Pollinator Plants

Pollinator Plants

Pollinator plants provide food and habitat for bees, butterflies, birds, and other pollinators, helping to maintain their populations..

Pollinator Plants Save Our Crops

Many of our food crops depend on pollinators for fertilization. Pollinator plants enhance crop pollination, leading to better yields and quality.

A bee eating nectar from a daisy bloom.
A bee pollinating flowers in full bloom from TN Nursery.

Pollinator Plants Attract Wildlife

Pollinator plants attract a variety of wildlife, offering shelter and food sources for insects, birds, and other animals.

Pollinator Plants Make A Stunning Landscape

Pollinator plants often feature colorful blooms, enhancing the visual appeal of gardens and landscapes.

Pollinator Plants Help With Seed Production

By supporting pollinators with pollinator plants they indirectly benefit the environment by helping with plant reproduction and seed production.

Pollinator Plants Save The World

Diverse pollinator plants can help gardens and ecosystems withstand environmental challenges, such as pests and diseases.

Pollinator Plants

Pollinator Plants

Improved crop pollination from pollinator plants can lead to increased agricultural productivity and reduced production costs.

Trending Pollinator Plants


A garden with pollinator plants from TN Nursery.

These plants specifically adapted to attract and support pollinators such as bees and butterflies, facilitate the crucial pollination process. Pollination is the transfer of pollen, enabling fertilization and producing seeds and fruits. This process is essential for the reproduction of flowering plants and contributes to the diversity and abundance of plant and animal species. Nearly 80% of all plant species are estimated to require pollinators to reproduce. We will explore the numerous ways pollinator plants are of utmost importance and the implications of their decline... read more

Facilitating the reproduction of plants by transferring pollen from the male to the female of flowers. One effective way to support pollinators is by planting native plants in our gardens and landscapes. This article will explore the importance of pollinator-friendly native plants and provide a comprehensive guide on incorporating them into our surroundings... read more

Purple blooms from TN Nursery.
Purple irises in full bloom from TN Nursery.

Love monarchs, butterflies, hummingbirds and want local bees? They are pollinators that go from plant to plant transporting nectar. Flowering plants are essential to attract these rare beauties to your landscape. Growing pollinator plants add beauty to your garden. Depending on your climate, you may be able to grow flowers from early spring through late fall. However, did you know your plants can also benefit the environment? When you grow plants that attract pollinators, you are also helping the local and global eco-system... read more

Pollinator Plants

Pollinator plants play a crucial role in ecosystems worldwide - vital contributors to the pollination process upon which much of global agriculture and natural biodiversity depend. These plants have evolved intricate mechanisms to attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, birds, bats, and other insects, facilitating the transfer of pollen between flowers, which is essential for the reproduction of many plant species.

One of the critical features of pollinator plants is their ability to produce nectar and pollen, which serve as rewards for visiting pollinators. Nectar, a sugary fluid produced by flowers, acts as a high-energy food source for pollinators, while pollen contains the male reproductive part.

Pollinator Plants Produce Nectar

Nectar is a fsugary luid secreted by flowering plants. By offering this sweet reward, pollinator plants entice pollinators to visit their flowers, inadvertently transferring pollen from one flower to another as they feed.

The relationship between pollinator plants and their pollinators is often mutually beneficial. As pollinators visit flowers to collect nectar and pollen, they inadvertently facilitate the reproductive process of the plants. In return, the pollinators receive nourishment, which is essential for their survival and reproduction. This symbiotic relationship has evolved over millions of years and has contributed to the remarkable diversity of both plants and pollinators seen today.

Pollinator Plants Impact Ecosystems

The importance of pollinator plants extends beyond natural ecosystems to agriculture, where many crops rely on insect pollinators for fruit and seed production. Approximately 75% of the world's crops are estimated to benefit from animal pollination. Crops that depend on pollinators include almonds, apples, blueberries, and squash, and many others. Without pollinator plants to support diverse pollinator populations, the productivity and stability of agricultural systems would be significantly compromised.

Unfortunately, pollinator populations face numerous threats, including habitat loss and climate change. To address these challenges, conservation efforts are underway to protect and restore pollinator habitats, promote sustainable agricultural methods, and increase understanding of the significance of pollinators in maintaining healthy ecosystems.

Pollinator Plants Help Gardens and Gardeners

Gardeners and land managers can also play a role in supporting pollinators by incorporating pollinator-friendly plants into their landscapes. These plants include diverse flowering species that provide nectar and pollen sources through the growing season. Pollinator-friendly plants include bee balm, coneflowers, milkweed, lavender, and sunflowers. By creating pollinator-friendly habitats in gardens, parks, and other green spaces, you can help provide essential resources for pollinators and contribute to the conservation of these vital species.

In conclusion, pollinator plants are essential components of ecosystems worldwide, playing a critical role in supporting biodiversity, agriculture, and ecosystem stability. By understanding the importance of pollinator plants and taking action to conserve and keep them, we can assist in guaranteeing the health and resilience of ecosystems for generations to come.