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Maidenhair Fern

Maidenhair Fern

The Maidenhair Fern is a delicate, deciduous plant with finely divided, fan-shaped fronds and distinctive black stems, adding an elegant touch to shaded gardens and moist woodlands. It is an aesthetically pleasing plant that offers a range of benefits when used in landscaping. Its unique characteristics and visual appeal make it famous for outdoor and indoor spaces.  The Maidenhair is prized for its delicate leaves and long lifespan. The scientific name is Adiantum SPP, and it's part of 250 species of these plants, including the Northern, Delta, and Southern Maidenhair ferns. The Greek part of the plant's official name means unwetted, and it gets that name from its ability to shed water without getting damp. These plants are native to the Himalayas, East Asia, and the eastern part of North America. Maidenhair Fern's Leaves  Adiantum spp are prized for their fan-shaped leaves. They are known to make excellent houseplants and usually grow between one and two feet tall and the same width. Their stems are wiry black, while the leaves are bright green. Gardeners can expect them to reach their full height in three years, and with proper care, they can live up to 15 years. Maidenhair Fern Grows Well In Pots  Adiantum SPP grows well in pots, containers, and terrariums and can be replanted as it outgrows its container. It also makes great container plants and can be planted in shade gardens and hosta gardens. The Adiantum SPP is known for its air purification qualities. The leaves draw in airborne toxins and are used as nutrients, helping them clean the air wherever they are planted. They also release moisture, which can help combat dry indoor air. When the Adiantum SPP is grown outdoors, it can help stabilize loose soil and cover wildlife, including frogs, lizards, and birds. Birds will sometimes use the dried frons to line their nests. Companion Plants For Maidenhair Fern  The Adiantum SPP can be grown with other flowers and ferns, including the strawberry begonia, coral bells, ginger, woodland geraniums, bloodroot, hostas, hellebores, and pulmonarias. Gardeners can enjoy the calmness of Maidenhair Ferns indoors and outdoors. They make excellent potted plants and look wonderful around water features and along hillsides. They can also be combined with other ferns and flowers to create eye-catching garden beds.

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Wisteria Vine

Wisteria Vine

The Wisteria Vine is a highly fragrant woody trailing plant known for its cascading clusters of fragrant, pea-like flowers in lavender colors, often grown on pergolas, trellises, and arbors for its ornamental. They are renowned for their stunning beauty and hold great value in landscaping due to their numerous attributes. The Stunning flowers of The Wisteria Vine This beautiful Wisteria Sinensis is a vine-covered in pale purple flowers and bright green leaves. Its stems create woody plants that can either twist together to create a trunk-like appearance or elongate to twine around supports. The plant can expand up to 20 to 35 feet in length, and it can support multiple plants that branch out from the central stem. Wisteria Vine is a highly fragrant woody plant known for its cascading clusters of lavender-colored, pea-like flowers. It is often grown on pergolas, trellises, and arbors. The characteristic flowers of this plant dangle in long strings of blossoms all over the plant. Clusters around 12 inches hang off the plant and hold rows of small, regularly spaced blooms. Individual flowers feature a large petal at the top and two smaller petals cupped together around a center with yellow-green stamens. Flower petals can be all shades of purple and white, and some may have a bluish or pinkish tint. It's common for the flower clusters to have a pleasant, ombre appearance, with flowers at the tip of the cluster being a much darker shade of purple. Wisteria Vine Is Flexible  Since this plant's flexibility can twist into many shapes, it's a highly versatile landscaping option. Some people prefer to keep their plant as a tree or bush. It can be a charming accent that produces clusters of fragrant flowers wherever you place it. You can also set this plant near a supportive trellis or wall if you want a genuinely eye-catching landscaping structure. Especially when planted in bunches, you can create stunning arcs, tunnels, ceilings, and walls of beautiful purple flowers. Wisteria Vine Has Stunning Foliage Wisteria Vine usually blooms around early May before the plant has even started to sprout leaves. After having a lush coat of nothing but purple blossoms for a while, the plant begins to produce small, lime-green leaves that blend beautifully with the flowers. The flowers leave in summer, and the leaves gradually darken to a rich, emerald green. Once the weather cools, the leaves turn a brilliant yellow before falling away to reveal the fascinating twists and loops of the underlying branches.

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Bracken Fern

Bracken Fern

Bracken Fern, or Pteridium aquilinum, is a captivating and ubiquitous fern species that thrives in a wide range of habitats across the globe. This perennial plant, which belongs to the Dennstaedtiaceae family, is a prime example of nature's adaptability and resilience.; Bracken Fern Has Silvery Hair Brown stems covered with silvery gray hair are characteristic of them. Their typical flowering time is in early spring. Their compound leaves are twice as numerous as their triangular leaves. These leaves can be two to four feet long and up to three feet wide. An intricate whorl of three leaves forms at the very base of the stem. Spores grow on the leaves ' underside, starting in the middle to the end of June and continuing into late summer. The fronds will grow again after the first heavy frost in the spring. By the end of summer, the fronds begin to change color, going from brown to a beautiful copper or gold that complements any vivid fall foliage. The thick canopies they create keep the soil wet, making a humid microclimate home to many plants and animals. They are also essential to the habitat's biodiversity since they provide food for some animals, like rabbits. They are perfect for building nests because they have many fibrous fronds, which many birds and small animals use. Create Beautiful Edges and Borders With Bracken Fern Bracken Fern provides a gentle and realistic border that goes well with garden settings. They are great for adding winter beauty to garden borders because of their evergreen leaves. They are a good option for garden borders in regions prone to deer since they are usually resistant to deer grazing. Bracken Fern Makes Soil Healthy  By decomposing leaf litter, Bracken Fern improves soil structure, increases microbial activity, and supplies organic matter to the soil, making it healthier. The fibrous roots of these plants improve drainage and lessen soil compaction by aerating the soil. They also help with nutrient cycling by absorbing and releasing nutrients, stabilizing soil, and preventing erosion.

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Yarrow is a hardy perennial herb with feathery, fern-like leaves and flat-topped clusters of colorful flowers. It is commonly found in meadows and gardens and is known for its medicinal and ornamental properties. Common Yarrow botanical name is Achillea Millefolium, a perennial known for its crown of small, white flowers. Its other names include milfoil, older man's pepper, nosebleed plant, devil's nettle, and soldier's woundwort. The latter name is a reference to its medicinal uses in ancient cultures. Achillea Millefolium is native throughout North America. If you've ever been on a hike, you've seen these flowers while traversing the trail. Yarrow Has Stunning Blooms The Achillea Millefolium or milfoil can grow to heights of up to three feet. The flowers can be white or rose, depending on the soil type of the plant. Gardeners can expect the plant to bloom from April through September. The blooms typically have five petals, and the flowers form in clusters. The plant's scent is pleasant, and the foliage is captivating. This is because the leaves form leaflets that resemble the leaves of ferns. They can reach lengths of five inches. There are branches on this plant, except at the top. Gardeners can enjoy planting the Achillea Millefolium along walls and around foundations. If the chosen side of the hedge receives little wind, it can also be planted along the hedge walls. It also works well in pollinator and butterfly gardens. Draw Pollinators to Your Yard With Yarrow The Achillea Millefolium's flowers attract pollinators, including butterflies and bees, who forage for its pollen. The most common butterflies around Achillea Millefolium are the West Coast Lady and the Lorquin Admiral. It's also been known to attract beetles and moths. Great Plants to Plant Around Yarrow Yarrow does well when planted around the black-eyed susan, coneflower, and catmint. Gardeners who love herb gardens may also want to grow it around their dill, thyme, oregano, and basil plants because milfoil has been known to repel some pests. Gardeners will love the Achillea Millefolium for its beautiful flowers and fern-like appearance. It does well around other wildflowers and herbs, especially when planted in areas with little wind.

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Larkspur Delphenium

Larkspur Delphenium

Larkspur Delphenium is a tall, graceful perennial plant with spikes of vibrant, spurred flowers in shades of blue, pink, or white. It is ideal for adding vertical interest to garden borders and floral arrangements. This captivating blooming plant has multiple benefits when integrated into landscaping designs. Larkspur Delphenium Has Stunning Colors  If you want a stunning springtime flower, this Larkspur Delphenium is a beautiful choice. This lovely plant is just one of 300 in the Delphinium genus. This particular flower is known for its elegance and burst of color. The tall spikes are showy and easy to see, which makes them a favorite among gardeners. Larkspur Delphenium Offers Cut Flowers and Garden Beds This flower is commonly grown in flower beds and gardens. While its ornamental nature means you’ll commonly see it in gardening magazines, many home gardeners have excellent luck growing it. It can be used in beds, borders, and containers. In addition, it is commonly included as a cut flower in flower bouquets. Larkspur Delphenium Looks Amazing In Groups  If you want this flower to shine, try grouping it in a container with similar flowers. Because it can grow a couple feet high, it tends to do best in the back of the container. From a location in the back, it forms a breathtaking backdrop for any flowers in front of it. Gardening magazines typically show this flower growing in lovely clusters. One of the most striking arrangements is to create a wall of blue or purple flowers along the back of your garden bed. Once the flowers grow, they form a low curtain that is incredibly pretty to see in the early spring to early summer. Known for being a drought-resistant plant, Larkspur Delphenium requires very little maintenance. Each plant produces three to seven palmate leaves. This deep green foliage provides a backdrop to the flowers once they bloom in springtime. With care, it can add brilliance to your summer barbecues and picnics.

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Tulip Poplar Tree

Tulip Poplar Tree

The Tulip Poplar Tree is recognized for its distinctive tulip-shaped leaves, vibrant yellow-green flowers, and straight trunk, making it a valuable timber and ornamental plant. It is magnificent and versatile, with numerous landscaping benefits. Its striking appearance, rapid growth, and adaptability to different soil types make it a popular choice for homeowners, parks, and public spaces. One of its most noticeable benefits is its aesthetic appeal. Tulip Poplar trees, known as Liriodendron tulipifera, are among the tallest conifers in eastern North America. They can grow to a height of 192 feet. Interestingly, they typically grow limbs once they're at least 80 feet tall, which makes them one of the most valuable timber conifers in the world. The Poplar Tree In All Seasons  Although most grow their buds in the spring, these begin with a winter bud. Throughout the winter season, the buds are dark red. However, once the growing season returns, they'll slowly unfold until leaves are revealed. When fully grown, they are simple leaves that grow up to six inches and have four lobes. Additionally, they become a vibrant, bright green when seen from above. Meanwhile, their underside is a paler green with visible, downy veins. In the fall, these leaves turn a bright yellow that really stands out. The flowers are stunning and begin to unveil themselves during May. Each solitary flower begins as greenish-yellow, although they'll transform into yellowish-red as autumn approaches. Once again, they truly go out in style. Be sure to pay close attention to the multiple transformations they undergo as summer turns into fall. The Fruit, The Tulip Poplar Tree, Produces In September and October, the fruit will appear like many samaras. The wind quickly disperses these light brown, narrow cones and helps propagate the species. As a result, they do not provide a food source for wildlife, although they are home to 28 different species of moths. Tulip Poplar Tree Has A Huge Trunk Once the Tulip Poplar Tree is developed, it can have a trunk at least four to six feet wide! The bark is furrowed, brown, and bitter, though aromatic. When branchlets first begin to grow, they'll be reddish. Over time, these branchlets will turn dark gray before settling into a rich brown color. Planting one of them is a fantastic investment for future generations. After all, they'll still be growing in 200 years. Give them just 15 years, though, and you'll see them grow to 40 feet.

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Grape Vine (Fruit Bearing Age) 3-4'

Grape Vine (Fruit Bearing Age) 3-4'

Our grape vines are mature and XL, fruit-bearing age. You're not just getting a tiny plant, but a large 3'+ plant. We have four varieties in stock. These go fast. Fresh Dug, Exact Images Of Our Grape Vines Dug Today Have you ever seen roots like our mature, fruiting grape vines? Plant these and have a vineyard now! Buy elsewhere for $188, But Why? We are a DTC Brand, Grower, and Direct to the public. Will these last long? Absolutely not! Concord, scientifically known as Vitis labrusca 'Concord,' is a mesmerizing and robust addition to any garden or vineyard. These vines are renowned not just for their delectable fruit but also for their captivating beauty and symbolism. These Grape Vines Can Get Huge The Concord is a deciduous woody vine that can reach impressive lengths, often stretching up to 20-30 feet or even more. Its thick, gnarled stems boast a rustic charm, with bark that peels in shreds to reveal the vine's history and endurance. As the vine matures, it takes on a rugged appearance, its woody tendrils intertwining, creating intricate patterns against the sky. Concord transforms dramatically throughout the seasons, each phase offering unique visual appeal. In spring, tender green leaves emerge, unfurling like delicate umbrellas. These leaves are deeply lobed and alternate along the vine, offering a lush, vibrant backdrop to the emerging clusters of flowers. Come early summer, the Concord bursts into a symphony of colors. Small, fragrant flowers appear, adorning the vine with clusters of delicate petals ranging from creamy white to pale green. These blossoms serve as pollinators' havens, attracting bees, butterflies, and other insects, contributing to the local ecosystem's vitality. As summer progresses, these blossoms give way to Concord's signature fruit, the clusters. They are small to medium-sized, with a deep, rich purple-black hue that seems to absorb sunlight. These fruit clusters hang gracefully from the vine, suspended like jewels. The vines continue to mature through the summer, becoming plumper and succulent. Their thick, abundant foliage provides valuable shade. This lush canopy offers a serene refuge from the heat, making the area beneath the vine an inviting retreat during the hottest months. In the fall, as temperatures drop and daylight hours shorten, the leaves of the Concord undergo a breathtaking transformation. Their green hues shift to warm, earthy tones, ranging from profound reds to brilliant yellows and oranges. The vine's leaves appear ablaze with the colors of autumn, casting a captivating and magical spell over any observer. Concord is more than just botanical wonders; it symbolizes endurance and the passage of time. They embody the cycle of life, from the tender beginnings of spring to the fruitful abundance of summer and the graceful aging of autumn. These vines offer delicious fruit and a timeless beauty that enchants the senses and connects us to the natural world's rhythms and mysteries. Cawtaba Grape Vine Catawba (Vitis labrusca 'Catawba') is a captivating and robust variety that embodies the essence of American viticulture. These vines are renowned for their historical significance, versatility, and unique aesthetic qualities, making them an enchanting addition to any vineyard or garden. Catawba has grown with care and attention for over two centuries, showcasing the best American winemaking. Its rich history is a testament to the passion and dedication of generations of vintners who have nurtured this vine to produce exceptional wines enjoyed by wine lovers worldwide. Catawba is a true gem of American winemaking. Originating in the Catawba River Valley of North Carolina, this cultivar quickly gained popularity due to its adaptability to diverse climates and its resilience in harsh weather conditions. Catawba exhibits an extraordinary vitality that extends beyond their practical use. These vines boast stunning ornamental qualities with lush, heart-shaped leaves that transform into a vivid kaleidoscope of autumnal hues, ranging from fiery reds to deep purples. In the spring, they bloom with delicate, fragrant flowers that beckon pollinators with their ethereal beauty. The tendrils of Catawba wind and curl their way up trellises and arbors, creating a mesmerizing labyrinth of greenery that evokes a sense of timeless elegance. Their slender stems and gracefully arching canes lend an artistic touch to terrains, making them a favored choice. Furthermore, Catawba contributes to biodiversity by providing shelter and sustenance for wildlife, from songbirds to insects. Their presence in a garden or vineyard undoubtedly establishes a harmonious ecosystem that truly reflects nature's intricate interconnectedness. In conclusion, Catawba is more than just a fruit source; it symbolizes resilience, history, and natural beauty. These vines can transform any space into a tranquil oasis, where the echoes of the past meet the promise of the future and where nature's artistry is on full display for all to admire. Fredonia Grape Vine Fredonia, known scientifically as Vitis labrusca 'Fredonia,' is a captivating and revered cultivar in viticulture. These are not simply plants but living tapestries of nature's artistry and the embodiment of agricultural heritage. While their primary purpose may not be for consumption, the Fredonia offers many remarkable qualities and characteristics that make them a cherished addition to gardens, landscapes, and vineyards. These vines are renowned for their vigorous growth and resilience, displaying a remarkable vitality that allows them to thrive in various climates and soils. Their robust nature can withstand harsh weather conditions, making them a favorite among horticulturists and viticulturists. Fredonia possesses a remarkable ability to adapt, embodying the enduring spirit of nature itself. One of their most distinctive features is their foliage. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, and deep green. They provide an attractive backdrop to the fruit clusters and are vital to the vine's photosynthesis and overall health. The foliage crinkles gently in the breeze, creating a soothing sound that contributes to the serene ambiance of the garden or vineyard. In the spring, these vines burst forth with clusters of small, spherical type, each a unique masterpiece of nature. These berries can also be utilized for ornamental purposes, as they lend an air of sophistication to any landscape. As the seasons progress, Fredonia offers a captivating display of color transformation. In the fall, the leaves undergo a breathtaking metamorphosis, turning vibrant shades of crimson, orange, and gold. This autumnal spectacle transforms the landscape into a picturesque scene, evoking a sense of nostalgia and wonder. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, Fredonia also holds cultural significance. They connect to the time-honored winemaking tradition, weaving the past and present in a tangible tapestry of heritage. With their history and enduring beauty, these vines are a testament to humanity's deep-rooted relationship with the land and its fruits. In conclusion, Fredonia are more than just plants; they embody nature's resilience, beauty, and cultural significance. These vines offer a symphony of visual and tactile delights throughout the seasons, enriching our lives with their enduring presence. Whether in a garden, landscape, or vineyard, Fredonia is a testament to the enduring bond between humans and the natural world. Grape Vines Has Stunning Foliage  Niagara (Vitis labrusca 'Niagara') is a fascinating embodiment of nature's intricate design. Niagara belongs to the Vitis labrusca species and is native to the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. It is esteemed for its lush, verdant foliage, which unfurls in late spring and transforms into a luxuriant sea of green as the growing season progresses. The leaves are characterized by their distinctive three-lobed shape, showcasing serrated edges that catch the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing play of shadows and light. What truly distinguishes Niagara, however, is its intricate tendrils. These delicate, curling structures emerge from the vine's nodes, seeking support as they gracefully wrap around nearby objects. As the tendrils embrace their chosen support, they stabilize the vine and enable it to reach for the heavens. It's a testament to nature's ingenuity, as these tendrils ensure the vine's upward ascent, a poetic dance of growth and adaptability. The Niagara undergoes a remarkable transformation throughout the summer as clusters of small, greenish-white flowers emerge. Each blossom carries an enchanting fragrance, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies and contributing to the ecosystem's vitality. These blossoms eventually give way to small, green berries that gradually mature into the luscious, translucent orbs for which the vine is known. However, in the context of this description, we must resist the temptation to delve into the culinary realm of these, focusing instead on the aesthetic and ecological aspects. Niagara undergoes another stunning metamorphosis in autumn as its leaves and tendrils turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and gold. This fiery display against the backdrop of deep green vines is a striking testament to the vibrancy of the natural world during the changing seasons. It's a sight that captures the essence of transition and the ever-evolving beauty of our environment. Niagara also provides habitat and sustenance for various wildlife species in their natural splendor. Birds often find refuge among the foliage, feasting on insects and seeking shelter within the tangled labyrinth of vines. Small mammals may also utilize the vine's dense growth for protection and nesting. In conclusion, Niagara is more than just a source of delicious fruit; they are a symphony of botanical artistry, adaptability, and ecological significance. These vines evoke a sense of wonder within the natural world with their tendrils, foliage, blossoms, and seasonal transformations. Niagara reminds us of nature's ceaseless creativity and its intricate interplay of form and function, from the delicate tendrils reaching for support to the vibrant autumnal display.

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Carpet Moss

Carpet Moss

Carpet Moss is a thick, dense, low-growing, and lush green moss species commonly found in shaded, damp environments, forming a dense carpet-like ground cover. It grows densely, creating a low-lying, velvety mat that adds a touch of tranquility to any garden or landscape. It is a versatile and aesthetically pleasing species offering numerous landscaping benefits. It primarily serves as a natural ground cover and an attractive addition to various outdoor spaces in landscaping. Carpet Moss Creates Dense Carpets of Greenery Carpet moss gets its name from its ability to create thick, soft stretches. As it grows across the soil, it creates a charming look reminiscent of high-quality mats. It only grows to one inch in height, so it always has a low, uniform look. It clusters together into such tightly packed mats that you often cannot see the soil underneath, making it an ideal ground cover option. Its rich, emerald green shades help a property look as lively and appealing as possible. It tends to look like a lush, green rug from far away. However, if you look closely at this plant, you'll notice that it consists of dense clusters of small plants. Tiny, feathery fronds peek out of the plant, creating a subtle texture that adds visual appeal to your landscape. Mature can include a blend of bright green, newer stalks, and golden brown, older stalks. All these gentle variations in hue allow it to look even more vibrant and attractive in your yard. How to Landscape With Carpet Moss It is one of the most exciting and versatile plants for a landscape. Some property owners find it can entirely replace grass and create a lush lawn. It is also a charming addition to garden features. Consider setting it between checkerboard pavers to create a life-size chessboard or adding it to a rock garden to create a magical forest appearance. The unique structure of it even allows it to grow over boulders and tree stumps, so landscapers aren't just limited to patches of earth. Adding a whimsical, organic look to your rocks or trees can create a charming pop of green on your property. Enjoy Carpet Moss Throughout the Year As an evergreen perennial, Carpet Moss looks stunning at any time of year. Even in winter, it continues to appear soft and carpet-like. It always maintains its bright, emerald green and golden brown shades, so your property looks lush and colorful even when other plants are dormant.

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Cushion Moss

Cushion Moss

Cushion moss is a low-growing, densely matted plant that forms a lush green ground cover in shady, moist environments. It's a versatile evergreen ground cover with numerous air-cleaning benefits. Its distinctive formation and adaptability make it a favored choice for enhancing outdoor spaces in water gardens and features, shade, and damp areas. Cushion Moss Has Breathtaking Looks Cushion Moss grows in thick, pillow-shaped mounds that are at least as big as a pincushion. These mounds can grow up to a foot in diameter. The new stems are long and pointed in winter or late autumn. Their beaked, blunt end caps and golden to reddish brown shades are telltale signs of maturity. They are vibrant green and also form dense, round cushions. They can split off and grow into new plants, a process known as fragmentation, which helps with asexual reproduction. This is how the plant can cover such a large area so fast. The dense foliage that this form provides shelter and protection to various animals and tiny organisms. They retain moisture, creating ideal microclimates for insects, spiders, and other invertebrates. These microclimates help to build more significant habitats for larger species. They even act as a thick layer of insulation, reducing the impact of severe temperatures and creating a steady habitat for creatures who live on or under it. Because of their insulating qualities and gentle texture, they are a favored nesting material for many tiny animals and birds. They absorb pollutants from the air, making them excellent natural air purifiers. Tiny, hair-like structures known as rhizoids and papillae cover the surface, serving as a net for airborne dust and catching it on the surface. The structure then uses capillary action and microbial processes to digest and decompose the particles after they are within it. They also have bacteria that can transform pollution into usable biomass. Get Rid of Weeds With Cushion Moss It is an excellent weed suppressor because it can form a physical barrier, release allelopathic chemicals, and shade the soil. Their enhanced ability to better compete with weeds for nutrients also contributes to their weed suppression abilities. In addition to stabilizing the dirt and stopping plant colonization, their thick growth habit further prevents weed seed germination. Cushion Moss, also known as a pincushion, is a type of low-growing plant that is very densely packed together. Its primary role is to serve as an evergreen covering over the ground, offering numerous cleansing benefits for the air. It’s highly adaptable to various gardens and landscapes and naturally welcoming and inviting. Beyond its lush appearance, it also serves a primary role in the ecosystem of many frogs, insects, and spiders. It can help contribute to a healthy and vibrant garden. Officially called leucobryum glaucum, it is native to the forests of North America. It thrives the best in moist areas with plenty of shade but can do well with minimal sunlight. It also prefers soil that is a bit more sandy and less dense. You’ll most commonly find it in moist gardens, rock gardens, alongside pathways, or near water areas. It is instantly recognizable for its green color, which sometimes has a tint of blue. The drier it gets. However, the more the blue tint begins to fade, the lighter the green will become. In many ways, it is like nature’s carpet. It’s very soothing to step barefoot over and help you connect with nature. For this reason, its luxuriant appearance can turn a dull landscape into a pleasant and soothing one. What is the Appeal of Cushion Moss To Gardeners It offers many benefits for gardeners beyond its plush feel or verdant appearance. It acts as a natural mulch to keep weed growth to a minimum and help the soil beneath it retain moisture. This allows the soil in gardens to remain hydrated even during drought. Another benefit to it is how low maintenance it is. It only requires minimal pruning and watering to maintain its vibrancy. This makes it a good choice for those who want a lush landscape that doesn’t require much care. It is a low-maintenance plant that will help protect your soil, promote a healthy ecosystem, and create a welcoming environment for your landscape or garden.

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Blue Flag Iris

Blue Flag Iris

Blue Flag Iris has blue, nectar-rich blooms that are beautiful to various pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It is a stunning and versatile plant with numerous landscaping benefits. This lovely perennial herbaceous plant is native to North America. Properly known as the Blue Flag Iris, this plant is native to the northeastern region of the United States and the Canadian provinces. Its striking blue flower, often deepening to indigo and violet, grows to a height of roughly three feet. Blue Flag Iris Petals and Sepals Sepals are the parts of the flower surrounding the bud as it develops. The petals are the "flowering part" of the whole flower. In many cases regarding other flowers, the sepals are green and leafy, but when it comes to this plant, they are the same color as the flowers, which forms almost a scintillating effect as the plant blooms from May through July. It is perennial, meaning they'll liven up their garden with magnificent flowers yearly. Blue Flag Iris has Sord-Like Foliage  The plant's leaves resemble swords. They grow in attractive clumps beneath the soaring blue-and-violet flowers. The eye-catching combination of light green swords and sumptuous, 4-inch flowers is a terrific way to draw someone's eye to the center of a garden. Blue Flag Iris Loves Water Because they're hardy plants that thrive near water, in the crepuscular times before people start their day, the beautiful flowers will shimmer in the bright sun when covered with dew. The colors of the plant comprise the bottom of the spectrum, so they complement the refracted colors of the dewdrops and are genuinely a sublime sight to behold. Environmentally Sound As Well As Beautiful While gazing lovingly at these sensational flowers, gardeners will also notice bees and multicolored hummingbirds flitting between the blooming buds all spring and summer. These lovely and lively flowers are healthy for all plants in the garden and sublime viewing. Blue Flag Iris also sports yellow "accessories" throughout June and July. Inside the petals, the yellow patch and spreading veins contrast the deep blue and violet of the sepals and petals. That means the plant is a good-looking flower that "plays nice with others" of the same color and flower shape in any garden.

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Forsythia has vibrant yellow, bell-shaped flowers that bloom profusely in early spring before their green leaves emerge, creating a striking burst of color in gardens and landscapes. It is a deciduous shrub widely appreciated for its abundant and vibrant yellow flowers that herald the arrival of spring. It offers numerous landscaping benefits, making it a popular choice for gardens and outdoor spaces. One of the primary advantages of incorporating it into landscaping is its early-blooming nature.  The Golden Color Forsythia Forsythia is unparalleled in filling yards with a profusion of golden colors. Their early-season blossoming is so abundant that it covers landscapes in a kaleidoscope of yellow hues, signaling the arrival of spring. Pollinators that emerge during the first signs of spring rely on the nectar produced by these blooms. Seeing these colorful, bell-shaped blossoms arranged so closely together along the stems is breathtaking. They can reach eight to ten feet in height and ten to 12 feet in width. Their bark is rough and gray-brown. They can be erect, rounded, mounded, or arching. Their branches can be straight or curved. You can plant them as focal pieces or in mass groups. Yellow To Purple Foliage With The Forsythia In addition to their showy yellow blossoms, they alter their leaves with the seasons. The leaves transition from green to yellow to purple depending on the time of year. They stay primarily green during the summer and transition from yellow to deep purple hues throughout late autumn, right before falling to the ground. These plants go dormant in the winter. They, particularly the more significant types, are shrubs that proliferate, often reaching a height of two feet in only 12 months. Because they grow fast, they can quickly fill empty spaces in gardens and landscaping. Their fast growth also makes them work well as natural privacy screens. You can even grow them as hedges and borders for gardens and driveways. Their rapid growth also increases their resilience to environmental stresses. Design a Border With Forsythia In addition to their use as natural hedges and borders, forsythias provide a great deal of creative flexibility in design. Planting them side by side along a garden path will cause them to grow inward, creating a natural archway. Some people use them to create focal points. Others use them to help with soil stabilization on sloped banks because of their deep, complex root systems that retain topsoil.

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Royal Fern

Royal Fern

The Royal Fern is a large, striking fern with feathery fronds and a distinctive crown of fertile fronds. It is typically found in wetland habitats and is appreciated for its ornamental appeal in gardens. The Royal Fern is distinctive from other plants in the class because of its notable size. Specifically, this is one of the largest that grows outside of tropical zones in the United States. Also known as the osmunda regalis, the plant thrives in areas of the yard that are moist, including both shady and partially shady spots. Why should you include it in your landscaping plans? The Appearance Of Royal Fern The plant is appropriately named because it can grow up to six feet tall, and its size at maturity often makes it a solid focal point in yards. The fronds can be as comprehensive as 16 inches and feature up to nine pinna pairs, each with up to 13 pinnules. These qualities, combined with the healthy green color and the point shape of the fronts, add a rich texture to your yard that elevates aesthetics. The Wildlife Attraction and Tolerance Of Royal Fern While some wildlife is welcome in your yard, others can cause considerable damage and should be deterred. The potential damage from foragers like deer and rabbits is deterred as these animals do not use this plant for food. However, turtles, birds, and frogs, which generally do not cause damage, often seek shelter in their bushy leaves. Royal Fern is Pest Resistant While hungry insects often feed on various types of plants, it is well-known for repelling them. Specifically, the recognizable leaves have particular proteins that repel many kinds of insects. Any insects that do find their way to these plants often become food for the birds and other animals that live under the fronds for protection from the elements and their natural predators. When Royal Ferns are planted three feet apart, as recommended, there is little concern about them outgrowing their allocated space. The plants grow only a few inches yearly and do not need to be cut back to prevent overgrowth. As a result, it takes many years for the plant to reach its full size, and minimal care of this low-maintenance plant is required.

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Twilight Crepe Myrtle

Twilight Crepe Myrtle

Twilight Crepe Myrtle, or Lagerstroemia indica, is known for its stunning dark purple foliage and vibrant pink to lavender flowers, which add a striking contrast to garden landscapes. It is a popular choice in landscaping due to its numerous benefits and aesthetic appeal. This deciduous shrub, renowned for its stunning flowers and vibrant foliage, brings a range of advantages to outdoor spaces.   Twilight Crepe Myrtle, also known as Lagerstroemia indica, is a tree with gorgeous purple flowers. Its distinctive trunk makes it easy to use as a living fence for your yard. Twilight Crepe Myrtle Is A Perfect Size The highlight of this 20-foot-tall tree is its flowers. They stay in bloom for longer than most other trees, which makes them a favorite of those who adore floral accents in their yard. They have crimped petals, and each panicle grows to approximately 3 1/2 inches. Each flower is attached to five others, thereby creating six parts. Twilight Crepe Myrtle Blooms For Months The flowers typically last from July through September. After which, brown dehiscent fruits appear in a six-valved capsule. Once a capsule falls to the ground, it splits open to help more trees grow. The bark of these trees exfoliates to reveal multiple shades of gray and brown. When you combine this with the rarity of how long they bloom, you have an eye-catching tree that draws people's attention. The leaves can grow in three patterns: whorls, alternate or opposite. Either way, they grow in groups of three. In autumn, the leaves will change to a stunningly brilliant red. By then, the flowers are gone, leaving only the fall leaves to brighten your yard. Fortunately, the entire process starts again in the spring, so you'll enjoy gorgeous purple or red colors throughout most of the year. Twilight Crepe Myrtle Creates A Homes for Birds  Another good reason you'll want to consider planting them is that they provide the perfect natural habitat for wrens and songbirds. Therefore, if you've ever wanted to experience a nest up close, this tree will make your wish come true. Twilight Crepe Myrtle also provides any lawn with a lot of vertical interest, which gives it fantastic curb appeal. The best presentation is typically in a triangular pattern with three trees, which takes advantage of the tree's rather unusual shape. Rather than having one simple trunk, they spread out into many branches from a low-lying, close to the ground level, creating even more visual appeal.

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Jewelweed Plant

Jewelweed Plant

It is known for its vibrant appearance and unique characteristics and offers various landscaping benefits. Its inclusion can contribute to a garden or outdoor space's overall aesthetic appeal and ecological balance.  Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is an annual wildflower known as orange balsam and spotted touch-me-not. Some say it gets its name from the sparkling dewdrops that line its leaves in the morning, while others contend that the brilliant, red-spotted orange flowers glow like bright jewels. These flowers are also famous for their explosive seed pods, which give the plant the name "touch-me-not." Native to northern and eastern North America, it starts blooming in June and continues until it succumbs to October frosts. The flower grows naturally in cool, low woodlands and decorates shady stream banks, creek banks, lakesides, and marshes. The Appearance Of Jewelweed Orange balsam is a lush green wildflower that grows 3'–5' tall. It branches prolifically and produces a profusion of inch-long, spotted orange blossoms with blood-orange or red markings. Each delicate blossom hangs from its stalk among neighboring flowers. They have two lips, five petals, and three sepals, one of which is a pouch-shaped structure with a nectar spur that curves back under the rest of the flower. The blooms form small clusters that rise above the herb's upper leaves. The Jewelweed's round green to reddish-grTNeen stems are smooth, succulent, and semi-translucent. Its toothed, spade-shaped, bluish-green leaves are usually about 2½"–3" long and grow alternating on the herb's upper stems. Jewelweed Is Great In Woodland Gardens  Jewelweed makes a beautiful addition to woodland gardens, shady rain gardens, and pollinator gardens. It's great for ponds, bog gardens, and lowland areas. Although it's an annual, this wildflower tends to return once established. Pollinators Love Jewelweed Plant The blossoms attract butterflies and other pollinators. Hummingbirds and bumblebees, the herb's primary pollinators, find nourishment in its sweet nectar and play a significant role in its successful propagation. It is also a food source for moth caterpillars, bobwhite quail, mice, and deer, and it is fond of its stems, leaves, and seeds. If you'd like to add a bright pop of orange to your summer garden, planting it will bring joy to your landscape with its delightful blooms.

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Daisy perennials are known for their large, white, daisy-like flowers with prominent yellow centers, which brighten up gardens during the summer months. The yellow fuzzy center and white blooms of the "he loves me, he loves me not" flower make it a popular choice among homeowners and gardeners for quality perennials. It is one of several aster family (Asteraceae) flowers. These florals have many popular varieties, such as the oxeye (Leucanthemum vulgare), Shasta (L. ×superbum), and English (Bellis perennis). This flowering plant is notable due to its delicate and pointed petals, ranging in various colors from refreshing white to yellow and blue. Whether a gerbera, Shasta, or other variety, these flowers are perennials that return each season to grace your garden with their beauty. The Daisy Has Striking Yellow Centers  Each bloom of this flower dazzles with a striking yellow center. Its exterior features pristine petals that contrast brilliantly against the middle, almost like snow striking freshly fallen snow. Typically associated with spring and summer, these flowers make excellent garden accents, window box flowers, or centerpieces in a hand-picked bouquet. For centuries, people have chosen this flower for its rich symbolism. It represents many prized virtues, including purity, innocence, and eternal love. Its various meanings make it an excellent addition to any garden and only enhance its beauty as it flourishes. From blooming in raised flower beds to lining a charming garden pathway, these floral delights are an excellent way to infuse your landscape with extraordinary charm and beauty. The Daisy Is Very Resilient  The florals that bloom from this plant are known for being resistant. They can thrive in many climates and weather conditions. They will continue to delight with their bright petals and beautiful blossoms, whether rain or shine. This flower can infuse any space with joy and positivity thanks to its cheerful appearance. Planting them just beyond windows and along garden pathways makes for an excellent pick-me-up whenever you see them. Daisy's Look Beautiful In Bouquets  Whether Daisy is planted in gardens, window boxes, or bundled in bouquets, the versatility of this perennial flower is endless. Thanks to its eye-catching yet simplistic beauty, it captivates and enchants rustic and contemporary garden spaces. Whether crafting a cozy cottage in the countryside or brightening up a commercial landscape, you cannot go wrong with these florals front and center.

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Yellow Trillium

Yellow Trillium

Yellow Trillium is a showy spring-blooming wildflower with golden, three-petaled flowers and mottled leaves, typically found in woodlands and forests. They are an excellent choice for landscaping due to their numerous positive attributes. These beautiful native North American wildflowers possess unique characteristics that can enhance any garden or outdoor space. From their striking appearance to their role in promoting biodiversity, they offer various benefits for landscape design. Yellow Trillium, also known as Trillium luteum, is a member of the lily family. They bloom between April and May and produce a faint scent of lemon. Due to their growing pattern, these gorgeous flowers can be planted next to other perennials that bloom in mid to late summer. The Stunning Leaves Of The Yellow Trillium Each of these plants has three leaves, and they range in appearance from dark green to light green. Additionally, they may have a few hints of silver, which gives them an extra pop of color. Over time, these herbaceous perennials can grow up to 16 inches tall. You'll see yours grow and expand, but you can divide them during the summer. One trimerous flower sticks up out of the trio of leaves surrounding it. In keeping with the pattern of its leaves, the flower has three petals, three carpels, three stamens, and three sepals. Interestingly, these flowers do not have stalks, but they do have erect petals. Once their flowering season ends, these plants will dormant in the summertime. However, they'll exit dormancy for the late winter season. One Yellow Trillium Gives You Many They are self-seeders, so once you've planted the first one, you'll typically see others rise. They rely on ants to help them spread their seeds. Each new flower will grow beautifully from the plant's center and stick straight into the air. Meanwhile, the leaves grow outward and may slightly swoop toward the ground. The mottled leaves can vary in intensity, with some being primarily green while a light gray shade almost entirely covers others. They provide the perfect backdrop for these stunning light gold flowers. Yellow Trillium Can Be Planted Anywhere Although Yellow Trillium can be planted anywhere, they have a unique natural habitat. They typically grow around the Great Smoky Mountains, where they help bring light and beauty to the area. What's truly unusual, though, is how many will naturally arise in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It's unknown why they flock to this specific city, but it certainly provides a bright point of interest for those living there.

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Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy is a perennial wildflower with white, daisy-like flowers featuring yellow centers and deeply lobed leaves, often found in meadows and fields, adding charm to natural landscapes. It's known for its radiant white petals and sunny yellow center. It is a charming perennial with numerous landscaping benefits. Its innate qualities make it a popular choice among gardeners and landscapers alike. Oxeye Daisy, which blooms single or in clusters from May through September, can reach a height of three feet on their tall, thick individual stems. The flowers they produce are multiple flowers in one. 15 to 35 white (ray flower) petals surround the flower head, which consists of 400 to 500 yellow disk flowers. This flower's distinctive feature is its enormous, spherical blossom head. Each bloom can reach up to three inches in diameter. When full-grown, these plants can get up to two feet wide. Once established, you'll likely always have daisies since they are so good at self-seeding. Oxeye Daisy Has Unique Foliage  This plant has dark green, spoon-shaped leaves that taper into narrow, serrated ones as they grow up the stem. The enormous leaves appear around the plant's base; they are about six inches long and two inches wide and have as many as 15 lobed edges. The top leaves are thin, alternately placed, and sometimes clasp against the stem. These clasping leaves, which are one to four inches long, also have lobed edges. Typically, a leaf's number of teeth or lobed edges increases as it grows higher on the stalk. Save The Pollinators With Oxeye Daisy The oxeye daisy is the most significant type. Pollen and nectar found in these flowers are essential for the survival of several pollinating insects, such as moths, beetles, butterflies, hoverflies, and beetles. The male disk flowers emit a ring of yellow pollen around the periphery, while the many tiny flowers that compose the flower's yellow center contain nectar. Adding these flowers to your yard or garden is a perfect way to lure pollinators and increase their biodiversity. Oxeye Daisy Attracts Good Bugs These plants are magnets for good bugs, such as pollen-feeding beetles, which eat nasty bugs like aphids. Animals like cattle stay away from areas with these flowers because they irritate the wildlife's lips, nostrils, and legs. These characteristics make the plant an excellent form of pest and wildlife control.

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Northern Spice Bush

Northern Spice Bush

Northern Spice Bush is a deciduous shrub with aromatic green leaves, clusters of small yellow flowers, and red berries. It often attracts wildlife and provides a splash of color in woodland areas. It brings many benefits when thoughtfully integrated into landscaping designs, making it a valuable and ecologically significant addition to outdoor spaces. The Northern Spice Bush is popular with gardeners and landscapers because of its pleasant scent. It's often referred to as the spicebush or wild allspice. Its botanical name is Lindera Benzoin, and it's part of the Laural or Lauraceae family, which includes the bay laurel, California laurel, cassia, and avocado plants. It's native to eastern North America and can be found in Maine and New York. However, it can also be seen as far south as Florida and southwest into Texas and Arkansas. The Looks of Northern Spice Bush Gardeners revere it for its aromatic leaves and flowers, which have a distinct scent when crushed. This deciduous shrub typically grows up to 15 feet tall and wide but can sometimes reach 20 feet. Gardeners can expect it to develop flowers from March through May and produce red berries from late summer through October. The leaves are green in the summer and change color in the fall. The leaves typically reach lengths of between two and six inches. Attracting Wildlife with Northern Spice Bush Gardeners looking to spice up their wildlife viewing opportunities will love planting them. This shrub attracts all birds, bees, and small mammals. The bees are attracted to the flowers, and birds, especially the very wood thrush, are drawn to its berries. This shrub also attracts squirrels and butterflies. Best Spots to Plant Northern Spice Bush in Your Yard Northern Spice Bush can grow up to 15 feet high and wide; it's best to plant it in open areas. It looks best as the focal point of a shade or rain garden or along the perimeter of front and backyards. The shrub can be planted next to several perennials, including grape hyacinth and monkshood. Gardeners can plant blue spruce and deep green hemlock next to Lindera Benzoin, and the shrub does well around dogwood and red vein dianthus. The shrub is an excellent plant for most gardens. It thrives next to other trees and shrubs and makes a statement with its signature scent.

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Blue Vervain

Blue Vervain

The sky-blue flowers bloom throughout the summer, adding color to any outdoor space. Its slender, lance-shaped leaves and overall graceful growth habit enhance its visual appeal. As a result, it can be used as a focal point in flowerbeds or as an attractive backdrop for other plants, creating a captivating display in gardens. Blue Vervain Reaches Up To 5 Feet Tall Blue Vervain has rough hairs and branching, and four-angled stems of the tall, leggy perennial wildflower known as blue vervains give them an exquisite look. They typically bloom each year from June to October. The first to bloom are those at the flower's base. The flowers open and ascend the stems with pointy tips and coarsely serrated edges. They resemble candelabras (chandeliers) because of all the flower spikes that form on top. They grow up to five feet tall. Blue Vervain Adds Structure and Texture It features a bushy growth habit and dense foliage, making it ideal for adding structure to your yard. Its bushy appearance makes yards look fuller. The lance-shaped leaves come from their stems in alternating patterns, creating a textural contrast with other plants. The tiny, brightly colored blossoms enhance the aesthetic and architectural appeal of gardens and landscaping. Blue Vervain blooms boast a variety of colors, ranging from blue to deep purple to light lavender. On rare occasions, the flowers are white. The blooms have five joined petals at the base that create a small tube and are around 1/4 inch wide. A little stem supports the thin, lance-oblong leaves that grow up to seven inches long and one inch wide. These leaves have a pointy tip, coarsely serrated margins, and a broad base. The slightly hairy stems can be either green or reddish. Blue Vervain Has Purple & Blue Blooms They have bright blue-purple flowers containing a lot of nectar and pollen, which attract butterflies and other pollinators, such as bees and hummingbirds. Both the Verbena moth and the Common Buckeye butterfly lay their eggs on blue vervains. These plants usually attract the most pollinators during late summer and fall. Because few other plants bloom simultaneously, they attract many late-flying pollinators, which is good for the environment because it increases biodiversity.

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Foam Flower

Foam Flower

Foam Flower is a perennial plant with delicate, frothy spikes of white or pinkish blooms and deeply lobed, attractive foliage resembling foamy. It is a beautiful and beneficial plant with numerous advantages in landscaping projects. This herbaceous perennial belongs to the Saxifragaceae family and is admired for its delicate bloom spikes and attractive foliage. One of the primary benefits of incorporating it into landscaping is its captivating appearance. Foam Flower (Tiarella cordifolia), the Allegheny, is a gorgeous spring wildflower with feathery white spires that look lovely in sun-dappled gardens. With time, its foliage will form colonies with an excellent ground cover in shady spots. Where Foam Flower Can Be Found  It is native to wooded areas in eastern North America. This perennial can be found on seeps and stream banks, by creeks, in clearings, and under maple, hemlock, and white cedar trees. Along the eastern coast, it starts blooming in mid-March and continues to blossom through April. It owes its name to the sprays of tiny white to pinkish blooms that cover its three- to four-inch-long racemes. These delicate blossoms float around the tips of their long, graceful stems, which rise one to three feet above mounds of low-growing leaves. After it fades, the plant's foliage stays lush and glossy. The plant's bright green leaves grow up to four inches wide and usually have three to five lobes. The leaves' shape, color, and pattern can vary depending on the cultivar. They may stay evergreen in warmer climates, but their leaves and rosettes often turn red and bronze in the fall when temperatures cool down. Foam Flower Loves Shade Tiarella cordifolia brings soft, gentle intrigue to shady spots in your landscape. These blooms work beautifully in ornamental, wildflower, and woodland gardens beside ferns and blooms like Solomon's seal, dwarf crested iris, and bluebells. It adds a magical quality to small and mass plantings, grows under trees, and suits spacious pots and planters well. It also makes a lovely border or ground cover. It can be propagated by dividing and replanting the roots in late fall or starting from seed indoors, around ten weeks before the last spring freeze. Once the frost has parted, you can plant the seedling outside. It lures bees and other pollinators to your landscape, making them a valuable addition. Some small mammals eat its seeds for nourishment. Foam Flower Adds Whimsical Charm To Your Garden  Planting foam flowers will add whimsical charm to your springtime garden. Once established in your landscape, you can enjoy their showy blooms for years.

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Sheet Moss

Sheet Moss

Sheet Moss is a lush, low-growing species that forms a dense carpet of soft, emerald-green foliage. It is often used in terrariums, floral arrangements, and as a ground cover in shaded areas. It is one of the most favored types for lawns. It’s so named because it creates a ‘sheet’ over a garden or forest floor.   Beyond this dense sheet's luxurious and welcoming appearance and vibe, it also serves as the protecting home for various microfauna, including frogs, spiders, and insects. Many small ecosystems revolve around the layers of it on the forest floor, and gardeners seeking to add more biodiversity to their gardens should consider adding it to the ground of their gardens. Where Does Sheet Moss Grow Officially known as Hypnum curvifolium, it is a wide-ranging plant in every continent except Antarctica. It’s primarily found in temperature regions and adapts well to moist areas. You’ll commonly see it underneath logs or rocks, around tree trunks, or near natural water sources. You’ll usually find it around clay pots, stones, or artificial ponds in gardens. Sheet Moss Is Like A Thick Carpet It is most notable for its soft fronds forming a thick green carpet over a forest floor. The individual leaves are tiny and overlap, which helps create the plant’s soft and lavish texture and appearance. Laying down over it will be akin to laying down over nature’s version of a mattress. While the leaves are usually bright green, they will also develop a slight but noticeable yellow tint when moisture levels deplete or are under prolonged exposure to sunlight. Why is Sheet Moss A Good Choice For Gardeners Gardeners like it because it is adaptable. It can easily retain moisture to help hydrate the soil underneath and prevent erosion. People often add it to gardens and terrariums to help create an equally lush and inviting, suitable atmosphere. It also requires deficient maintenance and minimal pruning and watering. For this reason, many gardeners who want to make a green covering over the ground will turn to it over grass. It’s a suitable choice for experienced gardeners and those new to the hobby.  Grass is the traditional go-to for groundcover, but one should keep Sheet Moss in mind. Like this type, certain varieties form a lush sheet of green over the surface it inhabits. But much like any other plant, the reasons to grow this type of ground cover go far beyond what it offers aesthetically. Here's how this plant can benefit and enhance your landscape with ease. Are you looking for ground cover that grows better in your region and offers benefits for the surrounding environment? If so, this plant is an excellent choice. While it doesn't have a root system, it's still a fantastic plant that can defend against soil erosion and serve to control the flow of water better, leading to less flooding if you live in an area that experiences a lot of rain or a few unpredictable showers here and there during the winter and spring seasons. This plant loves moisture, so it's often recommended for regions where grass can't easily thrive. However, you can go beyond that and grow plants that love moisture on top of this plant as it retains moisture that your other plants will rely on to grow strong. You can even add it to potted plants for this purpose and to improve the aesthetics of items like bonsai trees. As we just touched upon, Sheet Moss loves moisture, but that doesn't mean it can't withstand conditions that might threaten the lives of other varieties. This variety is more complex, making it easier to keep alive once you spread it across your landscape. If you're looking for ground cover that enhances your space and will hold up over time, this is the one to choose.

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Chicory's vibrant blue flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. This fosters biodiversity and supports the local ecosystem. As pollinators visit, it blooms; they also pollinate nearby plants, enhancing the overall fertility and productivity of the landscape. This plant is known as the "blue daisy" for its attractive round blue flowers with a petal and sepal pattern similar to daisies. The plant is also known to have white or pink blooms, but these examples are rare. Chicory Is A Tall Perennial Chicory grows to 5 feet tall but is most commonly about 2 feet tall. When grown close together, the light blue flowers form a canopy, creating a pleasing focal point in any garden. Being blue, these flowers mesh well with other blue varieties, such as California bluebells or Northern Blue Flags. Because blue daisies are lighter, you can ring them around any flowers of darker blue to create a visual transition to flowers of other colors. These flowers have different leaves based on how old they are. In their first season, leaves form at the base of the stems. These attractive, curly leaves can grow about a foot long and create a separate focal point for the blue flowers. During their second or any following season, the leaves are smaller and grow further up the stems. Unlike many other plants, blue daisies lack petioles, so the leaves seem to clasp the stem lovingly, which creates a sweet effect. The Blooms Of The Chicory The flowers of this plant only last one day, but the plant grows new flowers every day throughout the spring and summer. The flower buds generally open at or shortly after dawn, and by sunset, the flowers are closing again as new ones prepare to open the next day. It's possible to take time-lapse photos or videos of these flowers and see them "wink" throughout the day. This charming phenomenon is not unique to blue daisies but is particularly noteworthy among these flowers. Pollinators Love Chicory  Even though Chicory blooms only last a day or so each, they are still an essential nectar source for pollinators like the bumblebee and certain butterfly species. Generally, these insects will flock to a cluster of blue daisies in the early afternoon. These plants are pretty hardy, too, so in addition to being good-looking, they prevent soil leaching and erosion and contribute to the health of any garden.

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Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily is a striking perennial plant with bold orange, spotted Turk's cap-shaped flowers and whorled, lance-shaped leaves. It is often grown for its vibrant and exotic appearance in gardens. It offers many benefits when incorporated into landscaping. Its captivating appearance, resilience, and ease of cultivation make it a favored choice among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts. Without delving into its applications in herbalism, let's explore how it enhances outdoor spaces through its aesthetic appeal, ecosystem contributions, and adaptability. Upgrade Your Landscape With TN Nursery Tiger Lily produces showy orange blossoms and tall, leafy stalks, making it a very impactful addition to any garden. This flower works well in lush beds of flowers since it can stand out from the rest of the plants. It grows in dense clusters that work well for things like tree borders and sidewalk accents. Any time you want to create a landscape with a combination of consistency and colors, this flower is the ideal choice. This plant is a favorite of gardeners everywhere for its stunning blossoms. Each flower is a six-petaled bloom with long, narrow petals that curve backward from the center. The flowers are bright orange with speckles of black running along the top of each petal, and the center contains a spray of long, dark orange stamens. The heavy blossoms tend to cause the supporting stalk to bend slightly, so they hang upside down with a beautiful bell-like appearance. The Appeal of Tiger Lily This plant has many other perks beyond its beautiful blossoms. The rest of the plant consists of a tall, narrow stalk with blade-like leaves that fan in regular rows around the stalk. Each stalk is relatively narrow and is usually only around 10 inches wide. These fascinating plants have a unique, vertical shape that helps them stand out from most traditional shrubs. The stalks grow in clumps, creating a vibrant, dramatic look for your landscape. Enjoy Tiger Lily Throughout 3 Seasons Tiger Lily keeps growing during every part of the year. Each spring, delicate green shoots peak through the soil. These stems keep growing upwards until they reach the plant's full height of around five feet. Starting in late summer, the signature orange blossoms of the plant begin to appear. Long after most other garden flowers have left, this plant keeps blooming. After finishing its blooming season in fall, leaves start to lighten and fall. The plants remain dormant bulbs over the winter before returning to their full glory in spring.

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Chinese Snowball Bush

Chinese Snowball Bush

Chinese Snowball Bush is a popular ornamental shrub in landscaping due to its striking appearance and various benefits to outdoor spaces. Native to China, this deciduous shrub belongs to the Caprifoliaceae family and can reach a height of up to 12 feet with an equal spread. When used in landscaping, it offers several advantages that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of the environment. Understanding the Chinese Snowball Bush The Chinese snowball bush is an extravagant deciduous flowering plant that can reach 20 feet wide and 25 feet tall. These plants grow to their largest size in warmer climates. While its scientific name is Viburnum macrocephalum, its common name is derived from the rounded, eight-inch blooms that grow from April to June. The flowers that grow on it quickly turn white after blooming. In the beginning, however, they're lime green in color. The Blooms Of The Chinese Snowball Bush The infertile flowers on these shrubs mainly grow in the spring but can produce a full bloom during the fall. From the moment they bloom to the time they turn white, the flowers are sterile and don't have a fragrance, which is unique compared to other viburnums. While most of these shrubs don't produce fruit, a specific variety combines fertile and sterile florets that may accommodate fruit growth. Even though the rest of the plant's foliage remains dark green throughout the spring and summer, the oval leaves turn a pleasant shade of burgundy once the fall arrives. From late April to the end of May, Chinese Snowball Bush offers significant cuts that can be placed in vases. The buds of these white flowers can remain intact for weeks or months. The Viburnaceae family consists of many plants. Of these varieties, they have the most giant flowers. Primary Plant Characteristics Of Chinese Snowball Bush The main characteristics of them include the following: Dark green leaves with serrated margins Rounded chartreuse blooms Pubescent stems Resists deer but attracts birds and butterflies Leaves are one to two inches wide and two to four inches long. Undersides of leaves have unique star-like hairs. Semi-evergreen in nature Relatively coarse texture Tolerant of pruning The entire plant grows with a rounded or vase-like shape.

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English Ivy

English Ivy

English Ivy is a low-growing ground cover plant; it has glossy, heart-shaped leaves and produces small, inconspicuous brownish-purple flowers nestled among its dense, carpet-like foliage. It is a fantastic and versatile plant with several landscaping benefits. This evergreen vine is native to Europe and Western Asia and is widely embraced for its aesthetic appeal, adaptability, and practical applications. English Ivy is a woody evergreen perennial vine and foliage plant proliferating on vertical surfaces like trees, walls, fences, and trellises. The ancient Greeks believed the plant was sacred to the god Dionysus, and pagan druids revered it as a symbol of the divine feminine. In classical Latin, “hedera” refers to the ability to grasp, which is in keeping with the vine’s nature. English Ivy Loves Shade Native to Europe, Scandinavia, and parts of Russia, the Hedera helix is nearly ubiquitous in Britain and is naturalized and prolific in many regions of the United States. In the wild, the plant grows under, on trees, and up the sides of rocky cliffs, favoring moist, shady areas out of the sun. Mature Hedera helix vines typically grow up to 80 feet tall and span a three- to five-foot width. Their climbing stems bear young, five-lobed leaves, while their fertile stems bear adult, spade-shaped leaves. These deep-green leaves can vary in size between two and four inches long. The top of the plant will often develop clusters of small, greenish-yellow flowers that bloom from late summer until late autumn. These nectar-rich blossoms will eventually yield a crop of small purple-black to orange-yellow berries that persist into winter. English Ivy Kills Weeds Its bright green foliage can add all-season color to any landscape and beautify forlorn spaces. Its vines can be trained to climb many stable vertical surfaces or grown as a ground cover to suppress weeds. Since Hedera helix proliferates, it can make a good screen on a fence or trellis. When carefully grown on exterior building walls, it can protect their surfaces from exposure to bad weather and help regulate the temperature. Within the United States, Hedera helix can provide food and habitat for wildlife. Butterflies and moths eat their leaves, bees feed on their flowers’ nectar, and birds eat their berries in winter. The foliage often shelters insects and small animals and sometimes attracts nearby deer. English Ivy Is An Evergreen Hedera helix is a beautiful evergreen vine with a rich history. When you plant it in your garden, you can enjoy its charming English ivy character all year.

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Muskogee Crepe Myrtle

Muskogee Crepe Myrtle

Muskogee Crepe Myrtle is a striking deciduous shrub or small tree with vibrant lavender-pink flowers and smooth, cinnamon-colored bark. It adds a burst of color and elegance to gardens and landscapes. This famous ornamental tree offers many benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. With its stunning visual appeal, adaptability, and ease of maintenance, it has become a favored choice for many landscapers and homeowners alike.  Muskogee Crepe Myrtle Is A Great Choice For Homeowners  The Muskogee Crepe Myrtle is an excellent choice for homeowners who want to add interest, texture, and color to their landscape. Each tree has smooth, brown stems that fan out into a vase shape. The branches contain even rows of oval leaves in a beautiful deep green shade. These attractive colors and textures become even more exciting when this tree blooms with lavender flowers. Its vibrant look will surely draw the eye wherever you plant this beautiful tree. Starting in spring, these trees begin to produce cone-shaped bunches of flowers. Each flower cluster consists of several small, individual, pinkish-purple petals with a crinkled appearance similar to tissue paper. After going through their flowering season, these trees produce clumps of berries that add even more visual interest to the tree. Clumps of small, round berries on the end of each branch gradually transform from shiny, green berries to brown, serrated seed pods. This tree's flowering and berry-producing seasons can last several months because it produces new flowers regularly. Explore the Many Ways to Garden With Muskogee Crepe Myrtle These trees have endless purposes throughout the landscape. A tidy row of them can be a lovely way to border a walkway or fill in narrow strips of land. Standalone versions can be a focal point on a lawn and look great, bordered with other flowers or decorative grasses. You can even use clusters of these trees to create a hedge that provides privacy and shade. The Versatile and Appealing Shape of Muskogee Crepe Myrtle Muskogee Crepe Myrtle comes in many shapes and sizes. Some landscapers keep it as a compact bush, while others let it soar to 30 feet or more. Those who prefer a classic tree shape can choose a single-trunk variant, while people who like a denser look can select a multi-stem style. Whatever its height and branch arrangement, this tree's crown tends to spread out into a horizontal, oval shape with densely packed leaves and branches.

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Pecan Tree

Pecan Tree

Pecan trees are large, deciduous plants with pinnately compound leaves that produce a sweet, edible nut known for its rich flavor and use in culinary applications. Incorporating it into landscaping offers many benefits beyond its delicious nuts. \ Pecan Tree Native to the southern part of the United States, this plant is a species of hickory. Known as Carya illinoinensis, this plant is cultivated for culinary and ornamental reasons. Once the leaves appear, they look beautiful, swaying in the wind. Enjoy a Perfect Lawn With The Pecan Tree Thanks to its size, this plant is ideal for your lawn. Because of its impressive stature, college campuses and city parks often use this plant. After it reaches its full height, it can be 60 to 100 feet tall. Its canopy can extend 40 to 80 feet. As a member of the hickory family, this plant is a popular choice for building wood furniture. Discover The Pecan Tree With Gorgeous Green Leaves This deciduous plant grows pinnate leaflets with bunches of 9 to 17 leaves. These leaves are a vibrant green, so you can easily see them from a distance. While it can grow 100 feet tall in its lifetime, it will generally take a sapling ten years to reach 16 feet tall. Because of this, you should not expect to have a full-sized plant immediately. It will be about as tall as a large shrub for the first few years. Pecan Tree Offers Perfect Shade When designing your garden, setting aside areas for relaxing and enjoying a break from the sun is a good idea. Thanks to its size and dense leaves, this plant is perfect for providing shade in your backyard or lawn. Once you plant it, you can enjoy shade for many years. This plant can live for up to 300 years in the right circumstances. Like other plants in the hickory genus, the Pecan Tree produces a nut-like drupe. You will initially see a fruit growing that is surrounded by a husk. The center of the fruit contains a single pit. The husks are essentially the flower’s exocarp tissue. Meanwhile, the husk has a green-gold color with a brassy veneer. Each one is elliptical or oval. Once the husk reaches maturity, it changes from green to brown.

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Running Cedar

Running Cedar

Running Cedar is a creeping, evergreen plant with needle-like leaves that resemble fern fronds. It is commonly found in moist woodlands and forests. It features leaves that look pretty similar to the boughs of the tree bearing its name. This evergreen plant can make quite an attractive addition to your home, but why might you want to grow it there? Beyond its striking looks, here are a few key reasons it adds value to any yard. Running Cedar Can Tell You More About Your Environment It is a fern-like plant that's said to be adept at pulling pollutants out of its surroundings, which can help you improve the overall health of other plants in the area and remove some of the airborne contaminants that might impact your well-being. However, it's worth noting that the most significant benefit is what the plant reveals. Because it removes toxins, changes in the plant's health could indicate issues with the soil or the air that even this hardy little plant can't handle by itself. Running Cedar Will Stick With You It takes time to grow, but keep that from fooling you into thinking it will easily be weakened by weather and other threats. This fern ally is pretty hardy, ensuring that it will be able to persist in your space even if it is presented with some climate changes or other changes that other plants in your yard might not be able to withstand. Running Cedar Defends Against Soil Erosion and Flooding Running Cedar creeps along your yard, but it's important to remember that this isn't a traditional moss. This vascular plant has root systems, allowing it to defend against soil erosion more effectively. Its love of moisture also means that it can protect against flooding and absorb more water when it appears. Running Cedar is small, but it spreads out, making it an excellent, lush green ground cover for any space in your yard. Unlike traditional moss, it also has the added benefit of the stately strobili, which reaches into the air to add volume and help the plant reproduce.

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Green Velvet Boxwood

Green Velvet Boxwood

Green Velvet Boxwood is a compact, evergreen shrub with vibrant, dark leaves and a mounded growth habit, making it an ideal choice for low hedges and formal landscaping. It is a highly advantageous and popular evergreen shrub that offers numerous benefits in landscaping projects. This shrub variety is admired for its compact, rounded growth habit and lush, deep foliage. One of the primary benefits of incorporating it into landscaping is its versatility in design. Green Velvet Boxwood is an excellent choice if you are trying to create a beautiful landscape design. Known for its dense foliage, this shrub is ideal for pruning into almost any shape. This bush will look its best throughout the year thanks to its evergreen nature. Discover the Natural Beauty Of Green Velvet Boxwood If you are looking for a low hedge, this is one of the best shrubs. This full-bodied hedge is quite dense and can be used as a fence. It is considered an evergreen, so you can enjoy your garden's color year-round. Whether you are passionate about English landscaping or want a formal design, this verdant bush is ideal for pruning. If you don’t prune it, this bush will grow into a rounded shape. Once pruned, you can use it to make just about any shape you want for a unique, living sculpture. Green Velvet Boxwood Is An Evergreen This verdant shrub has a velvety appearance that leaves a vivid impression on the viewer. Thanks to its evergreen color, you can enjoy rich light and dark shades. Old growth has a darker shade, and the newer growth has lighter colors. This adds a fun texture and extra dimension for the viewer. Green Velvet Boxwood Naturally Grows Round This is one of the best shrubs to make. It grows in a natural sphere, so you can always let it grow into its natural shape. You can group multiple shrubs to make a fence, maze, or sculpture. Best of all, this lovely shrub is easy to care for and survives in many types of environments. While its glossy leaves are present throughout the year, it flowers only during the springtime. When flowering occurs, you can enjoy having fragrant white blossoms. Green Velvet Boxwood is an excellent choice whether you want an elegant fence or round bushes for a border. With its verdant leaves and fragrant blossoms, it is a favorite of homeowners. Once you plant this shrub, you can enjoy its beauty throughout the year.

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Fan Clubmoss

Fan Clubmoss

Fan Clubmoss is a low-growing, evergreen plant with densely packed, needle-like leaves that form a distinctive, fan-like appearance and often cover forest floors. It is a unique and versatile plant with various landscaping benefits. Its unusual appearance and adaptability make it a popular choice for enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of outdoor spaces. Unlike its name may suggest, it is not a true moss but a primitive vascular plant belonging to the Lycopodiaceae family. Fan clubmoss called running cedar or ground pine, looks like a low-growth coniferous plant. However, it is a clubmoss, which is related to ferns. This non-flowering perennial plant was once commonly found across the eastern portion of North America. However, deforestation has dramatically reduced its presence in the wild. Because of its many notable attributes, this plant is an ideal choice to consider adding to your yard. Fan Clubmoss Looks Like Mini Pine Trees This fascinating plant typically grows up to 10 inches tall and a foot wide in ideal conditions. Its pine-looking branches are out, creating a stunning design up close. From farther away, the ground appears to be blanketed in green. Often, the plant has a dark green base that fades to a yellowish-green hue toward the tips of its leaves, creating a lovely effect. Some people trim the plants into a topiary design to add an ornamental touch to their yard. Weed Control With Fan Clubmoss This plant is commonly used for ground cover as it proliferates and stays close to the ground. Because the plants can grow densely together, they can block out sunlight from reaching any vegetation attempting to grow underneath it for optimized weed control. This is a highly adaptable plant that can be incorporated in numerous environments. Generally, it will dry out in drought conditions but return with moisture. At one time, when the plant thrived in its native habitat, this plant was harvested in the wild and used for winter holiday decorations. With the plant growing in your yard, you can easily snip off a few sprigs to dress up your space with a natural touch. The evergreen leaves can also be added to your home decor throughout the rest of the year, such as in a floral vase for a boost of greenery. Minimize Erosion With Fan Clubmoss Fan Clubmoss can absorb considerable water, which is beneficial during heavy rainstorms. It can hold ten times its weight in moisture, offering natural protection in areas prone to erosion.

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Blue Lobelia

Blue Lobelia

Blue Lobelia has striking blue hues and an attractive shape; this perennial plant can elevate the aesthetics of any garden or outdoor space. It is an excellent addition to any landscape design, from attracting pollinators to providing visual appeal. Blue Lobelia is a fantastic choice when you crave flowers that swirl together showy blue blossoms with vibrant greenery in bright spikes. It's a striking, solidly built plant that delights people and pollinators. The Aesthetics of The Blue Lobelia Perennial Several large flowers spiral around the stout central stem in an extended cluster. They are positioned most heavily along the upper portion of the stem. The tubular flowers have five petals with edges that curl attractively. Two petals form an upper lip—three fuse together to create a lower lip that is more prominent. Blooms are typically about an inch long and may appear solid or striped. While the bold flowers are the show's stars, the vibrant green foliage shines in its supporting role. The thick, unbranching stem stands firm and tall, allowing the plant to quickly reach two to three feet. Plants reaching four feet in height are not uncommon. The stems are wrapped in alternating leaves with no stalks in varying shapes. Some are shaped like a lance and finely toothed. These can measure up to five inches in length. Others are elliptical and can be between two and six inches long. Blue lobelia are primarily found in shades of blue or purple. However, plants with white flowers are also available. In addition, crosses with cardinal flowers may result in plants that produce pink blooms. Blue Lobelias Blooming Season This wildflower generally unfurls its blooms in midsummer or later and continues the show until fall. In many regions, you can enjoy the flowers from July through October. Blue Lobelia Has Exotic Flower Blue Lobelia are unique flowers that put on a fantastic show, so they're an excellent choice when you want something big, bold, and beautiful. They attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and pollinators. They flourish along ponds and water features, are favorites in borders, thrive in rain gardens, and delight when paired with plants like ferns, heuchera, or cardinal flowers.

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Red Daylily

Red Daylily

Red Daylily's bold, red blossoms sit atop sturdy stems, making them excellent focal points that draw attention and develop a sense of landscape drama. They are renowned for their captivating magnificence and versatility, making them popular among landscaping enthusiasts. These vibrant and elegant plants offer many benefits when incorporated into various landscaping designs. There are more than 60,000 cultivars, but this plant is among the most striking, even if it grows to just 3 feet tall. It is one of the hardiest perennials and will grow well with almost any other flower or tree in the garden. The Colors Of Red Daylily As the name implies, the six-petaled flowers are bright crimson with streaks of various lighter shades that frame a set of yellow stamina. This plant produces many blooms, so the wash of color will be dazzling in intensity. Also, the prefix "day-" is remarkably apropos as the gorgeous flowers are replaced every one or two days, which charmingly evokes the idea of rebirth or new life. Many versions of this plant have yellow, pink, or even white throats. The Leaves Of Red Daylily Red Daylily's leaves are flat, long, and shaped like straps. These leaves grow from a nice-looking crown, and the plant is evergreen in all seasons, lending a shade of green throughout the winter. The leaves also form attractive clumps before separating to form additional lovely stems with outstanding blooms. Pollinators of all kinds are drawn to the magnificent blooms, which contribute to the garden's overall health and the environment at large. On the varieties of these plants with yellow throats, the bees that visit them to collect nectar match the color of the inner part of the flowers, which heightens their lovely effect. As patches of these flowers grow within the garden year after year, the colors can shift slightly, creating lighter and darker shades. These many different shades then attract different butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden. Because of the shape of their roots, they prevent soil erosion on slopes, meaning that when arranged beautifully in a cascade upon a hill, they'll hold everything together. The Blooms Of The Red Daylily When planted in the late spring, Red Daylily flowers will create their splendid washes of color beginning in the first week of July and lasting until the shadows start to lengthen in the middle of August. As hardy perennials, these wondrous plants will beautify any garden for many years.

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White Pine Tree

White Pine Tree

The White Pine Tree is a tall, wide evergreen conifer for privacy or living fences. It is characterized by its long, slender needles bundled in groups of five and its straight trunk, which is often used for timber and lumber. White Pine Tree follows a blooming schedule of May through June each year. Their male flowers usually emerge about a week or two after the blooming period starts and well in advance before the female flowers. The males are oval and up to an inch and a half in diameter. They can vary in color from yellow to orange. The female cones, which can get up to eight inches long and an inch wide, appear green at first. As they grow, they develop a brown hue. Their fluffy leaves and delicate, elegant design make them ideal for boosting the aesthetic value of your yard. Design Natural Privacy and Windbreakers With White Pine Tree They can grow to a stature of 80 feet and a width of 25 feet, making them ideal windbreakers. Their massive root systems also contribute to their effectiveness as wind barriers. The ones you plant now can act as windbreaks in a few years since they grow eight feet every five years. Because of their rapid growth and lofty stature, they also serve well as natural privacy screens, providing much-needed solitude to outdoor spaces. Add a Feathery Texture to Your Yard With White Pine Tree This type has long, delicate needles that resemble feathers and provide an air of refined elegance to any environment. Its naturally elegant pyramidal shape adds a breezy, carefree vibe. When grown together, these plants form feathery canopies, adding welcome shade to outdoor areas. Their feathery appearance gives the yard more width and depth, creating an engaging background for other plants and garden features. Enjoy Year-Round Greenery With White Pine Tree   White Pine Tree needles grow in clusters of five and are bluish-green. In its early stages, the bark is thin, smooth, and green or gray. Later, it thickens, turns brown to black, becomes deeply grooved, and displays broad, scaly ridges. The branches resemble extended arms. Their evergreen status and towering size provide visual height and beauty to any environment.

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Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor

The Vinca Minor has lush and evergreen foliage and delicate blue or white flowers, making it a popular choice for various outdoor spaces. While its benefits extend beyond its use in herbalism, let's explore its landscaping advantages. Vinca Minor, also called creeping myrtle, lesser periwinkle, or just myrtle, is a perennial beauty that instills a fetching charm in gardens, landscapes, and even potted plants. Vinca Minor Has Deep Emerald Green Foliage The leaves are a deep shade of rich emerald green, and most have a glossy, polished, or shiny appearance. They are typically oval-shaped with smooth edges, a thick texture, and prominent veins. Some species are varied. The plants can be erect or trailing. Leaves occur in pairs along the height of the stem, making the plant look lush and thick. The plant is graced with trailing stems and adorned with clusters of small blooms in white or in a pale, pastel purple-blue color that many people associate with serenity. This plant is active year-round. Delicate little flowers appear early in spring and continue to bloom throughout spring and summer. Against a strikingly verdant backdrop provided by the rich green leaves, the clusters of blossoms are displayed to the best advantage. Creeping myrtles may look delicate. Nevertheless, they are hardy plants that tolerate harsh conditions gracefully. As perennial evergreen plants, they remain bright green throughout the winter. The Ground Cover Characteristics Of Vinca Minor This plant reaches only six inches when upright. However, the roots continue to grow underground every year, eventually becoming quite long. Although this plant has a medium growth rate, the roots can form a trailing mat, prostrate mat, or mounding mat. The stems like to get tangled up with each other, and as they do, they produce a thick mat of greenery that thrives all year. Vinca Minor Looks Great In Hanging Baskets Vinca Minor works well as trailers in large hanging baskets and tall pots. They provide superior coverage for hilly areas and can even be used in landscaping designs where you want subtle pops of color added to your existing ground-cover greenery. They have other uses as well. They have long been used in folk medicine to treat heart, nervous system, and GI tract conditions. The herb is thought to improve cognition and brain health.

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Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower is a tall, native perennial with bright yellow, daisy-like flowers and narrow leaves. It often forms impressive colonies and attracts pollinators in late summer and fall. Sunflowers are remarkable and versatile plants that offer a range of benefits when used in landscaping. Their vibrant color and adaptability can add aesthetic value and functional advantages to various outdoor spaces. The Maximilian Sunflower is a radiant North American perennial known for its impressive stature and vibrant yellow hue. With a propensity to form dense colonies, these stunningly dynamic plants provide rich visual appeal to any landscape or garden. Their sublime and livening presence innately offers rich enchantment for the gaze of onlookers. Maximilian Sunflower perennial grows to a height of 3-10 feet with slender stalks and narrow leaves with bright yellow flowers that are excellent for attracting pollinators. These perennials bloom after most other perennials stop blooming later in summer into early fall. The Latin name for this vibrant plant is helianthus maximiliani. Maximillian Sunflower Has Vibrant Yellow Blooms  The blooms are brilliant yellow and have many petals alongside a disk-shaped cone. These plants are native to the United States in many regions, and they are so hardy that they can grow even near roadways, prairies, and open fields. Maximilian Sunflowers are sustainability-friendly and promote birds, bees, and monarchs as open pollinators. They are also super low maintenance and seldom need fertilizers or water in areas with adequate rainfall. It's a super hardy wildflower perennial with rough edges, displaying its durability and simplicity of appearance as well. It can tolerate drought conditions and open sunlight. Birds and insects feast on the seeds inside the plant's conehead, making it an excellent source of a good supply without messy bird feeders or buying bird seeds. It is highly sustainable, hardy, and thrives in various soil types, making it one of the best, most vibrant, and hardiest complete sun plants. TN Nursery offers blooming age, bare root perennials at a fraction of the cost of potted plants. Why buy a container and a handful of soil and pay three prices when you can buy the plant bareroot and have the same thing shipped to your door at a fraction of the cost? Maximilian Sunflower Gets Very Tall These gorgeous natural creations intrinsically reach toward the sky. Standing erect, they often get a looming height of around 10 feet. The towering beauties possess uniquely slender stems decorated with long lance-shaped leaves. Underneath the flower head, dark green phyllaries stick straight out before subtly curling at the tips. The bright golden petals delightfully evoke luminescent rays of sunshine. A jagged alternation pattern creates intricate layers of pleasing asymmetry. Their wispiness embodies an illustrative quality that summons a beatific repose. This flower’s center is packed with circular bronze florets. These discs often showcase a fractalized pattern that is simply mesmerizing. Meanwhile, the circumference is embedded with sleek light-yellow florets that create a glorious juxtaposition. Their relatively late blooming period is pleasant in summer and early fall. Thus, they can become the cornerstone of any idyllic scenery. Unlike many other growths from the same genus, these sunflower stems can support several clusters. As a result, these durable plants make for a divine ornamental selection with downright transformative effects on the landscape. Wildlife also likes this flower. Its abundance of nectar is considered irresistible to local pollinators, so it is often associated with a thriving ecosystem of bees and butterflies. Later in their flowering stage, the seeds occasionally attract a diverse ornithological scene, much to the delight of birdwatchers. Maximilian Sunflower derives its namesake from Prince of Wied-Neuwied. The famed German explorer first came upon these magnificent flowers during his North American expeditions, and they were dubbed Helianthus in his honor. It is a suitable title, especially since any outdoor environment is lucky to be bestowed with these golden gems. They are a native perennial coveted for their height, versatility, and blazing yellow hues. It's easy to grow even if you have little gardening experience. The following post concerns this gorgeous bloomer and how it can add life to your outdoor spaces. What Does It Look Like?  People often hear "sunflower" and think of a bloom with a black central disc surrounded by blazing yellow petals. And while they share some characteristics with common sunflowers, there are some distinctions. For instance, their central disc is smaller than a typical sunflower and does not contain blackened florets.  Instead, the hub of the Maximilian Sunflower is populated by clusters of tiny, yellow florets that provide sustenance for pollinators. So, their entire bloom is varying shades of yellow. One thing they share with its more common sunflower relative is height. They can grow to a height of 10 feet!  The flower is supported by a long, narrow stem covered in coarse hairs. Alternate, blade-shaped leaves adorn the towering stem, growing as high as just under the flower bloom. The proximity of the green leaves to the actual flower provides a stunning juxtaposition of natural color evocative of the sun setting over verdant hills. Their conehead is filled with intricate patterns of bronze to bright yellow florets. The mesmerizing structure of these tiny florets belies the mostly uniform layers of petals that envelope them. The florets produce seeds that are a food source for various bird species.  It is also unique among its genus because one stem can support a cluster of flowers instead of just one. Naturally, they grow dense and can colonize very quickly if allowed to. This makes them a good option for filling a large area with golden hues. However, if you have limited space to work with, the multi-flower growths of the slender stems still allow for a radiant burst of color in tight spaces.  Blooms of them are typically 5 inches in diameter, with a central disc spreading out to about one inch in diameter.  What Are the Benefits of Them?  They can add a gilded, regal quality to your outdoor spaces, but that's not all they bring. Take a look at the following reasons why people love to grow these plants:  They Support the Local Nectar Bee Population - Bees flock to them because they produce nectar. Moreover, it produces nectar at a time of year when other perennials become barren. So, they are an excellent choice to keep bees returning to your garden late into the season. As if the inherent chroma of the flower weren't enough, it also attracts colorful, nectar butterflies.  Late Blooming- Many add them to their gardens because they bloom into late fall. This unique blooming span makes this flower ideal for maintaining color throughout the year.  Very Tolerant—While it prefers dry to moist soils, it can tolerate many conditions. It's not uncommon for this plant to thrive in loamy or limestone-rich soil. Great for Bird Lovers- The fertile florets of the flower produce seeds late into the season, which attract a wide variety of birds. The flower is a no-brainer if you are an avid bird-watcher or enjoy providing a haven for avian wildlife.  If you need to become more familiar with this perennial, you may have questions about how to grow and maintain them. So, let's address some common questions about this rewarding flower.  Do They Come Back Every Year?  Another way it distinguishes itself from other sunflowers is that it's a perennial—many sunflowers are annuals. It is supported by a hardy rhizome that will produce new growth yearly.  How Tall Do Maximilian Sunflowers Get? They are known for their stature, reaching up to 10 feet. Its blooms stretch more or less upright toward the sky, giving them a stately appeal that contrasts nicely with flowers and plants that grow closer to the ground.  How Do You Plant them?  It needs between 6 and 8 hours of sun per day. Sow the seeds directly into the soil at about half an inch depth. Seeds should be planted in spring. Be sure to leave between 18 and 24 inches between each plant to allow the root system to grow correctly and avoid crowding. Do You Need to Deadhead Them?  Deadheading will keep blooms coming back and keep the plant looking clean. It would help if you deadheaded dying flowers as they appear. Deadheading will also stymie seed production to avoid spreading to other parts of your garden.  Should You Support the Stem of the Maximilian Sunflower They can grow to be very tall. Their stems are naturally skinny, so you may need to support them with stakes. If you see the plant start to bend or sag, or if you live in an area that experiences high winds, helping the stems with stakes may be necessary. Overly rich soil may also promote hardy blooms with weak stems. If you notice that yours are arching before they bloom, you may need to amend the soil to make it less fertile.  TN Nursery is your source for many native species, from lush ferns to pollinating perennials. We ship nursery-nourished plants that can go straight into your soil right to your door. There is no hassle, and with our one-year guarantee, there is no risk. Place an order for your favorite plants today!

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Flowering Dogwood Trees

Flowering Dogwood Trees

Flowering Dogwood Trees are hand-crafted and come in a variety of colors. They are one of Sprin's most glorious types, with delicate blooms and green foliage. TN Nursery offers the best prices on grafted dogwood trees, and we guarantee our plants for one full year. Flowering Dogwood Trees Are Highly Sought After  The Cherokee Brave is a fascinating and distinctive type known by its scientific name, Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1'. This particular ornamental type is highly sought after in horticulture thanks to its exceptional beauty. In the spring, the plant's large clusters of vibrant, deep pink to reddish blooms create a stunning contrast against its dark green foliage, making it a sight to behold. As a small deciduous type, it usually grows to 20-25 feet. It offers year-round visual interest with its attractive branching pattern and fall foliage, which displays shades of red. It is cherished for its aesthetic appeal, which makes it a popular choice for enthusiasts. Additionally, the plant holds cultural significance among Native American tribes like the Cherokee, where it embodies traits of resilience and natural elegance in garden landscapes. The White Princess type, scientifically known as Cornus florida 'White Princess,' is a breathtaking ornamental type that exudes enchanting elegance. Gracefully standing at 15-20 feet tall, this compact type boasts a profusion of creamy white blossoms in spring, arranged in clusters that create a magical spell of delicate allure. As the seasons progress, the leaves of this plant change to a vibrant red in autumn, adding another layer of visual interest to the plant. Whether you have a small garden or a large landscape, it is an excellent choice for adding year-round joy to your outdoor space and is sure to be the centerpiece of your garden.  Spring Grove type, scientifically known as Cornus 'Spring Grove,' is a stunning ornamental type cherished for its vibrant foliage and graceful form. This deciduous beauty typically reaches a height of 15-20 feet with a similar spread, making it ideal for small to medium-sized gardens. In spring, it flaunts clusters of creamy white flowers that contrast beautifully against its deep green leaves. As the seasons progress, the foliage transforms into rich shades of burgundy and purple in autumn, adding a striking display of color to the landscape. Its elegant structure and year-round visual interest make Spring Grove type a beloved gardener choice. The Super Princess type is a botanical masterpiece that amazes those who come across it. With its graceful branches extending upward towards the sky, it displays a magnificent crown of striking pink flowers that radiate with vibrant energy. Not only is this variety unique for its exceptional resilience, but it also possesses a natural elegance that captures the attention of all who behold it. Flowering Dogwood Trees' regal height and abundance of flowers make them a cherished centerpiece in gardens and parks worldwide. But beyond its ornamental value, the Super Princess carries cultural significance, symbolizing grace, strength, and enduring beauty.  The Pink Kousa, scientifically known as Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Pink,' is stunning. Originating from East Asia, these ornamental types display breathtaking pink blossoms in late spring, creating a captivating spectacle for anyone who gazes upon them. The unique and delicate star-shaped flowers adorn the branches amidst the glossy green foliage and exude an unmatched ethereal charm. As the seasons progress, the blooms give way to raspberry-like fruits that add to their beauty and attract an array of wildlife, including birds. With their graceful form, vibrant hues, and exceptional beauty, these are more than just exquisite ornamentals. Flowering Dogwood Trees Has A Rich History The Chief Red is a magnificent and towering symbol of Cherokee heritage with a rich history and captivating legend. Its vibrant, crimson-hued leaves sway gently in the breeze as if dancing to the whispers of generations past, embodying the strength and resilience of the Cherokee people. According to the legend, Chief Red, a noble leader, had his spirit entwined with the earth upon his passing, giving rise to this magnificent type. For the Cherokee tribes, this plant is a site of great reverence and spiritual significance, serving as a sacred gathering place for ceremonies where stories of bravery and wisdom are shared, echoing through the rustling leaves. The magnificent Greensleeves Kousa is an ornamental type with beauty and elegance. They boast a lush canopy of green foliage and an abundance of stunning white blooms that charm any landscape. As a deciduous type, it can grow to an impressive height of 15 to 30 feet, providing a picturesque backdrop for any outdoor setting. In spring, their green flowers bloom and transform into a vibrant red fruit in autumn, which serves as a natural food source for birds and other wildlife. With its moderate growth rate, these can thrive in various soil types and prefer partial shade to total sun exposure.  Flowering Dogwood Trees Are Highly Prized  The Rubra Red, scientifically known as Cornus florida 'Rubra,' is a stunning ornamental tree highly prized for its vibrant spring display of pink to red flowers. These beautiful blossoms stand out against the backdrop of its dark green foliage, creating a picturesque scene in gardens and landscapes. As the seasons progress, the Flowering Dogwood Trees' foliage transitions to shades of red and purple in the fall, adding another dimension of beauty to its appearance. This compact, deciduous type typically reaches a height of 15-30 feet, making it ideal for smaller gardens or more significant landscapes. Its beauty and adaptability make it a favorite among gardeners.

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Natchez Crepe Myrtle

Natchez Crepe Myrtle

Natchez Crepe Myrtle is a tall, deciduous shrub or small tree with pristine white flowers, smooth, exfoliating bark, and attractive foliage. It is a popular choice for ornamental landscaping and offers many benefits when integrated into landscaping designs, making it a highly sought-after choice for enhancing outdoor spaces. It has everything from stunning flower clusters to a beautiful curb appeal. Once it blooms, you can enjoy having elegant flowers for the entire summer. The flowers are so dense that it looks like the tree is covered in snow. You don't have to search any further for a garden favorite that you are sure to please. Natchez Crepe Myrtle Is a Lovely Focal Point Some plants were made to blend into the background, but not this tree. You can't go wrong with this option if you want a focal point for your yard. The lush green leaves look beautiful for most of the year. When autumn hits, this tree turns fiery red and orange. The leaves and flowers aren’t the only thing that stands out. You'll notice a lovely cinnamon color if you look at the smooth bark. This outer bark peels in the summertime to reveal a beige bark underneath. Natchez Crepe Myrtle Is A Perfect Tree Height While some trees can extend 50 to 80 feet into the sky, this tree is known for attaining a reasonable height. Once it reaches full maturity, it will stand just 20 feet high. This makes it an ideal tree for your garden or backyard. Plus, it is known for proliferating, which means you can plant it and enjoy its height in just a few years. Use Natchez Crepe Myrtle for Long-Lasting Blooms Natchez Crepe Myrtle stands out with its flower blooms. Many perennial plants only bloom for a couple of months or less, but this tiny tree blooms for up to five months a year. The tree produces white flowers that grow in lovely clusters in spring and summer. When the blooms stop, it is time for autumn and stunning red-orange leaves. When you start working on your landscaping, you want it to look fabulous immediately. Natchez Crepe Myrtle can help because of its speedy growth. Gardeners can expect this plant to grow 3 to 5 feet a year until it reaches maturity. This means it only takes a year or two for the plant to start looking like a tree after you purchase it from a plant nursery. Before long, you can relax under the shade of the green foliage and enjoy its white flowers.

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Snow Hill Hydrangea

Snow Hill Hydrangea

Snow Hill Hydrangea is a compact deciduous shrub with large rounded clusters of white, snowball-like flowers, making it a popular choice for garden borders and as a foundation plant. They bring various benefits to landscaping projects, contributing to outdoor spaces' visual aesthetics, versatility, and overall charm. This hydrangea cultivar offers unique features that make it a valuable choice for various landscape designs. One of the primary benefits of landscaping is its stunning floral display. The Snow Hill Hydrangea is perfect for people fantasizing about winter wonderlands. With snowball-like blooms, these gorgeous shrubs bring the beauty and magic of them to your garden without the chill of a natural snowfall. What Can I Expect From the Foliage of Snow Hill Hydrangea Formally referred to as arborescens, this deciduous shrub is a compact plant, with most specimens topping around five feet in height. In terms of width, they typically span three feet to five feet. Stems are tan with a velvety texture. The simple leaves are serrated with fine hair. Either rounded or oval, they're broad and measure three inches to six inches across. Most will be at most six inches in length. This native shrub has two-tone leaves in the spring. The tops are deep green, but the undersides are paler green. Of course, these leaves change with the seasons. In the fall, they turn yellow. How Do Snow Hill Hydrangea's Bloom They produce impressive ball-shaped clusters of flowers that measure between eight inches and 12 inches. These clusters are formed by incredibility dense groupings of smaller flowers. Each bloom features four or five petals and measures less than one inch across. They have a lengthy bloom period. It starts in May or June. Flowers will generally remain white until September. Does Snow Hill Hydrangea's Bloom Change Color While many can react to soil changes by changing the color of their flowers, it won't disappoint fans of the winter season. They consistently deliver white or cream flowers at the start of the summer season. It is a deciduous plant, so it does reflect the seasons. If the ball-shaped blooms are allowed to dry in place, they will shift briefly to pink before turning brown. It's a different look, but these dried flowerheads can still add visual interest to a fall garden.  Snow Hill Hydrangeas are striking plants that efficiently fulfill various purposes. They can serve as a focal point or provide concealment. They grow beautifully along slopes and in borders, and they would be happy in rain gardens, shade gardens, and pollinator gardens.

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Bugleweed Plant

Bugleweed Plant

Bugleweed is a ground-covering perennial plant known for its low-growing, spreading nature and attractive foliage. It is often used in landscaping for its vibrant leaves and small spikes of blue, purple, or pink flowers. It will quickly fill empty spaces, making it an excellent choice for areas with poor soil or where other types struggle to thrive. It is a versatile and attractive perennial with numerous landscaping benefits. Its unique characteristics and adaptability make it popular in various garden settings and design schemes. Bugleweed Plant Comes From A large Family  Bugleweed, called carpet bugle, ground pine, bugle, or ajuga, includes 60 related species of flowering perennials. The different species are found in the wild in Australia, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Because of their impressive attributes, they are also introduced in yards and gardens outside these areas. With a closer look at the many benefits of introducing bugle to your space, it is the perfect new addition to your landscaping. Bugleweed Plant Is A Fast-Growing Ground Cover This creeping type grows up to 20 inches tall, although some species are as short as two inches. It proliferates by shooting runners on top of the soil. These runners create a fascinating look, and they quickly sprout new stems. In the wild, it blankets meadows and other open spaces, so it is well-suited for putting in areas of your yard that need ground cover. Notably, the plant is often used to prevent soil loss from erosion because of its ability to spread rapidly across steep slopes. Weeds are a nuisance that inevitably requires frequent attention. They can overtake your yard and leave it unkempt when not tended to regularly. As a fast-moving ground cover, bugles crowd out the weeds. As a result, their growth could be improved, and they will quickly become less of a nuisance in your space. You can start enjoying your yard more rather than worrying about keeping up with the weeds.  Bugleweed Plant Has Stunning Blooms The Bugleweed Plant is a fascinating species with dark, shiny leaves that grow in an opposite pattern. During the flowering season, usually in the middle or end of the spring months, spikes shoot up that may be as tall as 10 inches above its base. These spikes produce purple, violet, or blue flowers. The flowers have long, flowing petals that some people describe as looking like a woman’s skirt. Most rodents and mammals do not like the morsel of it and stay away from it. As a result, it is ideal for yards where deer and other animals forage and cause damage. At the same time, insects are attracted to its pollen. You may spot moths, butterflies, and bees on the blooms during the flowering season. As essential pollinators, these insects are crucial to maintaining a healthy ecosystem in your yard.

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Anemone Plant

Anemone Plant

The Anemone plant is a delicate, spring-blooming perennial wildflower with fern-like leaves and small, white to pinkish flowers, often found in woodland settings. The, also known as Rue Meadow-rue or Early Meadow-rue is a delicate and charming native perennial in North America that offers many benefits when used in landscaping. Its dainty appearance, adaptability, and unique attributes make it a desirable addition to various outdoor spaces. The Anemone perennial is part of the buttercup family. Its botanical name is Thalictrum Thalictroides. It's important to note that it is not the Isopyrum Biternatum, which looks similar. Gardeners often refer to it as the windflower. It's native to North America and can be found in wooded areas. Gardeners love this wildflower for its white or pink flowers that tend to bloom early in the season. Identifying The Anemone Plant Anemone plants are revered for their fragile appearance. They are identifiable by their white to pale pink flowers. They can attain sizes of up to 12 inches tall and develop anywhere from one to six white or pale pink flowers. Each flower typically has five sepals, which look like petals. Atop the sepals reside several yellow stamens, which add a lovely contrast to the pale color of the blooms. Below the flower, gardeners can view three-parted leaves that are dark green. The stems of the windflower are typically reddish or reddish-brown. These wildflowers usually bloom from April to May, but they've been known to bloom well into June. Gardening With Anemone Plant They look great in wildflowers and shade gardens. They can also be planted around oak, maple, and hickory trees and shrubs. These flowers make a great addition to hillsides and ridges. What to Plant Around Anemone Plant They can be grouped with other trees, flowers, shrubs, and ornamental grasses. Some favorite companion wildflowers include pulmonarias, bleeding hearts, and daffodils. Gardeners can also pair the windflower with lily of the valley, hostas, Hakone grass, and tulips. The blooms of the plant attract bees, which can benefit gardeners who have other flowers, vegetable gardens, or fruit bushes that need pollinators to develop their berries and vegetables. Gardeners can enjoy planting these beautiful wildflowers under and around trees, in shade gardens, and in areas where they are trying to rewild for environmental friendliness.

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Showy Pink Primrose

Showy Pink Primrose

The Showy Pink Primrose is a unique garden perennial treasure. The plant's blooms start opening up and displaying in the afternoon. This makes it a highly sought-after and prized plant that many homeowners want in their flowering beds and gardens. Showy Pink Primrose Is a Flower Garden Pastel Blooming Favorite Perennial  The Showy Pink Primrose—also commonly referred to as the evening primrose, pink ladies' primrose, pink evening primrose, or Mexican primrose—is a perennial flower known for its delicate pink hues and finely textured petals. If you are looking to add some soft color to your garden, this is an excellent flower to plant.  Details of the Showy Pink Primrose Plant What Does Pink Showy Primrose Look Like? Pink Showy Primrose adds a soft elegance to outdoor spaces. The middle of the pedals are typically white but gradually turn into a coral pink towards the edges of the petals. Occasionally, the color can intensify to a dark pink. From afar, petals' white and pink colors can look almost purplish. The Pink Showy Primrose develops long throats and stamens stretching from the flower's center. The buds nod to give the flower a lazy, practically laidback appeal. The central part of the flower, starting at the stamen, has a contrasting yellow coloration. Still, these colors are never jostling busily for position.  Instead, the pastel profile of the tinges complements each other very well. In a garden, the plant works well against dark green backdrops or as accent pieces to flowers with brighter colors. It typically grows upright and can reach heights of two feet off the soil line. Occasionally, the plant can sprawl out to provide more ground coverage. Each flower produces four solitary petals joined at the plant's axils. They are finely textured with wavy edges, reminiscent of fine paper mache.  The petals are very dainty, keeping with the frilly, playful theme of the understated colors. Don't get the wrong impression, though. The plant is quite hardy, even as the Pink Showy Primrose petals look tender. The plant produces a sturdy stem with stout, lance-shaped green leaves. The plant leaves can grow to about 4 inches long. In the autumn, you may notice that some green leaves tan reddish. The flowers themselves can reach about 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter.  Advantages of Showy Pink Primrose  Aside from their soft elegance, the Pink Showy Primrose can be put to advantageous use in your outdoor areas.  This flower is sometimes called an evening primrose because it blooms at night in most Northern climates. Around dusk, it emits a floral fragrance that is as irresistible to the nose as its beauty is to the eyes.  The plant is famous for landscapers and home gardeners who want to cover unpopulated open areas. It colonizes (spreads) very quickly in most solid conditions so long as it isn't too loamy, sandy, or rocky. So, if you have a bare section of your yard that can use some natural color, primrose is a great option.  Hardy Plants - Despite the elegant appearance of their flowers, the Showy Pink Primrose is very Hardy  While they prefer moderately moist soil, they can thrive in dry soil as long as it is well-drained. They are also surprisingly drought—and heat-resistant. Most people find that once the plant is firmly established, it is very durable, which makes it an attractive, low-maintenance option.  It Attracts Birds   The Pink Showy Primrose produces nectars attracting lilting songbirds to your garden and outdoor areas. And you don't have to worry about deer eating these flowers because the Pink Showy Primrose is highly deer-resistant. It's a Great Autumn Flower - The Pink Showy Primrose is an excellent solution to maintain upbeat colors well into the fall months. In most climates, the Pink Showy Primrose prefers cooler temperatures. This means that they are likely to bloom through October. This is also a great flower to add to your garden if most of your current flowers typically bloom in the summer. This way, you can have vibrant colors all year round. Showy Pink  Primrose F.A.Q.s Does the Showy Pink Primrose adequately tantalize them? If so, take a look at some vital information about this flower.  How Do You Take Care of Pink Showy Primrose? The Pink Showy Primrose should be planted in dry to moist, well-drained soil in a spot with lots of full sun. During the first growing season, it's best to give the Pink Showy Primrose regular water, which you can then taper off once it is established. Deadheading the Pink Showy Primrose is not necessary, but you can safely remove old blossoms as they appear. Is Pink Showy Primrose A Perennial? Yes. The Pink Showy Primrose is a native plant originating in the Southern US and spreading to the Midwest and parts of Northern Mexico. Its perennial nature makes it ideal for people with little gardening experience. Does Pink Showy Primrose Bloom All Summer? In most conditions, the blooms go dormant in the summer as it prefers cooler temperatures. Again, this makes it a good choice for maintaining color in your garden during autumn. However, some gardeners have avoided the Primrose's summer dormancy by simply not watering it too often in the spring. Add Graceful Color to Your Garden The Pink Showy Primrose is a simple and effective way to add subdued yet attractive color to your garden and outdoor areas. Here at T.N. Nursery, we can provide quality plants with robust root systems ready to plant immediately. Pair the Pink Showy Primrose with the Yellow Primrose for an irresistible tandem of exploding color. Place your order and have your plants delivered right to your door! Pink Evening Primrose Has Stunning Blooms The delicate, charming pink blossoms are adorned with green foliage that accents the plant nicely. The blooms grow in clusters with five petals and can range from a pal pink to deeper shades of pink, depending on the soil's pH. Pink Evening Primrose Is A Desirable Plant Pink Evening Primrose offers a delicate ruffled edge on the blooms and reaches an average height of nearly 20 inches at maturity, making it a highly desirable plant for landscaping. It accents borders, containers, or rock gardens very well and has a mild and sweet fragrance. Pink Evening Primrose Last From Spring Till Fall Being a Spring and Fall bloomer also makes this a beautiful plant for those who enjoy blooms in both seasons and those who want a plant with a long blooming period.

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Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily has trumpet-shaped orange flowers that form dense clusters atop slender stems. It is a vibrant and versatile flowering plant with numerous landscaping benefits. Its striking appearance, adaptability, and low-maintenance qualities make it famous for various garden designs. These benefits contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of outdoor spaces. The plant provides a vertical element that adds dimension and depth to garden compositions. The vibrant blooms add color to landscapes, creating eye-catching focal points instantly attracting attention. They are flowering perennial bulbs that are named for the day-long lifespan of their blossoms. Europeans brought this carefree ornamental daily to North America in the 1800s, which has remained popular ever since. Orange Daylily Native Habitat Native to China and Japan, Hemerocallis fulva is naturalized in Europe and throughout much of North America. It grows naturally in thickets, along woodland borders, and in fields, meadows, and floodplains. When left unchecked, the plants tend to spread. They typically bloom in July and August and come back year after year. Appearance Of Orange Daylily Hemerocallis fulva has showy, bright-orange flowers that bloom in clusters at the top of two-to-three-foot-tall branched stalks. The four-to-six-inch-diameter blossoms open individually, revealing three flared petals and three slightly smaller sepals shaded with red or gold. The plants grow in clumps, with straplike foliage that emerges from just above the soil. These narrow, bright green leaves grow up to three feet long and arch toward the ground, creating a mounded look. If you want to add bold, breezy color to your lawn during the height of summer, planting Hemerocallis fulva in clumps or along the edges of your property border can do the trick. This flower looks brilliant when planted in mass over larger areas and is wonderfully suited to informal meadows and hillside landscapes. It's also well-suited to smaller butterfly and pollinator gardens. After the blooming season, the plant's pretty green leaves will continue to add texture to your yard and can even make a serviceable ground cover. You can quickly propagate daylilies by dividing and replanting them in the spring or fall. Ecology Of Orange Daylily In North America, Orange Daylily can be a food source for pollinators. The flowers provide nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds, and small bees may collect pollen from their anthers. In springtime, white-tailed deer and rabbits may enjoy eating the plant's leaves when they are young and tender. When you want to celebrate the summer sunshine, planting Hemerocallis fulva is a great way to draw the eye and brighten your day.

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Stella De Oro Daylily

Stella De Oro Daylily

Stella De Oro Daylily is a popular perennial plant known for its prolific golden-yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers and long blooming period, making it a favorite in gardens and landscapes. As a part of the genus Hemerocallis, this flower is native to Asia. Despite its name, it is not a true lily. A true lily grows on tall stems and has flowers at the top of the stem. This flower has short stems and produces a large fountain of foliage at the base of the plant. Stella De Oro Daylily Is A Golden Beauty When this flower blooms, it fills your yard with a golden, sunny brilliance. Typically, the flowers will start blooming in late May. While orange flowers were the original version of this flower, more than 20 species and 20,000 hybrids are available today. This particular version is popular because of its famous yellow petals. It initially blooms in late spring and then blooms a second time in late fall. Once the first frost arrives, the flowers will disappear. Stella De Oro Daylily Bulbs Reproduce on Their Own Because it is a perennial, you don’t have to replant this flower each year. Instead, it uses fleshy, thickened roots and rhizomes for reproduction. Stolons from the rhizome help the plant spread out over time. The flower’s root system can hold water and nutrients, so these hardy plants can prevail out of the soil for weeks. Stella De Oro Daylily Has Verdant Leaves Stella De Oro Daylily are unique because of the way they grow. Grass-like leaves are produced at the bottom of the plant, which is one of the most significant differences between this flower and a true lily. These arching leaves are surprisingly long, so they look like blades of grass. This mounded foliage thrives, which is excellent for filling up space in a garden bed. Because Stella De Oro Daylily is known for reblooming, you will see it in home gardens and commercial landscapes. Thanks to its no-fuss attitude, it is also trendy in median strips along highways. Its fleshy roots allow it to be exceptionally hardy because it can always draw on the nutrients in the roots when there aren’t nutrients in its natural environment. Whether you want a hardy plant or a lovely flower, this perennial will surely please.

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American Holly

American Holly

American Holly, with its vibrant red berries and emerald green leaves, remains visually pleasing throughout all seasons. It provides a splash of color during the colder months when many other plants have shed their foliage. The tree's dense and conical shape adds an element of elegance and structure to any landscape, making it an ideal focal point or anchor in garden designs. It is a beloved evergreen tree with many pleasing attributes incorporated into landscaping. Its timeless beauty, versatility, wildlife value, and simple requirements make it famous for residential and commercial landscapes.  American Holly Is A Great Windbreak  Furthermore, its versatility enables it to thrive in various landscape settings. It can be utilized as a single specimen tree to add visual interest, planted in rows to create privacy screens or windbreaks, or even pruned into topiary shapes for a more formal appearance. Additionally, this evergreen is suitable for rural and urban landscapes due to its adaptability to different soil types and environmental conditions. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, this tree also significantly supports local wildlife. The tree's bright red berries serve as a valuable food source for birds, including robins, thrushes, and cedar waxwings, especially during the winter when other food options are scarce. The dense foliage also offers shelter and nesting sites for birds and other small animals, contributing to the biodiversity and ecological balance of the area. Gardeners and landscapers appreciate its low maintenance requirements. Once established, the tree is relatively drought-tolerant, reducing the need for constant care and attention. While it is advisable to provide adequate watering during its early growth stages, mature hollies are generally self-sufficient and can thrive without frequent pruning or fertilization. Moreover, incorporating this evergreen into landscaping designs can have historical and cultural significance. Native to the eastern United States, this tree has been an essential part of folklore and traditions. Its association with winter holidays and Christmas adds a sentimental touch to any landscape, creating a sense of nostalgia and connection to the past. In conclusion, it possesses numerous pleasing attributes that make it an excellent addition to any landscaping project. Its evergreen nature, versatility, wildlife value, and simple requirements make it a preference for various landscape designs.  Whether used as a focal point, privacy screen, or wildlife habitat, this holly's timeless beauty and ecological significance ensure that it will continue to be a cherished and valued component of landscapes for generations to come. American Holly Is A Popular Evergreen Ilex opaca is a captivating evergreen native to the U.S. This remarkable tree has earned its place in folklore and is deeply intertwined with the nation's culture and traditions. Standing as a symbol of resilience and beauty, the tree boasts a unique blend of botanical features and cultural significance. They typically reach 15 to 30 feet tall and have a compact, pyramidal, or rounded crown. Their glossy, dark green leaves are characterized by spiky, toothed margins and a leathery texture, making them an iconic representation of holly foliage. During the winter months, these leaves persist, adding a touch of greenery to the otherwise barren landscape. One of its most distinctive features is its vibrant red berries and drupes, which appear in the late fall and persist throughout the winter. These small, spherical fruits provide essential sustenance for wildlife during the harsh winter months, including birds such as robins and cedar waxwings. This role as a vital food source underscores the ecological importance of American Holly within its native habitat. The wood of it is prized for its fine texture and creamy-white color. Historically, it has been used for inlays and marquetry, adding an exquisite touch to furniture and decorative items. Additionally, its branches with berries have been utilized in festive holiday decorations, becoming synonymous with the Christmas season and its spirit of joy and celebration. American Holly Is The "Hope" Tree Culturally, it has held a special place in tradition for centuries. It is associated with themes of hope, rebirth, and enduring beauty. The speech of blooms represents domestic happiness and foresight. Its presence in gardens and landscapes across the eastern United States reflects its enduring allure and significance in natural and cultural realms. In conclusion, the American Holly is a striking evergreen tree with glossy leaves, red berries, and a rich cultural heritage. Its role as a symbol of vitality in the natural world and human culture makes it a cherished and iconic plant in the United States, demonstrating the profound interplay between nature and tradition.

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6 Pack - Pampas Grass Plugs

6 Pack - Pampas Grass Plugs

Pampas Grass is a famous ornamental sedge known for its stunning appearance and versatility in landscaping. When planted as plugs, these young plants bring a range of attributes that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of any landscape. We will explore the essential qualities of these plants and their benefits in landscaping. While pampas grass is native to South America, its appeal has made it a popular addition to yards worldwide. Fast-growing plants are a type of perennial that continues to offer notable benefits and properties over its long lifespan. Why should you consider planting it on your property? It is also known as Cortaderia selloana, an ornamental plant with distinctive, appealing aesthetics. The plugs increase and can reach a height of 12 feet. The vibrant hue of the lush, green stalks is brought to life with the wispy blooms at the top of the plant. The flowering stems may be a foot or more taller than the blades, creating a stunning, dual-tone look. At the end of the growing season, the cut stalks can be used as a decorative element in the home. Pampas Grass Has Stunning Soft Blooms Despite the plant's grand height and dense, bushy base, it has a soft look thanks to its mesmerizing flowers. The flower stalks vary between shades of white, silver, and yellow. From afar, they have an almost fluffy look that will add a unique visual element to your space. These flowers may conceal a fenced perimeter for a more natural look in your yard, or they may create a natural barrier around the perimeter of a property. Pampas Grass Has Protective Qualities While many people plant it for its beauty, it also has practical benefits. In some areas, it has been used to minimize erosion. Because of this, it may be incredibly functional in yards with a steep grade or prone to the damaging effects of erosion. Pampas Grass Makes A Superior Ground Cover Pampas Grass is easy to grow and spreads rapidly compared to some other types of plants. These plugs deserve serious consideration in areas that are relatively bare in a yard or lack a distinguishing feature as a point of interest. They can cover horizontal space and fill out for an established look quickly.

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Sourwood Tree

Sourwood Tree

The Sourwood Tree is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree native to the southeastern United States. It is notable for its long panicles of fragrant, white, urn-shaped flowers and vibrant red fall foliage. Among garden trees, the Sourwood Tree fits the bill. It grows around 25 feet tall, and its branches generally spread to 10 feet. It will become a stalwart focal point in any garden. These plants are stately enough to please the eye yet small enough not to overpower any perennials planted around them. Another name for this plant is the sorrel. Sourwood Tree Has Beautiful Blooms They say, "Good things come to those who wait." That is true of this plant. Beginning with its fifth season after being planted, it will sprout gorgeous white flowers throughout June and July every year. These bell-shaped flowers grow on panicles in a flowing, attractive fashion that has led them to be called "angel fingers." The flowers are also sweet-smelling, producing so much nectar during their blooming that it drips from the branches at the slightest shake. The Leaves of Sourwood Tree Are Rich and Colorful The leaves will turn brilliant colors in the fall, notably red and deep purple. The bark is reddish brown and is attractively furrowed, matching the hues of the changing leaves. The leaves are pleasantly aromatic, reminiscent of the smell of honey from the tree's nectar. The wonderful aroma is balanced between astringency, which gives the plant its name, and the sweetness of anise. The leaves are oblong and finely tapered, and the surface is glossy enough to reflect sunlight attractively. After the blooms fade at the beginning of August, pretty silvery capsules form along the branches. The color of these capsules meshes nicely with the changing leaves and the furrowed bark into winter. Because the sorrel is a slow-growing plant, its wood and bark are solid and sturdy, providing a beautiful sight in all four seasons. Attract Pollinators With Sourwood Tree Pollinators, especially bees, love the flowers of Sourwood Tree, the sweet-and-sour nectar that produces the world's most excellent honey. Birds will also fly among the branches for a snack as autumn turns to winter. As the sorrel is mainly unaffected by pests or disease, it will likely remain a pleasing focal point in any garden for many years.

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25 Big Ferns Grab Bag -  Perfectly For Your Zone

25 Big Ferns Grab Bag - Perfectly For Your Zone

Transform your living space into a lush, tranquil oasis with the Fern Variety - 25 Plants. This exquisite collection features a diverse array of species carefully curated to bring elegance and natural beauty to your home, office, or garden. With their feathery fronds and rich green hues, these plants will captivate your senses and create a soothing atmosphere wherever they are placed. VARIETY 25 Big Ferns Grab Bag can be an excellent tool for adding color and diversity to your yard or a given landscape. They can be used to add ground cover, privacy, or noise reduction from neighbors' homes. They can help you get the landscape you want without wasting time or hassle. 25 Big Ferns Chosen For Your Zone! They allow you to get all the different species you could want with one purchase. This saves you time because you don't have to return to the store or wait days for several online orders to arrive. You also save money because a bulk purchase is typically less expensive than buying everything you need at once. What Does TN Nursery's Big Ferns Grab Bag Look Like? How much variety can you get from each plant you buy from your bulk order? These plants range from just a few inches to as much as 6 feet tall. Therefore, you can use smaller plants to cover the ground while using taller ones to line your garden or to protect your landscape from erosion. The Big Ferns Grab Bag is ideal for barren landscapes or those devastated by fire or other natural disasters. They can grow in rocks, along marshes, or other areas with sufficient space and moisture. Often, the presence of these plants will lead to the introduction of oaks or other trees. Our Fern Grab Bag Will Help With Wet Areas  Big Fern Grab Bag is similar to moss in that it propagates with spores instead of seeds or flowers. However, it is different in that it has a vascular system that helps it get water and other nutrients in the ground. Of course, this means it can be used to soak up extra water that might otherwise pool on your property after a major storm. Which Types Could We Include in Your Landscaping TN Nursery grows some of the most popular fern species and is committed to vigorous plants that last for years. Here are a few of them we cultivate at our central Tennessee nursery: ● Royal Type ● Ostrich Type ● Giant ostrich Type ● Glade Type ● Hay-scented Type ● New York Type ● Cinnamon Type ● Fiddlehead Type ● Leatherwood Type ● Maidenhair Type ● Christmas Type ● Bracken Type

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Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba, known as maidenhair trees, are distinctive and ancient deciduous trees with fan-shaped leaves. They are renowned for their resilience and unique, bright yellow foliage in the fall. Planting this tree offers several advantages: These trees are famous for their striking, fan-shaped leaves that turn a brilliant golden yellow in the fall. They add a unique and beautiful element to your yard, enhancing its visual appeal. Ginkgo Biloba Is A Marvel A true timeless wonder, the ginkgo biloba is an herbalist's dream plant popular throughout East Asia. Also known as the maidenhair tree, this plant is a botanical marvel that can enhance your landscape and contribute to greater well-being if you understand its uses. This tree's history spans millions of years, and each millennium seems to be captured in the delicate folds of its vibrant, fanned leaves. One glance can instantly take you back to an ancient time of prehistoric landscapes, sparking your imagination and conjuring an innate sense of wonder that connects all humans to the planet. Every leaf on this tree is a testament to its resilience and enduring beauty. Consider planting it alongside vibrant plants like azaleas, rhododendrons, and camellias, adding bursts of exciting color and fragrance to your landscape. Ginkgo Biloba Is A Great Shade Tree If you are interested in sustainable gardening, you can't go wrong with this tree. It is often prized for its ornamental shade and is known for being extremely resistant to air pollution. Whether planted in your yard or enhancing a commercial property, Ginkgo biloba is a delightful addition that will create spacious habitats for wildlife and plenty of shade for humans to enjoy on sunny days. Embrace Ecological Harmony With Ginkgo Biloba Trees, flowers, shrubs, and other plants all rely on each other to thrive. When planning a garden, it's important to remember this as you choose a landscape design that is both visually appealing and harmonious. This tree is a fantastic addition to your yard that will bring you beauty and joy for years to come and support local plants and wildlife.

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Shop zone 9 for a collection of plants that survive and thrive in warm conditions. TN Nursery is your go-to provider of hardy plants, guaranteed stock, and various location-specific cultivars.

Whether prepping for autumn in 9a or planting a winter garden in 9b, you can find something in our curated collection to exceed your expectations. We're always happy to lend a hand if you need one - we provide dozens of videos on proper selection, planting, and more.

Planting Considerations For Zone 9

Of all the plant hardiness zones in the U.S., this one is one of the most complex. Not only is it one of the hottest climates in the Americas, but it's also one of the driest. The lack of freezing temperatures complicates things further since cold-tolerant plants rarely do as well during mild winters.

Before you select plants for your warmer garden, consider the following:

1. Your local microclimate. Do you live in a frost pocket or under lots of shade?

2. Rainfall averages. How much do you get per year?

3. Your soil quality. Does it hold on to nutrients well? Does it need a little support?

TN Nursery stocks a variety of plants in this curated collection. No more guessing which ones survive and thrive in your area—we've done the heavy lifting, so you can simply pick your favorites.

Our Favorite Plants For Various Zones

Are you on the hunt for a heat-tolerant flower or excited about finding a fruiting shrub? TN Nursery offers an extensive collection especially assembled for warm, dry ecosystems.

A few fan-favorites of this collection include:

Blue hydrangea: It's hard to go wrong with this colorful classic, especially if you're looking to spruce up the visual presentation of your yard.

Winterberry: Even if it doesn't get cold where you're at, you can celebrate the season with the bright red color of the winterberry.

Plum tree: Look no further than the drought-tolerant plum tree for sweet, juicy stone fruits fresh out of the garden. 

Please keep in mind that we offer a growing guarantee on the plants included in this list. We're passionate about bringing our best plants to customers, and our guarantee includes a one-year warranty in the first year of growing.

Expert Planters Trust TN Nursery For Best Plants For Their Zone

Gardeners affirm that TN Nursery is one of the best DTC companies for hardy, heat-tolerant plants. We've spent 64 years breeding the best possible cultivars to re-imagine your outdoor space. From Oregon to South Carolina, there's something in stock for you.