Oxygenator Plants for Your Pond | TN Nursery

Oxygenator plants are those plants that grow in water and remain either partially or fully submerged.


They are referred to as oxygenators because they generate oxygen throughout the day by the process of photosynthesis. The oxygen is released into water naturally if you plant them in your pond, and it acts as a perfect habitat for your fishes.

Apart from releasing oxygen into the water, they also play an important role in softening the water and maintaining the pH levels.

By growing these plants, you can also reduce algae to a great extent as they compete with algae for nutrients. They also provide a protective cover for the fish.

Some of the conventional plants that can be planted as oxygenators in your pond are—

Anacharis Canadensis—These plants can be planted in the pond along with water lilies, and they are also known as Elodea. They have green leaves that are arranged in a whorl on a stem. They produce white-colored flowers throughout the summer season on their small stems. They are sometimes also planted as water quality indicators. They tend to get calcium deposits on them in hard water.

Giant Val's—It is also known as Vallisneria gigantea Nand has long dark green leaves. These plants are ideal for ponds and can grow up to 4-5 feet in length. They act as shelter and hiding spots for small fishes and are good oxygenators.

Foxtail/ Hornwort—Hornwort is a beautiful plant that remains submerged in water. It is a free-floating plant and can sometimes get attached to the bottom of the pond. These plants help in cleaning the water and keeping it free from algae.

Canadian Pondweed: It is also known as American Waterweed and is a perennial aquatic plant. It is a submerged plant that can grow up to 5- 12 cm long. It has thick leaves arranged in a whorl on the stem. The flowering period ranges from May to September month.

Hottonia Palustris—The common name for this plant is Water Violet, which is considered a very good oxygenator. It remains submerged in water and produces flowers from May to June. The flowers are white to violet in color, and they are beautiful. The leaves of this plant are dense and bushy, which provides cover for fish.

These are some of the conventional water plants that can be found in nurseries. You can plant them in your pond to provide a natural habitat for the fishes and ducks.

Source of Information on Oxygenator Plants

15 Aquatic Plants Box - 5 Bul Rush, 5 River Cane, 5 Crested Iris - TN Nursery

15 Aquatic Plants Box - 5 Bul Rush, 5 River Cane, 5 Crested Iris - Great For All Zones

Aquatic Plant Box - This will be a mix and match of plants perfectly selected for your zone. Aquatic plants are a great addition to water and fountain areas, as they add beauty and help maintain a balanced ecosystem. Based on your request, here are five you can consider for your water and fountain areas: 15 Aquatic Plants Box For Your Pond Found naturally in marshes, lakes, wetlands, rivers, and estuaries, aquatic plants are an excellent way to bring texture and interest to ponds, aquariums, and other damp areas. In addition to the beauty factory, they provide food and shelter for fish, improve water quality, and protect the shoreline. Whether growing in a bog, wholly submerged, floating, or emergent, the roots are in the ground, and the leaves and flowers are above the waterline; this type of flora includes the five river cane and the five crested iris. We May Offer These Perennial Plants In Your Aquatic Plants Box Sometimes called a cattail or reed, the 15 Aquatic Plants Box - 5 Bul Rush has grass-like blades that grow in large clusters. A hollow stem has a thick base that can grow up to six feet tall. Flowers grow in a cylinder-like shape of tight clusters consisting of 50 to 500 spiky brown seeds at the tip. It blooms from April through August. In the fall, the cluster becomes soft and fuzzy. TN Nursery Offers Stunning Aquatic Plants  This aquatic plant, part of the 15 box, is a type of bamboo that grows in flood plains and wetlands. It can grow from six to 15 feet in height and about an inch in diameter. Growing in upright clusters adds a tropical touch to a woody setting. This tall perennial grass has a hollow stem with evenly spaced nodes and angled branches. Green leaves are long and narrow. Leaves may turn brown in the winter. Delicate in nature, this beautiful plant has small clusters of narrow, pointed leaves on a short stalk. At the base of the stalk, the leaves form a shape resembling a fan to highlight the flower. Violet-blue flowers have a yellow and white center with ruffled edges. This perennial grows to about four to six inches tall and blooms in the spring. It is often seen along woodlands and river banks, making a lovely ground cover after blooming. When growing in a garden, pair it with perennials such as hostas, narcissus, tulips, and trillium.

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