Seasonal Shrubs: A Tapestry of Colors and Beauty


Hydrangea is a mesmerizing shrub that blooms throughout the summer and sometimes into fall, offering a spectacular show of large, globe-shaped flower clusters. It has become a garden staple with its broad, lush leaves and diverse color palette, ranging from pinks and purples to blues and whites. Hydrangeas need well-drained soil and ample water, particularly in areas with high temperatures.


With its trumpet-shaped flowers and fountain-like form, Weigela is a spring-blooming shrub that is particularly alluring to hummingbirds. These deciduous shrubs showcase abundant pink, red, or white flowers and can be striking focal points in any garden. Depending on the variety, Weigelas can provide rich, colorful foliage, making them highly appreciated for their ornamental value.

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)

Rose of Sharon is a late-summer blooming shrub known for its large, trumpet-shaped flowers adorned with a conspicuous protruding stamen. It offers vibrant white, pink, red, lavender, or blue blooms. Because it's hardy and can thrive in various soils, it's an excellent choice for gardeners seeking minimal maintenance and maximum impact.

Beauty Berry (Callicarpa)

Beauty Berry is a standout shrub, especially in the autumn when its arching branches are laden with clusters of vibrant, purple berries. The berries persist into winter, providing a vital food source for local bird species. While the slight pinkish to lavender flowers in summer are inconspicuous, the following stunning berry display is unparalleled.

Butterfly Bush (Buddleia)

True to its name, Butterfly Bush is renowned for attracting butterflies and other pollinators with its fragrant, elongated flower spikes. Blooming from summer to autumn, it offers a profusion of colors, including purple, pink, white, and red. This fast-growing, drought-tolerant shrub is ideal for creating vibrant, dynamic landscapes.


Forsythia heralds the arrival of spring with its profusion of bright yellow flowers covering its branches before the leaves appear. With its cascading, arching branches, this deciduous shrub serves as a cheerful reminder of the warm, colorful days ahead, making it a valued addition to any garden seeking a burst of early spring color.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus)

Burning Bush, named for its brilliant, fiery red foliage in the fall, is a deciduous shrub that provides year-round interest. In the summer, it is adorned with small, inconspicuous flowers followed by small, red berries, which are highly attractive to birds. Its distinctive, winged stems and vibrant fall coloration make it popular among landscape designers.


Viburnum is a diverse genus of flowering shrubs known for their appealing foliage, fragrant flowers, and colorful berries. Different varieties of Viburnum bloom from late winter to early summer, providing year-round interest. Whether it's the snowy blossoms of Viburnum x burkwoodii or the vibrant fruits of Viburnum opulus, this genus offers versatility and ornamental value to gardens.

Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)

Winterberry, a deciduous holly, loses its leaves in fall to reveal a dazzling display of bright red berries, which persist throughout winter. This shrub strikes against a snowy backdrop and provides essential winter sustenance for birds. The delicate white flowers appearing in late spring to early summer are a precursor to the following spectacular berry show.

Holly Bush (Ilex)

Holly Bush, an evergreen shrub, is known for its glossy, spiked leaves and bright red berries, symbolizing festive cheer in the winter season. The robust nature of Holly makes it a preferred choice for creating living fences and barriers. While a visual treat is crucial for wildlife, berries are toxic to humans and should be handled cautiously.

Seasonal shrubs, with their myriad colors, shapes, and sizes, breathe life into gardens, providing dynamic visual interest throughout the year. From the vivid hues of Hydrangea and the aromatic allure of Butterfly Bush to the festive charm of Holly Bush and the fiery brilliance of Burning Bush, these shrubs are not just plants; they are the paintbrushes that nature uses to create her ever-changing masterpiece. They weave a tapestry of colors, textures, and scents, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and ecological value of landscapes and nourishing the soul of every garden enthusiast.

Red Weigelia - TN Nursery

Red Weigelia

Red Weigelia is a deciduous ornamental plant known for its profusion of tubular, dark scarlet to pinkish scarlet flowers that attract pollinators and add a splash of color to garden landscapes. It is a versatile and attractive shrub commonly used in landscaping to enhance the aesthetic appeal of outdoor spaces. With its stunning trumpet-shaped flowers and unique foliage, this plant brings several benefits to landscaping projects. It is one of several attractive cultivars developed after the flowers were imported to England from Japan in 1845. Scarlet is only one of the colors present in this array of cultivars, and others include pink, purple, or even orange. But the crimson version is among the prettiest, especially when combined with the finely tapered and slightly serrated leaves. Red Weigelia Has Tons Of Flowers Although not broad or showy, the flowers still make a lasting impact because of the purity of their color and the fineness of their shape. The delicateness of their 2-inch length belies their incredible hardiness. They often bloom from the last frost until the first frost, dominating the space below the 12-inch line in the garden. These fantastic flowers don't just look good, either. These trumpet-shaped blooms smell like sweet citrus, filling the air with a delightful aroma that attracts human visitors to the garden and pollinators. The Leaves Of Red Weigelia The leaves are about 4 or 5 inches long, slender, and finely tapered. They form an eye-pleasing green bed that accentuates the marvelous blooms throughout the spring and summer into fall. The petioles are short, which allows the leaves to overlap one another for a splendid layered effect. In bright sunshine, especially on dewy mornings, the light will reflect off the flowers, lending their hue to the leaves and creating a pleasing multicolored effect. Red Weigelia Is Great for a Tiered Presentation Because Red Weigelia and its flowers grow only to about a foot in height, taller plants of the same or similar colors can be planted behind them, creating the tiered look. These flowers look smashing, surrounding a focal point in a garden, such as an imposing tree. Combining them with an epiphytic plant of the same color that climbs the trunk creates a quirky and beautiful botanical palette. Red Weigelia attracts different species of pollinators, which is crucial for the garden's success and the environment. The leaves are also a necessary part of the life cycle of certain butterflies, which adds to the plant's beneficial environmental impact.

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Forsythia - TN Nursery


Forsythia has vibrant yellow, bell-shaped flowers that bloom profusely in early spring before their green leaves emerge, creating a striking burst of color in gardens and landscapes. It is a deciduous shrub widely appreciated for its abundant and vibrant yellow flowers that herald the arrival of spring. It offers numerous landscaping benefits, making it a popular choice for gardens and outdoor spaces. One of the primary advantages of incorporating it into landscaping is its early-blooming nature.  The Golden Color Forsythia Forsythia is unparalleled in filling yards with a profusion of golden colors. Their early-season blossoming is so abundant that it covers landscapes in a kaleidoscope of yellow hues, signaling the arrival of spring. Pollinators that emerge during the first signs of spring rely on the nectar produced by these blooms. Seeing these colorful, bell-shaped blossoms arranged so closely together along the stems is breathtaking. They can reach eight to ten feet in height and ten to 12 feet in width. Their bark is rough and gray-brown. They can be erect, rounded, mounded, or arching. Their branches can be straight or curved. You can plant them as focal pieces or in mass groups. Yellow To Purple Foliage With The Forsythia In addition to their showy yellow blossoms, they alter their leaves with the seasons. The leaves transition from green to yellow to purple depending on the time of year. They stay primarily green during the summer and transition from yellow to deep purple hues throughout late autumn, right before falling to the ground. These plants go dormant in the winter. They, particularly the more significant types, are shrubs that proliferate, often reaching a height of two feet in only 12 months. Because they grow fast, they can quickly fill empty spaces in gardens and landscaping. Their fast growth also makes them work well as natural privacy screens. You can even grow them as hedges and borders for gardens and driveways. Their rapid growth also increases their resilience to environmental stresses. Design a Border With Forsythia In addition to their use as natural hedges and borders, forsythias provide a great deal of creative flexibility in design. Planting them side by side along a garden path will cause them to grow inward, creating a natural archway. Some people use them to create focal points. Others use them to help with soil stabilization on sloped banks because of their deep, complex root systems that retain topsoil.

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American Holly - TN Nursery

American Holly

American Holly, with its vibrant red berries and emerald green leaves, remains visually pleasing throughout all seasons. It provides a splash of color during the colder months when many other plants have shed their foliage. The tree's dense and conical shape adds an element of elegance and structure to any landscape, making it an ideal focal point or anchor in garden designs. When choosing a tree that checks all the boxes, nothing can beat American Holly. American Holly is a slow-growing evergreen tree known for its dense foliage and year-round privacy barrier. American Holly Is A Evergreen This evergreen tree plays a massive role in purifying air when enhancing the overall air quality around your house. The dense foliage traps pollutants from the air and ensures fresh oxygen for you to breathe in. You will instantly breathe in fresh and pure air whenever you enter your garden, making it an ideal choice to plant in and around your yard. This dense foliage also creates a natural privacy screen between houses and roads, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space more comfortably whenever you can. So, you can buy American holly online and turn your yard into a sanctuary for yourself and other species. Features of American Holly Plant The American Holly features glossy and spiky leaves and smooth gray-white bark that maintain their green foliage all seasons. During the winter, when the tree is covered with snow, you can enjoy delicious bright red berries that add color. This makes it a perfect tree during the holiday season with natural decoration. The American Holly Has Stunning Berries These berries are also a famous source for different wildlife and migrating birds during times of scarcity, ensuring they stay plump and happy even during chillier months. The dense foliage of the American Holly plant provides birds and small critters with much-needed shelter and nesting spots, resulting in a thriving mini ecosystem. TN Nursery features a range of other plants, shrubs, and trees that pair with the American Holly Tree. In addition to American holly plants for sale, the top three choices include White Pine, Green Giant Arborvitae, and a Cedar Tree.

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