Creating The Perfect Moss Garden | TN Nursery

Five tips to get the Perfect Moss Garden

For a long time, people have been doing whatever they can to get rid of the moss growing in their yards. If you try to eliminate moss in your garden without success, maybe it is time to think about constructing a moss garden instead.

Moss, in the right area, can be an excellent landscaping idea. There are many types of moss, including cushion moss, carpet moss, fern moss, hair cap moss, and mood moss. No matter what type of moss you choose, specific tips help you get the perfect moss garden.

1. Choose Your Preferred Moss Plants

Mosses can be either acrocarps or pleurocarps. The pleurocarps grow fast and resemble creeping vines. The fern moss and carpet moss fall into this category. On the other hand, a CRO carps mosses grow reasonably, spread slowly, and have a tight formation that prevents the weed from sprouting.

This category includes cushion moss, hair cap moss, and mood moss. Cushionmoss is very beautiful mainly because it can either be grayish-green or white.

2. Choose a Spot for Your Moss Garden

By checking the surroundings, you will know if it is possible to have a moss garden in your area. Moss can grow almost anywhere. Some factors determining the type of moss are bedrock, soil, and humidity.

Mosses typically grow in damp places, while others grow in humid climates. That is why forests and mountainous areas have moss in plenty. Moss requires a little bit of light to grow.

Too much sunlight is not suitable for its growth, and areas that are too dark are not suitable for its growth. This is a perfect place to grow moss if you have a partially shady area like under a tree.

The soil should be slightly acidic with a pH of 6.0-6.5. Under these conditions, moss will endure dry conditions better than grass, for instance. During droughts, the moss stops growing but will continue to grow when water comes. 

3. Make the Ground Ready

You can use chemical or mechanical methods to eliminate the weed and unwanted grass in the area as a moss garden. Once you clear the ground, smooth it out to get rid of any sunken area where water may collect.

Next, compact the area to prevent settling once you introduce the moss. Finally, add logs, paving stones, and rocks all around the moss garden.

4. Press the Moss Into the Ground

The next step is to water your moss garden heavily. You can use a sprinkler to water your garden. Using a firm hand, place the moss section-by-section onto the surface. Then, please press down the moss onto the rocky area or into the soil to get it firmly situated while preventing it from moving.

5. Maintaining and Caring for Your Moss Garden

It would be best to grow pleurocarp and acrocarp mosses together because the former requires more water to grow than the latter. Acrocarps such as cushion moss should be watered once a day during the first few months to prevent rotting and allow for drying.

Pleurocarps like sheet and carpet moss can be watered several times daily without tapering. You will occasionally find weeds in your moss garden. Make sure to remove it because the weed has deep roots that the moss cannot compete with.

Reaching the weed will not be a problem because you can easily walk on it without causing damage. However, most cannot handle sliding, jumping, or running.

Do not forget to get rid of all fallen leaves. For the moss to keep growing well, maintain the right moss conditions of moisture, shade, and soil that is low in pH.


Moss can be an excellent addition to your home's landscape. What's more, compared to a grass lawn, a moss lawn requires less maintenance. Compacted soil does not affect moss.

It is also resilient to cold and drought. To maintain a pleasant moss garden, all you have to do is ensure no leaves on it and that weed does not invade.

Find all your moss needs at TN Nursery.


Carpet Moss - TN Nursery

Carpet Moss

Carpet Moss is a thick, dense, low-growing, and lush green moss species commonly found in shaded, damp environments, forming a dense carpet-like ground cover. It grows densely, creating a low-lying, velvety mat that adds a touch of tranquility to any garden or landscape. It is a versatile and aesthetically pleasing species offering numerous landscaping benefits. It primarily serves as a natural ground cover and an attractive addition to various outdoor spaces in landscaping. Carpet Moss Creates Dense Carpets of Greenery Carpet moss gets its name from its ability to create thick, soft stretches. As it grows across the soil, it creates a charming look reminiscent of high-quality mats. It only grows to one inch in height, so it always has a low, uniform look. It clusters together into such tightly packed mats that you often cannot see the soil underneath, making it an ideal ground cover option. Its rich, emerald green shades help a property look as lively and appealing as possible. It tends to look like a lush, green rug from far away. However, if you look closely at this plant, you'll notice that it consists of dense clusters of small plants. Tiny, feathery fronds peek out of the plant, creating a subtle texture that adds visual appeal to your landscape. Mature can include a blend of bright green, newer stalks, and golden brown, older stalks. All these gentle variations in hue allow it to look even more vibrant and attractive in your yard. How to Landscape With Carpet Moss It is one of the most exciting and versatile plants for a landscape. Some property owners find it can entirely replace grass and create a lush lawn. It is also a charming addition to garden features. Consider setting it between checkerboard pavers to create a life-size chessboard or adding it to a rock garden to create a magical forest appearance. The unique structure of it even allows it to grow over boulders and tree stumps, so landscapers aren't just limited to patches of earth. Adding a whimsical, organic look to your rocks or trees can create a charming pop of green on your property. Enjoy Carpet Moss Throughout the Year As an evergreen perennial, Carpet Moss looks stunning at any time of year. Even in winter, it continues to appear soft and carpet-like. It always maintains its bright, emerald green and golden brown shades, so your property looks lush and colorful even when other plants are dormant.

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Fern Moss - TN Nursery

Fern Moss

Fern Moss displays feathery, fern-like fronds and is often found in damp and shady environments. It resembles miniature forest ferns. This delightful and beneficial plant for landscaping projects belongs to the Bryophyte family and thrives in wet and shady environments, making it a perfect choice for various landscaping applications. It is known for its delicate appearance. These plants are widely distributed throughout North America and often add color and beauty to shady, humid gardens. Natural Habitat Of Fern Moss It forms lush, branching carpets on decomposing logs, rocks, and patches of damp soil. They can flourish in various moist, shady environments all year round. They are commonly found along mountain streams and river banks, on hillsides and ravines, underneath trees, and on forest floors. It has feathery triangular fronds arranged in a triple-pinnate structure, with central stems that grow up to 3½" long. The fronds consist of tiny, bumpy leaves that give the fern moss a slightly rough appearance and branch out to create a layered mat with a soft, plush texture. The fronds intertwine to create a colony with a three-dimensional profile. The leaves tend to open in humid air, but they contract against their parent stem or branch in dry air. It can display a spectrum of colors, changing from golden brown to dull yellow-green to bright, then deep green shade and moisture increase. To propagate themselves, they create sporophytes that mature and release spores that can grow into new plants. As they establish themselves, they grow fibrous rhizoids that attach to their new substrates. These thin, root-like rhizoids anchor the plants and pull nutrients and moisture into the fronds. Fern Moss Adds Graceful Charm It can create a tranquil aesthetic and lend a graceful charm to cultivated areas in your landscape. Gardeners often use it as a ground cover in tree-filled areas. This plant can add color and texture to rock gardens and shady regions while providing winter greenery patches. It is a beautiful choice if you're looking to create a microhabitat for small animals in your garden. Songbirds like swallows, vireos, juncos, robins, and warblers use the fronds in their nests to protect their hatchlings and conceal them from predators. Forest Up Your Garden with Fern Moss Adding Fern Moss to your garden is a lovely way to bring the freshness of the forest into your landscape and enhance your time outdoors.

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