A guide to Herbal Remedies. Visit TN Nursery

Herbal Remedies and Hot Toddies

Beyond the usual hops and barley of beer, the juniper berries in gin, and the celery which serves as a garnish in a Bloody Mary, the casual imbiber has little to no knowledge of the variety of other drink ingredients which come from nature. One such classification I'd like to discuss today would be herbs. These plants alone can provide a tempting array of intriguing flavors and earthen accents to one's drink, giving yet another purpose and reason to start an herb garden.

Starter Herbs for the Earthen Drinking Enthusiast

It merits caution to personal brewers that just because something is "natural" does not mean it is harmless to humans.

The list below covers a variety of notable and valuable herbs, spices, and berries to consider in sampling herbal alcoholic drinks and distilling them yourself, as well as their scientific name and any notable drinks that use the item.

Allspice berries (Pimenta Diorica Merr.) are even in the name of Jamaican Allspice Dram.

Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Bl.) is used in Amaro and some recipes for Vermouth, Trappestine, and White Chartreuse.

Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill.) is used in Amaro, grappa, Yellow, and Grand Chartreuse.

Gentian root (Gentea Luciana L.) is used in Amaro, vermouth, and Highland bitters.

Hyssop (Hyssopus Officinalis L.) is used in Benedictine and most varieties of Chartreuse.

Oregano (Origarum Vulgare Mill.) is used in amaro.

Peppermint (Mentha Piperita L.) is used in bitters, Benedictine, and some varieties of Chartreuse.

Seeds from both anise and its cousin star anise (Pimpinella Anisum L. and Illicium Verum Hook, respectively) appear in various drinks, including Absinthe, Krambambuli, and Spanish herb liqueur, and Alchermes.

While some recipes require raw components, such as leaves or bark (familiar with cinnamon and cassia methods), others call for an essential liqueur. Preparing a liqueur is relatively easy. Most contain roughly 30% sugar, composed of a pound of sugar, a cup of water, and a quarter teaspoon of acid (used to initiate the fermentation process). The syrupy liqueur is added in, with the resulting mixture becoming drunk after enough time.

Source of Information of Herbal Remedies and Hot Toddies


Larkspur Delphenium - TN Nursery

Larkspur Delphenium

Larkspur Delphenium is a tall, graceful perennial plant with spikes of vibrant, spurred flowers in shades of blue, pink, or white. It is ideal for adding vertical interest to garden borders and floral arrangements. This captivating blooming plant has multiple benefits when integrated into landscaping designs. Larkspur Delphenium Has Stunning Colors  If you want a stunning springtime flower, this Larkspur Delphenium is a beautiful choice. This lovely plant is just one of 300 in the Delphinium genus. This particular flower is known for its elegance and burst of color. The tall spikes are showy and easy to see, which makes them a favorite among gardeners. Larkspur Delphenium Offers Cut Flowers and Garden Beds This flower is commonly grown in flower beds and gardens. While its ornamental nature means you’ll commonly see it in gardening magazines, many home gardeners have excellent luck growing it. It can be used in beds, borders, and containers. In addition, it is commonly included as a cut flower in flower bouquets. Larkspur Delphenium Looks Amazing In Groups  If you want this flower to shine, try grouping it in a container with similar flowers. Because it can grow a couple feet high, it tends to do best in the back of the container. From a location in the back, it forms a breathtaking backdrop for any flowers in front of it. Gardening magazines typically show this flower growing in lovely clusters. One of the most striking arrangements is to create a wall of blue or purple flowers along the back of your garden bed. Once the flowers grow, they form a low curtain that is incredibly pretty to see in the early spring to early summer. Known for being a drought-resistant plant, Larkspur Delphenium requires very little maintenance. Each plant produces three to seven palmate leaves. This deep green foliage provides a backdrop to the flowers once they bloom in springtime. With care, it can add brilliance to your summer barbecues and picnics.

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