Love My Moss- TN Nursery Reviews

Moss Makes The Perfect Decor!

You've told her you'd fix up that eye-sore of a backyard for months, but what do you do with a corner of dirt? Get creative! February marks the threshold of one of the most colorful times of the year. February ushers in the springtime fever. Turn that lump of dirt into a passionate creation for your lover on Valentine's Day with a little bit of landscaping. Tn Nursery has quality moss for sale at the lowest prices.

Building a beautiful nature retreat in your backyard isn't as monumental a task as one might think, especially when mosses are involved. Not only is it one of the lowest maintenance of decorations for your yard, but it is also one of the best backdrops for all the intricate beauty of your land. That is the perfect ornament for your land's dark and shady areas. The texture and vibrant greens of the moss thrive in these conditions.

Planting your moss is easy.

As stated before, you should plant your moss in an adequately shaded area of your land. All types of moss love the damp environment of a moisture-rich, shaded area. Ensure you clear the chosen area of all the leaves and other debris before planting.

The only tricky part of planting your moss is ensuring the soil has the proper pH to sustain the moss. If the soil is too alkaline, it's not a deal-breaker. Just add a little sulfur powder to the soil. It will add a bit of acidity and bring the pH to a more desirable level. It should be between four and one half and five and one half.

Once the soil is prepared, you're golden! Wet the soil thoroughly, and get to planting! Remember, moss loves water.

There are several different types of moss.

Carpet Moss: It's all in the name on this one. Carpet Moss is mother Earth's natural shag. When you first plant this type of moss, it will be a vibrant green. As time passes and the moss matures, it will begin to darken. That usually results in a beautiful texture that is nature's little gift to you.

Cushion Moss: Cushion Moss can usually be found in many different colors and is fluffy. It gives a nice lush look to a pathway or corner area. It's simple to maintain, as well. Just add water! The moss will maintain itself and reproduce just as quickly as it grows.

Ground Moss: Ground Moss is an excellent additive if you plan to incorporate large rocks into your landscaping ideas. The moss will multiply, and you will have an aged look you're seeking by the beginning of the following year. It's a classic look.

Tree Moss: Tree Mosses have grown some bad reps throughout the years. Most people mistake some types of tree moss for a disease harmful to the tree. Tree moss is not a parasitic nuisance to the tree. It's a beautiful sign of maturity and health.

Buy all your moss online and garden plants and supplies.

Broom Forkmoss - TN Nursery

Broom Forkmoss

Broom Forkmoss (Dicranum scoparium), commonly known as the broom moss or broom forkmoss, is a moss species belonging to the family Dicranaceae. It is one of the most common and widely distributed moss species in the world. It's recognizable by its dense, broom-like tufts and forked, sickle-shaped leaves that often curve to one side. It typically grows on forest floors, rocks, or decaying wood and is resilient, thriving in both moist and relatively dry conditions. The moss is typically green, but the color can range from dark green to yellow-green depending on its environment and hydration.   Adding Broom Forkmoss to your property can provide various benefits now and well into the future. This spongy material spreads quickly along the ground, providing a lush landscape that holds up well in many different environments. Broom Forkmoss Looks Like Messy Hair The leaves are long, narrow, and have a distinctive curved or "broom-like" shape, hence the name "broom moss." It looks a  little like your hair after standing outside for too long on a windy day. Of course, unlike your hair, you won't have a tangled mess to get rid of after the weather calms down. This is because it only grows to be a few centimeters high. It typically has a green hue and can be used across your entire yard or in localized areas as you see fit. Overall, it is a versatile and resilient moss species that can adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions. Broom Forkmoss Acts as a Purifier Mosses are excellent bioindicators, meaning they can be used to monitor environmental conditions, especially air and water quality.  Aquatic mosses can indicate water quality, particularly concerning pH levels and the presence of certain pollutants. They are sensitive to changes in water chemistry, making them useful for monitoring freshwater ecosystems. One of the primary benefits of having this plant on your property is that it can remove toxins from the air. This can be especially ideal if you are allergic to smoke, pollen, or other irritants you may be exposed to outdoors. In addition, removing pollutants can make the air smell cleaner and fresher, benefiting everyone who lives on your property or nearby. Another great reason to have Broom Forkmoss on your property is that you won't need to spend money on air filters. You also won't need to waste electricity on indoor or outdoor air purifying systems that may or may not get the results that you want. Even better, since it doesn't grow upwards, you won't need to mow it often or ever. This further minimizes oil or electricity usage associated with a lawn mower or other landscaping equipment. Broom Forkmoss Reduces Noise  In addition to removing toxins from the air, it can also help reduce noise. This can be ideal if you have a baby in the house who needs to sleep or wants to hear yourself think after a long day at work.

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Cushion Moss - TN Nursery

Cushion Moss

Cushion moss is a low-growing, densely matted plant that forms a lush green ground cover in shady, moist environments. It's a versatile evergreen ground cover with numerous air-cleaning benefits. Its distinctive formation and adaptability make it a favored choice for enhancing outdoor spaces in water gardens and features, shade, and damp areas. Cushion Moss Has Breathtaking Looks Cushion Moss grows in thick, pillow-shaped mounds that are at least as big as a pincushion. These mounds can grow up to a foot in diameter. The new stems are long and pointed in winter or late autumn. Their beaked, blunt end caps and golden to reddish brown shades are telltale signs of maturity. They are vibrant green and also form dense, round cushions. They can split off and grow into new plants, a process known as fragmentation, which helps with asexual reproduction. This is how the plant can cover such a large area so fast. The dense foliage that this form provides shelter and protection to various animals and tiny organisms. They retain moisture, creating ideal microclimates for insects, spiders, and other invertebrates. These microclimates help to build more significant habitats for larger species. They even act as a thick layer of insulation, reducing the impact of severe temperatures and creating a steady habitat for creatures who live on or under it. Because of their insulating qualities and gentle texture, they are a favored nesting material for many tiny animals and birds. They absorb pollutants from the air, making them excellent natural air purifiers. Tiny, hair-like structures known as rhizoids and papillae cover the surface, serving as a net for airborne dust and catching it on the surface. The structure then uses capillary action and microbial processes to digest and decompose the particles after they are within it. They also have bacteria that can transform pollution into usable biomass. Get Rid of Weeds With Cushion Moss It is an excellent weed suppressor because it can form a physical barrier, release allelopathic chemicals, and shade the soil. Their enhanced ability to better compete with weeds for nutrients also contributes to their weed suppression abilities. In addition to stabilizing the dirt and stopping plant colonization, their thick growth habit further prevents weed seed germination. Cushion Moss, also known as a pincushion, is a type of low-growing plant that is very densely packed together. Its primary role is to serve as an evergreen covering over the ground, offering numerous cleansing benefits for the air. It’s highly adaptable to various gardens and landscapes and naturally welcoming and inviting. Beyond its lush appearance, it also serves a primary role in the ecosystem of many frogs, insects, and spiders. It can help contribute to a healthy and vibrant garden. Officially called leucobryum glaucum, it is native to the forests of North America. It thrives the best in moist areas with plenty of shade but can do well with minimal sunlight. It also prefers soil that is a bit more sandy and less dense. You’ll most commonly find it in moist gardens, rock gardens, alongside pathways, or near water areas. It is instantly recognizable for its green color, which sometimes has a tint of blue. The drier it gets. However, the more the blue tint begins to fade, the lighter the green will become. In many ways, it is like nature’s carpet. It’s very soothing to step barefoot over and help you connect with nature. For this reason, its luxuriant appearance can turn a dull landscape into a pleasant and soothing one. What is the Appeal of Cushion Moss To Gardeners It offers many benefits for gardeners beyond its plush feel or verdant appearance. It acts as a natural mulch to keep weed growth to a minimum and help the soil beneath it retain moisture. This allows the soil in gardens to remain hydrated even during drought. Another benefit to it is how low maintenance it is. It only requires minimal pruning and watering to maintain its vibrancy. This makes it a good choice for those who want a lush landscape that doesn’t require much care. It is a low-maintenance plant that will help protect your soil, promote a healthy ecosystem, and create a welcoming environment for your landscape or garden.

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Tree Moss - TN Nursery

Tree Moss

Tree moss, or epiphytic type, grows on the branches and trunks of plants, forming green, velvety mats or cushions in forested environments. It is often found growing on the trunks and branches of saplings. It offers many benefits when landscaping. Its unique characteristics contribute to creating visually appealing and environmentally friendly outdoor spaces. Tree Moss is a plant that is rarely recommended for gardens or yards, but it boasts a wide range of hidden benefits any plant lover and property owner would be glad to take advantage of. Whether you've noticed the growth or you're thinking about growing it, here's why you should follow through on this. Tree Moss Serves As Excellent Groundcover Depending on where you live, growing grass may not be as easy as you'd like, resulting in bare spots on your lawn or throughout other areas of your property. They want this one, which can serve as a groundcover that keeps things green and lush in the regions that might not be as hospitable for grass. With the added benefits below, you'll be sure to want to spread it from these areas to more parts of your property, too. Tree Moss Can Protect Trees This plant acts as a stellar insulator for saplings, protecting them from various external threats and even defending them against pollutants. If you've been looking for plants that can help you improve the biodiversity in your yard and protect other saplings and plants, they are a wonderful choice. Acting as a form of protection isn't its only role. Its benefits extend far beyond this. These plants are essentially sponges, attracting moisture and absorbing nutrients from the immediate environment around them that are then easily spread to other plants that need them. Their tight root-like growth systems help them anchor themselves to the ground and reduce soil erosion without producing too much competition for nutrients in the immediate area where they're growing. The introduction of them can do wonders for other plants in your space. Air Quality Is Improved With Tree Moss One unique benefit is Tree Moss's ability to improve air quality. Because they sponge what they need from the air around them, they can actually reduce the amount of pollutants in an area, improving overall air quality so that you can enjoy your space with ease.

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