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Deer Resistant Perennials


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Deer-resistant perennials are a good solution if deer are brazenly snacking in your yard, as if it's their personal salad bar. This frustrating problem isn't uncommon for people who live in deer-heavy areas, as deer eat up to 8% of their total weight in vegetation every day. Fortunately, deer do discriminate when it comes to what they consume, and we know how to turn them away from your garden.

Who Has Deer In Herds Intruding Their Property?

You probably planted trees, grasses, and plants with goals like beauty, durability, and longevity in mind. But, deer are determined. If they find vegetation they like, they'll start snacking without regard for your gardening goals. So, if you created your landscape without considering the local wildlife and are now paying the price, you might need to think about planting some perennials that the deer won't be drawn to.

How Deer Resistant Perennials Can Enhance Your Landscape

The benefits of deer-discouraging perennials aren't limited to keeping wildlife at bay. Some of the other advantages include:

1. They grow back, year after year
2. Wide range of types, from flowering plants to lush foliage
3. Requires fewer resources like water than many other plants
4. Needs less fertilizer than many other plants
5. Typically requires little pruning

Our Fast Favorites

At TN Nursery, we offer a large range of perennials that can discourage deer from eating in your yard. Our team curated a list of our top five favorites below.


Bugleweed is a fast-spreading flowering ground cover. Deer don't prefer the taste, and it helps kill weeds that deer are fond of.


Milkweed has a lovely aroma that many describe as vanilla or jasmine-like. While most humans love the smell, deer hate it. It serves as a home for endangered Monarch butterflies.

Black-eyed Susan

One of our top-selling perennials in this category, these tall plants feature a cheerful bright yellow flower with a black center. The plants have a coarse hairy covering, which keeps deer away.


Mayapple is a flowering plant with white umbrella-shaped blooms. Deer dislike their strong floral aroma.

Trumpet vines

Trumpet vines boast showy red and orange blooms. Their spicy aroma keeps deer away but draws hummingbirds like a magnet.

TN Nursery Offers the Healthiest Perennials

At TN Nursery, we offer the best options to outsmart deer while giving you a gorgeous landscape. We're glad to have you join the ever-growing group of gardeners who trust us with all their landscaping and gardening needs.