Easy Perennial Growth Guide and Tips

Burst your garden with love using perennials

Yellow Trillium

Botanical Latin Name: Trillium luteum

Common Name: Yellow Trillium

Sun Exposure: Light to dappled shade

Hardiness Zones: 4-8

Mature Height: 6-12 inches tall

Spread: 6-12 inches wide

Spacing: 6-9 inches

Growth Rate: Moderate grower

Flowering Time: Late April to mid-May

How Long It Flowers: Two-three weeks

Flower Color: Bright yellow

Soil Requirements: the Moist, fertile, and well-drained soil is necessary

Pruning: No pruning is required

Flower Form: The yellow trillium can be easily distinguished from other types of trillium flowers by the bright yellow color of its flowers. The mature plants have a single ascending stalk. At the top of the stem are three broad sessile leaves. The color of these leaves is mottled with purple and light green shades. A single yellow flower sitting directly on top of those three leaves is a single yellow flower; This flower has three curved yellow petals, three varying green tones, and six stamens in the center. These beautiful plants can live for 25 years or longer. However, they do not start to bloom until they are several years old.

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Yellow Violet

Botanical Latin Name: Viola pubescens Eriocarpa

Common Name: Yellow Violet

Sun Exposure: Full to half sun

Hardiness Zones: USDA zones 4 to 7

Mature Height: 6 to 12 inches

Spread: 3 to 6 inches

Spacing: 15 cm

Growth Rate: about six weeks

Flowering Time: Early Spring

How Long It Flowers: A few weeks to a few months

Flower Color: Yellow

Soil Requirements: Average, moist

Pruning: Separate clumps in early spring or early fall

Flower Form: A small rosette of three to five leaves grows with a stem coming up from the middle of the leaves. Smaller leaves alternate sides on the stem just below where the flower matures. Atop the leaves is a yellow flower with five petals. The petals and the lower, larger leaves are rounded and scalloped along the edges. The five petals are about 3/4 of an inch and have five light green-colored sepals. Flowers hang downward from the stem that protrudes through the leaves. Lower leaves have purple veining, while higher leaves do not have purple. Color to them.

Yellow Daisy

Botanical Latin Name: Rudbeckia hirta

Common Names: Yellow Daisy, Black-eyed Susan, Yellow Ox-eye Daisy, Conedisk, Brown-eyed Susan, Brown Daisy, Gloriosa Daisy, Poorland Daisy.

Sun Exposure: Full Sun / Part Sun

Hardiness Zones: 2 to 11

Mature Height: 1 to 3 Feet

Spread: 12 to 18 Inches

Spacing: 18" to 24."

Growth Rate: Moderate

Flowering Time: Summer / Fall

How Long It Flowers: 7 to 30 Days

Flower Color: Yellow, Orange

Soil Requirements: Loose, Well-Draining

Pruning: Prune Dead Stems during the Fall

Flower Form: Yellow daisies are a species with tons of varieties. For example, they can be annuals, perennials, or biennials. Most are either orange or yellow with a brown or black seed as the head. This seed is the reason they can be called a brown-eyed Susan or black-eyed Susan. These flowers can have a mix of colors, depending on how the seed was cultivated and where they came from. Yellow daisies should be spread out 18 to 24 inches to get the best growth rate possible; Bloom is best seen during the summer and fall. Most will survive the Winter season due to its hardy nature. Due to the fact these flowers germinate often, they can be considered weeds by most.Packet of 3,000 Seeds, Perennial Wildflower Mixture (100% Pure Live Seed) Open Pollinated Seeds by Seed Needs

Virginia Bluebells

Botanical Latin Name: Mertensia virginica

Common Name: Virginia bluebell

Sun Exposure: partial sun exposure to complete shade

Hardiness Zones: 3 - −40 °C or 25 −40 °F

Mature Height: 2.3 feet

Spread: by seed from original plant 1' to 2' per year

Spacing: 9" to 12."

Growth Rate: moderate

Flowering Time: middle to late Spring to early to mid-summer with a good environment and well-managed moisture

How Long It Flowers: about three weeks

Flower Color: blue

Soil Requirements: fine to medium texture, at least 100 frost-free days, low drought tolerance, needs good drainage.

Pruning: not advised, especially during the flowering season

Flower Form: A ¾" to 1" long blue flower formed in a bell-like shape with petals that do not individually separate but suggest five petals at the flower's edge. They are on a 12" to 30" tall, light green, hairless stem with leaves of light green to grey-green and round. The leaves measure 7" long and 3" wide and are also hairless. The buds are pink. As the buds blossom, they become light pink-purple and acquire their light blue color as they mature. Each stem holds a cluster of flowers. These flowers are occasionally white or pink at maturity.

Twin Leaf

Botanical Latin Name: Jeffersonia Diphylla

Common Name: Twin Leaf

Sun Exposure: partial to minimal

Hardiness Zones: 6-8

Mature Height: 12 to 17 inches

Spread: seed

Spacing: 9-12 inches

Growth Rate: slow

Flowering Time: April to May

How Long It Flowers: approximately 1 to 2 months

Flower Color: soft white

Soil Requirements: moderate to highly moist soil

Pruning: Moderate

Flower Form: The Twinleaf is a relatively small yet beautiful plant that is ever increasingly rare to find in nature. Native to North America, the Twin Leaf (also known as the Jeffersonia or the Rheumatism Root) is now considered an endangered species, and it is illegal to pick in Georgia, Iowa, New York, and New York Jersey. An exceptional characteristic of this plant is that ants primarily spread their seeds. The leaves of the Twin Leaf plant are smooth and relatively circular. The Twin Leaf is relatively short-lived and is slow to grow. However, when it flowers, a single bloom composed of eight long soft white petals emerges at the top, making this plant distinctive in appearance.


Botanical Latin Name: Cichorium intybus

Common Name: Chicory, Succory

Sun Exposure: Full sun

Hardiness Zones: 3-9

Mature Height: 3 feet

Spread: Leaves can reach 8 inches long

Spacing: 6 to 10 inches apart in rows. Rows should be 2 to 3 feet apart

Growth Rate: Average growth rate

Flowering Time: Late Spring, summer

How Long It Flowers: 3 months

Flower Color: Blue

Soil Requirements: Well-drained soil with organic matter

Pruning: weeding and mulching

Flower Form: Chicory can grow up to 3 feet high with long thin leaves growing off the stem and a blue flower on top. The stem can range from a green to reddish-brown color and is often hairy towards the bottom and hairless at the top. The leaves can grow up to 8 inches long and 2 inches wide at the stem and gets thinner as it gets further away from the stem. The leaves get smaller towards the top of the plant. The flowers are blue, about 1-½ inches in diameter, and look like a daisy or a dandelion.

Golden Poppy

Botanical Latin Name: Eschscholzia californica

Common Name: "Golden Poppy" or "California Poppy"

Sun Exposure: Full sun

Hardiness Zones: Entire West coast (Zones 5 - 10)

Mature Height: 12 to 16 inches tall

Spread: 5.8 inches at maturity

Spacing: About 5.8 inches apart

Growth Rate: Moderate

Flowering Time: 10 - 15 days in ideal conditions

How Long It Flowers: February to September in mild climates

Flower Color: Range from yellow to orange

Soil Requirements: Best to plant in sandy, poor soil

Pruning: Thinned after growth begins to about 12 inches apart

Flower Form: The California Poppy is a familiar flower that is easily distinguishable in many gardens. The flowers range from vibrant yellow shades to vibrant oranges, and scientists have created even some "designer" purple and pink tones. The plants feature bluish-green leaves resembling lace patterns to support the plant. The flowers have four rounded, silky petals that open into a cup shape that can range anywhere from 2-3 inches in diameter at maturity. The unique flowers close during the night or in cooler and cloudy weather, protecting the spiritual fruit - a cylindrical capsule that contains the plant's seeds. These seeds are released when this inner portion splits apart. Often planted in large numbers, California poppies present a beautiful and cheerful addition to any land they grow in.

Dutchman's Breeches

Botanical Latin Name: Dicentra cucullaria

Common Name: Dutchman's Breeches

Sun Exposure:

Hardiness Zones: Conifer and Deciduous Forests

Mature Height: 15-40 cm

Spread: 15 cm long

Spacing: 12."

Growth Rate: Perennial

Flowering Time: Spring

How Long It Flowers: End of Summer

Flower Color: White and yellow

Soil Requirements: Damp

Pruning: None

Flower Form:

Native to the Eastern deciduous woods of North America, Dutchman's breeches or Dicentra cucullaria, known in its Latin form, is a perennial herbaceous, flowering plant found with the most density along the Columbia River, and especially in the Appalachian Mountains. They can grow to 15-40 cm in Height. The root produces clusters of small white and yellow teardrop bulbs. Petiole reaches 15 cm and trifoliate with divided fronds. It Emerges in the shade of the Spring; ants pollinate Dutchman's breeches in what is referred to as "myrmecochory." The plant carries seeds in its elaiosome, which attracts the ant pollinators. Removing the seeds to consume the elaiosomes, the insects leave the remainder germinates in their nest debris, which adds fertility and growth. Traditionally used by Native Americans as a blood purifier to treat skin infections and syphilis, Dutchman's breeches transmit alkaloids that are noted to affect the cerebrum and heart. Some warnings of dermatitis and toxicity with overuse.

Crested Iris

Botanical Latin Name: Iris Cristata

Common Name: Dwarf crested iris

Sun Exposure: Sun to part shade

Hardiness Zones: Zones 3 to 9

Mature Height: 6-10 inches tall

Spread: 0.5 to 1 foot

Spacing: 12 inches

Growth Rate: Varies by species

Flowering Time: April

How Long It Flowers: Through mid-spring

Flower Color: White blooms with gold, blue, and lavender

Soil Requirements: Well-drained soil unless grown in full sun. Then moist soil is required.

Pruning: Thin out abundant growth by dividing plants and replanting elsewhere. Deadhead faded blooms. If needed, divide root mass as well.

Flower Form: Crested irises are usually light purple or violet, although there are a few less standard colors, such as white. They grow in clusters instead of single growth; you rarely see only a couple. They resemble a small orchard. The three lower parts of the flower are often mistaken for petals, but they are the sepals. These three lower sepals are the most significant part of the iris. The three real leaves are narrow and shorter than the sepals. Three smaller leaves like extensions, also confused for petals, are an extension of the flower's reproductive system.

Brown Eyed Susan

Botanical Latin Name: Rudbeckia hirta

Common Name: It has many common names, including Black-Eyed Susan, Brown Betty, Golden Jerusalem, and Yellow Ox-eye Daisy

Sun Exposure: Full or part sun.

Hardiness Zones: Zones 4 - 9

Mature Height: 1'-3'

Spread:12-18 inches.

Spacing:12 -18 inches apart

Growth Rate: Rapid

Flowering Time: Midsummer to Fall

How Long It Flowers: June, July, August, September, and October

Flower Color: Yellow

Soil Requirements: Moist soil

Pruning: Use pruning sheers in the fall to cut back dead flowers by 1/3. Deadhead faded flowers, so they don't go to seed.

Flower Form: This bright deep yellow flower resembles a daisy in the type of petals. A brown cone-head like a circle is centered inside the yellow petals. Each flower is approximately one inch across. The stems are reddish, multi-branched, and hairy. The leaves on these branches are dark green and thin; They present a rough, bristled surface on both sides. Each blade is between two to four inches in length. Lower leaves are the largest and three-lobed, with higher leaves being smaller and pointed. Fully grown plants take on a whole appearance because of the many-branched stems.

Blue Violet

Botanical Latin Name: Viola sororia sororia

Common Name: Blue-violet

Sun Exposure: Partial shade

Hardiness Zones: Three to nine

Mature Height: Three to 12 inches

Spread: Six inches

Spacing: Eight to 12 inches

Growth Rate: Fast

Flowering Time: Spring and fall

How Long It Flowers: One month

Flower Color: Blue

Soil Requirements: Moist, loamy, well-drained soil

Pruning: Unnecessary

Flower Form: The blue-violet has five delicate blue petals that grow on thin stems above a rosette of heart-shaped leaves about three inches long and three inches wide. The violet usually has two upper petals, two sides, and a flower petal. The side petals often have a white beard near the throat, and the lower leaf is where insects land to gather pollen or nectar. The flower, which has no noticeable smell, can be propagated by seed or by division from rhizomes. Rhizomes are what allow blue violets to form colonies. The flowers are edible and are candied and placed on cakes or petit fours. The violet's young leaves are also edible.

Blue Lobelia

Botanical Latin Name: Lobelia siphilitica

Common Name: Blue lobelia

Sun Exposure: Light shade

Hardiness Zones: Three to nine

Mature Height: Two to four feet

Spread: Six inches

Spacing: 12 inches

Growth Rate: Fast

Flowering Time: Summer

How Long It Flowers: A month or more

Flower Color: Blue

Soil Requirements: Fertile, moist, loamy soil

Pruning: Since it self-sows abundantly, it might need to be divided

Flower Form: The blue lobelia has spires of beautifully colored blue flowers with drooping lips, each with five lobes. They are borne on stiff stems that raise them above rosettes of dark green leaves. Though it does like shade, the lobelia will grow in full sun if it's watered sufficiently. The plant doesn't live long, but it's considered a perennial because it self-sows freely. There are nearly 400 species of lobelia, and many other types come in shades of pink, white or red. The flower gets its name from botanist Matthias de Lobel and has been used medicinally for centuries. It was used as a purgative and treatment for asthma.


Botanical Latin Name: Typha latifolia

Common Name: Cattail

Sun Exposure: total sun exposure

Hardiness Zones: 2-11

Mature Height: up to 8 feet tall

Spread: seeds and roots

Spacing: 3 feet apart

Growth Rate: rapid

Flowering Time: May-July

How Long It Flowers: three months

Flower Color: various shades of brown

Soil Requirements: light, can grow in reduced soil conditions, can tolerate perennial flooding and moderate salinity

Pruning: not needed

Flower Form: Withstanding various soil conditions, the Cattail is an easy-to-grow, low-maintenance plant. Commonly found along with marshy areas and bodies of water, this plant has been located to reduce the level of toxins in surrounding flora and fauna. Cattail leaves resemble large, sturdy, thick blades of grass. These hardy plants have a rapid growth rate and can reach heights of up to eight feet. Their flowering period stems from May to July and takes narrow spikes at the top of their vertical stem. These flowers bloom in early fall, exposing fluffy white seeds that birds often utilize to make their nests.

BlackBerry Lily

Botanical Latin Name: Belamcanda chinensis

Common Name: BlackBerry Lily

Sun Exposure: partial sun to full sun

Hardiness Zones: 5-10

Mature Height: 24 to 40 inches tall

Spread: by rhizomes or seed

Spacing: 15 to 20 inches

Growth Rate: Minimal

Flowering Time: July to August

How Long It Flowers: 2 months

Flower Color: Orange, yellow and red

Soil Requirements: well-drained and fertile soil

Pruning: Moderate

Flower Form: Primarily found in Asia, this magnificent plant is highly sought after for beautiful gardens and displays and can commonly be found in various tourist attractions and even roadsides. The BlackBerry Lily is a moderately tall plant with long narrow leaves and sprouts clusters of brightly colored flowers ranging in hues of mustard yellow to blood orange and speckled in dark red shades. These beautiful plants get their common name from the small berries that form clusters among the flowers and leaves. Because the BlackBerry Lily is relatively easy to care for, this plant is a popular favorite among gardening enthusiasts.


Botanical Latin Name: Pilea sp.

Common Name: Alum, Aluminum Plant

Sun Exposure: Light shade, partial shade to fully shaded.

Hardiness Zones: USDA 10 - 11.

Mature Height: Up to 12 inches (15 - 30cm)

Spread: Stem cuttings.

Spacing: From 6 to 9 inches apart.

Growth Rate: Continual until adult.

Flowering Time: Blooms April through June.

How Long It Flowers: Late fall until early winter

Flower Color: Whitish green in small clusters.

Soil Requirements: Well-drained but moist.

Pruning: Prune often or start new plants with cuttings.

Flower Form: Tiny flowers are barely noticeable while in bloom. They are small, white, and green-their heads lower to the ground in clusters. Leaves have a quilted appearance in colors of gray, green, or bronze. Can be found creeping through a garden or growing upright in a potted plant setting. They reach a height of 12 inches; They have long hairy stems. The foliage is of evergreen type. Plants are poisonous. It will grow best if the soil is never allowed to dry out between watering.

Buy your perennials at TN Nursery

Yellow Trillium - TN Nursery

Yellow Trillium

Black Eyed Susan - TN Nursery

Black Eyed Susan

Chicory Plant - TN Nursery


Wood Poppy - TN Nursery

Celandine Poppy

dutchmans breeches

Dutchman's Breeches

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