January Gardening Guide | TN Nursery

Survive the Winter Months with this January Gardening Guide

As cold fronts move in, the gardening process begins to slow down. The trees and plants within a garden are primarily dormant for the winter, and gardens receive much less attention from their caretakers in cooler months. Even though the plant life within the garden may be less active, January is a prime month to start planning and ordering the supplies needed to prepare for your garden’s spring revival. January is not a typical month for gardening in most areas, but the average temperatures are warm enough for certain plants to be seeded in Tennessee. It is essential to check region temperatures and frost dates to be as effective as possible in the early months of the year. The sun still makes expected appearances in the southern states, and it is doubtful that snow or frost will stay for more than a couple of days within the month, if they even appear. Image result for january gardening tips

Weather is impossible to predict and hard to plan for, especially for gardening. To make plant buying and rooting decisions less complicated, gardeners and nurseries have developed a USDA categorization system to help identify what plants grow best in what regions. The system utilized ‘Hardiness Zones,’ and each plant or tree in a nursery is tagged under a specific zone. Each state can have a range of zones, and standard rules apply to all plants that can grow well within a zone. For most regions in Tennessee, the Hardiness Zones range from 6 to 8. While these zones can give gardeners a platform and landscape guidelines, weather can vary and change drastically even within a zone. Therefore, when deciding which plants to buy and when to plant them, make clinical choices based on all factors, not just their Hardiness Zone.Image result for january gardening tips

Some plants benefit from chilly temperatures.

If the weather permits, specific flowers and vegetables can benefit from planting in the early days of the year. Bulbs thrive in chilly temperatures and grow and flower quickly. January is an excellent time to plant any daffodil or tulip bulbs that might even yield flowers later within the same year. During January, the temperature rises and falls with the change of a day, seeing warmer conditions creep towards 50 degrees and then plummet into the teens and low 20s at night. This transition directly impacts the soil in a garden, freezing and thawing all within the same day. Some flowers, like larkspur and poppies, excel in these conditions. Sow these seeds directly into the soil to help them sprout more quickly. Some vegetables can be planted outdoors in January if the soil is malleable. Asparagus and strawberry plants do well in the mild winter, while broccoli, onion, and cabbage seedlings can start to be relocated into the garden.

Other plants, which are less resilient to colder temperatures, can still be planted but should remain indoors during January. Starting to grow vegetables and flowers inside is a widespread practice, and most are easily transplanted when the warm weather arrives. In general, seedlings have a much higher life expectancy and quality of life within a garden than bulbs do. The best products from your garden must start planting and growing seedlings indoors during winter. Plants that grow particularly slowly should be started in January to succeed in the spring. Celery, cauliflower, lettuce, and peppers should all be planted indoors to maximize their yield. These plants are typically relatively easy to transplant and need more time to grow than most plants in a garden. Other flowers should be grown indoors under direct light; Snapdragons, begonia, and geranium are all early spring bloomers and benefit from the extra care and attention.

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January is the month to get serious about gardening. Expert gardeners are ordering nursery catalogs, pruning dormant trees or shrubs, and covering their plants at any mention of the word 'frost.' A solid plan heading into the heavy gardening months is key to elevating your garden, and that work starts today. Everything done now is only going to make spring that much easier. Winter is also a perfect time to test growing. Depending on the climate and terrain, some seeds will prosper where other seeds will not, and finding out which after planting is a gardener's nightmare. Seed growth is also linked to the condition of the seeds before you plant them. If you have seeds saved over from the last planting season, ensure they are still suitable for this year's garden by wrapping them in a warm, wet paper towel and seeing how many start to sprout within a week. If fewer than half sprout, it's time to whip out that catalog and order again! Purchase your plants today at TN Nursery

25 Colorful Wildflowers - Mixture Selected For Your Zone - TN Nursery

25 Colorful Wildflowers - Colorful Selections Selected Perfectly For Your Zone

With our exquisite selection of Colorful Wildflowers, enter a world of untouched beauty and wonder. These beautiful plants can transform your garden into a vibrant tapestry of colors and textures, creating a haven for pollinators, wildlife, and yourself. Bring nature a little closer with colorful wildflowers. Perfect for cozy cottages and professional landscapers, this blend of plants is ready to stand out. Colorful Wildflowers Make Stunning Bouquets This assortment showcases nature's endless energy in a convenient package. The more, the merrier; this collection removes the headache of picking and buying individual plants. These gorgeous flowers will boost your creative vision for a knock-out display and beautiful bouquets. Landscaping Benefits Of Colorful Wildflowers A mix of different plants keeps maintenance simple through the growing season. Since all 25 species won’t bloom simultaneously, one planting can create a wave of alternating colors that don’t require frequent replacement over the spring and summer. This helps prevent bare patches or drab beds professionals may need to fill with other plants. Our Colorful Wildflowers Can Do Well Anywhere While these flowers look beautiful in formal gardens, few plants fit the popular cottage core aesthetic like the mix in this package. The vibrant range introduces whimsy and charm to any outdoor space, whether formal beds, large planters, or informal plots. This is a beautiful option for new enthusiasts or experienced gardeners seeking exuberant variety to bring their cottage core dreams to life. These blooms are perfect for the gardener who wants more guests to visit. Not only do the flowers create a warm and welcoming environment for human visitors, but they are fantastic draws for pollinators. A flower bed is one of the best ways to entice nature a little closer to home. This collection may help support local bees and help butterflies enjoy them. As the Colorful Wildflowers turn to seeds, take up bird watching. Dedicated birding enthusiasts can pair this pack with other bird-friendly features like a birdbath to encourage more traffic—plant near a window for the best views. Celebrate with colors, and add a touch of the wild to this year’s garden design. This mix takes the guesswork out of selection; its variety keeps things interesting, and there’s nothing as classic as a fragrant collection of nature’s favorites.

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