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Tennessee Wholesale Nursery - Reviews

Tennessee Wholesale Nursery - Reviews on Celandine Poppy Plant

The celandine poppy plant I purchased is showing out this year! It blooms the first month I bought it from you. I know you're supposed to wait till spring, but I was anxious, and it gave me lots of joy. I will be a long-standing customer.

Joy Hawkins, Seattle

About The Celandine Poppy Plant - Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Reviews

The Celandine Poppy plant or Wood Poppy is a spring and early summer herbaceous perennial. Its scientific name is Stylophorum Diphyllum. This yellow-flowered perennial is a part of the poppy family and is native to moist woodlands like those in the Eastern United States.

Where to Grow The Celandine Poppy plant?

The wood poppy grows best in zone 4 to 9 and has a beautiful yellow flower in the spring and early summer. It is found in most deciduous forests in Ontario, Canada, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Alabama, Missouri, Michigan, and Georgia.

Usually, this plant grows in open woods, along streams, and in ravines, anywhere there is excellent rich soil.

It is a wildflower with a relatively long lifespan that adapts well to flower gardens and is used as an ornamental plant.

The plant grows to about one and a half feet tall and has a one-foot spread. The flower goes dormant when the soil dries, but the foliage remains until the first frosts.

The root is woody and thick, and the leaves can be as large as six inches long by two and a half inches wide. The bluish-green leaves are double pinnate and have rounded lobes.

History of the Celandine Poppy Plant

This poppy has an orange sap in the stem and was once used by Native Americans as a skin dye. It can stain hands. The plant flowers in early spring and summer and has a bright yellow-orange flower. Blossoms come out in small clusters on the ends of the 12-inch stems. Flowers have a buttercup appearance with four petals.

Where to Plant The Celandine Poppy

This plant is best suited to shady areas or native plant gardens. It makes a perfect focal point in a wildflower garden or along a path. It also contrasts nicely with large-leafed plants.

Plant where there is early spring sun before the trees become green but have shade later in spring. It loves rich, moist woodland soil but also does well and resists drought once grown.

This plant can be propagated by dividing it or by seed. However, it will self-seed but is not aggressive, and you can pull up any unwanted plants.

Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Reviews- Voted Best Nursery Since 1958


































Wood Poppy - TN Nursery

Wood Poppy

Wood Poppy has deeply lobed, blue-green foliage forms an attractive ground cover that adds texture and interest to the landscape even when the plant is not blooming. In early spring, it bursts into a profusion of cheerful yellow flowers with four petals, creating a picturesque display that enlivens the garden. These vibrant blooms contrast the fresh green leaves, creating a focal point in any garden design. The wood poppy is native to the eastern part of the United States and Ontario, Canada. However, in Canada, it's considered an endangered species due to loss of habitat. It's officially known as Stylophorum Diphyllum. Gardeners commonly refer to it as the yellowwood or celandine, and it's part of the Papaveraceae family. This wildflower is commonly found in forests, along rivers and streams, and in ravines. History buffs may be pleased to know that the yellow sap was once used by American Indians as a clothing dye. Prized Features of the Wood Poppy The Stylophorum Diphyllum is loved for its yellow to orange four-petaled flowers. It can reach heights of 18 inches, and the flowers can grow to two inches across. The leaves of this brilliantly-colored wildflower are green or gray-green, and they contain lobed leaves that can get up to six inches. Gardeners can expect this flower to bloom from March to May. How to Make the Most of the Wood Poppy The Stylophorum Diphyllum thrives in areas that mimic its natural habitat. This means that it does well in shade gardens, native areas that are being rewilded, along water features, if shade is available, and along wooded areas. Gardeners can even plant it under and around tall shade trees and shrubs to help brighten the area. Wildlife Seen Around the Wood Poppy The Stylophorum Diphyllum primarily attracts chipmunks with its seeds. However, the pollen in the flowers has been known to attract a variety of bees. Ideal Companion Plants for the Wood Poppy The Stylophorum Diphyllum does well around other wildflowers as well as trees, shrubs, and ornamental grasses. Some ideal companion plants include bleeding hearts, foamflowers, wild ginger, hostas, columbines, and spiderworts. Gardeners can also pair it with ostrich ferns, Virginia bluebells, wild geraniums, and the woodland phlox. Gardeners can enjoy this wildflower anywhere in their yards. However, they may find that it looks best under and around trees and shrubs and as part of a wildflower garden or native plant garden. It can also be planted alongside shaded paths to help define the walkway.

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25 Colorful Wildflowers - Mixture Selected For Your Zone - TN Nursery

25 Colorful Wildflowers - Mixture Selected For Your Zone

With our exquisite selection of wildflower plants, enter a world of untouched beauty and wonder. These beautiful plants can transform your garden into a vibrant tapestry of colors and textures, creating a haven for pollinators, wildlife, and yourself. Bring nature a little closer with colorful wildflowers. Perfect for cozy cottages and professional landscapers, this blend of plants is ready to stand out. 25 Colorful Wildflowers for Low Maintenance Gardens This assortment showcases the endless energy of nature in a convenient package. The more, the merrier, and this collection takes the headache out of picking and buying individual plants. These gorgeous flowers are ready to boost your creative vision for a knock-out display and beautiful bouquets. Landscaping Benefits  A mix of different plants keeps maintenance simple through the growing season. Since all 25 species won’t bloom at the same time, one planting can create a wave of alternating colors that don’t require frequent replacement over the spring and summer. This helps prevent bare patches or drab beds professionals may need to fill with other plants.  Easy Cottage Gardening Favorites While these flowers look beautiful in formal gardens, few plants fit the popular cottage core aesthetic like the mix in this package. The vibrant range introduces whimsy and charm to any outdoor space, whether that’s formal beds, large planters, or informal plots. This is a wonderful option for new enthusiasts or experienced gardeners seeking exuberant variety to bring their cottage core dreams to life. Extra Benefits  These blooms are perfect for the gardener who wants more guests to visit. Not only do the flowers create a warm and welcoming environment for human visitors, but they are fantastic draws for pollinators. A wildflower bed is one of the best ways to entice nature a little closer to home. This collection may help support local bees, and butterflies enjoy them, too. As the flowers turn to seeds, you may want to take up bird watching. Dedicated birding enthusiasts can take advantage of this pack by pairing it with other bird-friendly features like a birdbath to encourage more traffic. Plant near a window for the best views. Celebrate with colors, and add a touch of the wild to this year’s garden design. This mix takes the guesswork out of selection; its variety keeps things interesting, and there’s nothing as classic as a fragrant collection of nature’s favorites.

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