Flowering Plants and Shrubs

In for a Penny- Increase the Value of a Home with Landscaping

TN Nurseries best selling trees

White Dogwood

Paw Paw tree

Crape Myrtle

River Birch

Most people recognize the value of something beautiful.

More than just flowers and trees, landscaping creates aesthetic appeal. Regardless of whether a home is going on the market or will remain in the family throughout the generations, it is a surefire way to improve the view.

Other than landscaping being a significant investment, there are other benefits as well.

A single estimated tree will remove almost twenty-six pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Trees also reduce the amount of noise from traffic and neighbors.

It increases the usable space around the home and provides an opportunity for more outdoor activities and social interaction.

It directs the runoff produced by rainwater, thereby protecting structures and spaces from damage.

Phases of the Landscape Process

The design is the first step in the development of an astonishing landscape. While creative amateurs can do an excellent job designing, a professional can add that extra punch. They often reveal small details that make a huge difference. They usually recommend spending around 5 percent of a home’s value on landscaping. The critical criteria are for everything to look tidy and be low maintenance.

Site preparation is a huge task. The dirt work consists of digging, tilling, and filling in. It must be considered, given how it will affect water runoff. Mistakes can be costly and messy. Irrigation systems and special lighting are also usually put in at this time.

Plant selection involves so much more than just picking out something that looks pretty. Water conservation in drought areas and extreme winter weather require special planning. Native plants are a popular choice for these reasons.

Installation is the final step. Following a set of blueprints, the plants are set in the ground. Special features, such as boulders or statues, are also put in. Mulch is commonly used as a finishing touch.

There is no doubt that landscaping increases the value of a home. A Nursery Growers and Landscape Association study revealed some interesting statistics. They found that the resale value of a landscape home could increase by as much as fourteen percent. These homes also sold approximately six weeks faster than their non-landscaped counterparts did.

It makes a difference where the money is spent. Landscaped patios offered the most significant return, adding twelve percent to the value of a home. The first impression of something is often the longest lasting, so it makes sense to focus on the front of the house first. Curbside landscaping adds four percent to the value of a home, helping a property to reach its maximum potential.

Source to Buy all your Landscaping Needs

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