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Live Moss Decor



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Live Moss Sampler Box

Live Moss Sampler Box

The live moss sampler box contains 3-4 moss varieties. It thrives in moist, shady environments, forming velvety carpets or cushions on rocks, trees, and forest floors.  This sampler box offers a little bit of everything. They open up a world of mesmerizing, vibrant, and enchanting fairy gardens, shade trails, and anywhere else in Tennessee you want tranquility. With its ever-changing assortment of lush and diverse varieties, this box is a delightful way to explore the wonders of the botanical realm. Each Box contains an assortment of hand-selected plants carefully curated by our botanical experts. They are sustainably sourced and nurtured to ensure their health and vitality, guaranteeing you receive the finest specimens available. Bringing nature indoors can create a captivating garden that breathes life into any living space.This grab bag offers a beautiful opportunity to witness their astonishing diversity firsthand. Each box is a treasure trove of different textures, shapes, and colors, from soft and velvety cushions to delicate fern-like structures. Dive into a world of emerald greens, earthy browns, and vibrant yellows as you uncover the unique characteristics of each species.   Moss IsTN Known For Cleaning The Air They are renowned for their air-purifying properties, absorbing pollutants and releasing fresh oxygen into the atmosphere. They act as natural humidifiers, improving air quality and creating a refreshing environment. Also, they are known for retaining moisture, making them low-maintenance plants requiring minimal watering. Live Moss Sampler Box Is Perfect Beginners Alike If you're new to gardening, they provide an ideal starting point, requiring little expertise or specialized equipment. They are adaptable to various lighting conditions. Whether you have a sunny windowsill, a shady nook, or a terrarium, the box will flourish wherever you choose to display it. Enhance the aesthetic appeal of your living spaces with their breathtaking beauty. Use your box to create eye-catching terrariums, vivariums, or wall art installations. Their velvety texture and vibrant hues add a touch of tranquility and elegance to any room, providing a unique and captivating visual experience.  Discover the enchantment of these unusual plants. Immerse yourself in the serene world of them and let their soothing presence transform your living space into an oasis of calm and peaceful surroundings. Moss Benefits  1. Air purification: They are excellent natural air purifiers. They absorb pollutants, release fresh oxygen, and create a healthier home environment.2. Humidity control: They are known for retaining moisture. In your living space, they act as natural humidifiers, increasing humidity levels and helping to prevent dryness, particularly during the colder months or in arid climates.3. Stress reduction: Plants, including them, have been shown to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. Their soothing green colors and soft textures create a calming atmosphere, making your living space a peaceful sanctuary.4. Connection with nature: Incorporating them into your indoor environment brings a touch of nature indoors. Even in urban settings, where access to green spaces may be limited, having live plants like them can help you stay connected to the natural world and experience the benefits of nature's tranquility.5. Therapeutic benefits: Gardening and plant care have therapeutic effects on mental health. By nurturing and caring for your box plant, you engage in a mindful and rewarding activity that can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and promote well-being.6. Educational experience: Each box delivery includes detailed care instructions and informative facts about the featured plants. This is a chance to expand your knowledge and appreciation for these fascinating plants.7. Versatile decor: They can be incorporated into various decor styles and settings. From terrariums and vivariums to wall art installations or as standalone pieces, they add a touch of elegance and tranquility to any room. They blend seamlessly with different aesthetics and can be creatively arranged to suit your style.8. Low-maintenance: They are generally low-maintenance plants, requiring minimal care and attention. They do not need regular watering like traditional potted plants, making them an ideal choice. With the box, you can enjoy the beauty of live plants.9. Seasonal variety: Each box delivery features a new assortment, ensuring you can experience a wide range of species throughout the year. This seasonal variety adds excitement and surprises to your collection, allowing you to witness their beauty and diversity in all their forms.10. Indoor and outdoor adaptability: They are versatile plants that can thrive in various lighting conditions, making them suitable for indoor and outdoor environments. Whether you have a sunny windowsill, a shaded corner, or a garden, they can be incorporated into different areas of your home, creating lush green displays and transforming your space into a botanicalMaintaining your box plant and ensuring the health and vitality of the different ones requires some care and attention. Here are Some Tips: 1. Light requirements: They typically prefer indirect or filtered light. Place your Live Moss Box in indirect sunlight for a few hours daily. 2. Watering: They have high moisture needs but are sensitive to overwatering. To moisten them, mist them lightly with water using a spray bottle. Avoid soaking or leaving them in standing water, leading to rot. Monitor the moisture level and adjust watering accordingly, ensuring they stay consistently moist but not waterlogged.3. Humidity: They thrive in humid environments. During winter, when indoor air tends to be drier, consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near them to increase humidity levels. It will help prevent them from drying out.4. Air circulation: Good air circulation is essential for most health. Keep your box away from drafts or stagnant areas to ensure adequate airflow. Gentle air movement helps prevent the growth of mold or fungi and promotes healthy growth.5. Temperature: They generally prefer cool to moderate temperatures. Avoid placing them in areas with extreme temperature fluctuations or near heat sources like radiators or vents. Maintain a temperature range of around 60°F to 75°F for optimal growth.6. Cleaning: Over time, debris and dust may accumulate on their surfaces, hindering their photosynthesis ability. Gently clean them by misting them with water and using a soft brush or cloth to remove dirt or debris. This will ensure they can absorb sunlight effectively.7. Avoid chemical exposure: They are sensitive to chemicals and pollutants. Keep your box away from sources of chemical fumes, such as cleaning products or aerosols. Additionally, avoid using chemical pesticides or fertilizers on or near them, as they can harm these delicate plants.8. Monitoring and pruning: Regularly inspect them for signs of yellowing, browning, or dry patches. If you notice any damaged or discolored areas, carefully trim them away with clean, sharp scissors. Pruning helps maintain the overall health and appearance.9. Seasonal adjustments: They can go through natural growth cycles and may exhibit different characteristics or growth patterns based on the season. Adjust your care routine accordingly, providing slightly more water during warmer months and reducing watering during cooler periods.  

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Terrarium Plant Kit

Terrarium Plant Kit

Our Terrarium Plant Kit has a large assortment of fresh turkey tails, rocks, lichens, mosses, and plants you can not buy elsewhere online, and we guarantee it. These hills and mountains are a rich land full of exotic things you can not go out and buy, like lichens, mosses, fossils, odd rocks, and things that Bailey knows would make an excellent addition to any terrarium. She collects each kit, especially for the order placed with items that will do well even in ecospheres. These are terrarium plants only, the kit does not come with the container Jars. Often, it contains lichens, fresh live moss, turkey tail, rocks, Mitchella repens, and running cedar. The items are wild-collected by Bailey, and she takes great pride in her horticultural skills, containing only the highest-quality plants for the kit. Our kit is the price of one item in stores, and we guarantee you won't like it; you will love it! What's impressive is that Bailey chooses each kit by hand. Bailey studied plant science in school and knows what's hot and what's not! We've never had one complaint about our terrarium plant packages other than someone unable to order ten at a time. Container Not Included Plants Only Please do not order over five kits because she works in the warehouse and spends her evenings and weekends collecting rare treasures for these kits. We always have limited quantities of these plants. It is plants only, no container. In today's fast-paced and urbanized world, finding tranquility and peaceful relaxation with nature can be challenging. However, TN Nursery's terrarium garden kit offers a unique opportunity to create a serene oasis right at home, thanks to the assortment of freshly dug plants from the hills of Tennessee. Investing in terraria can bring ty of the outdoor world into your home. Each is designed to be a miniature world you can prune, hone, and shape into whatever you want. After filling the container with the soil, rocks, and moss included in your set, you can add the greenery and ornamental items you love. Over time, you can gradually change your selections to create a more unique space. Create Your Ecosystem With Terrarium Plant Kit This type of set is designed to be its ecosystem. The glass has a sealed cover, so water and air remain inside the container. When you buy it, you can create it so it is completely sealed or open to the elements. Popular Terrarium Plant Kit Options Many different items can be placed in it. Often, people like to include moss, ferns, baby tears, bark, rocks, pinecones, ground pine, and turkey berries. In addition to adding unique greenery, you can customize your glass container by picking specific stones, statues, and decorative items to place inside. For example, many people like to put amethyst, turquoise, and other stones into their own. Place Your Terrarium Plant Kit Container Indoors and Outdoors When most people think of Terrarium Plant Kit, they think of a large glass jar on their coffee table. While these containers are typically placed inside your house, you don’t have to limit yourself to an interior location. If you put the container outside, you can leave it open to the elements so it doesn’t overheat during the day. Your Terrarium Plant Kit can be unique. While specific decorative items, rocks, soil, and greenery are included in each set, you are not required to use the items your set comes with. Instead, you can get creative. Many people customize them by using items they find on their daily walks. If you are hiking in the woods, you can pick up unique types of moss or precious stones. Once you find a particular item you want to include, you can always rearrange your container to place it inside.

Regular price $32.99
Regular price Sale price $32.99
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Live moss decor is the ultimate plant for the gardener who wants to bring the outside in. Whether you live in an apartment or just can't get enough plants, this low-maintenance solution will fit practically any space. The moss bundles from TN Nursery have been carefully selected for the best possible growing experience. Offering long-lasting growth, beautiful color, and disease-resistant qualities, they're an excellent choice for first-time gardeners and experienced growers alike.

Have you heard the word about moss for your home? It's not just about its visual appeal. This incredibly versatile plant adapts to various situations for art, vivariums, or air purification. Gardeners have fallen in love with moss because it lends itself well to indoor planting. It's incredibly forgiving in various situations, even if you're an unconfident gardener.

Utilizing Live Moss Decor

Moss looks beautiful in terrariums and other enclosed growing mediums. With proper care and maintenance, some terrariums last decades. It's a stellar option for newer gardeners. Have you never cared for an indoor plant before? You should start your journey with moss. Live moss bundles from TN Nursery come with multiple mosses to test your skills. We handpick a selection of our best and brightest cultivars and then ship them to your home as quickly as possible.

Live Moss Decor Species to Use 

There are more than 12,000 species of moss worldwide, dozens of which we stock at TN Nursery.

Here are a few favorites you might find in your decor bundle:

  • Carpet moss: This beautiful, almost velvety plant thrives in damp environments. It looks great in pots or low-rise bowls, where its unique texture can really flourish.
  • Mood moss: Another velvety species known for its mounding qualities, it looks beautiful in glass vivariums. You may want to add a few rocks or stones to create some visual interest and texture.
  • Cushion moss: Cushion moss looks precisely the way its name implies. It's also well-known for its air purification qualities, making it the perfect fit for any room.

Are you worried your moss will not grow? With TN Nursery, you don't have to be. All your moss purchases come with a 100% growing warranty, which means we will refund your plant if it fails to thrive.

Shop Live Moss Decor From TN Nursery

Who said indoor plants had to be complicated? You can upgrade your space in minutes with live moss bundles from TN Nursery.