How to preform a scratch test on trees or shrubs to see if they are dead or alive
What your plants should look like you received
This is how dormant plants look when you receive them. They are bare roots and dormant and not supposed to have any foliage, leaves, or blooms on them. See the images below of what they should look like in spring.
if you've verified your plants are dead submit the below claim form
Bare-Root Plants: The image on the left shows how our plants should look when you receive them, and the image on the right shows how they should look in spring.
If they scratch the bark on a tree or shrub and the inside is brown or black it's dead see the image below this is dead.
We ship Bare Root Trees, Shrubs & Evergreen Conifers during the "Dormant" Season when plants do not have leaves, foliage, or blooms. They are not dead, just dormant till spring.