Bring Vibrancy to Your Landscape with Annual Phlox

Annual Phlox is a common ornamental annual flower that blooms during the summer. It can grow in different shapes and forms but always has two beautiful long petals, four sepals, and no stamens or pistils. This plant is easy to grow and doesn't require much maintenance if you follow the correct steps.


Phlox are perennial herbs with alternate leaves with entire margins; flowers are in dense terminal clusters (racemes) at the end of the branches from which the leaves arise. The flowers comprise five petals, primarily white with darker purple spots inside and a yellow tip. The calyx has five sepals joined at their base into a tube for one or two stamens, each with an anther that reaches beyond their throats. The ovary has three styles surrounding one or two stigma lobes atop a style through which pollen may be released as it travels up into another flower cluster.

Related Species

Phlox is a genus of 30 herbaceous flowering plants in the subfamily Phloxineae, tribe Gilliesieae. The genus is native to temperate and Arctic regions. In addition to the common name "phloxes'' or "floxes," they have other common names, including blue flax, blue flax lily, blue flax lily-of-the-valley, western wild clover, western wild root, mason's crown, mason's knotweed, mason's wort, lizard's tail, and lizard's tail cockscomb.

Growing From Seed

The following is a step-by-step guide to growing annual Phlox from seed:

  1. Plant the seeds in late spring, summer, or early fall. Plant seeds at least 2 inches deep, with some distance between each seed. The ideal depth for planting depends on the variety of annual Phlox and the weather conditions in your area. You can also plant seeds directly into the soil, but germinating may take longer. If you choose this method, allow about two weeks for the seedlings to emerge before transplanting them into pots or garden beds.
  2. Water regularly until the plants have well-established roots (at least a week). Use lukewarm water no more than lukewarm so that they don't get too wet and rot away before they begin to sprout leaves and flowers.
  3. Fertilize your annual Phlox with composted chicken manure or blood meal once every three weeks until flowering begins (about ten days after germination).

Hardiness Zones

Annual Phlox and Tall Annual Phlox is only hardy in USDA Zones 3-11. It can tolerate temperatures down to -40 degrees F but performs better in dry weather and should be protected from winter winds.

Maturity Size

The maturity size of the Annual Phlox is small (1 1/4 to 2 inches in diameter) and is borne on a scape that is 6 to 12 inches tall. The plant blooms from midsummer through fall with white flowers tinted purple or pink at their base.


The potting mixture should be well-drained, with sand added to help aerate the soil. Plant the Annual Phlox in the center of the hole, ensuring that the roots are not disturbed and spread out evenly. Use a soil mix with plenty of organic matter like compost or peat moss. You can also use a commercial mix if you want to save some time. After planting your Annual Phlox, water it thoroughly so that the plant has enough moisture to grow well.

Light Requirements

Annual Phlox needs light to germinate and grow. It can be grown in partial shade to full sun. You must give it enough light to ensure your annual Phlox has a good chance of blooming. The plant will do fine if you live where the sun shines through your windows. However, if you get too much direct sunlight, it could burn the leaves and flowers.

Water Requirements

Phlox is a plant that likes to be in moist soil but not too wet. It needs at least six inches of water per week but can tolerate even less. You should water your annual Phlox once a week if you live in hot areas and dry out quickly during the summer. Some gardeners prefer to keep their annual Phlox in pots on the porch for easy care.

Some people think Annual Phlox doesn't like being overwatered because it tends to drop its flowers when wet for too long, but this is not true. Giving your annual Phlox a little extra water now and then will reward you with beautiful flowers all season long.

Soil Requirements

The Annual Phlox is a tender perennial that prefers moist, acid soils at least 6 inches deep. This plant does not tolerate wet or poorly drained soil. The plant can be grown in clay or sandy loam soil with a pH range of 5.5 to 7.0; it will perform best in well-drained soil with a neutral pH.

Annual Phlox can tolerate light foot traffic, but it's not recommended for areas where heavy traffic is expected. If you have an outdoor container garden, you can plant this flower near the base of your plants for the best results.


Annual Phlox only requires a little attention, but it does need an occasional fertilizer application when the plants are young. The best time to apply fertilizer is just before the plants flower their first year or after you have cut them back if you wish to encourage more blooms.

Some annuals require light nitrogen for growth, while others will do fine on dark or no nitrogen. Some plants grow well even if fertilized too heavily, while others will rot if they receive too much nitrogen.

Pests and Disease Problems

The following pests and diseases can attack the annual Phlox in the garden:

Thrips - these are tiny insects that feed on the leaves and flowers. They can cause damage by making holes in the leaves or by causing damage to the flower buds. To prevent this from happening, treat the plant with insecticidal soap spray twice a week for three weeks after planting. This will help to get rid of them.

Aphids - these are small, soft-bodied insects that suck sap from plants. They can be very troublesome on annual phlox plants if they can build up in large numbers. To prevent this, treat your annual phlox plants with insecticidal soap spray every week for three weeks after planting. This should kill any existing aphids on your plants, so they don't have time to reproduce and multiply into an infestation problem later.

The annual Phlox is susceptible to several bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. The most severe diseases are bacterial leaf spots and brown patches. Bacterial leaf spots are caused by the bacterium Erysiphe Cichoracearum, which causes spots on the leaves. Control leaf spots with insecticidal soap or lime sulfur sprays. A brown patch is characterized by brown lesions on the leaf's upper surface. Severely affected plants may die within two weeks. Control brown patches with lime sulfur sprays or insecticidal oils applied to foliage at every irrigation cycle.


Pruning annual Phlox is essential to maintain the shape and size of the plant. To prune, cut the stem back to about 12 inches above the soil line, removing all branches at that height. If you have several plants, remove one or two branches of each and remove them altogether. Pruning annual Phlox is to remove old wood with no leaves, flowers, or roots. This can be done in late winter or early spring after flowering.

Annual Phlox is an easy-to-grow, herbaceous Perennial that produces an abundance of double purple flowers. The blooms are long-lasting and display unique colors.

Annual Phlox - TN Nursery

Annual Phlox

Annual Phlox blooms in spring, summer, and fall, making this perennial so popular. It also has a long blooming season in the fall and stays blooming for weeks. This delightful flowering plant brings robust color and charm to any landscaping project. As an annual plant, it completes its life cycle within a single growing season, but its attributes make it a popular choice for gardeners year after year. Let's explore why this annual is a fantastic addition to your landscape. Annual Phlox is a long-blooming and easy-to-grow plant known for its diverse and colorful blooms. With cheerful shades of lavender, pink, white, and red, these plants are among the favorites for all types of gardens and landscaping situations. These flowers are native to North America and commonly found in Texas, California, Alabama, Arkansas, and as far north as Minnesota. The Annual Phlox Blooms In 3 Seasons Their blooming season starts in spring and continues until the hot summer; however, they bloom again in fall. If you opt for a pollinator garden, they are ideal companion plantings that attract early pollinators with their sweet scent and vibrant blooms. By choosing them, you can support biodiversity and the local ecosystem. Whether you are an experienced flower farmer or have found a new passion for planting vibrant blooms in your garden, order your annual phlox plants from TN Nursery. Add these plants to your garden to enhance its aesthetic appeal and enjoy the beautiful, sweet scent in the air. Features of Annual Phlox The annual phlox plant has a subtle, sweet scent similar to honey or melon. The fragrance and vibrant blooms attract early pollinators to feed on nectar and collect pollen, ultimately supporting the ecosystem's health. Under ideal conditions, the plant can grow 6 to 18 inches tall. Annual Phlox Loves Well Draining Soil The plants can thrive in most garden soil but bloom best in well-drained soil and full sun with moderate watering required. Make sure to plant it in a large pot with a drainage hole. The plants are known for their reputation for being easy to grow and care for, making them an ideal option for new and experienced gardeners. You can buy starter phlox plants for sale from TN Nursery and plant them in your beautiful garden. The plants also support companion planting, which means you can plant them alongside other sun-loving plants such as Yarrow, Bee Balm, and Orange Daylily to enhance your garden’s appearance.

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Tall Phlox - TN Nursery

Tall Phlox

Tall Phlox is a perennial plant valued for its upright growth habit, showy clusters of fragrant, colorful flowers, and attractiveness to pollinators. It is a popular choice in gardens and borders and is often used in landscaping for its numerous benefits. Here are some advantages of incorporating them into your landscape design. Known for its vibrant colors, this flower is a popular addition to many home gardens. Native to North America, this stunning plant can grow in many different environments. Your garden can liven up flower beds and walkway borders during the warmer months of the year. Enjoy Tall Phlox in Your Flower Beds As a perennial, this stunning plant will return year after year. Known as a favorite among beginning gardeners, this flower can be used in many parts of your garden. You can find this flower in landscapes and along slopes. It is often tucked into garden beds. While it is famous as a landscape plant, many people also grow it for its potential as a cut flower. Discover Green Leaves and Fragrant Flowers With Tall Phlox Because of its growth habits, you never struggle to see them. This upright flower typically grows about 3 feet in height. If you need a shorter option for your gardening beds, some cultivars grow only 2 feet tall. Beloved by pollinators, it is a common addition to butterfly and hummingbird gardens. Once the flowers start blooming, you can enjoy having them throughout the summer. Tall Phlox Come In A Rainbow of Colors You don’t have to limit yourself to just one when picking a color. Depending on the cultivar, you can find Tall Phlox in just about any shade you can think of. While it is trendy in shades of blue and purple, it can also be found in pink, orange, and white hues. Besides its stunning flowers, Tall Phlox is also recognizable because of its dark green foliage. When the fragrant florets arrive, they form flower heads that are about 5 to 6 inches in size. If you are short on space, these flowers can grow well in planters. Whether you want to include them in your flower beds or a container garden, there are many ways to incorporate this stunningly beautiful flower into your garden.

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Creeping Phlox - TN Nursery

Creeping Phlox

The Creeping Phlox is a low-growing perennial plant with small, vibrant pink flowers that form a dense carpet-like display in spring. It forms a beautiful, lush pink carpet array of blooms and is an excellent spreading groundcover plant that will control weeds and overgrowth near hillsides and banks you can not maintain. Due to its numerous benefits and aesthetic appeal, it is a popular and versatile plant used in landscaping.  The creeping phlox is a solid option for those who want to add gorgeous color to their yard. This plant, also known as the mountain type, moss type, and moss pink, is native to the central and eastern United States, and its beauty makes it a popular option for gardens around the globe. What are the benefits of adding this vibrant plant to your yard or garden? Creeping Phlox Has Brilliant Colors Creeping Phlox's flowers are stunning, with colors ranging from pale blue, white, and pink to bright violet. Each flower has five hardy petals, but some have six petals. The plants bloom through the spring and summer, providing lasting color for approximately one month. As an evergreen perennial, the plant remains green throughout the year. It can brighten up an otherwise dull, dreary yard in the peak of the cold weather season. Creeping Phlox Is A Filler Plant This plant grows five inches tall and up to 13 inches in diameter. In addition to the expanse of a single plant, the plant proliferates. Many use its beauty as an alternative to grass or a filler in their more extensive gardens. Because of its short height, it does not need to be cut back like grass and other ground cover. Weeds increase and can make your yard look poorly maintained in a matter of weeks. The plant is dense with tightly clustered leaves. When in bloom, the flowers blanket the tops of the plants. Because of its unique traits, the plant prevents or minimizes weed growth. As a result, your gardens can continue to look fabulous without needing to devote hours of your valuable time to pulling weeds regularly. Creeping Phlox Helps With Soil Erosion Prevention  Grass generally only thrives on ledges and steep banks, making your grounds look barren and subject to erosion. The creeping phlox, however, thrives in these areas. Its presence can dramatically reduce the damaging effects of erosion while enhancing aesthetics. It is well-suited for providing immediate and long-term benefits to your property.

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Perennials Package - 10 Plants - TN Nursery

Perennial Package - 10 Plants

This Perennial Package has a carefully curated selection of 10 plants that offer diverse shapes, sizes, and colors, ensuring a captivating display throughout the seasons. Each plant is chosen for its resilience, beauty, and ability to return year after year, making it a fantastic investment in your garden's long-term health and beauty. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE A COLLECTION OF PERENNIALS, NOT SPECIFIC SPECIES. WE CHOOSE TYPES THAT WORK BEST FOR YOUR ZONE ACCORDING TO YOUR ZIP CODE Enjoy Colors With Our Perennial Package Add vibrant beauty to your garden with the Daylily's various colors and patterns, perfect for both novice and expert gardeners. The package includes Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), attracting pollinators with its daisy-like flowers in pink, purple, and white. Also featured is Lavender, known for its soothing scent, long blooming period, and drought tolerance. Delphinium's tall spires of blue, purple, or white flowers create a stunning focal point for height and drama. The cheerful Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) brings sunshine to borders with golden-yellow petals and dark centers. It thrives in full sun and attracts pollinators. What Our Perennial Package May Include Our package includes versatile plants like Hosta, Ornamental Grass, Phlox, and Blanket Flower, each adding unique characteristics to your garden. This collection offers long-term beauty, cost-effectiveness, and low maintenance, with plants returning each season, supporting pollinators, and providing year-round interest. Enjoy Flowers For Many Years With The Perennial Package Invest in a garden that evolves and thrives year after year, with a detailed planting guide included for maximum success. Enjoy the enduring beauty of perennials with TN Nursery’s expert-selected Perennial Package. Order your grab bag of ten plants today!

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