The Resurgence of Victory Gardens

For all intense purposes, the victory garden was born during World War I.

It was referenced as a war garden or food garden for defense, where vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens were established at private residences and public parks in the United States, England, Canada, and Germany.

This concept was continued for World War II to reduce the pressure on the war effort's public food supply. Also, indirectly, as it aided the war effort, these gardens were considered a civil 'morale booster' by permitting gardeners to feel empowered by their contribution to labor and rewarded by the produce grown. This feeling made the victory garden a part of daily life on the home front.

I know you are asking yourself, what has this to do with the present? Well, we have a high unemployment rate, high home foreclosures, and inflation on everything we purchase, from dressing ourselves to feeding ourselves. When a gallon of milk costs more than a gallon of gasoline, it is a no-brainer that the gallon of gasoline has priority because one has to get to work.

The average family cannot afford to eat healthy organic food due to its high market price. Well, this is not entirely true. If one invests a bit of elbow grease and willingness to learn, their reward will be healthy organic. That is the principle of a Victory Garden.

The Fenway Victory Gardens in the Back Bay Fens of Boston, Massachusetts, and the Dowling Community Garden in Minneapolis, Minnesota, remain active as the last surviving public examples from World War II. Most plots in the Fenway Victory Gardens now feature flowers instead of vegetables, while the Dowling Community Garden retains its focus on vegetables.

Since the turn of the century, a growing interest in victory gardens has existed. A grassroots campaign promoting such gardens has recently sprung up in the form of new victory gardens in public spaces, victory garden websites, and blogs, as well as petitions to both renew a national campaign for the victory garden and encourage the re-establishment of a victory garden on the White House lawn. In March 2009, First Lady Michelle Obama planted a 1,100-square-foot (100 m2) "Kitchen Garden" on the White House lawn, the first since Eleanor Roosevelt's, to raise awareness about healthy food.[7]

In today's world, Victory Garden is a term assigned to a past era. Now it goes under the name 'allotment gardens.' Some experts claim that contrary to the past, nowadays, allotment gardens are no longer needed for survival but instead provide a valuable pastime for hundreds of people. Working on allotment gardening would allow you to save money, eat healthily, be more environmentally aware, and of course, exercise. Talk about a self-sustaining hobby.

In recent years it has seen tremendous growth in popularity because:

1. People do care where their food comes from. That is supported by the rise in demand for organic food.

2. Everyone is aware of the financial crisis and recession nowadays, which means cutting expenses.

3. All of us are concerned about pollution caused by transporting food worldwide too. That uses finite oil reserves and causes enormous pollution.

At present, it is unfortunate that there are few allotments in existence. Local councils are inundated with more applications for plots than they can provide. Fortunately, councils and landowners join forces to launch country schemes to create new plots to satisfy the demand.

It is fantastic from personal observation when one goes out into the garden and picks some cucumbers for a fresh salad. It is worth it.

Source of Information on Victory Gardens

TN Nursery

Creeping Phlox - TN Nursery

Creeping Phlox

The Creeping Phlox is a low-growing perennial plant with small, vibrant pink flowers that form a dense carpet-like display in spring. It forms a beautiful, lush pink carpet array of blooms and is an excellent spreading groundcover plant that will control weeds and overgrowth near hillsides and banks you can not maintain. Due to its numerous benefits and aesthetic appeal, it is a popular and versatile plant used in landscaping.  The creeping phlox is a solid option for those who want to add gorgeous color to their yard. This plant, also known as the mountain type, moss type, and moss pink, is native to the central and eastern United States, and its beauty makes it a popular option for gardens around the globe. What are the benefits of adding this vibrant plant to your yard or garden? Creeping Phlox Has Brilliant Colors Creeping Phlox's flowers are stunning, with colors ranging from pale blue, white, and pink to bright violet. Each flower has five hardy petals, but some have six petals. The plants bloom through the spring and summer, providing lasting color for approximately one month. As an evergreen perennial, the plant remains green throughout the year. It can brighten up an otherwise dull, dreary yard in the peak of the cold weather season. Creeping Phlox Is A Filler Plant This plant grows five inches tall and up to 13 inches in diameter. In addition to the expanse of a single plant, the plant proliferates. Many use its beauty as an alternative to grass or a filler in their more extensive gardens. Because of its short height, it does not need to be cut back like grass and other ground cover. Weeds increase and can make your yard look poorly maintained in a matter of weeks. The plant is dense with tightly clustered leaves. When in bloom, the flowers blanket the tops of the plants. Because of its unique traits, the plant prevents or minimizes weed growth. As a result, your gardens can continue to look fabulous without needing to devote hours of your valuable time to pulling weeds regularly. Creeping Phlox Helps With Soil Erosion Prevention Grass generally only thrives on ledges and steep banks, making your grounds look barren and subject to erosion. The creeping phlox, however, thrives in these areas. Its presence can dramatically reduce the damaging effects of erosion while enhancing aesthetics. It is well-suited for providing immediate and long-term benefits to your property.

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