What Trimming Evergreen Trees Can Do

How and when to trim evergreen trees

Evergreen trees symbolize the Winter season. Their piney scent and decorative Christmas fern give you warmth all year round.

Whether you have an acre of Evergreens or just a few in your yard, maintaining the upkeep of your Evergreens is essential for a healthy and vibrant tree. 

Buy evergreen trees from any well reputable plant nursery.

How To Trim Your Evergreen Tree

The Evergreen trees have a terminal bud on top of the leaf and a fascicular bud towards the bottom. The area in which you should prune (trim) would be the needles that lie between the terminal bud and the fascicular bud. Towards the end of the branch, you will notice the area without needles. This area is not to be trimmed.

At a forty-five to sixty degree angle, cut the outside of the branch collar, leaving the collar to prevent decay. Don't coat the already trimmed leaves unless you are avoiding a disease-carrying insect from rupturing the branch collar. However, some instances are beneficial for dressing a wound that is susceptible to diseases. Cut twelve inches from the trunk and halfway through the underside of the limb. Next, cut through the top limb, just about half an inch past the first cut.

When To Trim Your Evergreen Tree

Your Evergreens should be trimmed and looked after during times of severe weather or when unexpected damage occurs. Cutting during months of dormancy is most common and will result in a burst of flourishing growth during the Spring. Refrain from trimming Evergreens at the end of Summer and beginning of Fall.

That may cause the prematurity within the leaf to be exposed to cold weather, thus killing them off unexpectedly. When learning when to care for your Evergreens, certain Evergreen trees require trimming at specific times of the year.

You may pull some branches back mid to late Spring, and some need cutting in the Summer to maintain a particular size. Evergreen magnolias may be removed when their blooming season is through. That provides growth and development of their ticker crown.

During the Christmas season, minimal trimming provides little to no harm to decorative trees.

Loblolly Pine trees are perfect evergreen privacy fences.

Source of Proper Times and How to Trim your Evergreen Trees


Green Giant Arborvitae 12-14" - TN Nursery

Green Giant Arborvitae

Green Giant Arborvitae is a fast-growing evergreen tree with vibrant, emerald-green foliage, a tall, columnar shape, and dense branching. It is a popular choice for privacy screens and windbreaks in landscaping. It is a highly advantageous and versatile evergreen tree widely used in landscaping. Belonging to the Cupressaceae family, this tree offers many benefits, making it an excellent choice for various outdoor spaces. Green Giant Arborvitae gets its name from its vast size. They can expand as towering as 60 feet with a diameter of 18 or more feet. These massive trees are part of the Cupressaceae or cypress family. Their scientific name is Thuja standishii x plicata. Although, that's often shorted to just the Thuja. This evergreen started in 1967 when a single tree made its way to the U.S. National Arboretum from Denmark. Recognizing the positive landscaping qualities of this evergreen, propagations were sent out. Today, it's known for its ability to adapt to numerous climates. The Hybrid Green Giant Arborvitae The Thuja standishii x plicata is a hybrid tree. It was created in Denmark in 1937, using the Thuja Plicate or Western Red Cedar and the Thuja Standishii or Japanese type. While it was being sent out from the U.S. National Arboretum, The massive evergreen was confused with the T. Occidentalis Giganteoides. Luckily, three botanists from the New York Botanic Garden, USNA, and Holden Arboretum uncovered the tree's true roots. Once its true roots were known, it was given its current name to delineate it from other similar evergreen trees. Green Giant Arborvitae Is A Fast Grower  The Thuja standishii x plicata has a fast growth rate of three to five feet per year. At thirty years old, it averages 30 feet in height and can continue to grow up to 60 feet. It's characterized by its cone shape and the uniform appearance of its foliage. Green Giant Arborvitae Does Well In Parks  Due to its massive size, this tree does well in large yards and parks where Leyland Cypress may not be desirable. Benefits of the Thuja Standishii X Plicata The Thuja standishii x plicata keeps its color all year, even through winter. Gardeners with large yards can plant these evergreens to create natural privacy barriers. These trees attract deer who forage for food, and birds tend to make their nests in them. Gardeners and landscapers love the Green Giant Arborvitae for its rapid growth and ability to create privacy screens. These trees work best for more significant properties.

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American Holly - TN Nursery

American Holly

American Holly, with its vibrant red berries and emerald green leaves, remains visually pleasing throughout all seasons. It provides a splash of color during the colder months when many other plants have shed their foliage. The tree's dense and conical shape adds an element of elegance and structure to any landscape, making it an ideal focal point or anchor in garden designs. When choosing a tree that checks all the boxes, nothing can beat American Holly. American Holly is a slow-growing evergreen tree known for its dense foliage and year-round privacy barrier. American Holly Is A Evergreen This evergreen tree plays a massive role in purifying air when enhancing the overall air quality around your house. The dense foliage traps pollutants from the air and ensures fresh oxygen for you to breathe in. You will instantly breathe in fresh and pure air whenever you enter your garden, making it an ideal choice to plant in and around your yard. This dense foliage also creates a natural privacy screen between houses and roads, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space more comfortably whenever you can. So, you can buy American holly online and turn your yard into a sanctuary for yourself and other species. Features of American Holly Plant The American Holly features glossy and spiky leaves and smooth gray-white bark that maintain their green foliage all seasons. During the winter, when the tree is covered with snow, you can enjoy delicious bright red berries that add color. This makes it a perfect tree during the holiday season with natural decoration. The American Holly Has Stunning Berries These berries are also a famous source for different wildlife and migrating birds during times of scarcity, ensuring they stay plump and happy even during chillier months. The dense foliage of the American Holly plant provides birds and small critters with much-needed shelter and nesting spots, resulting in a thriving mini ecosystem. TN Nursery features a range of other plants, shrubs, and trees that pair with the American Holly Tree. In addition to American holly plants for sale, the top three choices include White Pine, Green Giant Arborvitae, and a Cedar Tree.

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Sweet Bay Magnolia - TN Nursery

Sweet Bay Magnolia

The Sweet Bay Magnolia is a medium-sized evergreen tree with highly fragrant white flowers and elliptical leaves, often found in wetlands and coastal areas. It is a versatile and visually appealing tree that offers a range of benefits when incorporated into landscaping projects. This magnolia species contributes to the aesthetic beauty, structure, and functionality of outdoor spaces with distinctive features and adaptability. One of the standout benefits of using it in landscaping is its graceful appearance. Sweet Bay Magnolia, also known as the "beaver tree," "castor-wood," and "swamp sassafras," is an ornamental, semi-evergreen plant known for its fragrant flowers, scarlet-red fruit, and lush foliage. Colonists introduced the plant into European gardens in the late 1600s, where it was welcomed with open arms. The Native Habitat Of Sweet Bay Magnolia Native to the eastern and southeastern Atlantic coasts of the United States, it grows naturally in swamps and shaded and open woodlands. This late-blooming tree flower from late April to July can bear fruit from July through October. The Appearance Of Sweet Bay Magnolia It can reach 10 to 35 feet tall, sometimes a 50-foot height in the deep South. Its compound, slender, upright trunks branch out horizontally and support shiny, three-to-six-inch-long oblong leaves that are dark green on top with silvery-white undersides. They contrast with the plant's creamy-white, cup-shaped blooms that scent the air with a delicate, sweet, lemony fragrance. Each solitary blossom has up to twelve petals and is two to three inches long. The flowers will open after dawn and close up at twilight, lasting two to three days. Fruits appear later as clusters of bright red seeds. Gardeners appreciate it for its ornamental appeal in a variety of landscape designs. It works well in extensive gardens and along woodland edges. The tree is adaptable enough to suit patios and borders where its aromatic fragrance can be appreciated. Wetter sites near ponds can also accommodate this plant nicely. Since the blooming season is relatively late, frost is rarely a concern. The Ecology Of Sweet Bay Magnolia Those who want to enhance biodiversity in their landscapes will find that Sweet Bay Magnolia makes a beautiful habitat for birds and small mammals. The tree's fruit attracts a variety of songbirds, woodpeckers, wild turkeys, bobwhite quail, and many more species. Many birds use the plant's leaves to construct their nests. Squirrels and chipmunks also find food and shelter in the magnolia's dense foliage, and deer browse its leaves and twigs yearly. If you're looking for a handsome plant that will bring aromatic beauty to your yard, it will surely bring pleasure for many seasons.

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