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Where Tea Comes From | Facts and Information

Tuesday, March 29

TN Nurseries best selling evergreen trees

Virginia pine

Shortleaf pine

Loblolly pine


Have you ever wondered where those tea bags started when you drank a glass of ice tea?

All tea (except for herbal) comes from Camellia sinensis. It's hard to believe that white tea, green tea, and traditional black tea all come from the same small tree, but they do.

Different types of processing create different levels of oxidation which create the different types of tea.

It's an evergreen tree with a taproot. However, it's often grown as a tiny brush to keep it low, so it's easy to harvest the leaves. Tea is prevalent in many cultures and is enjoyed in many different ways. In Japan, the tea ceremony is a contemplative way to share tea ritually with friends. All this from a bit of an evergreen tree! Spruce pine, also an evergreen, can be found in our mail order catalog.

Source of Information on Tea