How To Plant a Garden For Autumn Beauty

TN Nursery offers Helpful Tips On Fall Gardening 101

After a summer full of activity, autumn sets in with cooler temperatures and longer nights. Although the days are shorter, you can make the season brighter and warmer by planting a beautiful garden full of brilliant autumn colors.

Trees, shrubs, flowers, perennials and  ornamental grasses thrive in the fall as the scorching summer sun subsides and chlorophyll fills the autumn leaves.


Perennials are All The Craze For 2022 Fall Gardening, Featured In BHGD

Fall landscaping and planting perennials, native fern plants, trees, and shrubs do exceptionally better in fall than in spring planting. Why? "That's such an easy question," states Tammy Sons of TN Nursery. "When you plant in spring, the plants lose dormancy "resting cycles" and suffer transplant shock. Then losing dormancy further shocks them. In fall planting, they will get past the transplanting shock and be much fuller, more excellent plants in the spring.

Fast-growing plants such as trees, shrubs, perennials, native ferns, and flowers are ideal for your garden this fall. As summer sets, soils are warm and humid hence favorable for your container garden and germinating seeds. To make your backyard colorful and productive, plant the following.


Perennials and Annuals Are Fall's Hottest Trend States Tammy Sons From TN Nursery

Autumn is the best time to plant flowers because the soil is still warm and humid. The cool air blowing over warm soil offers your flowers favorable conditions to grow strong roots and healthy leaves. Whether you love evergreen shrubs or perennial flower species, your garden will look magnificent with blooming bright petals.
Some of the best types to plant include bright yellow sunflowers for a warm touch to your yard, colorful mums to counter the effect of the fall, and purple pansies for a touch of loyalty.

Whatever your preference, make your garden more welcoming this autumn with a flower.


Vegetables thrive in warm conditions, and most farmers harvest them during summer. It requires preparation to ensure your seedlings are ready when soils are still warm at the beginning of fall.

Your garden looks more beautiful with healthy leafy vegetables than bare land, which exposes soil to depletion. Next season, try the following vegetable types for a greener garden during the fall.


In addition to a near 100% germination rate due to warmer soils as the fall begins, your carrots can grow well over the season. They can withstand low temperatures and give you a healthy harvest towards the end of the season.


This leafy vegetable flourishes in cold conditions adding life to your kitchen
garden. With a rapid leaf sprouting rate, your garden will remain green from the fall through winter and offer your a rich source of vitamins and minerals for your diet.

After all, who does not love a green yard for a healthy lifestyle?

Spring onions.
Let their name not fool you because this onion family does well in autumn. In less than two months, spring onions cropped to form attractive bushes
ready for a bountiful harvest at the onset of winter.

These are the fastest-growing veggies for your garden with a four-week

offers you continuous production throughout the fall. However, their growth rate slows as temperatures drop to usher in the winter season. Use polytunnel protection to counter this effect.

Grasses, Both Native or Ornamental

A green lawn covered by healthy grass offers you the perfect view from your house and a relaxing place. A layer of well-trimmed ryegrass on your lawn with unique flowery breeds like the purple virgatum along the edges is a source of warmth as the season grows cooler.

Other garden species to grow for aesthetics include Chinese fountain grass and panicum.

How to Improve Soil Fertility During Autumn?

Before planting vegetables, flowers, or grass in your garden, prepare the soil well. All plants
draw nutrients from the soil, and the fast-maturing type requires more. Your garden should be ready by the end of summer to help your vegetables sprout faster and mature while temperatures are favorable,
How do you improve soil fertility during the fall?


There are three simple ways to improve
soil fertility in your garden during the fall.

 Add organic matter. Grass clippings from your lawn, animal droppings, and decaying
leaves supply the soil with humus to ensure the microorganisms in the soil have
enough while keeping the moisture content high. Furthermore, decaying grass is rich
in nitrogen, a macro requirement in the soil by plants.
Adding organic matter to your garden during autumn gives it enough time to decompose fully
at low temperatures and prevents it from drying before complete decay.

 Prepare and apply compost manure. Food leftovers, animal waste, and falling leaves
are good for compost manure. A small compost pit and collecting your food remains daily for a few days mixed with falling leaves can improve your garden's soil fertility
at no cost.

 Green manure. Leguminous crops are rich in nitrogen. Towards the end of summer,
you may plant some beans in your garden and plow them a few weeks after germination. The decomposing green leaves will enrich your soil through the fall.

 Mulch your garden. A thin layer of dry grass on the soil surface keeps your garden moist and warm. In addition, it suppresses sprouting weeds for a well-nourished crop.

 Sprinkle water occasionally.
Your regular leafy veggies! If your garden soil is porous, water it and add manure to promote water retention. However, we experience high humidity in most falls, and the soil moisture is sufficient for autumn crops.

Keeping your lawn fertile during autumn requires early preparation and continuous application of organic matter. Other field practices ensure the preservation of soil fertility for a bountiful harvest and a beautiful garden.

Add Fresh Color And Vigor To Your Garden This Autumn

Planting a garden for autumn beauty can be simple. Instead, it would help if it approached with enthusiasm and consistency. Thoroughly tending to crops and keeping your yard neat will bear fruit in less time as it prepares for winter, making it appealing, fulfilling, and profitable.