10 Easiest Garden Plants for Beginners

Gardening can be an enriching and therapeutic activity that connects us with nature and allows us to witness the miracle of life firsthand. However, starting a garden can be daunting for beginners, especially if they need more experience or have limited time and resources. The good news is that several plant varieties are well-suited for novice gardeners, requiring minimal care and attention. This article will explore the ten easiest garden plants for beginners, offering insight into their characteristics, growth requirements, and tips for successful cultivation.


  1. Succulents: Succulents are renowned for their resilience and low maintenance requirements, making them an ideal choice for beginners. These water-storing plants come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, adding visual interest to any garden. They thrive in bright sunlight and require infrequent watering, making them perfect for those who have busy schedules or are prone to forgetfulness.
  2. Lavender: Lavender not only adds beauty to your garden with its fragrant purple blooms but also requires minimal care. This hardy herb prefers well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight. It is known for its drought tolerance once established, making it a perfect choice for gardeners in regions with limited rainfall.
  3. Marigolds: Marigolds are renowned for their vibrant colors and ability to repel pests from the garden. These annual flowers are easy to grow from seeds and require moderate sunlight and well-drained soil. They are an excellent choice for novice gardeners looking to add color to their outdoor space.
  4. Zinnias: Zinnias are another colorful and low-maintenance option for beginners. These cheerful flowers can quickly grow from seeds and flourish in full sunlight. Regular deadheading, which involves removing spent blooms, encourages continuous flowering.
  5. Mint: Mint is a hardy and aromatic herb that thrives in various conditions, including sun and partial shade. It's best grown in containers to prevent its aggressive spreading. Mint leaves can be used for culinary purposes, making it a practical and rewarding addition to any garden.
  6. Cherry Tomatoes: For those interested in growing edible plants, cherry tomatoes are an excellent choice. These small-sized tomatoes are relatively easy to cultivate, even in containers. They require ample sunlight, consistent watering, and a bit of support as they grow, making them a great introduction to vegetable gardening.
  7. Daylilies: Daylilies are perennial plants known for their vibrant blooms and adaptability. They thrive in various soil types and light conditions, making them versatile for different garden setups. Once established, daylilies can bloom prolifically with minimal care.
  8. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is an attractive succulent and has numerous medicinal uses. It requires bright, indirect sunlight and minimal watering. Aloe vera's gel-filled leaves can soothe burns and skin irritations, adding aesthetic and practical value to your garden.
  9. Pothos: Pothos is an indoor plant that's incredibly forgiving for beginners. Its trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves add a touch of greenery to any indoor space. Pothos thrives in low to moderate light and only needs occasional watering.
  10. Sunflowers: Sunflowers are iconic for their cheerful appearance and towering presence. They are relatively easy to grow from seeds, requiring full sunlight and well-draining soil. Sunflowers can be a fun addition to a beginner's garden, especially if you have a bit of space for them to reach their full height.


 Benefits of Beginner-Friendly Plants

Choosing easy-to-grow plants offers numerous benefits for novice gardeners:

Success and Confidence: Working with plants that thrive with minimal effort boosts your gardening confidence and encourages you to explore more plant varieties.

Immediate Rewards: Many beginner plants, such as marigolds and zinnias, produce flowers relatively quickly, providing you with visual rewards and a sense of accomplishment.

Connection with Nature: Gardening connects you with the natural world and provides a serene escape from daily routines—spending time with and promoting well-being.

Learning Experience: Caring for beginner-friendly plants offers valuable hands-on learning about plant growth, soil health, and environmental conditions.


Tips for Successful Cultivation

  1. Start Small: As a beginner, focusing on something other than overwhelming yourself is essential. Start with a few plant varieties and gradually expand your garden as you gain experience.
  2. Understand Your Climate: Different plants have different preferences regarding temperature, humidity, and sunlight. Research your local climate to choose plants that are well-suited for your region.
  3. Provide Proper Drainage: Most plants prefer well-draining soil to prevent root rot. If your garden soil retains water, consider using raised beds or containers.
  4. Water Wisely: While many of the recommended plants are low-maintenance, they still need water. Learn about the specific water requirements of each plant and establish a consistent watering routine.
  5. Mulch and Fertilize: Applying mulch helps retain soil moisture and suppress weeds. Additionally, occasional fertilization can give your plants the nutrients they need for healthy growth.



Starting a garden as a beginner can be an exciting and fulfilling journey. You can build your gardening skills and gain confidence by choosing easy-to-grow plants. The ten plants mentioned in this article offer diverse options, from succulents to herbs to flowers, ensuring that you can find the perfect plants to suit your preferences and circumstances. Remember, gardening is not just about the result; it's about enjoying the process, connecting with nature, and watching your garden flourish over time.


Orange Daylily - TN Nursery

Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily has trumpet-shaped orange flowers that form dense clusters atop slender stems. It is a vibrant and versatile flowering plant with numerous landscaping benefits. Its striking appearance, adaptability, and low-maintenance qualities make it famous for various garden designs. These benefits contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of outdoor spaces. The plant provides a vertical element that adds dimension and depth to garden compositions. The vibrant blooms add color to landscapes, creating eye-catching focal points instantly attracting attention. They are flowering perennial bulbs that are named for the day-long lifespan of their blossoms. Europeans brought this carefree ornamental daily to North America in the 1800s, which has remained popular ever since. Orange Daylily Native Habitat Native to China and Japan, Hemerocallis fulva is naturalized in Europe and throughout much of North America. It grows naturally in thickets, along woodland borders, and in fields, meadows, and floodplains. When left unchecked, the plants tend to spread. They typically bloom in July and August and come back year after year. Appearance Of Orange Daylily Hemerocallis fulva has showy, bright-orange flowers that bloom in clusters at the top of two-to-three-foot-tall branched stalks. The four-to-six-inch-diameter blossoms open individually, revealing three flared petals and three slightly smaller sepals shaded with red or gold. The plants grow in clumps, with straplike foliage that emerges from just above the soil. These narrow, bright green leaves grow up to three feet long and arch toward the ground, creating a mounded look. If you want to add bold, breezy color to your lawn during the height of summer, planting Hemerocallis fulva in clumps or along the edges of your property border can do the trick. This flower looks brilliant when planted in mass over larger areas and is wonderfully suited to informal meadows and hillside landscapes. It's also well-suited to smaller butterfly and pollinator gardens. After the blooming season, the plant's pretty green leaves will continue to add texture to your yard and can even make a serviceable ground cover. You can quickly propagate daylilies by dividing and replanting them in the spring or fall. Ecology Of Orange Daylily In North America, Orange Daylily can be a food source for pollinators. The flowers provide nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds, and small bees may collect pollen from their anthers. In springtime, white-tailed deer and rabbits may enjoy eating the plant's leaves when they are young and tender. When you want to celebrate the summer sunshine, planting Hemerocallis fulva is a great way to draw the eye and brighten your day.

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Maxmilian sunflower - TN Nursery

Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower is a tall, native perennial with bright yellow, daisy-like flowers and narrow leaves. It often forms impressive colonies and attracts pollinators in late summer and fall. Sunflowers are remarkable and versatile plants that offer a range of benefits when used in landscaping. Their vibrant color and adaptability can add aesthetic value and functional advantages to various outdoor spaces. The Maximilian Sunflower is a radiant North American perennial known for its impressive stature and vibrant yellow hue. With a propensity to form dense colonies, these stunningly dynamic plants provide rich visual appeal to any landscape or garden. Their sublime and livening presence innately offers rich enchantment for the gaze of onlookers. Maximilian Sunflower perennial grows to a height of 3-10 feet with slender stalks and narrow leaves with bright yellow flowers that are excellent for attracting pollinators. These perennials bloom after most other perennials stop blooming later in summer into early fall. The Latin name for this vibrant plant is helianthus maximiliani. Maximillian Sunflower Has Vibrant Yellow Blooms  The blooms are brilliant yellow and have many petals alongside a disk-shaped cone. These plants are native to the United States in many regions, and they are so hardy that they can grow even near roadways, prairies, and open fields. Maximilian Sunflowers are sustainability-friendly and promote birds, bees, and monarchs as open pollinators. They are also super low maintenance and seldom need fertilizers or water in areas with adequate rainfall. It's a super hardy wildflower perennial with rough edges, displaying its durability and simplicity of appearance as well. It can tolerate drought conditions and open sunlight. Birds and insects feast on the seeds inside the plant's conehead, making it an excellent source of a good supply without messy bird feeders or buying bird seeds. It is highly sustainable, hardy, and thrives in various soil types, making it one of the best, most vibrant, and hardiest complete sun plants. TN Nursery offers blooming age, bare root perennials at a fraction of the cost of potted plants. Why buy a container and a handful of soil and pay three prices when you can buy the plant bareroot and have the same thing shipped to your door at a fraction of the cost? Maximilian Sunflower Gets Very Tall These gorgeous natural creations intrinsically reach toward the sky. Standing erect, they often get a looming height of around 10 feet. The towering beauties possess uniquely slender stems decorated with long lance-shaped leaves. Underneath the flower head, dark green phyllaries stick straight out before subtly curling at the tips. The bright golden petals delightfully evoke luminescent rays of sunshine. A jagged alternation pattern creates intricate layers of pleasing asymmetry. Their wispiness embodies an illustrative quality that summons a beatific repose. This flower’s center is packed with circular bronze florets. These discs often showcase a fractalized pattern that is simply mesmerizing. Meanwhile, the circumference is embedded with sleek light-yellow florets that create a glorious juxtaposition. Their relatively late blooming period is pleasant in summer and early fall. Thus, they can become the cornerstone of any idyllic scenery. Unlike many other growths from the same genus, these sunflower stems can support several clusters. As a result, these durable plants make for a divine ornamental selection with downright transformative effects on the landscape. Wildlife also likes this flower. Its abundance of nectar is considered irresistible to local pollinators, so it is often associated with a thriving ecosystem of bees and butterflies. Later in their flowering stage, the seeds occasionally attract a diverse ornithological scene, much to the delight of birdwatchers. Maximilian Sunflower derives its namesake from Prince of Wied-Neuwied. The famed German explorer first came upon these magnificent flowers during his North American expeditions, and they were dubbed Helianthus in his honor. It is a suitable title, especially since any outdoor environment is lucky to be bestowed with these golden gems. They are a native perennial coveted for their height, versatility, and blazing yellow hues. It's easy to grow even if you have little gardening experience. The following post concerns this gorgeous bloomer and how it can add life to your outdoor spaces. What Does It Look Like?  People often hear "sunflower" and think of a bloom with a black central disc surrounded by blazing yellow petals. And while they share some characteristics with common sunflowers, there are some distinctions. For instance, their central disc is smaller than a typical sunflower and does not contain blackened florets.  Instead, the hub of the Maximilian Sunflower is populated by clusters of tiny, yellow florets that provide sustenance for pollinators. So, their entire bloom is varying shades of yellow. One thing they share with its more common sunflower relative is height. They can grow to a height of 10 feet!  The flower is supported by a long, narrow stem covered in coarse hairs. Alternate, blade-shaped leaves adorn the towering stem, growing as high as just under the flower bloom. The proximity of the green leaves to the actual flower provides a stunning juxtaposition of natural color evocative of the sun setting over verdant hills. Their conehead is filled with intricate patterns of bronze to bright yellow florets. The mesmerizing structure of these tiny florets belies the mostly uniform layers of petals that envelope them. The florets produce seeds that are a food source for various bird species.  It is also unique among its genus because one stem can support a cluster of flowers instead of just one. Naturally, they grow dense and can colonize very quickly if allowed to. This makes them a good option for filling a large area with golden hues. However, if you have limited space to work with, the multi-flower growths of the slender stems still allow for a radiant burst of color in tight spaces.  Blooms of them are typically 5 inches in diameter, with a central disc spreading out to about one inch in diameter.  What Are the Benefits of Them?  They can add a gilded, regal quality to your outdoor spaces, but that's not all they bring. Take a look at the following reasons why people love to grow these plants:  They Support the Local Nectar Bee Population - Bees flock to them because they produce nectar. Moreover, it produces nectar at a time of year when other perennials become barren. So, they are an excellent choice to keep bees returning to your garden late into the season. As if the inherent chroma of the flower weren't enough, it also attracts colorful, nectar butterflies.  Late Blooming- Many add them to their gardens because they bloom into late fall. This unique blooming span makes this flower ideal for maintaining color throughout the year.  Very Tolerant—While it prefers dry to moist soils, it can tolerate many conditions. It's not uncommon for this plant to thrive in loamy or limestone-rich soil. Great for Bird Lovers- The fertile florets of the flower produce seeds late into the season, which attract a wide variety of birds. The flower is a no-brainer if you are an avid bird-watcher or enjoy providing a haven for avian wildlife.  If you need to become more familiar with this perennial, you may have questions about how to grow and maintain them. So, let's address some common questions about this rewarding flower.  Do They Come Back Every Year?  Another way it distinguishes itself from other sunflowers is that it's a perennial—many sunflowers are annuals. It is supported by a hardy rhizome that will produce new growth yearly.  How Tall Do Maximilian Sunflowers Get? They are known for their stature, reaching up to 10 feet. Its blooms stretch more or less upright toward the sky, giving them a stately appeal that contrasts nicely with flowers and plants that grow closer to the ground.  How Do You Plant them?  It needs between 6 and 8 hours of sun per day. Sow the seeds directly into the soil at about half an inch depth. Seeds should be planted in spring. Be sure to leave between 18 and 24 inches between each plant to allow the root system to grow correctly and avoid crowding. Do You Need to Deadhead Them?  Deadheading will keep blooms coming back and keep the plant looking clean. It would help if you deadheaded dying flowers as they appear. Deadheading will also stymie seed production to avoid spreading to other parts of your garden.  Should You Support the Stem of the Maximilian Sunflower They can grow to be very tall. Their stems are naturally skinny, so you may need to support them with stakes. If you see the plant start to bend or sag, or if you live in an area that experiences high winds, helping the stems with stakes may be necessary. Overly rich soil may also promote hardy blooms with weak stems. If you notice that yours are arching before they bloom, you may need to amend the soil to make it less fertile.  TN Nursery is your source for many native species, from lush ferns to pollinating perennials. We ship nursery-nourished plants that can go straight into your soil right to your door. There is no hassle, and with our one-year guarantee, there is no risk. Place an order for your favorite plants today!

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Coneflower Plant - TN Nursery

Coneflower Plant

The coneflower plant, or echinacea, is known for its distinctive daisy-like, purple flowers with a prominent cone-shaped center. These flowers attract pollinators and add color to gardens.  The Coneflower Plant Blooms Mid-Summer Coneflowers, which resemble daisies, typically bloom in the middle to end of summer. Certain types may begin blooming earlier or continue into the autumn. They are available in a rainbow of hues, from yellow to deep pink, and with both single and double blooms that are incredibly vibrant. Magnus Superior variants bloom from the end of spring until the end of summer with rosy-violet rays that can reach a diameter of seven inches. These plants respond exceptionally well to deadheading. They spread gracefully like wildflowers thanks to their abundant seed production and self-sowing capabilities. Their delicate branches and colorful flowers make them perfect for gardens, where they provide visual interest without drawing attention to themselves. This naturalizing effect makes the plant look better and works well to fill in gaps between flower beds. Add Uniqueness to Your Garden With It Because of their unusual shape and composition, cones are a great way to add variety to your landscape. Their unique cone shapes also make them eye-catching accents among other garden plants. They provide textural variety to a garden by growing erect, contrasting wonderfully with trailing or mounding plants. In expansion, they can adjust to a broad range of soil types and light levels, giving you more alternatives for planting them. Invite Pollinators to Your Yard With It Since Coneflower Plants produce both nectar and pollen, many pollinators rely on these flowers for sustenance. Each 250 to 500 blooms that make up its black, cone-shaped flower head serves as a little cup of nectar for the pollinators. Bees and hummingbirds are just a few of the pollinators that love it. This variant can grow up to three feet tall and typically blooms between the middle of summer and the beginning of September each year because they produce seeds and are a popular nectar source for birds. They are of the same genus as the daisy, which you could guess by looking at. They bear stunning purplish-pink petals and are naturally drought-tolerant. As a native plant, they provide professionals and gardening enthusiasts with a low-maintenance option for adding complexion to outdoor spaces. What Do They Look Like?  The Coneflower (also called Echinacea) may be well-known for its petals' deep to pastel purple tinge. However, a closer look will reveal one of the most intricate and alluring central disks of all flowering plants. This flower gets its name from this striking and unique central disk.  It has received this moniker thanks to the spiny central hub. The spines are spread out in an almost exact order of distance, giving the cone a symmetrical shape and order that is truly stunning when observed closely.  In full bloom, their petals may splay out parallel to the ground or stretch downward. This positioning puts the central cone on full display and accentuates its bulbous shape. The spines on the cone can adopt a rust, red, orange, or yellow pigmentation throughout the blooming season.  Of course, the petals are nothing to sneeze at. Being a daisy gendaisieshe, the petals are lance-shaped and can grow to about 1.5 inches long. The flower is mostly an intense purple, where it connects with the stem and washes out gradually towards the tip. In some lights, this creates a pastel effect that is perfect for pairing with other flowers without drawing too much attention.  The stem grows erect and can reach heights between 2 and 4 feet. This makes this plant a great contrast to creeping or bunching plants. The leaves are basal and arranged alternately. They are a deep, cool green reminiscent of forest floors.  What Should You Plant Coneflowers If their chromatic and structural traits aren't enough to entice you, check out some of the more practical benefits of adding this flower to your landscape:  Planting Options: They are very versatile when it comes to planting. Once established, they are highly adaptable and can live with varying degrees of light and soil types. So, no matter what soil you have or what kind of space you have to work with, you can still enjoy these flowers. They Attract Pollinators. Hummingbirds and bees love the pollen and nectar they produce. The cone can house 250-500 spines, which are filled with food for a wide variety of pollinators.  Easy to Maintain - While they will require regular watering after planting, they only need a little maintenance after they are established. They respond well to deadheading, which can also help control seeding if you want them to spread only a little. They can handle several types of soil as long as it is well-drained.  They're Drought Tolerant - Want to contribute to the palette of your garden without spending a fortune on water? The plant is drought-tolerant. Once the roots have been established, maintaining them takes very little water. They Come in a Variety of Colors-They come in a bouquet of colors, from the typical purplish-pink to yellow shades. This makes them a popular choice for gardeners who want their landscapes to explode with color while maintaining strong uniformity.  Frequently Asked  Are you ready to start planting them in your lawn or garden? The following answers to commonly asked questions may prepare you.  When Do They Bloom?  The blooming season for them is typically between mid-summer and later summer. Some variants can bloom into autumn.  Do They Like Sun or Shade?  Like most flowers in the daisy family, daisies love sunshine. Planting them in an area with at least six hours of direct sunlight daily would help.  Do They Come Back Every Year? They are perennials, which means they come back every year. This makes them a good choice if you want to add consistent color and variety to your outdoor spaces.  How Tall Are They?  They can stretch to 2-4 feet tall. The stem holds the flower clear above the basal leaves, allowing it to be the show's star, even on the shorter end.  How Do You Plant Them?  Start by digging a hole twice the width of the root ball's diameter. The root ball should be set to level with the soil line. To help retain moisture, add a small amount of compost and mulch to the plant site. After planting, they will need regular watering until the plant has established.  Will They Bloom Again If Deadheaded?  Coneflower respond well to deadheading. They will bloom again if you deadhead them. There are particular advantages to deadheading. Firstly, it will keep them from overtaking other plants in your garden (deadheading prevents seeding). Secondly, it may prolong the bloom time.  How Do You Deadhead A Coneflower It will help if you always deadhead (prune) yours with shears, as the stems can be very hardy and rugged to snap by hand. Deadhead after the flower has faded, cutting it down to a leaf close to new growth.  TN Nursery Provides Year-round Beauty for Your  Whether you want the whole gamut of colors or lush greenery to add to your garden, TN Nursery has you covered. We offer many ferns, flowers, plants, mosses, shrubs, perennials, vines, trees, and more. Your order is backed up by a full, year-long, 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our prime specimens make planting and maintaining easy and allow you to enjoy the fulfillment of gardening. Place an order now and beautify your outdoor spaces.

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