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Blooming Plant Box - 25 Mixed -  Perennials & Climber Groundcover Vines - Chosen Perfect For Your Zone

Blooming Plant Box - 25 Mixed - Perennials & Climber Groundcover Vines - Chosen Perfect For Your Zone

The aesthetic enhancement of planting blooming perennials and flowers. The aesthetic enhancement of planting blooming perennials and flowers can significantly enhance the beauty and appeal of any outdoor space, whether a garden, a backyard, or even a balcony. Here are some ways in which planting blooming perennials and flowers can enhance aesthetics: This plant ships bare-root and dormant (no leaves or foliage). It will not green out until next spring. Blooming Plant Box - 25 Mixed Blooming Perennials Groundcovers Colorful Display: Blooming perennials and flowers bring color to any landscape. You can choose various flowers with different colors to create a visually appealing display. Consider the color scheme of your outdoor space and select flowers that complement or contrast with it. Seasonal Interest: By choosing a range of perennials and flowers that bloom at different times of the year, you can ensure that your outdoor space remains vibrant and beautiful throughout the seasons. Plan your plantings strategically for continuous blooms from early spring to late fall. Texture and Form: Flowers come in various shapes, sizes, and textures. You can create a visually exciting landscape by incorporating different flower types, such as roses, lilies, daisies, and asters. The contrast in form and texture adds depth and complexity to the overall aesthetic. Fragrance: Many blooming perennials and flowers have delightful scents that can add another dimension to your outdoor space. Consider planting fragrant flowers like roses, lavender, jasmine, or sweet peas to create a sensory experience that pleases both the eyes and the nose. Pollinator-Friendly: Planting flowers that attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators enhances their aesthetics and promotes a healthy ecosystem. Pollinators are essential for the reproduction of many plants and contribute to biodiversity. Choose nectar-rich flowers like coneflowers, zinnias, or bee balm to attract pollinators. Height and Structure: Incorporate flowers with varying sizes and structures to add visual interest to your garden. Combine tall flowers like delphiniums or hollyhocks with medium-sized flowers like salvia or geraniums and groundcover flowers like creeping phlox or alyssum. This layering effect creates depth and makes the landscape more appealing. Foliage Contrast: Blooming perennials often come with attractive foliage that can provide visual interest even when the flowers are not blooming. Enjoy Your Blooming Plant Box Variety  Consider plants with different leaf shapes, colors, and textures to create a diverse and visually pleasing garden. Focal Points: Use blooming perennials and flowers as focal points or accents within your landscape design. Place them strategically in critical areas, such as near entrances, along pathways, or in containers, to draw attention and create visual focal points. Blooming Plant Box Perennials Live For Years When selecting plants for your specific location, remember to consider factors such as sunlight requirements, soil conditions, and hardiness zones. You can create a visually stunning and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space by carefully planning and choosing a mix of blooming perennials and flowers.

Regular price $63.99
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Red Maple Live Stakes

Red Maple Live Stakes

Red Maple Live Stakes are used at the water's edge. Drive them into the muddy soil, and in 6-8 weeks, they will grow a robust root system and become a tree. Planting them is much easier than trying to dig holes to plant in. Known for their robust root systems, Red Maple Live Stakes are popular fixtures in areas where property owners and horticulturists intend to reforest yards and estates. This option provides a hassle-free way to populate an area with greenery compared to digging holes for planting. They are commonly used at the water's edge. Many choose this option when bringing these iconic red-leaf trees to their properties. The Beauty of Red Maple Live Stakes They can grow into majestic, iconic red maple trees. These medium-sized trees with long trunks connected to narrow crowns produce leaves that are between 2 inches and 5 inches long. As an ornamental and shade-producing tree, this species that has become synonymous with syrup is prized for its bountiful color displays throughout the different seasons of the year. This is a top tree for creating a park-like setting on a property. The thrill of owning this gorgeous scarlet tree is that it provides beautiful aesthetics in a yard throughout the seasons. While many people know this tree for its ruby-red foliage during peak times of the year, the species' beauty is far more nuanced. The tree blooms in early spring with reddish flowers that open up like starbursts on its branches. In the fall, the tree shows off iconic scarlet and orange leaves immortalized in countless autumn-themed paintings and photos. The Benefits of Red Maple Live Stakes They provide several practical benefits for the future. They are commonly grown in urban and residential areas to help reduce local air pollution. Other people use them strategically to help control soil erosion. Bird lovers will enjoy that these trees have robust branches that offer safe shelter for various bird species. This tree is also considered very pest-resistant and disease-resistant. Purchasing Red Maple Live Stakes For Your Project When shopping for live tree stakes, purchasing them in large bundles is common. This offers an easy, cost-effective way to populate an area. To get started, simply follow the directions provided.

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New York Fern

New York Fern

New York Fern is a popular and low-maintenance fern native to New York. Its beautiful fronds can reach up to 2 feet long, making it a perfect addition to any indoor or outdoor garden. With moderate watering, it will thrive in almost any environment. New York Ferns Characteristics and Aesthetic Features The New York Fern is a perennial species of fern with very intricate fronds and leaflets that give it a sophisticated aesthetic. Apart from its natural beauty, the New York Fern is ideal for filling in gaps in your garden that could use more greenery. Today, we will look at the benefits of the New York Fern and answer some common questions about it The Beauty of the New York Fern The New York Fern has arguably one of the most complex leaf structures of all native ferns. Each leaf has about 20 leaflets, which are divided into rounded subleaflets. The subleaflets are a microcosm of the primary leaflets, making them exciting pieces to add to your garden or landscape. The leaflets can grow to about 25 inches and, as perennials, maintain a vibrant green hue for most of the year.  It's common for New York Ferns to produce three primary leaflets. However, they can also grow lower leaflets, which are not as long as the upper ones. This gives the New York Fern an attractive, textured look that can add elegance to any landscape. The fronds have a tapering pinnae (leaflet) pattern, one of the features that makes this plant unique. The leaflets close to the base are more extended and start to taper down as they work up to the tip of the frond. This gives them a blade-like shape and a natural order that adds to their appeal. The leaflets are also delicate and have a very soft, fine texture. They can be described as frilly or wispy but belie the natural hardiness of this fern. In the fall, you may see that your New York Fern's fronds take on a slightly yellowish hue - corresponding very well to natural autumn color motifs. In the Spring, though, the fronds of the New York Fern glow green and can quickly brighten up any garden or yard space. This makes this fern a popular choice for anyone who wants to enhance the greenery of their outdoor spaces easily. The stipe (stem) of the New York Fern is only 20% the height of the length of the fronds. The base of the stipe is a dark brown but adopts a green color as it meets with the fronds. What Are the Benefits of New York Ferns? Aside from the natural beauty that New York Ferns offer, there are plenty of peripheral benefits such as Grows Where Grass Doesn't - If you have difficulty maintaining grass in your yard, the New York Fern offers an easy alternative to increasing greenery. The roots take hold very quickly and provide ground coverage of green leaflets. Moreover, they can decrease ugly, brown, or yellowish growths because they displace weeds, making it harder for them to grow where these ferns are planted. Great for Woodland Planting- Because New York Ferns take root effectively, they are great for stabilizing recently disturbed soil in woodland areas. They fill in quickly and help stabilize the soil after various types of harvesting. Prevent Soil Erosion- The New York Fern can take root where it is difficult to grow anything. This will help bind the soil in problematic areas of your garden or landscape and prevent erosion. Suitable for Wildlife—The ground coverage that the fronds of the New York Fern provide creates a natural sanctuary for small, ground-dwelling animals. It can also act as a host plant for these kinds of creatures. Moreover, the New York Fern is a rabbit and deer-resistant plant, so you won't have to worry about it being gobbled up or destroyed by hungry critters. Easy Maintenance - New York fern is a hearty plant tolerant of many kinds of soil. While it prefers slightly moist to dry soil, it can also handle drier conditions. Once the root system has been established, the New York Fern requires minimal watering. They are hard to kill, so they are ideal for people who don't have a ton of gardening time on their hands but still want a green yard. New York Ferns F.A.Q.s Find the answers to some of the most common questions about New York Ferns:  How tall are New York Ferns at Maturity? The New York Fern can grow to about 8 to 25 inches. It stays low to the ground, making it suitable for planting with taller perennials.  Do New York Fern Spread? Yes. New York Ferns are known for quickly developing colonies on forest floors in the Northeastern United States. As a result, they can be aggressive towards nearby growing flowers and overtake less hearty plants. When do you Prune New York Ferns? New York Ferns don't require much pruning at all. You can remove yellowed or dying leaflets as they appear. If pruning is needed, do it in Spring before new leaflets emerge.  How Should You Plant New York Fern? Choose a place that is shaded chiefly but gets some indirect sunlight. New York Ferns also prefers nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Adding compost is a good idea when planting as the New York Fern thrives with lots of organic matter. How Long Do New York Fern Live? The New York Fern is a long-lasting plant. With great care, it is not unreasonable to expect an 8-15 year lifespan from it. Where Do I  Purchase New York Ferns? The Best Source for New York Ferns and More At TN Nursery, we pride ourselves on offering our customers top-quality plant and tree specimens to make gardening simple and enjoyable. We can deliver New York Fern and other plants, shrubs, perennials, fruit trees, and much more straight to your door. Place your order and begin beautifying your landscape today! New York Fern Does Not Flower  The Latin name is the lypteris noveboracensis, native to various fern species. Ferns are nonflowering species and reproduce through spores. They are often found in moist environments along streams, in woody areas, and deep forests. The fern gets its name from the state due to the abundance of the plant growing there. It is native to a lot of parts of eastern North America. New York Fern Does Great In Woodland Gardens New York Ferns are hardy border plants perfect for woodlines and near streams and branches. They do exceptionally well and thrive without a lot of care or maintenance. Ferns absorb toxins not only from the air but also from the soil. They are bio-indicators and improve the soil composition. New York Fern Is The Perfect Focal Point Gardens come alive when New York Fern is utilized in them. They are often a focal point when surrounded by blooming perennials or native wildflower plants. Old southern plantations from the 1800s and early 1900s are usually adorned with ferns. Ferns are generally referred to as woody perennials. They live for decades and have a long lifespan due to the reproducing spores.

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Roughleaf Dogwood Live Stakes

Roughleaf Dogwood Live Stakes

Roughleaf Dogwood Live Stakes are young, woody cuttings or branches from the shrub used for erosion control and streambank stabilization. They are valued for their ability to root quickly and provide habitat for wildlife. What Do Roughleaf Dogwood Live Stakes Look Like These trees have distinct characteristics that make them focal points of properties in which they are planted. They grow dark, hairy green leaves in the spring and summer seasons. They also sprout white flowers that turn purple as the seasons progress into autumn. They have gray bark, making them easy to notice, and reddish-brown stems. They can live for decades with proper attention and are known for their resilience and strength. How Tall and Wide Roughleaf Dogwood Live Stakes Grow They can grow to impressive heights, often as high as 16 feet. They grow just as wide and can take up large portions of any property. People who want to plant new stakes should ensure enough space for these trees to take root and grow to their full height and width. Where Does Roughleaf Dogwood Live Stakes Get Their Name Roughleaf Dogwood Live Stakes gets their name from a botanist from Scotland. Its scientific name is the Cornus Drummondii. The last part of its scientific name references the 18th-century Scottish botanist Thomas Drummond, who discovered it during a journey across the country to collect new plant specimens. The first part of its scientific name, Cornus, means “horn” in Latin. Scientists believe this portion of its name refers to the tree's thick bark that grows naturally. Roughleaf Dogwood Live Stakes offers numerous benefits for people who plant them on their properties. Because it grows so tall and wide, it can create ample shade for a property. People who want a natural barrier against sunlight and heat can plant this type of tree close to their buildings and enjoy the natural shade it provides. This type of tree attracts a variety of wildlife, notably honeybees, mockingbirds, and cardinals. Creatures like these are drawn to the tree because of the blossoms it grows in the spring and summer. Bees are especially attracted to blossoms because of the nectar in them.

Regular price From $100.99
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Silver Maple Live Stakes

Silver Maple Live Stakes

Silver Maple Live Stakes are young, rooted cuttings or branches from the tree Acer saccharinum, used for streambank stabilization and erosion control. They are known for their rapid growth and ability to establish quickly in wetland areas. If you struggle to keep erosion to a minimum, consider buying them. Depending on your needs, they are the branches or cuttings of rooted plants that can be placed near a river or marsh or in a watery area. Silver Maple Live Stakes Are Noted for Their Rapid Growth The best reason to get them is that they will increase, which means they can quickly relieve erosion. This is because the roots will anchor into the soil and prevent it from being washed away. They can prevent the land from sliding away if you live on a slope because they will have too firm a grip. Silver Maple Live Stakes Are Hardy Another reason to get these items instead of planting the trees is that they are abundant and can be collected most of the year. The reason why they are so plentiful is because you don't need to cut a tree down. Instead, you get the small parts you need and watch them grow independently. Reclaim the Land in an Eco-friendly Manner With Silver Maple Live Stakes Using Silver Maple Live Stakes means you don't need to spend much time or money on soils or other items that typically help a plant grow. Instead, you put the plant in existing soil and watch it grow. Taking such a natural approach can help improve or retain the existing outdoor air quality, as there is no need for machines or additives like manure that create foul odors. Silver Maple Live Stakes can outlast for over 100 years if planted correctly. It can survive for several decades even if it doesn't have the best environment. Ultimately, you will have something that will help to protect your property for the rest of your life and may protect your property for generations to come.

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Fuyu Persimmon Tree

Fuyu Persimmon Tree

The Fuyu persimmon tree, with its elegant stature and seasonal allure, is a testament to nature's beauty and resilience. Originating from East Asia, particularly Japan, and China, it has found admirers worldwide for its ornamental value and the vibrant spectacle it creates during autumn. In Fall The Fuyu Persimmon Tree Is Breathtaking In Fall Characterized by its graceful silhouette, it boasts a canopy adorned with glossy green leaves that transition into a breathtaking display of fiery reds and golden hues as fall approaches. Against the backdrop of clear skies, its foliage transforms into a mosaic of autumnal colors, painting landscapes with seasonal splendor. Central to its allure are its fruits, which mature from green to a vivid, deep orange as the season progresses. Each one is a masterpiece of nature, featuring smooth, spherical contours and a glossy sheen that catches the sunlight. Unlike its astringent counterparts, this variety can be appreciated even when firm, offering admirers a unique texture and visual appeal. The Fuyu Persimmon Tree Holds Cultural Significance Beyond its visual and culinary attributes, the Fuyu persimmon tree holds cultural significance in various traditions. In Japan, where it is revered, it symbolizes longevity and prosperity, often gracing gardens and landscapes as a harbinger of good fortune. Its fruit is also cherished for its symbolic value, frequently exchanged as gifts during festive occasions, and its aesthetic beauty is revered in traditional art forms. Cultivating and caring for one needs loyalty and a deep insight into one's needs. Thriving in well-drained soil and basking in ample sunlight rewards growers with a prolific harvest year after year. Pruning and maintenance play crucial roles in shaping its growth and ensuring its longevity, fostering an environment where it can flourish and consistently produce its prized fruits. In gardens and orchards alike, they become a focal point during autumn, attracting admirers with their striking appearance and seasonal bounty. Their resilience in varying climates and ability to thrive in diverse environments further underscore their appeal as a cherished addition to landscapes worldwide. The Fuyu Persimmon Tree Has Bountiful Fruits In essence, the Fuyu persimmon tree epitomizes the beauty of autumn, captivating onlookers with its graceful form, vibrant foliage, and bountiful fruits. Its cultural significance and ornamental charm make it a beloved garden fixture and a symbol of seasonal abundance and natural splendor.

Regular price From $36.99
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Air Purifying Plant Package - 5 Sq Ft Moss, 5 Black Eyed Susan and 5 Giant Ostrich Ferns

Air Purifying Plant Package - 5 Sq Ft Moss, 5 Black Eyed Susan and 5 Giant Ostrich Ferns

Air purifying plants can contribute to improving indoor air quality in a more sustainable and aesthetically pleasing way. Moss: Moss can absorb airborne pollutants, such as particulate matter, V.O.C.s (volatile organic compounds), and even heavy metals. Its dense growth and high surface area make it efficient at capturing and retaining these pollutants. Moss is commonly used in green walls and green roofs to help improve air quality in urban areas. Ferns Are Good Air Purifying Plants Ferns: Ferns are known for their ability to remove formaldehyde, a common indoor air pollutant, from the environment. They have large, feathery leaves that can absorb and break down formaldehyde molecules. Boston ferns, in particular, are considered effective in purifying the air. Perennials: Certain perennials, such as peace lilies (Spathiphyllum), are known for their air-purifying properties. Save The Planet With Air Purifying Plants Peace lilies can filter out common indoor pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. They also can increase humidity levels, which can help alleviate respiratory symptoms in dry indoor environments. Moss, ferns, and perennials are natural air purifiers. It's important to note that while these plants have air purifying capabilities, their effectiveness in cleaning the air may vary depending on plant size, species, and environmental conditions. Additionally, their impact is limited to the immediate vicinity of the plant. A combination of plants and mechanical air purifiers may be the most effective solution for effective air purification. TN Nursery has a large selection of Air Purifying Plants

Regular price $79.99
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Virginia Bluebell

Virginia Bluebell

Virginia Bluebells have unique bell-shaped flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. The foliage is deep green, and the flowers are deep blue. This low-maintenance perennial is easy to care for and brings beauty to any garden. Virginia Bluebells are sky-blue, bell-shaped flowers that can grow up to 24 inches long. As an early spring riser, they'll brighten your yard with deep purple foliage. It won't be long before the foliage turns green and allows the blue flowers to take over the show. The Flowers Of Virginia Bluebell The floral buds are initially pink but will change colors once this flower opens. Although they're known for having a sky-blue color, they'll occasionally surprise you by becoming pink or white instead. Either way, they'll have five shallow lobes, a central pistil, and five stamens. One of their more unique features is that they mostly grow downward. This suits them, though, as each flower has a long, slender base before opening its five petals. The middle of these flowers will mostly have a white pistil, although it may occasionally be more yellowish. The Leaves Of Virginia Bluebell As previously mentioned, their leaves will initially be purple but then turn gray-green. The alternate leaves can reach a size of up to eight inches, although the majority of them won't pass five inches. Interestingly, they have sessile leaves toward the top of the flower but petiolate leaves toward the bottom. They'll also have smooth margins. By early summer, these flowers will have already revealed themselves and started to go dormant. However, if fertilized, they'll produce small, wrinkled nuts. Inside these nuts are four individual seeds, which help to propagate the species further. Attract Wildlife With Virginia Bluebell Virginia Bluebell flowers have a more deeply set pistil. Fortunately, this makes them an ideal food source for hummingbirds. Additionally, you may see butterflies, skippers, moths, bumblebees, bee flies, and flower flies. Between their sky-blue coloring and all the exciting wildlife they can bring into your yard, they are a big hit with most gardeners. Be aware that they may appear to die permanently the first time they go dormant. Don't worry because these perennials will come back to brighten your yard and delight the local wildlife year after year.

Regular price From $7.98
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Brown Turkey Fig Tree

Brown Turkey Fig Tree

The Brown Turkey Fig, a venerable member of the Ficus carica species, is a testament to fruit-bearing trees' enduring beauty and resilience. Originating from the Mediterranean region, this fruit variety has gained global acclaim for its ornamental value and ability to thrive in diverse climates.  Brown Turkey Fig Tree Has a Distinctive Appearance Renowned for their robust growth and distinctive appearance, they command attention with their broad, lush foliage and spreading canopy. The large, lobed leaves provide ample shade during hot summers, their verdant hue contrasting beautifully against its smooth, silvery-gray bark. Its allure centers on its fruits, which emerge from small, inconspicuous flowers. Initially green, these fruits gradually mature into a deep purple-brown color as they ripen, each a miniature marvel of nature's craftsmanship. Encased within their tender skins is a succulent, honeyed flesh.  Beyond its visual and gustatory appeal, the Brown Turkey Fig tree is culturally significant in various traditions. In Mediterranean cultures, where it has been cultivated for centuries, the fruit symbolizes fertility, abundance, and prosperity. Its presence in gardens and orchards is often seen as a sign of good fortune and a connection to ancestral roots.  Brown Turkey Fig Tree Produces Prized Fruits Cultivating and caring for one requires patience and understanding of one's needs. Thriving in warm, sunny climates with well-drained soil, it rewards growers with a generous harvest season after season. Pruning and maintenance are essential to promote healthy growth and ensure optimal fruit production, fostering an environment where it can flourish and reliably bear its prized fruits.  They become a focal point in gardens and landscapes, attracting admirers with their year-round beauty and seasonal bounty. Its resilience in varying climates and adaptability to different soil conditions further underscore its appeal as a cherished addition to gardens and orchards worldwide. The Brown Turkey Fig Tree Has Everlasting Charm The Brown Turkey Fig epitomizes the enduring charm and bounty of fruit-bearing trees, captivating onlookers with its verdant foliage, distinctive fruits, and cultural significance. Its presence in gardens and orchards reminds us of nature's abundance and the timeless appeal of edible landscapes.

Regular price From $36.99
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Southern Red Oak Seedlings

Southern Red Oak Seedlings

Southern Red Oak Seedlings 

Regular price From $37.99
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Shop zone 8 plants all in one place? Yes, it's all right here at TN Nursery. We're proud to serve gardeners from all around the country, and we welcome our Southern state gardeners to browse our many options to keep their gardens at their best year-round.

Growing Season For Zone 8

As a gardener, you're in a great spot to enjoy a lush garden thanks to the long growing season in your area. It has blazing hot summers, cool autumns, and fairly mild winters compared to many others.

This zone's winter temperatures reach 10-20 degrees Fahrenheit. The growing season usually spans from April to December. There's plenty of time to plant, nurture, and enjoy your garden's abundance before the first frost. With some thoughtful planning, most gardeners here can easily maintain a garden year-round.

Vividly-Colored Plants, Trees, and Shrubs For Zone 8

Living and gardening in zone 8, you can grow beautiful bright flowers, shrubs, and trees that thrive in warm and mild climates. Some of our favorites here at TN Nursery are:

Stella De Oro Daylilies

These bell-shaped golden-yellow blooms provide a showy display and attract butterflies to your garden. Blooms last just a day, but the plant flowers for months, generally starting in May and lasting through December (or first frost).


Hydrangeas are flowering shrubs with giant blooms. The most popular types of hydrangeas have a chameleon-like ability. You can actually change their color. Acidic soil produces breathtaking blue blooms, while alkaline soil gives you soft pink or lavender shades.

Celandine Poppy

True to its name, the Celandine Poppy provides a great pop of bright yellow color. Its unique blue-green leaves add visual interest to your garden even when the flowers aren't blooming.

Crepe Myrtle

Crepe Myrtle is a perfect match for this unique zone. The trees love the warmth of the Southern US, and they aren't picky about where they're planted. We recommend Natchez crepe myrtle, with thick clumps of bright white flowers, and Muskogee crepe myrtle, with vivid purple blooms.

Shop Zone 8 Specific Plants At TN Nursery

As a third-generation family-owned business with more than six decades of experience, we understand what gardeners need and want. We stock the plants, shrubs, and trees that will keep your garden gorgeous all through the year.