Topiary Moss



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Carpet Moss

Carpet Moss

Carpet Moss is a thick, dense, low-growing, and lush green moss species commonly found in shaded, damp environments, forming a dense carpet-like ground cover. It grows densely, creating a low-lying, velvety mat that adds a touch of tranquility to any garden or landscape. It is a versatile and aesthetically pleasing species offering numerous landscaping benefits. It primarily serves as a natural ground cover and an attractive addition to various outdoor spaces in landscaping. Carpet Moss Creates Dense Carpets of Greenery Carpet moss gets its name from its ability to create thick, soft stretches. As it grows across the soil, it creates a charming look reminiscent of high-quality mats. It only grows to one inch in height, so it always has a low, uniform look. It clusters together into such tightly packed mats that you often cannot see the soil underneath, making it an ideal ground cover option. Its rich, emerald green shades help a property look as lively and appealing as possible. It tends to look like a lush, green rug from far away. However, if you look closely at this plant, you'll notice that it consists of dense clusters of small plants. Tiny, feathery fronds peek out of the plant, creating a subtle texture that adds visual appeal to your landscape. Mature can include a blend of bright green, newer stalks, and golden brown, older stalks. All these gentle variations in hue allow it to look even more vibrant and attractive in your yard. How to Landscape With Carpet Moss It is one of the most exciting and versatile plants for a landscape. Some property owners find it can entirely replace grass and create a lush lawn. It is also a charming addition to garden features. Consider setting it between checkerboard pavers to create a life-size chessboard or adding it to a rock garden to create a magical forest appearance. The unique structure of it even allows it to grow over boulders and tree stumps, so landscapers aren't just limited to patches of earth. Adding a whimsical, organic look to your rocks or trees can create a charming pop of green on your property. Enjoy Carpet Moss Throughout the Year As an evergreen perennial, Carpet Moss looks stunning at any time of year. Even in winter, it continues to appear soft and carpet-like. It always maintains its bright, emerald green and golden brown shades, so your property looks lush and colorful even when other plants are dormant.

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Cushion Moss

Cushion Moss

Cushion moss is a low-growing, densely matted plant that forms a lush green ground cover in shady, moist environments. It's a versatile evergreen ground cover with numerous air-cleaning benefits. Its distinctive formation and adaptability make it a favored choice for enhancing outdoor spaces in water gardens and features, shade, and damp areas. Cushion Moss Has Breathtaking Looks Cushion Moss grows in thick, pillow-shaped mounds that are at least as big as a pincushion. These mounds can grow up to a foot in diameter. The new stems are long and pointed in winter or late autumn. Their beaked, blunt end caps and golden to reddish brown shades are telltale signs of maturity. They are vibrant green and also form dense, round cushions. They can split off and grow into new plants, a process known as fragmentation, which helps with asexual reproduction. This is how the plant can cover such a large area so fast. The dense foliage that this form provides shelter and protection to various animals and tiny organisms. They retain moisture, creating ideal microclimates for insects, spiders, and other invertebrates. These microclimates help to build more significant habitats for larger species. They even act as a thick layer of insulation, reducing the impact of severe temperatures and creating a steady habitat for creatures who live on or under it. Because of their insulating qualities and gentle texture, they are a favored nesting material for many tiny animals and birds. They absorb pollutants from the air, making them excellent natural air purifiers. Tiny, hair-like structures known as rhizoids and papillae cover the surface, serving as a net for airborne dust and catching it on the surface. The structure then uses capillary action and microbial processes to digest and decompose the particles after they are within it. They also have bacteria that can transform pollution into usable biomass. Get Rid of Weeds With Cushion Moss It is an excellent weed suppressor because it can form a physical barrier, release allelopathic chemicals, and shade the soil. Their enhanced ability to better compete with weeds for nutrients also contributes to their weed suppression abilities. In addition to stabilizing the dirt and stopping plant colonization, their thick growth habit further prevents weed seed germination. Cushion Moss, also known as a pincushion, is a type of low-growing plant that is very densely packed together. Its primary role is to serve as an evergreen covering over the ground, offering numerous cleansing benefits for the air. It’s highly adaptable to various gardens and landscapes and naturally welcoming and inviting. Beyond its lush appearance, it also serves a primary role in the ecosystem of many frogs, insects, and spiders. It can help contribute to a healthy and vibrant garden. Officially called leucobryum glaucum, it is native to the forests of North America. It thrives the best in moist areas with plenty of shade but can do well with minimal sunlight. It also prefers soil that is a bit more sandy and less dense. You’ll most commonly find it in moist gardens, rock gardens, alongside pathways, or near water areas. It is instantly recognizable for its green color, which sometimes has a tint of blue. The drier it gets. However, the more the blue tint begins to fade, the lighter the green will become. In many ways, it is like nature’s carpet. It’s very soothing to step barefoot over and help you connect with nature. For this reason, its luxuriant appearance can turn a dull landscape into a pleasant and soothing one. What is the Appeal of Cushion Moss To Gardeners It offers many benefits for gardeners beyond its plush feel or verdant appearance. It acts as a natural mulch to keep weed growth to a minimum and help the soil beneath it retain moisture. This allows the soil in gardens to remain hydrated even during drought. Another benefit to it is how low maintenance it is. It only requires minimal pruning and watering to maintain its vibrancy. This makes it a good choice for those who want a lush landscape that doesn’t require much care. It is a low-maintenance plant that will help protect your soil, promote a healthy ecosystem, and create a welcoming environment for your landscape or garden.

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Sheet Moss

Sheet Moss

Sheet Moss is a lush, low-growing species that forms a dense carpet of soft, emerald-green foliage. It is often used in terrariums, floral arrangements, and as a ground cover in shaded areas. It is one of the most favored types for lawns. It’s so named because it creates a ‘sheet’ over a garden or forest floor.   Beyond this dense sheet's luxurious and welcoming appearance and vibe, it also serves as the protecting home for various microfauna, including frogs, spiders, and insects. Many small ecosystems revolve around the layers of it on the forest floor, and gardeners seeking to add more biodiversity to their gardens should consider adding it to the ground of their gardens. Where Does Sheet Moss Grow Officially known as Hypnum curvifolium, it is a wide-ranging plant in every continent except Antarctica. It’s primarily found in temperature regions and adapts well to moist areas. You’ll commonly see it underneath logs or rocks, around tree trunks, or near natural water sources. You’ll usually find it around clay pots, stones, or artificial ponds in gardens. Sheet Moss Is Like A Thick Carpet It is most notable for its soft fronds forming a thick green carpet over a forest floor. The individual leaves are tiny and overlap, which helps create the plant’s soft and lavish texture and appearance. Laying down over it will be akin to laying down over nature’s version of a mattress. While the leaves are usually bright green, they will also develop a slight but noticeable yellow tint when moisture levels deplete or are under prolonged exposure to sunlight. Why is Sheet Moss A Good Choice For Gardeners Gardeners like it because it is adaptable. It can easily retain moisture to help hydrate the soil underneath and prevent erosion. People often add it to gardens and terrariums to help create an equally lush and inviting, suitable atmosphere. It also requires deficient maintenance and minimal pruning and watering. For this reason, many gardeners who want to make a green covering over the ground will turn to it over grass. It’s a suitable choice for experienced gardeners and those new to the hobby.  Grass is the traditional go-to for groundcover, but one should keep Sheet Moss in mind. Like this type, certain varieties form a lush sheet of green over the surface it inhabits. But much like any other plant, the reasons to grow this type of ground cover go far beyond what it offers aesthetically. Here's how this plant can benefit and enhance your landscape with ease. Are you looking for ground cover that grows better in your region and offers benefits for the surrounding environment? If so, this plant is an excellent choice. While it doesn't have a root system, it's still a fantastic plant that can defend against soil erosion and serve to control the flow of water better, leading to less flooding if you live in an area that experiences a lot of rain or a few unpredictable showers here and there during the winter and spring seasons. This plant loves moisture, so it's often recommended for regions where grass can't easily thrive. However, you can go beyond that and grow plants that love moisture on top of this plant as it retains moisture that your other plants will rely on to grow strong. You can even add it to potted plants for this purpose and to improve the aesthetics of items like bonsai trees. As we just touched upon, Sheet Moss loves moisture, but that doesn't mean it can't withstand conditions that might threaten the lives of other varieties. This variety is more complex, making it easier to keep alive once you spread it across your landscape. If you're looking for ground cover that enhances your space and will hold up over time, this is the one to choose.

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Tree Moss

Tree Moss

Tree moss, or epiphytic type, grows on the branches and trunks of plants, forming green, velvety mats or cushions in forested environments. It is often found growing on the trunks and branches of saplings. It offers many benefits when landscaping. Its unique characteristics contribute to creating visually appealing and environmentally friendly outdoor spaces. Tree Moss is a plant that is rarely recommended for gardens or yards, but it boasts a wide range of hidden benefits any plant lover and property owner would be glad to take advantage of. Whether you've noticed the growth or you're thinking about growing it, here's why you should follow through on this. Tree Moss Serves As Excellent Groundcover Depending on where you live, growing grass may not be as easy as you'd like, resulting in bare spots on your lawn or throughout other areas of your property. They want this one, which can serve as a groundcover that keeps things green and lush in the regions that might not be as hospitable for grass. With the added benefits below, you'll be sure to want to spread it from these areas to more parts of your property, too. Tree Moss Can Protect Trees This plant acts as a stellar insulator for saplings, protecting them from various external threats and even defending them against pollutants. If you've been looking for plants that can help you improve the biodiversity in your yard and protect other saplings and plants, they are a wonderful choice. Acting as a form of protection isn't its only role. Its benefits extend far beyond this. These plants are essentially sponges, attracting moisture and absorbing nutrients from the immediate environment around them that are then easily spread to other plants that need them. Their tight root-like growth systems help them anchor themselves to the ground and reduce soil erosion without producing too much competition for nutrients in the immediate area where they're growing. The introduction of them can do wonders for other plants in your space. Air Quality Is Improved With Tree Moss One unique benefit is Tree Moss's ability to improve air quality. Because they sponge what they need from the air around them, they can actually reduce the amount of pollutants in an area, improving overall air quality so that you can enjoy your space with ease.

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Terrarium Plant Kit

Terrarium Plant Kit

Our Terrarium Plant Kit has a large assortment of fresh turkey tails, rocks, lichens, mosses, and plants you can not buy elsewhere online, and we guarantee it. These hills and mountains are a rich land full of exotic things you can not go out and buy, like lichens, mosses, fossils, odd rocks, and things that Bailey knows would make an excellent addition to any terrarium. She collects each kit, especially for the order placed with items that will do well even in ecospheres. These are terrarium plants only, the kit does not come with the container Jars. Often, it contains lichens, fresh live moss, turkey tail, rocks, Mitchella repens, and running cedar. The items are wild-collected by Bailey, and she takes great pride in her horticultural skills, containing only the highest-quality plants for the kit. Our kit is the price of one item in stores, and we guarantee you won't like it; you will love it! What's impressive is that Bailey chooses each kit by hand. Bailey studied plant science in school and knows what's hot and what's not! We've never had one complaint about our terrarium plant packages other than someone unable to order ten at a time. Container Not Included Plants Only Please do not order over five kits because she works in the warehouse and spends her evenings and weekends collecting rare treasures for these kits. We always have limited quantities of these plants. It is plants only, no container. In today's fast-paced and urbanized world, finding tranquility and peaceful relaxation with nature can be challenging. However, TN Nursery's terrarium garden kit offers a unique opportunity to create a serene oasis right at home, thanks to the assortment of freshly dug plants from the hills of Tennessee. Investing in terraria can bring ty of the outdoor world into your home. Each is designed to be a miniature world you can prune, hone, and shape into whatever you want. After filling the container with the soil, rocks, and moss included in your set, you can add the greenery and ornamental items you love. Over time, you can gradually change your selections to create a more unique space. Create Your Ecosystem With Terrarium Plant Kit This type of set is designed to be its ecosystem. The glass has a sealed cover, so water and air remain inside the container. When you buy it, you can create it so it is completely sealed or open to the elements. Popular Terrarium Plant Kit Options Many different items can be placed in it. Often, people like to include moss, ferns, baby tears, bark, rocks, pinecones, ground pine, and turkey berries. In addition to adding unique greenery, you can customize your glass container by picking specific stones, statues, and decorative items to place inside. For example, many people like to put amethyst, turquoise, and other stones into their own. Place Your Terrarium Plant Kit Container Indoors and Outdoors When most people think of Terrarium Plant Kit, they think of a large glass jar on their coffee table. While these containers are typically placed inside your house, you don’t have to limit yourself to an interior location. If you put the container outside, you can leave it open to the elements so it doesn’t overheat during the day. Your Terrarium Plant Kit can be unique. While specific decorative items, rocks, soil, and greenery are included in each set, you are not required to use the items your set comes with. Instead, you can get creative. Many people customize them by using items they find on their daily walks. If you are hiking in the woods, you can pick up unique types of moss or precious stones. Once you find a particular item you want to include, you can always rearrange your container to place it inside.

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Hedwigia Ciliate Moss

Hedwigia Ciliate Moss

Hedwigia Ciliate Moss is perfect for topiaries, decor, and walls. It thrives in almost any environment, is easy to grow, and has many uses. One of the primary benefits of incorporating this plant into landscaping is its ability to add a touch of natural beauty and charm. Plants like this have delicate, lush textures that bring a sense of tranquility and elegance to garden settings. Their fine filaments and intricate structures create a captivating visual appeal, especially when contrasted with other plant forms or hardscape elements. Hedwigia Ciliate Moss Grows In Many Places  The natural beauty of Hedwigia Ciliate Moss, also known as Hedwig's fringe leaf, makes it a stunning addition to any garden. In the realm of botanical wonders, it is beloved as a non-flowering plant that can grow in a wide range of places and settings. Some prefer to perch on rocks; others thrive on tree trucks. Some can even grow on buildings or logs. They are non-vascular bryophytes, which means they need a moist environment to soak up nutrients and reproduce through spores rather than seeds. If you dream of a mossy haven to complete your garden, accentuate the rocks near your pond, or add a whimsical, fairy-tale forest to your landscape, you will surely adore its vibrant green color and soft texture. Hedwigia Ciliate Moss Makes Gardens Healthy  Not many gardeners consider adding them to their landscape, but these exciting plants are an excellent addition that can support a healthier garden. They do not compete with other plants. On the contrary, they can help retain water so your other plants can stay hydrated and nourished. Its cheerful green leaves and endurance bring new, exciting life to a garden. It can support a tree bed, act as a natural weed barrier, and help purify the air for a fresher environment. Its fringe leaf is easy to care for and thrives where it is planted. It sprouts rich, green leaves with light edges that dazzle on a rock and under the sunlight. Because it grows roughly 2.5 cm tall, it will not easily overtake a space or distract from other greenery. Instead, you can appreciate the wild beauty of this soft, delicate plant that creates a plush carpet no matter where it is housed. This wonder can be an excellent addition to a topiary as both an indoor and outdoor plant. Its lush, velvety foliage adds a beautiful touch of greenery that brings sophistication and tranquility to your topiary. Hedwigia Ciliate Moss Brings A Sense Of Calm Hedwigia Ciliate Moss brings a natural sense of calm and ease to anyone who views it. Reminiscent of babbling brooks and soothing streams, it can infuse your landscape with a relaxing aura that will instantly put you at ease.

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Thuidium Moss

Thuidium Moss

Thuidium moss is a thick, tufted moss with densely branched, feathery shoots commonly found in moist woodlands and forested areas. It is recognized for its vibrant green hues and intricate texture and is a versatile and appealing element in landscaping. Its utilization extends beyond its aesthetic appeal, as it brings numerous benefits to outdoor spaces. When incorporated thoughtfully, it can transform gardens, pathways, and various outdoor environments into captivating and harmonious settings. Thuidium Moss is a genus of more than 200 species that share similarities worldwide. The "-idium" part means "diminutive" in Latin, and examples of this plant resemble diminutive cedar trees. The plant grows to a height between 1 and 8 inches and will do equally well on the ground or epiphytically. The Fonds Of Thuidium Moss The plant contributes its cuteness to the rest of the garden. It acts not as a focal point but as a garnish, the delicate fronds interlacing to form a stunning layer of compounded leaves. The plant forms its dense carpet by producing attractive leaves on multiple pinnates that intertwine and form a layer that can be several inches thick. Each of these pinnates is covered in delightful, tiny leaves that are millimeters or less in size, a Lilliputian collection of smile-inducing green. The Kit Fern variety of this charming plant has sharply curved leaves and adds washes of yellow throughout the carpet, further pleasing the eye. Decorative Options With Thuidium Moss Because the plant forms a carpet, one might create beautiful patterns. Chessboards and spirals are two gorgeous options, but in truth, the possibilities are limited only by the gardener's imagination. The plant is also epiphytic, which looks smashing when adorning other larger plants. It's also nifty as a covering for paths throughout extensive woodland gardens. Because it's evergreen, it'll provide its lovely green color throughout the winter. The Ecological Impact Of Thuidium Moss This plant is essential for the environment, retaining moisture in the soil and preventing erosion. Many species of birds, notably robins, flycatchers, and juncos, use it to make their nests. So, the plant increases the colors of any garden through the plumage of the avian wildlife it supports. As it grows and forms its carpet, it'll even help to rejuvenate the garden's soil, making it not only soft and attractive but also immensely useful. Thuidium Moss looks fantastic throughout the year, contributes to the health of any garden, and provides material for nesting birds to build their nests. It's got leaves that are marvelously soft and delicate. Finally, it is symbiotic with other garden plants, contributing to the garden's overall beauty.

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Seasonal Monthly Plant Box - Get 3

Seasonal Monthly Plant Box - Get 3 "In Season Plants" Each Month

TN Nursery offers a subscription service where we ship 3 different plants each month- Our # 1 Seller Examples Of Some Plants Are: This plant ships bare-root and dormant (no leaves or foliage) It will not green out until next spring. Nov-April: These months are our "tree shipping season" You will get some of the following (no picks but we always ship best sellers) Trees Shrubs Evergreens Berry Bushes and Fruit Trees Moss   May- September: These months are when we ship the following. You will get some of the following in your subscription plant box: Blooming Age PerennialsMature Native Fern PlantsLive Garden Mosses   Beautiful Vines, Groundcovers, and Climber Vines Plant subscriptions can be an excellent way to regularly bring new and exciting plants into your home or garden. You can diversify your collection by receiving various plants each month and learning about new species you may have yet to encounter.Additionally, plant subscriptions can be a great way to have a beautiful yard with high-quality plants from a leading source, TN Nursery. By subscribing to their service, you are receiving quality plants and supporting their business and the horticulture industry as a whole.Overall, a plant subscription service can be a fun and rewarding way to have a variety of plants in every season.         

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Topiary Moss is often integral to artistic, whimsical, charming, and highly unique topiaries. You may see topiaries at museums, public gardens, theme parks, and other places where people gather to marvel at them. Some private homes even feature topiaries as a central aspect of their elegant landscaping.

At TN Nursery, we're proud to be a premium quality topiary moss supplier. Many renowned craftspeople rely on us for it to bring their visions to life.

The History Of Topiary Moss

Topiaries date back to ancient Rome, with the very first being described in written letters around 44 B.C. Those early topiaries were described as closely clipped greenery sculptures of animals, obelisks, and even intricate landscapes.

The art of it spread across the world over time, and today, it's widely recognized as a true art form.

Topiaries were initially made of cypress trees; other trees and shrubs like box, yew, or holly are also used. However, many artisans today prefer to work with it.

This art form creates an intricate metal cage as the sculpture's base. The sculpture is then inserted into the cage, and it takes on the desired form.

It is a top choice because it's easily moldable and requires minimal upkeep. It doesn't need much water, and when it rains (or when you water it occasionally), it can absorb up to 25 times its weight in water. It stores that water, which helps keep its vibrant color and soft, spongy texture intact.

An additional benefit of using it is its environmental advantages. It works like an organic air filter: It can help remove environmental pollutants, giving us cleaner air.

Topiary Moss Is The Best Type

The best sculptures depend on several factors, including the climate where they will be placed and the desired appearance of the plant.

Our customers often choose two popular types: reindeer type, which features stunning silvery-white tips, and mood type, which forms a carpet-like texture and retains its rich jade hue with minimal upkeep.

Depending on your goals, our team can help you select the material and determine the amount you'll need.

We Supply All Topiary Moss Needs

We're proud to be known as the foremost mail-order and internet Topiary moss supplier for topiaries. We offer a broad range of types and are happy to work with you to meet the needs of your next project.