The Native Fern - Hardy, Fast-Growing Garden Plants - TN Nursery

Native Ferns: Hardy and Fast-Growing

The Native Fern

A native plant grows naturally or has existed in a local region for many years. Ferns, flowers, trees, and other plants may be considered native to an area. Native plants are desirable due to their adaptability to regional climates or soil types. A characteristic of native plants is the low maintenance requirements for these fast-growing and hardy plants.

Native Fern Consideration should be given to native ferns. Ferns indigenous to a region grow best. Ferns vary in form, habitat, size, and texture. Some ferns thrive in the sun, while others prefer the shade or swampy areas. A native fern adapts to local growing conditions and cohabitates nicely with the local environment. The fern is an excellent ornamental plant for outdoor gardens and landscapes.

Types of Native Ferns:

·Christmas Fern - The Christmas fern is an evergreen fern that reaches 18 inches at mature, growing height. The fern has a leather-like texture that contrasts with most outdoor flower gardens. The Christmas fern does not overly dominate a garden and thrives in a moist shady spot. The spores or seeds or located near the apex of the frond. ·

Hay-Scented Fern - The hay-scented fern is partial to full sun or semi-shaded gardens. This common fern grows fast and may spread rapidly. Some care is required to thin the plant growth each spring. The hay-scented fern is bright green with a lacy texture, which is beautifully planted in a flower garden with marigolds, zinnias, or other flowering annuals. The leaves are broader at the base of the plant. Spores (seeds) may be found underneath the triangular fronds. This fern may reach a height at a maturity of 18 inches. 

The New York fern is also commonly carpeting the soil in a shady forest. The familiar fern often reaches 2 feet at mature, growing height. The tapering of the front may distinguish the New York fern. The leaves are smaller at the base and top compared to the middle of the front.

A lovely shady garden with sunlight filtered by a large tree is the perfect location for this fern

The spores (seeds) are located on the underside of the fronds and may be saved for replanting.

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