The Red Cedar Tree Is Beautiful
Red Cedar grows best in climate zones four through nine and grows best in full sunlight environments. They can grow forty to fifty feet in height and as wide as eight to fifteen feet once they reach maturity. They have a growth rate of two to three feet per year, which is impressive for a tree.
Red Cedar Is Very Versatile And Hardy.
Most varieties of this tree have a natural conical shape, and others will have a pyramid shape to them, and if found in the wild, they can reach heights of at least two hundred feet or more.
Red Cedar's foliage will also grow to the ground, and the trunk will be covered in the reddish-brown bark that will develop furrows as it matures and ages. The trunk color will also start to gray as it becomes older.
The dark green leaves this tree produces are beautiful, and they will have a lovely fragrance when they are crushed. Also, this tree will produce green or yellow flowers depending on whether it is male or female, which will generally happen as winter approaches. It is an evergreen tree and will give your landscape area year-round color and beauty even as other plants begin to die or go dormant for the season if one needs to add some shade to their yard as well as beauty.
You can plant it in rows if you have enough space, or you can only make this a showpiece in your yard for one's family. Just imagine having a backyard barbeque with the sweet smell of cedar in the breeze.
It will give your yard and gatherings a much-needed burst of life and color. Make this addition to your yard, and make the Red Cedar Tree a top consideration.