Crepe Myrtle Plants, Flowering Tree

Those looking for a colorful, long-lasting bloom during the summer months should check out the Crepe Myrtles tree. They are a smaller species that can get anywhere from ten to one hundred feet, but most of them are just smaller than work in most settings. Their native name is Lagerstroemia, and they are known for their classic fluted stems and shedding bark. While they flower in the summer, they also put on a colorful display in the fall with a bright variety of colors.

Some say that the Natchez white crepe myrtle flowers resemble a crinkled crepe. There are all sorts of color variations that range from the red rocket to purple and even pink. Though they have distinct colors, there are significant variations of shades between the colors. The fruit that produces that flower is a long capsule. It is delicious and green in intensity during the initial phases, but it quickly turns to a dark brown or black color and dries out. Once dried, it splits and produces what looks like teeth. A similar plant that also has this action is the calyx.

The Crepe Myrtle is a native Indian plant that grows wild in Australia and parts of Oceania. In the states, people love to use them in both commercial and domestic landscapes. While they are considered tropical and subtropical plants, they do best in zones 7-10. Though they may be small in stature, for the most part, their sturdy wood has been used throughout this country to make furniture and even to manufacture bridges.

The Natchez white crepe myrtle prefers soil that is dry and does not thrive in wet soil. They also prefer their base to be acidic, so one should keep the PH levels around 5.0 and no higher than 6.5. They are a tree that is easy to maintain because of their need for dry soil. It is unnecessary to water these as often as other plants, other than the first two years, should drought conditions occur. They are self-maintaining, and no need to fuss much over them.

The unique thing about the crepe myrtles tree is not their fantastic colors, pink, purple, or red rocket, but the bark—the bark peels. Many people see this whitebark lying in many places but don’t know what the tree is. Some people get very concerned when they see their trees shedding their bark during the year, but this is a perfectly normal process. As a deciduous tree, there will not be any leaves left on it in the winter. However, many people love the vibrant colors of the wood, especially after the bark has been shed.

There are more than 50 known variations of the Lagerstroemia, and each one has unique qualities and characteristics that make it the perfect tree for most landscapes. They handle the full sun well and are meant to be in a warm to a hot place.

Red Crepe Myrtle - TN Nursery

Red Crepe Myrtle

Red Crepe Myrtle has clusters of rose flowers that provide a burst of shade to the landscape and draw pollinators such as butterflies and bees, promoting a healthy ecosystem. As the seasons change, the plant's foliage transitions from green to shades of orange and rose, adding further visual interest. Red Crepe Myrtle is a distinctive, deciduous tree that is often easy to identify thanks to its individualized and captivating aesthetics. While they are available in a variety of flower colors, the crimson blooms stand apart with stunning flair. The tree thrives in areas ranging from the Arizona desert to the coastal Atlantic states from Florida to Massachusetts. Why should you consider planting this tree in your yard? Bring Pollinators to Your Yard With Red Crepe Myrtle It emits fragrant tree sap. This sap, as well as the blooms, draws bees and roughly 30 other insect species to your yard. These beneficial insects act as pollinators for the other plants in your garden. In addition, beautiful birds are drawn to both the tree and the insects that are attracted to it, making the tree a vital part of a healthy ecosystem on your property. While they attract insects, these are generally beneficial insects that feed on other pests. By drawing these useful insects to your yard, you can dramatically and naturally reduce the number of unwanted and harmful bugs that otherwise may thrive in the space.  the High Of The Red Crepe Myrtle They are trees that generally have multiple trunks that fan outward. While there are different varieties of these trees that grow to different heights, they generally reach 10 to 20 feet tall with wide branch coverage that spans 15 feet. The trees grow up to three feet each year, making them well-suited for bolstering privacy. While the trees look lovely standing in the middle of a yard, many people choose to grow them along a fence line to take advantage of their foliage. The Unique Bark of The Red Crepe Myrtle Red Crepe Myrtle has smooth bark that is usually pinkish-gray. The green leaves are typically small and oval-shaped, and they turn gorgeous shades of orange and yellow in the fall before falling off for the winter. The petals have a crimped look that makes the flowers look full. The yellow centers stand beautifully apart from the crimson petals.

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Pink Crepe Myrtle - TN Nursery

Pink Crepe Myrtle

Pink Crepe Myrtle is a deciduous shrub or small tree with vibrant, pink crepe-paper-like flowers and smooth, cinnamon-colored bark. It is often used for ornamental landscaping. Its captivating beauty and versatile characteristics offer many advantages when incorporated into landscaping endeavors. Its unique attributes provide a harmonious blend of aesthetic, ecological, and practical benefits, making it a cherished choice among landscape designers and homeowners. Thanks to its large, colorful blooms and standout look, the pink crepe myrtle is a beautiful addition to any yard. This deciduous tree grows well in various conditions, making it well-suited for enhancing aesthetics in many yards. If you plant this distinctive tree in your yard, you can enjoy several exciting benefits. What are these benefits? Vibrant Colors Of The Pink Crepe Myrtle Its long-lasting blooms cover most of the surface area of the leafy branches, which can grow up to 15 feet in diameter, making this colorful tree a focal point in the yard. The flowers' colors range from baby rose to fuchsia, carnation, and hot and rosy shades. In addition, the slightly rounded leaves are deep green, and the bark has a pinkish-gray hue. The bark is generally smooth and mottled, which adds to its fascinating look. Enhance Pollination With The Pink Crepe Myrtle Many types of plants rely on pollinating insects and birds. The flowers on this tree have a strong fragrance. In addition, the bark emits sap, and these two elements combine to attract up to 30 pollinator species to the yard. Pollinators are beneficial insects and birds that have a solid impact on the overall health of your yard’s small ecosystem. Many birds and insects drawn to these trees are beneficial in other ways. For example, these bugs and birds often feast on the various damaging pests in a yard. By managing the population of unwanted pests, your plants can enjoy an overall healthier environment. More Privacy Is Available With Pink Crepe Myrtle Many homes are built close to each other, allowing direct views from the windows and porches of one house to those of another. This lack of privacy erodes the comfortable living experience in the home. Pink Crepe Myrtle trees often grow up to 20 feet tall and have dense, bushy branches. When the tree is in full bloom, it may be impossible to see through the flowers and branches. Because the tree grows well above the height of a privacy fence, privacy reaches a new level.

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