Causes of Grief and Depression | TN Nursery

Ever lost a loved one? Felt helpless, hopeless, and like you could have at least done something to try and save them?

We all have suffered some degree of grief but working through the emotions of grief is what sets some people apart from others:

Grief has cycles; there are five complete cycles most people go through to get to the healing process. The end process of grief is acceptance of the situation. When one can stop the denial and start to accept the inevitable, it gets far easier to deal with.

Family Counseling is recommended.

Webster's describes grief as sorrow, misery, anguish, distress, heartache, pain, agony, torment, affliction, desolations, sorrow, and despair.

Shock, Denial, Anger, Depression, Detachment, and Acceptance are all part of the cycle we call grief. It's a challenging task to try and control these strong emotions alone. Therapy or drugs can also help when things are too stressful to hand on your own. Cognitive therapy is also a valuable method of coping with grief. It will help if you let your emotions out during trauma and grief to deal with them. If you have a period of sadness and happy emotions, this is also a sign of depression.

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Source of Information on Healing From Depression and Grief