What to Know about Container Gardening

Container Gardening is an attractive option for people who do not have a significant area to spare for growing vegetables, herbs, and other plants.

You will be amazed to know that endless varieties of plants and vegetables are grown in containers and pots. The best part is that they thrive equally well in containers if appropriately maintained.

You can do so many things with the containers and pots. You can put pots or hanging baskets adorned with beautiful and tiny flowers on the porch or patio. You can put vegetable containers in the backyard, where you’ll have easy access to them during cooking.

The thumb rule of container gardening is to choose proper quality containers and pots for growing plants. They should have proper drainage so that the plants do not get damaged. Using pot liners to retain moisture in the roots and plants without drying out quickly is advisable.

The potting soil also plays a vital role in container gardening. To ensure that the plants usually grow, it is crucial to use rich soil, preferably with a high content of compost. On average, most plants need direct sunlight of 5-6 hours daily. Place the containers in such a location where the plants can get ample sunlight to perform their best.

Plants grown in pots or containers need more fertilizer as fertilizers tend to get drained with frequent watering. It is advisable to use water-based dilute fertilizers frequently so that the plants have access to essential nutrients.

Begonia, Geranium, Salvia, Petunia, Pansies, Zinnias, Marigold, Nasturtium, and Periwinkle are good annuals for container gardening. There are beautiful plants that are apt for container gardening. Apart from flowering plants and annuals, you can also grow vegetables in containers. Beans, Cabbage, Beets, Carrots, Lettuce, Spinach, Tomatoes, Radish, Eggplant, Pepper, etc., grow well in containers; You can also plant most herbs in containers. You can grow aromatic herbs like Basil, Rosemary, Thyme, Coriander, and Sage.

With such wide different varieties to plant, you can try your hands on container gardening. It will undoubtedly prove to be a satisfying experience.

Source of Information on Container Gardening


Periwinkle - Vinca minor - TN Nursery

Periwinkle Plant

Periwinkle is a perennial vine and a low-growing, evergreen ground cover plant with glossy green leaves and small, violet-blue flowers. It is often used to fill in garden spaces and control erosion. Incorporating it into landscaping offers many benefits that add beauty and functionality to outdoor spaces. This versatile ground cover brings lushness, adaptability, erosion control, low-maintenance care, and soft elegance to garden settings. Periwinkle - Vinca minor is famous for its blue flowers, and this flower is an excellent groundcover. Unlike some groundcovers, it proliferates without becoming invasive. Because of this, many home gardeners and landscape designers like to add this cheery flower to their landscape. Periwinkle Plant Has Many Names It initially originated in central and southern Europe. Classified as a part of the dogbane family, this flower quickly spread to the Baltic States, the Netherlands, and the Caucasus. Today, it is grown around the world as a groundcover. Sometimes, people may refer to this groundcover by other common names, like creeping myrtle or myrtle. Periwinkle Plant Helps With Soil Erosion  Periwinkle Plant is truly a gardener’s delight. Its strong roots help to control soil erosion, and its trailing vines are full of glossy leaves. Because deer don’t usually like it, you don’t have to worry about it disappearing. Plus, it can handle some foot traffic, so it doesn’t get trampled easily. Because it is considered an evergreen, it will keep its glossy, green leaves in the winter. After you plant it, the vines will gradually spread over neighboring areas. While it mainly grows along the ground, this vine can sometimes get up to 16 inches tall. Unlike other vines, it never climbs or twines around trees or walls. Instead, you can enjoy having it as a permanent ground cover in your garden. The Periwinkle Plant Flowers Are Sure to Impress The most notable part of this vine is its flowers. They are typically created between early spring and the middle of summer. Sometimes, you will still notice a few flowers in autumn. All of the flowers have a violet-purple shade and a five-lobed corolla. On some species, you can even find white and pale purple flowers. With Periwinkle Plant, you will have an evergreen mat in your garden beds throughout the year. The flowers remain for many of spring and summer so that you can appreciate bright blue pops. Thanks to its rapid growth, you don’t have to wait long to see this lovely vine fill empty areas in your yard.

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