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Planting a Drought-Tolerant Garden

Planting a Drought Tolerant Garden

This summer, we have seen the thermometer soar and the rain diminished. Those who have invested in landscaping become a race against the elements to keep those investments living and green! Planting drought-resistant perennials for your garden is wise, as they require less water and can stand up to the intense sun and even poor soil.

Varieties of Drought Tolerant plants

Knockout Roses have seen an increase in popularity because of their hardiness. They grow well, they grow fast, and they require little care. A little snipping off the dead flowers, a bit of water and sunlight, and off they go! My new puppy chewed a newly planted Knockout Rose down to the canes early in the spring, and I thought it was dead. I cut it back, and now it is leafy, green, and full of beautiful red blooms! Lavender, Daylily, Purple Coneflowers, Yarrow, and Coreopsis are just a few of the hardy perennials that would make good choices for your "water-less" garden.

One of my garden favorites is ornamental grass. There are dozens of varieties in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Be sure when you plant grasses to take into consideration their mature size. Some of these can get quite large, both in height and width. Use these as dramatic backdrops for the perennials listed above. In my garden, I have staggered Crepe Myrtle with the ornamental grasses. The Crepe Myrtle adds height with beautiful deep color, and the grasses add texture. With your garden full of easy-care perennials and grasses, you can scatter a few decorative pots of bright-colored annuals throughout your garden to add interest and variety. With this simple plan, you will see your water bill decrease, your plants propagate, and your free time increase!

Look for your drought tolerant plants today at TN Nursery


Coneflower Plant - TN Nursery

Coneflower Plant

The coneflower plant, or echinacea, is known for its distinctive daisy-like, purple flowers with a prominent cone-shaped center. These flowers attract pollinators and add color to gardens.  The Coneflower Plant Blooms Mid-Summer Coneflowers, which resemble daisies, typically bloom in the middle to end of summer. Certain types may begin blooming earlier or continue into the autumn. They are available in a rainbow of hues, from yellow to deep pink, and with both single and double blooms that are incredibly vibrant. Magnus Superior variants bloom from the end of spring until the end of summer with rosy-violet rays that can reach a diameter of seven inches. These plants respond exceptionally well to deadheading. They spread gracefully like wildflowers thanks to their abundant seed production and self-sowing capabilities. Their delicate branches and colorful flowers make them perfect for gardens, where they provide visual interest without drawing attention to themselves. This naturalizing effect makes the plant look better and works well to fill in gaps between flower beds. Add Uniqueness to Your Garden With Coneflower Plant Because of their unusual shape and composition, cones are a great way to add variety to your landscape. Their unique cone shapes also make them eye-catching accents among other garden plants. They provide textural variety to a garden by growing erect, contrasting wonderfully with trailing or mounding plants. In expansion, they can adjust to a broad range of soil types and light levels, giving you more alternatives for planting them. Invite Pollinators to Your Yard With The Coneflower Plant Since Coneflower Plants produce both nectar and pollen, many pollinators rely on these flowers for sustenance. Each 250 to 500 blooms that make up its black, cone-shaped flower head serves as a little cup of nectar for the pollinators. Bees and hummingbirds are just a few of the pollinators that love it. This variant can grow up to three feet tall and typically blooms between the middle of summer and the beginning of September each year because they produce seeds and are a popular nectar source for birds.

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Yarrow - TN Nursery


Yarrow is a hardy perennial herb with feathery, fern-like leaves and flat-topped clusters of small, colorful flowers, commonly found in meadows and gardens and known for its med and ornamental properties. Common Yarrow botanical name is Achillea Millefolium, and it's a perennial that's known for its crown of small, white flowers. Its other names include milfoil, old man's pepper, nosebleed plant, devil's nettle, and soldier's woundwort. The latter name is a reference to its medicinal uses in ancient cultures. Achillea Millefolium is native throughout North America. In fact, if you've ever been on a hike, you've probably seen these flowers while traversing the trail. Attributes of Yarrow The Achillea Millefolium or milfoil can grow to heights of up to three feet. The flowers can be white, red, yellow, or rose, depending on the soil type of the plant. Gardeners can expect the plant to bloom from April through September. The blooms typically have five petals, and the flowers form in clusters. The plant's scent is considered pleasant, and the foliage is considered captivating. This is because the leaves form leaflets that resemble the leaves of ferns. They can reach lengths of five inches. There are branches on this plant, except at the top. Creating Captivating Natural Focal Points with the Yarrow Plant Gardeners can enjoy planting the Achillea Millefolium along walls and around foundations. They can also be planted along hedge walls if the chosen side of the hedge receives little wind. It also works well in pollinator and butterfly gardens. Draw Pollinators to Your Yard With The Perennial Plant The Achillea Millefolium's flowers attract all types of pollinators, including butterflies and bees, who forage for its pollen. The most common butterflies found around Achillea Millefolium are the West Coast Lady and the Lorquin Admiral. It's also been known to attract beetles and moths. Great Plants to Include At TN Nursery Achillea Millefolium does well when planted around the black-eyed susan, coneflower, and catmint. Gardeners who love herb gardens may also want to plant it around their dill, thyme, oregano, and basil plants because milfoil has been known to repel some types of pests. Gardeners will love the Achillea Millefolium for its beautiful flowers and fern-like appearance. It does well around other wildflowers and herbs, especially when planted in areas that receive little wind..

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