5 Healthy Berries to Eat Everyday | TN Nursery

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The Many Reason To Eat Berries

TN Nurseries best sellers

Wild Strawberry

Black Raspberry



Low Bush Blueberry

For many years, it has been widely known that fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Because of that, they are some of the best things we can eat to benefit our health. Vegetables are highly nutritious, but many people do not enjoy their taste. On the other hand, Fruits are very good for our health, and their sweet taste attracts many people to them.

Berries are an excellent fruit to eat. Not only are they a great fruit because of their size, but there are very many other benefits that berries can give to the human body. One of the first remarkable things about berries is that they are a great food to eat if a person is looking to lose weight. Berries are a very high fruit in water content, and because of that, they are deficient in calories. Berries are small fruit and are straightforward to carry around in small containers. It is a good idea to keep fresh berries close by if you are trying to lose weight. In that way, if hunger strikes you, it will be easy to grab a healthy snack.

Antioxidants are in berries

The other great thing about berries is their very high antioxidants. Antioxidants are high for the human body because they help to fight against free radicals in cells. Antioxidant-rich foods help protect the body against many different types of cancers.

Berries are also a very heart-healthy fruit. Many studies have been done that have proven that berries can help to lower a person's cholesterol, and they can also help to lower a person's blood pressure. Berries also contain folate, which is a contributor to serotonin. Serotonin has been proven to fight against age-related diseases, and also it fights against things like depression and anxiety.


Since there are so many excellent benefits to eating berries, which are such an easy and good-tasting snack, it is a great idea to make berries a part of at least one meal a day. By adding fruit plants like berries to a family's daily food routine, that family can not only improve the number of vitamins and minerals that they all eat. They can also add a deliciously sweet fruit to their day that all of the family will taste and enjoy.

Image result for bowl of berries

Buy your berries today at TN Nursery

Black Raspberry - TN Nursery

Black Raspberry

The Black Raspberry plant has dark berries and distinctive foliage that provide a visually striking contrast to other plants, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the landscape. Black raspberries (Rubus occidentalis) offer a variety of benefits when integrated into landscaping projects. These versatile plants blend aesthetic appeal, ecological contributions, and practical uses in outdoor spaces. Black Raspberry Has White Foliage  The Black Raspberry plant is similar in color to blackberries. However, the fruits fall away when they ripen, and the leaflets often appear white. These plants are native to eastern North America and are arching shrubs that can grow to around three to seven feet tall before the canes start to arch downward. The Black Raspberry's Leaf Appearances They have alternate, compound leaves consisting of three to five leaflets. The leaflets can be lance-shaped or egg-shaped and extend to two to three inches. Each leaflet begins to taper toward the end. Side leaflets are narrower and smaller than the rest. All leaflets on the upper surface of the plant have a dark green hue. Upon close inspection, you'll notice that the leaflets along the upper surface are slightly hairy. The hair is more densely matted along the lower surface. A leaf stalk measures between 2 and 2.5 inches long. The twigs on them are smooth and flexible. They initially appear white during the first year of growth. However, they change colors with the season. During the warm summer months, the canes have a bluish-green hue. Once the winter arrives, they turn purple. When the temperatures are low, the canes may even turn yellow. Older canes appear more trunk-like and have a somewhat smooth bark. They are reddish purple with a white coating. The wood itself is white and soft. The flowers that grow from these plants show up from April to June. They grow in close clusters that consist of three to seven flowers. As for the petals, they are usually white and narrow. Raspberries can start to grow in late June and July. They are small and firm fruits with a strong aroma. Most raspberries have a globe shape alongside a flat base. Once fully grown, each raspberry is around 1/2-inch expansive. Black Raspberry Has Blue-Looking Berries  Black Raspberries are small blue-black berries with tiny seeds. They are native to North America. The fresh season is in the first few weeks of July. The full cane length is around 13 feet. Scientific name is Rubus occidentalis.

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