Tips for Maintaining a Flower Garden

Maintain your flower garden with these tips

TN Nurseries best selling perennials


Solomon Seal

Virginia bluebells



Perennials can offer an attractive and often low-maintenance landscaping solution for beginner and experienced gardeners alike. Unlike annuals, which will need to be replaced each year, perennials return from dormancy and grow and flower year after year. That provides the perfect opportunity to establish a garden and maintain it for years with relatively minimal effort, allowing you to reap the rewards of a beautiful garden.

Flower Garden


Keeping your flower garden maintained

Whether you're planting flowerbeds or laying groundcover for your yard, here are five tips for maintaining a beautiful perennial garden:

1.) Establish good watering practices. Ensuring that your plants get the appropriate amount of water is the first and most vital key to success in any garden. For the best results, it's essential to cluster plants with similar water needs next to each other; planting a water-guzzling bloom in the same bed as a plant breeding for drought is an invitation for disaster.

Once you've established plants' water needs within an individual bed, you can set up an automatic watering system that will deliver the appropriate amount of hydration on a regular schedule. That will save you time on maintenance and can prevent wasteful over-watering and other problems.

2.)Determine your soil type. Soil conditions can differ significantly even within the same neighborhood, so don't assume that you can necessarily have success with the same plants as your neighbors. To be sure, assess your soil type before planting. Many plants will grow better in light, sandy soil than in dense clay-type soil. The chemical makeup of the land in your garden will also affect which plants grow best in that space. You can perform a pH and nutrient soil test to identify your property type and what additives it might need for success.

Once you know your soil type and have added compost and fertilizer, you can choose plants that will thrive in your home. Once they've taken root and established themselves, they'll reward your hard work by returning for years to come.

3.)Consider ornamental grasses. Whether planted on their own or used as filler, ornamental grasses provide useful groundcover. These groundcovers help with weed control and reduce the amount of time spent pulling weeds by hand or using chemical herbicides. Depending on your climate and watering needs, some ornamental grasses are available for the job.

For optimal grass health, keep the grasses trimmed and fertilized annually to provide ample nutrition to the roots. With just a little upkeep, these groundcovers can offer beauty that lasts all season.

4.)Choose the best plants for your environment. Because perennials will be long-term fixtures of the garden, it's essential to choose something hardy enough to last through the seasons and endure the local climate's natural weather and soil fluctuations. Bear in mind that some plants are more robust than others.

Just as groundcovers help with weed control, choosing hardy plants can help maintain your garden's health. Plants with strong roots and healthy growth are less susceptible to disease and weed invasion, and the best plants for the job are those suited to your growing conditions. Ask the nursery or a local gardening expert for advice on the best varietals for your garden.

Flower Garden

5.) Remember cleanup and maintenance. Just because perennial plants return to bloom each spring or stay vibrant year-round doesn't mean they don't need a bit of upkeep. Even the hardiest plants require more than sun and water to do their best. Deadhead flowers encourage new blooms and keep the garden looking fresh. Remember to trim and prune to promote new growth, but leave enough behind to protect the plant against the winter cold. Also, remember to insulate the roots with mulch, especially when younger plants face a severe winter. Most plants will endure heavy pruning after they've finished blooming, but check individual care instructions for the plant in question.


For all your flower garden needs visit TN Nursery


Ajuga Reptans - TN Nursery

Ajuga Reptans

Ajuga Reptans is an evergreen flowering perennial groundcover that offers greenery year-round. The plant has shoots of purple blooms in early Spring, making it versatile and perfect for maintaining beauty in small areas. They are known as bugle, common bugle, carpenter’s herb, bugle herb, bugleweed, carpetweed, and St. Lawrence plant; this is a hardy member of the mint family. Ajuga Reptans Kills Weeds  They are a perennial. While the origin of ajuga is unclear, reptans means creeping, indicating how easily this low-lying plant spreads. The result is an attractive, dense ground cover ideal for filling empty spaces, choking out weeds, and enticing pollinators. Aesthetics Of Ajuga Reptans They are popular, so there are numerous varieties. As a result, there is a range of possibilities for this plant. Generally, you can expect round green leaves that spring to life in a plush, evergreen carpet. The leaves typically reach a height of two inches to three inches.  In addition, the Ajuga plant sends up striking spikes of flowers in mid to late spring. Traditionally blue, these flowering stems are filled with tiny blooms. They typically stand four to six inches in height but can rise higher. Many plants draw attention with the colors of their flowers. The bugle is an exception. Knowledgeable gardeners appreciate this plant for the extensive palette of hues that its foliage offers. In addition to the luxuriant carpet of gorgeous dark greens that the standard coloration offers, you can find varieties that provide leaves in lighter greens, deep reds, bronze purples, and chocolate browns. Nearly black and variegated versions also exist. What about flowers? Blue is the most common color of flowers, and you’ll find everything from pale blue to bright blue. However, you’ll also discover other colors, including whites, pinks, and purples. Using Ajuga Reptans Has Many Attributes Ajuga Reptans are flowering perennials with numerous uses. They’re luxuriant groundcovers that resist deer and rabbits and grow well under trees, along pathways, and among rocks. Their rich beauty, diverse textures, and ability to draw pollinators make them a winning addition to any space.

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Solomon's Seal Plant - TN Nursery

Solomon's Seal Plant

Solomon's Seal Plant is a graceful woodland perennial plant known for its arching stems, dangling pairs of bell-shaped flowers, and distinctive, alternate leaves, making it a charming addition to shaded gardens. They offer a range of benefits when incorporated into landscaping projects, contributing to outdoor spaces' natural charm, versatility, and ecological value. With its distinctive arching stems, elegant foliage, and adaptability, this plant brings unique qualities that enhance various aspects of landscape design. Solomon's Seal Plant, also known as Polygonatum biflorum, is an herbaceous perennial with three distinct color stages: greenish-white, blue, and gold. Its green leaves comprise most of its total size. The Solomon's Seal Plant Color Stages When this perennial initially springs to life each May, it has small, greenish-white flowers. Thanks to its arching stems, each flower hangs down. Later in the summer, blueberries appear. Finally, once it's autumn, the leaves turn a spectacular gold. Although the entire flower is beautiful, the flowering stage is revered and has recently become a favorite in the floral world. This Solomon's Seal Plant's Growth It can reach up to four feet tall, which provides collectors with plenty of its dainty, greenish-white flowers. Due to their uniqueness, these specialty cut flowers are always in high demand. Whether you enjoy brightening up your home occasionally or regularly, you can't go wrong with this plant! Solomon's Seal Plant's Uses Although it grows naturally in forests, it is also explicitly planted for the floral industry. These perennials and their unusual appearance have quickly become highly desired. They've been used in various floral arrangements, including unique wedding bouquets. Between their stunning appearance and fragrant scent, which mimics lilacs, this flower deserves your attention! What does the name of these flowers symbolize? Unfortunately, there is no conclusive answer. However, one theory is that the flat, round stalk scars on its rhizomes were once believed to look like the ancient symbol of King Solomon. Nowadays, people are typically drawn to its dangling, greenish-white flowers and graceful arching stems. As a bonus, they can add an unusual structural appearance to any shade garden. Solomon's Seal Plant fits the bill if you're looking for a unique flower to give someone! It also has just the look you need if you're planning to build a shade garden. Either way, this perennial won't soon be forgotten!

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