The Dwarf Crested Iris is a plant that grows in the United States and East Asia. It has variable green, blue, and pink flowers, which split into numerous corolla petals. This kind of Iris is known as a complete floral lottery in its coloring, usually showing varieties of blues, purples, reds, and some greens.
The Dwarf Crested Iris is an iris cultivar with a dwarf stature that does not exceed 6" (15 cm) in height compared to its parent Iris pallida. It has a compact rhizomatous root system, branching from the base of the plant and producing long, thin stems. The leaves are long and narrow, ranging from 3/8" to 1 1/2", with entire margins and fine serration near the tip. The flowers are white or pale yellow and produced in clusters on erect racemes measuring 10-20 inches (25-50 cm).
Growing From Seed
The Dwarf Crested Iris is a straightforward plant to grow. It is a perennial; hence it will come back every year. You only need to sow the seeds in early spring. You can also start them indoors before planting out in early spring. It's best to sow them on a sunny windowsill, or you could use a tray of compost and plant them directly into that. Ensure they are well watered and keep them warm until they have germinated.
Hardiness Zones
The Dwarf Crested Iris is a hardy perennial that grows in USDA Zones 3through 9. It is native to the United States and Canada but can also be grown in other parts of the world, including Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.
Potting the dwarf crested Iris is a simple process that can be done in your own home.
Step 1:Fill a small pot with fresh sphagnum moss or till it with a spade. The pot should have a drainage hole in the bottom. You can also use clay pellets.
Step 2:Place your Iris in the middle of the moss and fill the pot with more moss. This will stop it from tipping over, but remember to leave room for water drainage.
Step 3:Put a small piece of pebbles on top to hold it in place, and water thoroughly so there are no dry spots for weeds to grow.
Light Requirements
The dwarf crested Iris is a relatively low-light plant that will grow in just about any condition. It can be grown indoors or outdoors but does best in full sun. If you want to keep your dwarf crested Iris in an indoor pot, give it a bright window or east-facing wall to get the most out of it.
If you don't have access to direct sunlight, you can use artificial lighting to mimic daylight. Place your dwarf crested Iris near an east-facing window and let it get as much as six hours of direct sunlight daily. This will help promote bloom and keep your plant healthy and happy.
Water Requirements
Dwarf Crested Iris needs regular water, but not too much. The flower will not grow well in the water, so you must keep the soil moist but not wet. The drip irrigation system is the best way to moisten the soil. If you use a soaker hose, place it in your pot and turn on the water until it comes out of the bottom of the pot.
If you have a drip irrigation system, set it up and ensure all the drip lines are appropriately connected. Then turn on the water and leave it running for several days until the soil has soaked up all the moisture it needs to grow well.
Soil Requirements
The Dwarf Crested Iris is a plant that thrives in many different soil conditions. Its requirements include full sun and well-drained soil with a pH between 6 and 7. It prefers neutral to slightly acidic soil but can tolerate slightly alkaline conditions. The best soil for this fern is near bodies of water, but it will grow in any well-drained area that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.
The required fertilizer depends on the soil type and how much organic matter you have in your soil. If you have a small amount of it, you may need to add more fertilizer than if you have a lot of organic matter. For example, if you have sandy soil with very little organic matter, it will take more nutrients to encourage healthy growth than if your soil has a lot of clay or other minerals.
Pests and Disease Problems
Dwarf Crested Iris is very susceptible to pests and diseases. The most common pest problems are powdery mildew, spider mites, and aphids.
Powdery mildew is a common fungus that can affect the foliage of your Dwarf Crested Iris. It occurs when too much moisture is in the air around your plants. This can be caused by overwatering or placing the plant in an area that has not been well-ventilated or has poor air circulation.
Aphids are small insects that feed on sap from plants causing them to become sticky and distorted as they suck out the sap. Aphids do not cause direct harm to plants but will spread disease from one plant to another by feeding off their sap or by transmitting viruses from one plant to another.
When To Plant It
The best time to plant a dwarf crested iris is early spring or late fall. If you plant in the fall, start seeds indoors at least 4-6 weeks before the last frost date. The best time to plant them outdoors is early spring when nights are long enough for the seedlings to get established without freezing.
Companion Plants
Dwarf Crested Iris is not particular about companion plants. They like to grow near the ground. However, some plants can help protect the dwarf Iris from being eaten by slugs and snails. The best companion plants for the dwarf crested Iris include:
Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums attract bees and other pollinators, which are essential for pollinating the flowers of this plant. They also provide an excellent green background when planted between rows of the dwarf crested Iris.
Perennial Flax: Perennial flax is excellent for making hedges or windbreaks because it is hardy in zones 3-8. It proliferates and stays low to the ground so that it won't interfere with your dwarf crested iris' growth patterns.
Pruning is one of the most important things to do with your Dwarf Crested Iris. Most have long stems and can get out of control if you don't prune them.
Let your plant grow into a bush if you want to cut it down. If you do that, you must let it dry out entirely before re-cutting it back to have a nice bushy appearance.
To prune your Dwarf Crested Iris, start at the bottom and cut off as much as possible without cutting through the stem. Then go over that area again and cut off more branches from the bottom up.
You should be able to see through your stem once it's been chopped back enough so that what looks like dead leaves are alive green leaves underneath.
The best way to mulch your Dwarf Crested Iris is to use a compostable product. The Iris will be able to absorb more nutrients from the mulch, and it will be easier to keep clean. If you use grass clippings, you can spread them on top of the soil in the pot and water them well. They will break down fairly quickly and add nutrients and minerals to the soil.
The Dwarf Crested Iris is a beautiful, small flower that can be grown indoors. Growing this dwarf Iris from seed will be the easiest way to obtain it. Although, it is not required to start from seed. Direct seeding in the pot can be done for those who want to avoid going through the long process of growing seeds first. The Dwarf Crested Iris and Blue Flag Iris requires full sun with well-drained soil and watering during summer.