Azalea Plant
Azalea plants are among the most colorful and popular ornamental shrubs that lend a striking beauty to one's landscape. Part of the genus Rhododendron, these spring bloomers have been around since the 1830s and have developed into some 10,000 different cultivars.
The flowers are most notably native growers to North America, Europe, and Asia and hold sentimental value to numerous regions worldwide. For example, the azalea plant has long been a symbol for Sao Paulo, Brazil. The azalea is Georgia's state wildflower, and the plant is celebrated across the United States in many festivals.
Although the azalea and Rhododendron are considered sisters, both plants display distinctions in their flower appeal. You will generally find azalea blooms as funnel-shaped and with five stamens. The rhodo features bell-shaped flowers with ten or more stamens.
The intensity of an azalea plant bloom can turn many heads because the color variety offers something for everyone. There are white, pink, purple, mauve, salmon, and all red, orange, and yellow variations.
Like all plants, the azalea has growing preferences, but according to the Azalea Society of America, these beauties can handle various conditions. Experts suggest that most azaleas are hardy to planting in zones 6-9, with a few varieties able to survive the colder temperatures up to zone 4.
Most azalea types welcome the partial sun or filtered shade under tall trees. Too much sun can burn the leaves, and not enough rays can restrict blooming.
When it comes to soil, forget clay or alkaline because azaleas don't care for these extremes. Instead, plant azaleas in loam contain both small and large particles for better drainage and oxygen absorption.
Shallow roots mean that azaleas need moist, well-drained soil. Their foliage also allows for water absorption, so it's suggested you wet both the leaves and root zone when you water. Ample water is a good thing for maintaining azaleas.
Mulch is beneficial in keeping your azalea healthy, and about three inches in thickness placed as a ring around the plant is best. The U.S. National Arboretum advises using shredded leaves, leaf mold, pine needles, or pine bark mulch for excellent results. Please stay away from shredded hardwood, as it can create a high pH soil level.
If you're looking to enhance your property with a solid and stunning shrub, consider the azalea plant.