A Beginners Guide to Gardening with Live Moss

Live moss is the right option if you want a fun way to spruce up your garden

It is easy to plant and care for and add an organic, natural look. Live moss can be used in many different ways: as ground cover, hanging baskets and planters, as part of a rock wall, or as other landscape features. You can use it to line a walkway or border your flower beds! The possibilities are endless.

Moss is also great for adding color to your outdoor space without using chemicals or
fertilizers. Thus making it perfect for those who want an environmentally friendly solution. If
you are new to gardening with live moss, here are some things to know before getting started:
To grow live moss, you will need the following:


 A pot or container: You can use a wide-mouthed jar, a small bucket, or a planter
box. If you are using an aquarium, make sure it has holes in the bottom for drainage.
 A sharp knife or scissors: Do not use scissors that are meant for fabric; they will not
cut through moss well.
 An eye dropper, syringe, or pipette: This is used to add water to your container
without getting your hands wet (which could cause disease). After watering, you can
also use it to remove excess water if there is too much in the container.
 Watering can spray bottle or hose: If you choose not to use an eye
dropper/syringe/pipette, use one of these methods when watering your mosses so that
you do not accidentally get water on yourself while you are working.
 Gloves (optional): If you are worried about getting sick from touching moss too
much, wear gloves when handling it.
Grow Your Live Moss with These 10 Easy Steps
Whether you want to put it in your yard or home, it does not matter! We got you covered with
some of our top tips for getting started gardening with live moss:

Marvelous moss garden | Garden Gate

Step 1: Make Sure You Have the Right Kind of Moss for the Area Where You Want to
Put It.

Not all mosses are suitable for every climate or environment. If you have a shady garden
spot, try adding shade-loving mosses like Polytrichum commune. If you have a sunnier spot,
try adding sun-loving moss like Climacium americanum.

Step 2: Check Your Light Requirements

Mosses need different amounts of light depending on where they are grown. Most mosses
require at least some direct sunlight (3- 4 hours per day), or they will die off quickly and turn
brown or yellowish.

Some species need total sun exposure (6-8 hours per day), while others prefer shade or partial
shade. If you are unsure how much light a particular species needs, check with your nursery
experts or your seller. This way, you can tell if it suits your environment and situation.

Step 3: Test Your Moisture Levels

Mosses grow best in moist environments but not necessarily wet ones. Suppose there is not
enough moisture in the air because there is no rain or irrigation system nearby. In that case,

it would help if you considered adding a humidifier to your basement or garage so it does not get too
dry during winter when temperatures drop below freezing.

Step 4: Test Your Soil Ph
Before planting live moss, test the pH of your soil. If you find it too acidic or alkaline, you
must adjust it before planting your moss. To do this, use a kit that includes a testing solution
and pH indicator strips. You will also need a small container of water and some tweezers or
other tool for mixing the solution with the soil sample.

Step 5: Create Planting Trays or Pots

You can plant live moss in any number of containers: plastic cups or baskets, glass jars,
ceramic pots, or even recycled terra cotta flowerpots. Ensure the container has drainage holes so excess water does not damage your plants. You also want to choose a container that will
allow enough room for each piece of moss to spread out freely without crowding its

Step 6: Prepare Your Substrate

You will need a substrate that is loose, light, and airy; it can be a mixture of peat moss and
perlite or just peat moss alone. The moss you get will also impact the soil you use; some
varieties grow better in acidic soil, while others prefer alkaline conditions.

Step 7: Cover the Substrate with a Thin Layer of Soil
Cover the substrate with a thin layer of soil. The soil will help hold in moisture and provide
nutrients for the moss to grow on top of it. This layer should be primarily about 1/4 inch (0.6
cm) thick.

Step 8: Place Your Tray or Pot in an Appropriate Place for Growth

The ideal location for your moss garden will be a low-light area, such as a hallway or
bathroom, that gets no direct sunlight. The less direct light it receives, the better. At first, you
may want to place your tray or pot on top of something else, such as a cabinet or bookshelf,
so the moss has more room to grow and spread out.

Step 9: Water Your New Moss Plants During This Process with Care

Keep the soil damp but not soaked so that you do not drown the plants or create soggy soil
conditions that might lead to root rot and other problems.
If possible, try misting moss plants with an atomizer spray bottle once a week while still in
their pots or trays before placing them into their permanent homes. Thus helping them stay
hydrated throughout their first few months of growth without worrying about over-watering

Step 10: Harvest Any Excess Spilled Moss to Transplant Later If Desired

If you have too much moss in one place, consider harvesting some of it before it dies out
thoroughly and then transplanting it into another area that needs more coverage. Harvesting
excess moss will also allow you to look at how much sunlight this particular area receives
and decide if you need more or less coverage in the future.

7 Main Types of Moss From Around the World

Bottom Line

Live moss is relatively easy to care for, low-maintenance, and safe. As long you follow these ten
steps, you should be able to plant, tend and harvest an excellent crop of moss. Once you are up to
speed, there are many ways to incorporate live moss into your home and daily life.
Give it a shot this winter when traditional garden plants are dormant. It is a fun way to add
greenery and natural beauty to your home, which makes it the perfect addition to any indoor
garden collection.