Iris flowers- How to plant, grow and care

The wide variety of colors of the iris gives the flower its name. It's named after the Greek word for the rainbow and the broad spectrum of colors found with the iris flower.

They're hardy perennial flowers that grow to a height of at least 26 inches. The configuration of the flower's petals forms a perfect landing area for flying insects searching for pollen. They're also popular with hummingbirds.


The iris is grown across the world, and it grows well in moist garden soil. The most popular by far is the bearded iris. They'll flower early in the summer and again later in that same season. Irises need at least six hours a day of direct sunlight. Without the sufficient sun, they won't even bloom.

Plant them between the end of July and the middle of September. The roots (rhizomes) of bearded irises are fleshy. You'll want to expose a little bit of the rhizome when planting. Plant them no less than a foot apart, and make sure there's sufficient drainage for each plant. They'll do well on an elevated bed or a slope. Don't plant them too deeply; They might not flower.

Growth and watering

Irises take time to grow. You might not see any changes for two to three weeks after planting. Growth will begin with a new center leaf. They might not even flower the first spring after planting. Because the Iris roots are newly planted, they'll need watering so their root systems will develop. Only water them until the first good rain.

General care

After three to four years, Irises will become crowded with clumps. Those result in less flowering, so the clumps must be divided. You might want to remove the clumps and plant new but more extensive rhizomes in the alternative. Make sure you keep your garden free of weeds so that your irises get optimum sunlight. Be sure the plants are spaced 12 to 24 apart to have good air circulation. Once planted, you'll enjoy and work on your irises every year with minimal care.

Source to buy Iris Plants

Dwarf Crested Iris - TN Nursery

Dwarf Crested Iris

Dwarf Crested Iris is a delicate perennial with small, slender leaves and charming, blue to purple iris-like flowers, each adorned with delicate white or yellow crests on their petals. It is a stunning and versatile plant with numerous landscaping benefits. This low-growing perennial herb is native to North America and thrives in woodland settings, making it an excellent addition to various garden styles. While exploring the lovely possibilities of dressing up your gardens, the dwarf crested iris will undoubtedly catch your eye. This is a relatively short perennial plant native to the eastern United States and enjoyed in gardens throughout the country and abroad. While many people are familiar with them, they are often unaware of their appealing traits. What are some of the notable benefits of planting it in your yard? Add Beautiful Pops of Color With Dwarf Crested Iris This plant is highly regarded for its many colors. The branches are brown and combine with yellowish-green or green leaves and stunning flowers. The plant reaches four inches in height with the stem and the flower. The fragrant flowers bloom in April and May, revealing shades of purple, lilac, lavender, blue, and pale blue. The rarer colors are pink and white. Additional colors include a white center and vibrant shades of yellow, orange, purple, and dark blue on its outer petals. Birds Love Dwarf Crested Iris Seeds The seeds produced by the flowers in the spring are under a centimeter in diameter, so they are easily dispersed by birds and the wind. In addition, this is a creeping plant that expands by shooting out long roots underground. While their growth is not usually noticeable only a year after planting them, the plants’ roots expand exponentially. This allows you to enjoy a blanket of them in your yard after several years. This plant is commonly found in the wild in wooded areas. It can also grow in the crags of ledges, on a rocky landscape, or in ravines. This makes it ideal for beautifying a formal garden or a native or xeriscape yard with rock features. Attract Wildlife With Dwarf Crested Iris While some wildlife is welcome and desired in your yard, other species can cause damage. This Dwarf Crested Iris deters deer on your property to safeguard the different plants in your yard that deer may be drawn to. In addition, they are fragrant and attract bees and hummingbirds.

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