Rattlesnake Fern: A Fern Found Anywhere

The unique Rattlesnake Fern

The Rattlesnake Fern is a native plant belonging to the unique Adder's

Tongue family (Ophioglossaceae). With a rhizomatous appearance, this fern

turns from a brilliant green at a young age to a bright yellow when its

Spores begin to mature. This fern gets its name from a fertile section of

Frond resembles the rattle of a rattlesnake. Rattlesnake ferns are

Often found in rich woodlands with adequate drainage. They tend to be

Situated in areas that are dominated by oak trees and hickory trees. At

Their maturity, Rattlesnake ferns will emerge to a height of 8 to 30

Inches. These plants tend to grow at a moderate rate, flourishing best in

Soil environments that consist of a pH between 5.6 and 6.9. Since these

Ferns require between 14 to 44 inches of precipitation to thrive, their

The active growth period spans from spring to summer. Blooming in late spring,

Rattlesnake ferns are shade tolerant and grow best in partial sun to light.

Shade conditions. They are commonly used in landscaping in geographic areas.

Of music to dry-mesic conditions. With a single leaf growth pattern that

Breaks down into several smaller fronds underneath, the Rattlesnake fern is

Ideal for filling in garden beds or landscaping with durable foliage.

Climate Zones between 3 and 10 benefit the most from these ancient plants

That dies down in the winter only to return in the spring. Rattlesnake ferns

They are also unique in the concept that they do not reproduce often. Therefore,

Landscapers must plant the exact number of plants that they desire to

Utilize for ground cover. In contrast to other ferns, this species contains

No toxic carcinogens and is often consumed as an ingredient in a medicinal

Tea. It can also be turned into a lotion that can aid in the relief of snake bites, cuts, or bruises.

Buy Rattlesnake Ferns Here

Ferns For Sale at TN Nursery