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10 Ways to do Herb Gardening in Fall

Herbs are an inseparable part of most cuisines. People all over the world use different varieties of herbs for medicinal or culinary purposes.

Herbs are so popular and essential for our daily kitchen supply that most of us like to grow them at home. That ensures that we have the freshest supply available for use in the kitchen.

Many people think that herbs can only be planted in summers or spring. However, most aromatic herbs require cool and moist climatic conditions to perform their best.

Growing herbs in the fall will make them last through the winter season and even in spring

It is best to plant herbs in containers or pots to make it through the harsh winters easily. Most herbs can be grown in containers and kept indoors, provided that they get their share of sunlight. Four to five hours of sun is enough for them to thrive well.

Apart from sunlight, herbs also need well-drained soil to grow. It is essential to ensure that the container or pots have drainage holes to drain the extra moisture. Herbs can be planted in most of the soils provided that it is rich in organic matter. If soil quality is not good, then it can be improved by adding manure or compost.

Some common herbs that can be grown during the fall season are Thyme, Rosemary, Mint, Basil, and Sage. All these herbs are easy to cultivate, and if maintained well, they can thrive well indoors. The herbs that are ready for harvest can be dried and kept in containers for later use. Dried herbs are also great and can be used in many recipes. It is essential to dry or cure them in the sun properly before storing them not to get damaged by mold or fungi. 

Source of Information on Growing Herbs Inside During the Fall: tnnursery.net

Lyreleaf Sage - TN Nursery

Lyreleaf Sage

Lyreleaf Sage is a perennial wildflower characterized by its delicate, lyre-shaped leaves and spikes of tubular, purple to blue flowers, often found in dry, open woodlands and meadows. It presents a range of benefits when thoughtfully integrated into landscaping designs. Its distinctive appearance, adaptability, contributions to biodiversity, and potential for enhancing outdoor spaces' visual and ecological aspects make it a valuable addition to gardens and landscapes. Lyreleaf Sage Lyreleaf sage, which is also known as Salvia lyrata, is an herbaceous perennial, meaning that it has stems that usually do not consist of any woodsy parts and that produce flowers on an annual basis before losing them every winter, and it usually lives for more than two years. Also, being described as "sage" means that it is a hardy, strong plant that can withstand being walked on much more so than is the case for many other types of greenery. It is also known for its ability to withstand, especially wet or dry conditions. This plant is the only one with this specific description that is native to North America. It should not be confused with the nightshade, an East Asian flowering plant. Leaves Of The Lyreleaf Sage A rosette of leaves is grown by this hairy perennial at its base, and those leaves, which have irregular margins, can extend up to 8 inches. Its stem usually reaches 1-2 feet in length and leaves normally grow higher as well, although those located there are much simpler. Its leaves are dark green for much of the year, usually changing to dark purple in the winter. Flowers Of Lyreleaf Sage Flowering tends to happen more extensively in April, May, and June, although it can occur sporadically throughout the year, with fall commonly being another significant time for it. These blue or violet flowers tend to reach an inch in length and attract butterflies and hummingbirds, while bees serve as their predominant pollinators. This plant can transition from being a seed to flowering in just a few months. Locations Of Lyreleaf Sage The natural settings for most of these flowering plants include open areas and along forest edges. It is also commonly found in clearings, meadows, and sand. Many use it in gardens and lawns. Its native area is spread throughout much of the eastern half of the United States, specifically from Connecticut south to Florida and west to Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. "Be Well" "Salvia" is derived from "salvo," a Latin word that means "be well," and this herbaceous perennial has been used by some over the years to ease various ailments.

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