greenery. They should be planted in the fall. They grow from bulb-like underground plant structures called corms, which can multiply underground. Mature corms can be divided and transplanted to propagate new plants. It offers nectar to bumblebees, cuckoo bees, and other bees that feed through the plant's perforations as they pollinate the flowers. Ants also help propagate the plant by carrying its seeds into new territory. If you want to add beauty and a touch of humor to your garden, consider planting a few near your trees. These flowers are a sure way to welcome the first flush of spring.

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Ajuga Reptans - TN Nursery

Ajuga Reptans

Ajuga Reptans is an evergreen flowering perennial groundcover that offers greenery year-round. The plant has shoots of purple blooms in early Spring, making it versatile and perfect for maintaining beauty in small areas. Ajuga Reptans Has Many Names They are known as bugle, common bugle, carpenter’s herb, bugle herb, Bugleweed, carpetweed, and St. Lawrence plant; this is a hardy member of the mint family. In this planting season, look for ways to transform empty and bare ground space into lush foliage. While there are plenty of options to choose from when establishing a lawn, only a few work well in partially shady gardens. If you are also struggling to grow plants and grass in your calm, shady areas, Ajuga Reptans is the answer you are looking for. Ajuga Reptans Is A Wonderful Groundcover Also known as Bugleweed, these Ajuga Reptans create a stunning deep green ground cover with blue-tone spikes of lovely flowers. Whether you are: A new gardener or an experienced one. Working with this flowering plant is a breeze as it proliferates. Fill in all the unsightly and empty areas in your garden. However, when planting Bugleweed, you want to consider growing conditions for it to thrive and form a dense carpet of flowers. Plant it in damp but not wet dirt in a partially shaded area during Spring or autumn. These flowers do not grow in dry, damp, and sunny gardens. With ideal growing conditions, this flowering plant will grow into a thick, lush ground cover, enhancing the overall appeal of your outdoor space. Features of Ajuga Reptans Here are a few distinctive features that make Bugleweed a must-have addition to your garden: Year-Round Foliage: Bugleweed stays vibrant green throughout the year and can thrive in all types of growing zones. Low-Maintenance: Once established, this flowering plant is easy to maintain and perfect for new and busy gardeners. Pollinators: The beautiful spikey flowers that bloom in sprint attract different pollinators, which help support the local ecosystem and promote biodiversity. Deer-Resistant: Ajuga Reptans is excellent deer-resistant and helps keep deer out of your property. With all these features and benefits in mind, adding Ajuga Reptans to your landscaping is the only right choice. So, check out Ajuga plants for sale at TN Nursery.

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