Trimming Bushes: Standard Pruning Methods

Trimming bushes like the Blue Hydrangea is an art form, and there are many gardening and lawn care companies that specialize in crafting and pruning bushes.

Wealthy homeowners are known for hiring landscapers that craft bushes into beautiful works of art. For crafting and trimming bushes, all it requires are the standard pruning methods associated with any plant.

Trimming bushes not only keeps bushes trim and beautiful but also makes room for potentially new and thriving stems.

Trimming bushes should be done in the fall to bloom healthy flowers and produce lucrative stems during the summer. Trimming bushes should not be too thorny; all it requires are quick and light strokes. Be sure to leave at least half of the stem length when trimming bushes. Do not trim any main branches. If a stem or branch is too hard to cut, you cut instead of trimming. Think of trimming bushes as trimming human hair.

You’ll need gardening shears that are large for a quicker clipping experience. You can find gardening shears at your local hardware or nursery store. Make sure the blade is not too dull, and if it is dull, sharpen the blade with wet sandstone. Ensure the blade is not rusty to prevent a disease from spreading to your plants. After trimming bushes, clean the blade to wipe away any microbes or plant residue. Using a dirty blade the next day can foster bacteria growth, harming your bushes. Always wear gloves, especially around thorny stems. You may want to consider wearing long sleeves if your skin is allergic to any plant residue. When trimming bushes, always start at the center and work your way around the bush to maintain proper form. Always wear sunscreen if gardening during the day, and if wanting to avoid harsh UV rays, then begin trimming in the morning.

Source of Information on Trimming Bushes

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Blanket Flower - TN Nursery

Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower is a perennial wildflower known for its vibrant, daisy-like blooms with red or yellow petals and dark center disks. Often found in prairies and gardens, it attracts pollinators and adds color to landscapes. Blanket Flower is the perfect choice when you’re craving warmth. This radiant wildflower with an extended blooming season will light up your garden with a kaleidoscope of glowing colors. There are roughly 30 species of the genus Gaillardia. Multiple legends surround the name. The simplest indicates that it comes from the tendency of these plants to blanket the ground with vibrant blooms quickly. Another suggests that the name comes from the way thriving patches of these plants are reminiscent of brightly patterned Native American types. One story links the inspiration for the plant's name to the gorgeous blooms that repeatedly appeared on the grave of a talented Native American weaver famous for creating richly hued blankets. The Blanket Flower's Vibrant Fiery Colors They are available in an array of hot colors. Yellows, oranges, peaches, reds, maroons, and burgundies are common. The flowers are intensely colored and framed by silver-green foliage that’s slightly hairy. The color is vivid and long-lasting. These plants bloom repeatedly throughout the summer and into the fall. Aesthetics Of It Generally, they have daisy-like flowers that feature multiple rays around a central disc. These rays can be in a single or double layer. There may be flat or trumpet-shaped petals. Some flowerheads offer a single, vibrant hue. Others boast bands of colors, resulting in a striking ombre effect. They send up stems with a single bloom measuring two and four inches. The plants typically reach heights of 12 to 18 inches, but they can grow up to 36 inches tall. Pollinators Love It Blanket Flowers are an excellent way to add more color to any space, and their blooms last well in gardens and vases. They are heat—and drought-tolerant and withstand deer, rabbits, and groundhogs while attracting bees, butterflies, and birds. Their ability to blanket the ground with a carpet of color makes them a popular choice for borders, roadside plantings, and ground covers. They also thrive in rock gardens, cottage gardens, and pollinator gardens. The Blanket Flower is known for its resilience, daisy-like appearance, and brightly burning colors. With varying color palettes, it is an ideal choice to add brightness and warmth to your garden. So today, we will spotlight this unique plant and describe why it would be a great addition to your landscape. The Beauty of the Blanket Flower  Their color is in the central disc, which can be made up of small fertile blooms. The center of the disc is typically yellow but graduates to a blazing red, maroon, or orange around the fringe. The daisy-like petals also adopt a deep red, burgundy, or pink coloration, where they meet with the disc but soften to a yellow or orange near the tip.  The blanket flower's hot color palette is reminiscent of summer warmth, commensurate with its summer and fall bloom times. The stem holds the bloom upright about 12 to 31 inches above the soil. The foliage is typically a silvery green that provides a natural counterpoint to the wild colors of the bloom head.  Their blooms are typically between 2 and 4 inches in diameter. The vivid colors command attention, making great statement pieces in gardens. While there are many theories about how this plant got its name, one posits that it comes from its ability to cover the ground it inhabits. Depending on growing conditions, they can be annual or perennial, making them an excellent choice for adding seasonal color to outdoor spaces.  Aside from attracting attention from visitors, they will also draw in butterflies and bees who love their nectar and seeds. Their complexion is inherently reminiscent of bustling life, and their natural role as hosts for pollinators keeps up with the theme of humming wildlife. This is an ideal plant to inject vibrancy and vigor into your landscape.  What Are the Benefits of Them?  They are an easy planting choice when you know about their practical benefits. Here are just a few of them:  Heat and Drought Resistant - They are naturally heat and Drought-resistant, which makes them a great choice if you want to spend less time watering. They adapt well to dry soils and are even resistant to the cold. Remember that they are native plants, so maintenance is generally low.  They Attract Pollinators-There are few things more fulfilling than seeing your backyard or garden brimming with natural life. They attract pollinating bees and butterflies, and the seeds that the fertile florets of the central disc produce are a food source for birds like the goldfinch.  Excellent Ground Coverage-They are ideal if you are looking to border a garden bed or any area of your land with low-maintenance yet colorful blooms. As the terminology alludes to, they can carpet the ground where they are planted, making creating a natural edge around your garden beds or garden easy.  Pest-resistant-They attract pollinators and beautiful birds but deter destructive wildlife like rabbits, deer, and groundhogs.  Native Species: As a species native to North America, they naturally work well with other native plants. They can share a mixed bed with coreopsis, coneflower, sunflowers, and other native species. Their bright colors contrast the muted shades of ornamental grasses, and blue-blooming blooms nicely. However, they can also be paired with plants that burn with vivid colors, like the purple coneflower.  F.A.Q.s  There's a lot to know about them, so let's review some of the questions gardeners and landscapers usually ask.  Do They Come Back Every Year? They bloom multiple times in the summer and fall. Depending on the level of maintenance and the growing conditions, they can be either annual or perennial. Their average lifespan is two years. However, this lifespan can be extended with careful deadheading.  Do They Like Sun or Shade?  Their seeds are light and warm to germinate, and the plant is in full sun. Typically, it would help if you gave these plants as much sun as possible.  Should They Be Cut Back in the Fall?  Deadheading them is optional but could prolong their lifespan since they must dedicate more resources to producing seeds. If you deadhead them, do it in the late summer or early fall. The plant should be reduced to about 6 inches to encourage winter survival.  What is a Good Companion Plant for Them?  Other native species work well alongside them. You can pair them with other daisy-like species like Echinacea and Black Eyed Susans. Their penetrating colors also complement the toned-down hues of ornamental grasses.  What Month Do They Bloom?  Typically, they bloom multiple times a season, starting in early summer. The blooming season can last until fall, providing visual interest for several months.  Do Blanket Flowers Attract Hummingbirds Yes. The fertile florets of its central disc attract all kinds of pollinators, making it handy for hummingbird gardens or anyone who wants to provide a sanctuary for wildlife.  Your Plants Are Here  Whether you want to add stunning color or understated foliage to your garden, we have what you need here at T.N. Nursery. For over 64 years, we have provided professional landscapers and home gardeners with various native plants that are easy to grow and stunningly beautiful. Make your garden everything you want it to be with our plants!

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