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Simple Water Gardens for Your Home

Wednesday, September 14

Water gardens can be fun and functional

Water gardens are some of the most beautiful decorations. The gentle sound of the running water and the beautiful looks of its water plants. 

This makes having a water garden a must have for those who love the look of water plants.

Water gardens have been around since early Chinese and Persia history. They have been used as decorations ever since. But until the industrial era, the water was not circulated and was brought in by a diverted stream and then back out thru a diverted stream. But with the introduction of the water pump, ponds can be placed anywhere.

Often the pond pump habitat is filled with fish such as Koi and goldfish. Water gardens can be quite the thing to look at especially if you have the money to add the beautiful plants and lighting to compliment it. But getting a water garden isn’t cheap. It is advised only to be done by professionals because they can make a water garden look its best. But if you want to do it yourself here is some instructions:

Supplies needed:

A large sheet of pond liner that is twice the size of your ponds length and width.


A pond pump (must be for the size of your water garden)

Pipes and equipment for including a small waterfall if you wish to.

Animals and plants.

First, the area was you want to have your water garden must be defined. This includes measuring the area, deciding how deep, and measuring all heights and widths.

You must now dig out your hole and form it like you want the pond to be shaped like.

A store run must be done to gather the supplies needed.

Cut and shape the pond liner to fit in the pond hole with about 2 feet hanging off the sides. Place the liner in a pond. Now any equipment such as pipes should be installed.

Add rocks to the edges of the overhanging pond liner. Also, add rocks inside if you would like too. Insert pond pump and connect all hoses and pipes.

Fill With water. Now add the plants and animals to your pond. Place plants in a place where they best suite you and the lighting.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Source to Buy Plants for your Water Garden


10 Water Garden Plants - TN Nursery

10 Water Garden Plants

Explore the wonders of water-loving types with TN Nursery's 10-pack of water garden plants. This package includes a variety of plants intended to help you discover how beneficial and appealing they can be. As always, when you shop at TN Nursery, your flowers are protected for a year under our 100% guarantee. We also offer affordable prices on our pack with our grower direct pricing. What are Water Garden Plants? 10 Water Garden Plants is unique in that it includes vegetation that grows primarily or exclusively on ponds or creeks. It can include flowers and other types of vegetation that function as individual ecosystems. They do not sprout roots like other types of vegetation and instead provide their own nutrients to grow and blossom. Gardeners do not have to plant them as seeds in dirt and wait for them to sprout and grow as other types of vegetation do. What Do These Type Plants Look Like? At first glance, you normally cannot tell the difference between them and other vegetation that may grow in your yard. However, they float on top of ponds, lakes, and other similar surfaces. They do not grow roots and stay firmly planted in the dirt. They also come in all sorts of colors, ranging from white to yellow and purple. They can become vibrant parts of a property on which they are included and make for unique and interesting showpieces. What are the Benefits? They offer a variety of benefits to properties on which they are included. For one, they add bright colors and a unique look to landscaping. People who visit the property may stop and take in their beauty right away. Further, they also stabilize and add to the biodiversity of gardens and lawns in which they are added. They attract pollinators like bees and hummingbirds. They also can help filter and clean ponds, lakes, and other types of environments in which they grow. Finally, they are relatively easy to maintain. They essentially take care of themselves and provide their own sources of nutrients. They often do not require special care or upkeep. Where to Find 10 Water Garden Plants You can find them for sale in businesses like greenhouses and nurseries that sell specialized vegetation. You can also find them in local hardware stores and big box retailers that have their own lawn care departments. An easier option could be to order them online and have them delivered to your home. You may get a higher level of quality and more selections when you browse online and purchase some for your property.

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Cardinal Flower - TN Nursery

Cardinal Flower

The Red Cardinal Flower has vibrant red blooms and tall, erect stalks; it adds a splash of color and a touch of elegance to gardens, parks, and various outdoor spaces. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it brings several advantages, making it a popular choice for landscapers and gardeners. Cardinal Flower The scarlet-hued Lobelia cardinalis is a perennial in the bellflower family. Its tall, nectar-filled flower spikes attract hummingbirds and create a beautiful display in your garden. The plant's common name refers to the red robes a Roman Catholic cardinal wears. Natural Habitat Of The Cardinal Flower Lobelia is native to the North and South American continents and blooms from July through September. This moisture-loving plant grows on stream banks and in low woods, marshes, and meadows across the United States. Appearance Of The Cardinal Flower If you want to create a handsome show in your garden, Lobelia is sure to delight. The plant's fiery spires yield brilliant red blooms that open gradually from the bottom to the top of their racemes. Each long, narrow, tube-shaped blossom has two flat upper petals and three lower petals that spread out at the tips. The delicate plant crown leafy 2’-4' stems, covered with shiny, lance-shaped, bright green leaves that sometimes have a bronze or reddish tint. The leaves alternate as they climb the stems, enhancing the blooms to create a lively riot of color. Cardinal Flower In the Garden Lobelia is a favorite of gardeners who love adding bold splashes of crimson to their garden. This plant is perfect for shady woodland plots, wet meadow plantings, water gardens, pollinator gardens, and rain gardens. Its long stems can add height to borders and create depth when placed in the back sections of your landscape. The blossoms are most spectacular from midsummer into fall, and they make excellent cut blooms. Ecology Of The Cardinal Flower Some people say that Lobelia will bring hummingbirds in from the sky. The plant's blooming period is in sync with the late-summer migration of ruby-throated hummingbirds who are traveling south to Mexico. The birds pollinate the plant by dipping their beaks into the plants' long, red tubes. The blossoms are also very attractive to swallowtail butterflies and bees, making them a wonderful centerpiece in a pollinator garden. Cardinal Flower Will Make a Brilliant Statement in Your Garden When you want to make a bold, beautiful statement in your garden, be sure to include Lobelia in your plan and celebrate the summer season.

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