Using Blazing Star to Extend Your Garden's Bloom Season

The Blazing Star plant is in the aster family (Asteraceae). This family of plants has many other names, depending on where you are. In the United States, it is usually called "starflower" or "fireweed," but most commonly known as Blazing Star. The common name comes from the fact that when it blooms, the flower's petals look like stars shining down over a night sky. There are about 136 species of this plant or subspecies.


The blazing star plant is one of the most popular houseplants and can grow up to 3 feet (1 meter) tall. It's a perennial plant that will bloom in summer and winter, but it's best to start with a small plant. The plant grows from a tuberous root system and can live for decades.

The blazing star plant has various varieties, including green, yellow, pink, and white. Some have no leaves, while others may have only a few leaves on the top part of the stem. The leaves are typically smaller than other houseplants, ranging from light to dark green. The blooms are small purple flowers that grow from the center of the leaf stalk.

Growing From Seed

It is important to sow the Blazing star seeds indoors, where they will not be disturbed for about six weeks before planting them out into the garden. You can do this even if your weather is warm and sunny outside, as long as it stays below 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius).

Once your seeds have sprouted, they must be kept moist until they are large enough to transplant into the garden. This process takes about two months, depending on how fast you want your plants to grow after planting in their final locations in the garden.

Hardiness Zones

Blazing star is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in the United States. It is found in the Eastern and Southeastern regions of the country, from New York to Texas and Illinois to Florida. Blazing Star prefers moist areas and can grow in full sun or partial shade. Blazing Star can be found in meadows, streams, forests, roadsides, and farm fields.


You will need a container with a drainage hole to pot the blazing star. If you have a large pot, use it for this purpose. You can also use a plastic basket or even an old clay flowerpot.

Fill the container with potting soil to about half full and add some sphagnum moss or orchid moss to increase its moisture retention ability.

Place your blazing star in the center of the container, ensuring that its roots are covered by at least 2 inches of soil. Fill in any spaces around it with extra dirt until completely covered.

Water your plant well and place it on top of a heat mat in a warm room so that it receives enough sunlight during the day to keep its leaves alive but not too much sun that will burn them off prematurely. Check on your blazing star every few days and water when necessary.

Light Requirements

The blazing star plant is tough and can tolerate many light conditions. It will do well in full sun or partial shade, but it does best in a location that receives six hours of direct sunlight daily. If you come from an area with no sunlight for eight months out of the year, the blazing star plant may not suit you.

Water Requirements

The blazing star plant is a slow-growing plant. It needs to be watered regularly but not overly saturated. The soil should be moist, and the water should drain out without leaving any standing water. Keeping the soil evenly moist is vital; not too wet or too dry. If the soil dries out completely, the blazing star will grow smaller and die completely.

Soil Requirements

A blazing star plant needs well-drained, moist, and slightly acidic soil for best results. The PH should be between 6.0 and 7.5, with a minimum of 6.5. The blazing star plant tolerates most soils as long as they are well-drained and free from toxic chemicals and other pollutants that would harm the plant's roots or leaves. The soil pH is not critical to the blazing star, but it does prefer slightly acidic soil.


The blazing star plant needs to be fertilized regularly. It is best if you fertilize at least once a month. You can use a high-nitrogen fertilizer or liquid fertilizer that contains soluble salts, such as Epsom salts, to help your plants produce flowers and fruit more quickly. Use a chemical fertilizer for indoor plants rather than organic ones because these tend to burn the plant leaves and cause blossom-end rot.

Pests and Disease Problems

Blazing Star is subject to several diseases, including powdery mildew, rust, and bacterial wilt. The most common problem is powdery mildew, which can be controlled by spraying with fungicide. Rusts typically affect the underside of leaves but can be controlled with fungicide if they become widespread. Bacterial wilt is caused by bacteria that overgrow on the plant's roots when grown in soil too rich in organic matter. Bacterial wilt is not usually fatal, but it can cause the plant to die if infected roots are left in the soil.

When To Plant It

Planting Blazing Star in the spring is a great way to bring color and beauty to your garden. The blazing star plant can also be planted in fall or winter but will be less vibrant. To get the most out of this flower, place it in full sun and ensure it has 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Companion Plants

Many companion plants can be used around the Blazing Star plant. These include:

Dill - Dill is a great companion plant because it attracts bees and butterflies. It also helps deter pests such as aphids, beetles, and birds. Dill has a refreshing scent that will help keep your garden smelling fresh.

Chives - Chives are another great companion for the Blazing Star plant because they repel aphids, beetles, and flies.

Nasturtiums - These colorful flowers will attract hummingbirds when planted near your plant

Cilantro - Cilantro has antibacterial properties, which can help protect your Blazing Star from disease.


The best time for pruning is after spring or early summer when the Blazing Star has grown enough to support its branches. Pruning should be done before it becomes too cold because this can cause damage to the plant.

Pruning Blazing Stars can be done in various ways, depending on how much you want to prune them. Some people like to keep their plants very small and thin out with only one or two branches; others like to leave their plants as they are at first but thin them out over time. A good rule is if you cut off more than half an inch from a branch, it should be removed unless you have a specific reason not to do so (such as keeping flowering branches).


You can mulch blazing star by laying it out in layers, then covering it with more layers of shredded newspaper, cardboard, or other suitable material. This will help to keep it protected from pests and diseases while still allowing air circulation underneath it.

Blazing Star is a plant found in the wild along with other plants. It's native to North America and Eurasia, but do not hesitate to use this plant for ornamental purposes or as an Ornamental Grass at home or in your Perennial Garden.

6 Pack - Gayfeather Liatris - TN Nursery

6 Pack - Gayfeather Liatris

Blazing Star - TN Nursery

Blazing Star

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